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Well I have no way to give you an introduction so here is what I'll say.

- The demos were indeed only playable for 15 minutes, with wait lines going up to 60 minutes.

-This time they did not give out an instruction booklet (Well that's odd, someone's gonna have to clerify me on that one)

- There were only 2 chosen area demos.

- One was playing Sora's side in Halloween Town which included the Oogie Boogie Boss Battle.

- The other was playing Riku's side against Vexen!


The Stock button apparently wasn't the L and R, so it didn't feel like the GBA version there, however the gameplay is similar to the GBA version, and you still have to repeatedly press L and R, just like the GBA version to them. ( I believe they're saying L and R both have seperate commands now)

L is used to stock the cards, as R is used to unleash the techniques of the stocked cards, after you earned 3 pieces.

Sora's side
There was no Cutscenes at all for this, however once you advanced 2 rooms, you would automatically be brought into the Oogie Boogie boss battle.

The cards you have set for you are "Cloud, Jack, Heal, Gravity, Fire, Blizzard, and attack cards"

The method to defeat Oogie Boogie is very similar to that of the GBA version.

Riku's Side

This time there was a cutscene, and a boss battle against Vexen.

There were little to no changes, except that the battle takes place on the 10th floor this time.

Once you defeat Vexen, a cutscene appears.

Source: FFKHBlog
Is Xaldin hogging all the fun? xP

A third blog poster, going by the name of Jade, has posted up their experience at Jump Festa! They have provided pictures of the event, and their own impressions on the event, including their speculation for Kingdom Hearts 3. Once again, thanks Jade!


Jade's Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix+ Information
Jade's KH3 Speculation
What do you think? Do you agree with Jade that this means that by next year Kingdom Hearts 3 will begin development? Or will this be a completely new KH Game?
Yup first we got Re:COM now we got KHFMII+ trailer, I believe with these are certainly now near the end of Jump Festa news, KH STyle

Kingdom Hearts FM+ Script

(Note: Once again Midnight Kingdom, if you want this removed e-mail me at kadaajudoc@gmail.comThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

There is first an image of Namine's room, and then a picture of Namine.

Namine: Do you not want to know the truth?

The scene of Roxas' name being created by Xemnas is shown infront of the residence of Twilight Town

There is then a scene of the location where Sora and Axel faught against the Nobodies

Sora: There is hanger and hatred in the mind,

Riku: None of those things in the mind are ordered. (Eh?)

A scene where King Mickey takes out his keyblade.

Ansem begins to hold the machine that was used to absorb Data.

A scene where Namine jumps at Sora

Namine: Sleep, we made a promise that we'll meet each other again.

A scene where Saix says that Zemnas is in Kingdom Hearts

Sora helps Riku walk.

Sora has new form, and opening clothes.

Ragnarok skill has "Shot, Impact, and Gigaimpact"

A scene of the Mushrooms in Organization clothing

A new area in Hollow Bastion, and another town.

Disney characters are now not just in their normral world!?

A scene of Alladin who runs away from Jack and Nightmaresanta Sora who are in Santa's house. (Or that first there's a scene of Alladin running, and then the Jack/Nightmaresanta Sora scene)

There is a scene of Ariel, and Tron in a world.

Scene where the Beast rushes at Xaldin

New map and Hollow Bastion, Netherworld? Castle Oblivion? It's hard to use, and you also have the skill "Fly up"

Coliseum is where you will be fighting against Vexen (EH!?)

Sora Donald and Goofy vs Lexaeus (EH!?!?)

A huge pointed rock shoots out from the ground.

Sora Donald and Goofy vs Marluxia (EH!?!?!?!?)

There are alot of counter moves in this battle, mainly against Marluxia's scythe/sickle.

There is a conference with 4 members of the Organization

Luxord: He can bet against you to obtain something

Saix:There's nothing to put out, when obtaining a friend.

Xemnas: Axel shook up Sora's mind.

The Camera appraches some of the chairs

Xemnas awakes.

Sora vs Roxas

Roxas is seen in The World that Never Was, at a skyscraper where Sora suddenly has memories of Roxas.

Roxas is really really fast

The organization appears through an opening of a ground. (Possibly Xemas)

He sits on the chair in the Nobody room

The words KH RE:COM+KH2FM = KH2 FM+

There is someone on the ground in armor

Xemnas? "Friend"

The armored man appears in the secret ending however the explosion reflections his armor helmet is blown off.

Lost in news? Getting too much at the same time? Check the rest of the news Here
More Speculations
Here are some from Maiki's Live Journal, if Maiki wishes for these to be removed do tell me n.n

This is quote directly from her >> Maiki's gonna kill me for this I know it

and to save her bandwith here are some images from her/...him?, uploaded to imageshack by us.

Keyblade Set

Yes I even quoted the Heard Crush Maiki xD stab me if you wanna.

Another Image from Kowaiki Character Exhibition better quality.

The Script for Re:COM is now out! Click here to read it all

Kingdom Hearts re:COM's cameplay has gotten a GREAT improvement from it's previous moments

Also here is what was shown at JF2006's character exhibition


(Note = I don't know if when they said don't copy this, that also applied to translation, however Midnight Kingdom if you wish for this to be removed, please e-mail me at kadaajudoc@gmail.comThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it If you can't fully understand it here it is again)

(Note = (注意=私は、また、彼らが、これをコピーしないように言ったときそれが翻訳に適用されたなら、取り除かれるべきであるこれが、お望み kadaajudoc@gmail.comT の私にメールしてくださいというようにでしたらMidnight Kingdomがここでどのように完全にそれを理解することができるというわけではなくてもそれが再び適用したのを知りません)

Sora vs Guard Armor

Battle: Traverse Town, Olympius Coliseum and Halloween Town (Halloween Costume)

THere is a scene of Sora vs ?

Sora, Donald Goofy, and Axel are there

"You lose sight of the light in this darkness, and forgot the one thing you setted your sights on.

Sora: Weather it's darkness or light.

Riku and Zexion

Riku: Sora is here?

Zexion: THe Shadow of Darkness, and Ansem remain in your mind, do you wish to see Sora in such a shameful state?

Axel and Marluxia are in this scene

Axel: Sora is the plan to erase the Organization?

Marluxia: Put our betrayer in order.

Vexen being executed

Vexen: You will not have a future.

Lexaeus and Riku, Riku is not shown.

Lexaeus: When light loses sight of the road, the only option is to use the Dark.

Sora vs Axel

Axel: I want to meet an important Existence again.

Sora: This card?

Riku and Zexion

Zexion: Riku...

Riku: This card, will erase the darkness?

Marluxia and Namine

Marluxia: Do you not want to complete the promise you made for Sora?

Larxene and Sora, Sora is not shown.

Larxene: Do you enjoy forgetting in this castle?

Sora vs Larxene

Scene of Hades

Scene of Cloud

Riku vs Zexion

There is a struggle reaching for Sora and Namine as the island is collapsing.

Sora: I wanted to meet you for a long time.

Namine: Having come to meet you was terrible, althogh it was also good. I'm sorry Sora, I wasn't really here.
The text Kingdom Hearts Re: Chan of Memories appears.

Source: Midnight kingdom, and FF13 Vids