Mafia [Mafia] Miami Haze ~ GAME OVER (MAFIA WINS)

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Ars Nova, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Mɪɪ H

    The year is 1982. It's a blazing summer day in Miami, Florida. The streets are abuzz with hot rods and breezers, blue-collars late for work, college kids visiting family. And maybe every tenth car, if you look hard enough, an old jalopy with a dark frame and tinted windows. They never stay on the main roads long—always they veer down an alleyway, cut through the little slums and suburbs, or ease into an abandoned-looking warehouse or garage.

    These are not the prizes the Miami Police Department is looking for. They are stragglers, scavengers; signs that the big game was here, that it passed over this spot, but on their own hardly worth the time it would take to flag them down and search them for drugs. Petty drug dealers drive old, beat-up jalopies; the MPD is not looking for petty drug dealers. Maybe any other day, but not this one. Today they're looking for the ones that ride around in short white limos, or hide in company cars of companies they don't belong to. Today they're after the biggest catch on the east coast.

    Why today? Because today is the day the final draft of the U.S.-Colombian extradition treaty is finalized. Today is also the day that federal agents have confirmed the presence of several high-profile members of the Medellín Cartel, the most ruthless smuggling ring since the Prohibition era. With the treaty passed, there's nothing stopping the MPD from rolling in to suspected hide-outs and rounding those sonsabitches up. The force has been waiting for this for years.

    The day rattles on. The heat beats down on the city. Citizens sense something is amiss but can't put their finger on just what. All they know is the clerk at their local pharmacy seemed really tense today, and they've gotten a couple nasty looks from strangers on the street. And gosh, there sure are a lot of cop cars out all of a sudden...

    Then, as the sun's descent stains the sky with deep autumn oranges and dainty pinks, it happens. A flurry of gunfire. The distant screech of skidding tires. The sudden blare of police sirens. Smoke rises above the city skyline. After a wave of patrol cars, a smattering of ambulances. The chaos seems to go on forever into night.

    Only the MPD and the Cartel know what has happened—but they do know, and they know all too well what it means. Blood has been shed on both sides. War has been declared. Your choices are pick a side, or skip town. From now on, Miami sleeps with one eye open...

    Welcome to KH-V's second ever game of Mafia! If you've been following my updates on the subject, this is the advanced game I was talking about; if you're new to Mafia and not sure you're ready to go hard in the paint, a more beginner-friendly game will be coming soon! That said, if you do think you can handle it, just make sure you read the following spoiler.
    A basic game consists of two factions, Town and Mafia, each trying to wipe out the other. The Town outnumber the Mafia significantly (usually 3-1 or 4-1), but they don't know who's who; only the Mafia know who their teammates are. The game is over when one or the other side is wiped out. For the Town, this means killing every last Mafiosi; for the Mafia, it just means the Town is equal in number to them, at which point they automatically overrun the survivors.

    The game progresses in two phases: Day and Night. By Day, all the players from both sides bicker and argue and point fingers for a set time; the Town tries to find Mafia in its ranks, and the Mafia tries to misdirect them and stay hidden. At the end of the Day, the group votes to lynch someone they find suspicious; the player dies, their alignment is revealed, and the Night begins.

    Nighttime is the Mafia's chance to strike. The Town must stay quiet while their enemies convene in secret, talk strategy and discuss potential threats to the group. They vote on a Townie to kill, the Night phase ends, and as the sun rises the victim's fate/alignment is revealed and the madness begins again. (Certain roles of either faction may have abilities they can use during the Night phase, to benefit their side and/or hinder the other.)

    Now for specifics: Let's talk about the lynch vote. You may vote for a player by saying Vote: [Player name]. You may also retract your vote using Unvote (No player name needed for that one). Remember to bold these commands, or they won't count! (You can also color your votes to help me find them, just don't use anything obnoxious.) In addition it is also possible, though not recommended, to vote for No Lynch, which if it wins will cause the Day to end without a death. Ideally this is used only in special cases; see How to Use the Lynch Vote below for more on this.

    As the lynch votes pile on, a lynchee will eventually reach one of two states: soft lynch, then hard lynch. Soft lynch (1/4 the # of living players rounded down) is just a warning: Nothing will happen that instant, but if the lynchee keeps this status until the end of the Day they will be lynched. Hard lynch (1/2 the # of living players rounded down) is the final nail in the coffin: The Day will end immediately, and the unlucky lynchee will be axed on the spot.

    You can vote and unvote all you like before someone hits hard lynch, but the second the deciding vote (also known as hammer) is cast, all votes are locked in. If a Day ends and two players are tied for votes, the one voted for most recently will face the gallows. Also, if no one has enough votes for a soft lynch, then no lynch will occur that day—so when time starts running out, best to reach a consensus quickly!

    Conditions may change as the game goes on. For one, when the number required to soft lynch is equal to the number of remaining Mafiosi, the soft lynch is done away with; this is to deny the Mafia a win by laziness. Also, the Town will be notified at Day start if lynching Town that Day will cause them to lose (Mislynch and Lose, or MyLo) or if they must lynch Mafia in order to avoid losing (Lynch or Lose, or LyLo). The difference between these is that No Lynch is a safe move at MyLo; at LyLo the Town must either lynch Mafiosi or admit defeat.

    That's about it for the basics. I know it's a lot to take in, but it'll become much clearer when the game actually starts. In the meantime, feel free to ask me any questions you have, either in-thread or via PM.

    And for everyone signing up, first game or not, the following spoilers are mandatory reads. (THEY BOTH CHANGED A LOT. DON'T THINK YOU KNOW THEM JUST 'CAUSE YOU READ THEM LAST TIME.)
    1. Keep it civil. Tempers flare quickly in Mafia; just remember it's all in good fun and don't let it stress you out. By the same token, don't stress others out for kicks, 'cause that's not cool. This rule is above the second for a reason: Enjoyment, of yourself and others, should be your first priority.
    2. Don't throw the game. No matter if you're bored, or if you think it's hopeless; don't just give up and shoot your side in the foot. Play it out and play to win.
    3. Don't talk about Fight Club. No Mafia talk outside the Mafia thread: No PMs, no Skype chats, not so much as a one-off GOD I HATE MY ROLE where another player might hear. Last game had issues with this so I'm cracking the whip this time. If you have questions about the game, I am the best person to ask, not another player.
    4. No post editing. Not even typo fixes. I know it's a pain in the ass, but it's important to keep players honest and make them own what they say, and this tends to work better than the honor system.
    5. Observe calls for silence. When somebody hits hard lynch, you shush. When it's nighttime, you shush. If I need to pause the game for any reason, I will tell you to shush; you better do it. (Side note: When you die, you get one closing post where you may not say anything about the game or reveal relevant information—So "Good luck Town" or "WHO THREW THAT" would be ok, but "I'm the Cop and here are my results" would not—but after that it's time to move on and be dead.)
    6. Be active. This rule used to be "At least one post per day," which is still the bare minimum, but people also took that to mean "Just post once every day and you're fine," which is wrong. Mafia is a commitment; don't sign up if you don't have the time to play. (I will be more lenient on days that end early.)
    7. Pay attention to the thread and your PMs/Quicktopics. I shouldn't have to keep warning you that you're going to miss posting in a Day, or if you have a Night action asking you for your target all the time.
    8. Do not copy-paste from confidential sources. This includes PMs and Quicktopics. Not only is this a terrible way to figure out who's what, it's also an unsavory form of metagaming that somewhat takes the fun and strategy out of it. If you really must reveal info, put it in your own words.
    9. Do not role play. Posting with a quirk related to your role is... all right, in moderation. Just be sure that you're not playing in-character; your thoughts and actions should be your own, not something you made up.
    10. The mod's word is final. I reserve the right to change rules or roles as needed (though of course you will be notified) to preserve the enjoyment of the game. Contest it if you want, but I can't pretend this isn't a dictatorship; in the end I will make the choice I feel is right, and that's that.
    This game runs on a three strikes policy: The first strike will be a friendly notice that you've broken a rule, the second a somewhat sterner warning, and on the third I will begin searching for your replacement. I really hate to be strict, but my kindness has been taken for granted previously, so it is what it is.
    This game may feature any and all of the following roles and role modifiers:
    • Tracker - This is a Town-aligned role that, once per Night, may choose a living player to track; they will learn who that player visited that Night, if anyone. (Most of the actions on this role list count as a visitation, and so does the Mafia's nightly kill.)
    • Watcher - This is a Town-aligned role that, once per Night, may choose a living player to watch; they will learn who, if anyone, visited that player that Night. Don't get this mixed up with the Tracker! The Tracker sees where their target ran off to, the Watcher sees if their target had any friends over.
    • Vigilante - This is a Town-aligned role that, once per Night, may choose any living player to kill.
    • Redirector - This is a Mafia-aligned role that, once per Night, may choose two living players. Any actions the first player performs that Night will be redirected towards the second player. Note that the Redirector may not target the same first person twice in a row.
    • Reporter - This is a new type of role called a Third-Party role; these players are aligned neither with the Town nor the Mafia, and have their own special win condition. In this case, the Reporter wins when all of the other named roles in the game have been killed, and at that point will exit the game victorious. Once per Night the Reporter may choose a player to investigate; they will be told the player's role (not alignment).
    • Bulletproof Vest - This is a modifier to any existing player that protects them from a single murder attempt, then expires. Note that 'murder' in this case refers only to Night kills; a Bulletproof Vest will not save its wearer from the lynch vote.

    Finally, the following spoilers are all optional reads, tips and tricks that you may find useful.
    Ahh, Day One. What a miserable, awkward time it is. You know your mission, but it seems impossible. What do you do? What do you say? If you're Town, how do you get the Mafia to say something incriminating? If you're Mafia, how do you even talk without looking suspicious? These questions have plagued every Mafia player at some point, but believe it or not there is a simple, magical solution.

    Don't overthink it.

    ...No really. No, really! Don't overthink it. Just talk. Cast votes, even if you don't mean it. Ask people probing questions. Ask people dumb questions! Just. Talk. That's all it takes. The longer people talk, the more likely they are to say something that arouses suspicion. And if you don't talk you're going to look suspicious anyway, so you may as well. Yes, you run the risk of somebody using a joke to turn on you, but you can also turn that around if you're clever enough. More to the point, better something bad happen than nothing, right?

    The first page of a game is usually very silly, with people making posts like "I suggest we start by lynching the mod" or "vote [Player name] HAIL SATAN," but eventually somebody is gonna say something that grabs people's attention, and then the game is on. Even experts still struggle with the awkwardness of the first couple pages of a new game, there's no way around it. The difference is, experts have learned to get on with it and get it out of the way quickly. So don't be shy, and don't overthink it.
    Okay, so, the first game went about as I thought it would: A lot of people were nervous about voting and terrified of accidentally hammering somebody before they got a chance to speak. This led to some days where decisions were hard to make, and at least one Day passed without a lynch. It's not your fault. It happens to almost every newbie, and even to a lot of vets. But you're going to have to get past it, because...

    The lynch vote is your greatest weapon against the Mafia.

    Obviously this message is more for Townies than Mafiosi, but even then, you saw how well the remaining Mafia coordinated their vote in the final days. The lynch is roughly half of all the kills in a game of Mafia. Just think about that. It's how your side fights back! It's gruesome, and it may lead to some upset players, but it's all you've got. And there's more to it than whittling down your enemy.

    Voting accomplishes many things. Early on, it can be an incentive for the player in the hot seat to speak up if they haven't yet. In this case you cast your vote, knowing it probably won't stay there all Day, in the hopes of scaring one of the lurkers out of hiding. (And there were a lot of lurkers in last game's Mafia, if you hadn't noticed.)

    A savvy player can use their lynch vote to make the lynchee answer questions, like: "What do you think of this player?" or "Who is your number one Mafia suspect right now?" Things that open the door to a real lynch candidate, or even make it clear that your vote's in the right place.

    As far as actually killing someone: It is very rare that No Lynch is the superior option. Yes, you're almost assured to hit Townies the first few days. That's ok. That's great, actually. Because lynching a player does more than put their team down by a player, it puts a price on their words. You now have a scale to judge whether they were lying or not, how valuable their information was, whether their Mafia suspects were beneficial for the Town or just self-interested, so on and so forth.

    Of course, the Mafia will probably make their kill either way, so you could just wait for them to confirm your suspicions. But why would they? Again, take the Masquerade: Jiku smartly directed her team to kill only "safe" players, people who hadn't said much and wouldn't provide any info if they died. As a Townie, you have the choice to control the flow of information. Why would you give that up?

    Yes, your chances of killing a teammate are high at first. But the Mafia's chances are 100%. And yours will never improve unless you take the initiative. Use the weapon you've been given.

    The game has ended with a Mafia victory! Well played, one and all. Check below for game info, critiques coming soon.

    Player List
    1. Cat~ - Felicia Barros, overrun Day 6
    2. Calxiyn - Carla Montero, lynched Day 4
    3. Makaze - Lily Belmonte (Watcher), murdered Night 4
    4. hallucinate - Clarence Crawford (Reporter), lynched Day 2
    5. Trigger - Alex Trevelyan, murdered Night 1
    6. Vivi's Dark Side - Darrell King "D.K." Escobar (Bulletproof Vest), won Day 6
    7. TwilightBlader - Shaun Tobin, lynched Day 6
    8. Hyuge - Ricardo "Ricky" Ortega (Redirector), won Day 6
    9. Jiku Neon Mish - Glenn Larson, murdered Night 5 (Won posthumously)
    10. TheWorldThatNeverWas Moksha - Leonard Riley, won Day 6
    11. Beau Midnight Star - Flavio Rivera, murdered Night 3
    12. Princess ♥ Judge Sunrose - Barnaby Diggs (Tracker), overrun Day 6
    13. Marushi - Paola Reyes, murdered Night 4
    14. Bite the Dust - Terry Kerrigan, lynched Day 5
    15. Krowley - Lars Mathers, lynched Day 1
    16. Hayabusa - Walther Almstead (Vigilante), overrun Day 6
    17. Tale - Jaime Herrera, murdered Night 2
    18. The Fuk? - Conrad Law, lynched Day 3
    19. What? - Freddie Costanza, murdered Night 5
    20. Ɍeno cstar - Scott Trask, overrun Day 6

    Day 1Night 1Day 2Night 2Day 3Night 3Day 4Night 4Day 5Night 5Day 6Game End

    You are Felicia Barros, but most people know you as Mama Barros. For a civilian you're as nosy as they come, and despite your warm and caring nature you've been heard to curse the names of a few Cartel members in your day. You'd just love to teach those pendejos a lesson or two...

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). You have no special abilities.

    You are Carla Montero, combative jerk with a heart of gold. You wish you were known as something besides "that half-black half-Colombian punk-rock chick with a mean streak;" it's not your fault you love hard-edge riffs like a detachable showerhead and sometimes can't resist caving in stupid frat boys' skulls.

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). You have no special abilities.

    You are Lily Belmonte, a federal agent freshly assigned to the Cartel case to back up one of your colleagues. Your intel-gathering skills are superb, and you come armed with a list of potential suspects to keep an eye on in Miami.

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). In addition, you are the Watcher—Once per Night, you may choose a player to monitor, and will learn who (if anyone) visited that player that Night. Use of your ability does not count as a visitation.

    You are Clarence Crawford, a freelance journalist revered by cop and crook alike as the "Miami Watchdog." You've been following the drug trade in South Florida for nearly a decade, plumbing its depths and exposing its best-kept secrets. Your only aim is the scoop of a lifetime; you don't care if the city's throwing streamers or molotovs by the end of it.

    You are a Third-Party player, a solitary alignment with your own unique goals. As the Reporter, you will win when all power roles (players who can perform actions) are dead, regardless of their alignment. To this end, you may choose a player to investigate each Night: You will not learn their alignment, but you will be told if they have a special role or not.

    You are Alex Trevelyan, casual weed smoker and friendly bum. Despite what people may believe you do maintain a steady income, and you've never once wanted to get mixed up in anything you may not live through.

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). You have no special abilities.

    Vivi's Dark Side
    You are Darrell King "D.K." Escobar, the Cartel's premier wholesale dealer and slum lord of the Miami-Dade area. With a foul mouth and even fouler temper, everybody who's anybody knows not to fuck with you unless they wanna lose some teeth damn quick.

    You are aligned with the Mafia, thus win when your numbers equal the Town's (or nothing can prevent this from happening). In addition, you have a Bulletproof Vest—This will thwart the first attempt made on your life (only at Night) before expiring.

    You are Shaun Tobin, decorated officer of the MPD. You'd be lying if you said you didn't have a dog in the Cartel race: Your brother threw his lot in with them and got himself shot for it. You just want to make good on the family name.

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). You have no special abilities.

    You are Ricardo "Ricky" Ortega, ranking member of the Medellín Cartel and youngest of the famed Ortega Brothers. Your specialty is misdirection, and it's your knack for giving the cops the slip that has likely kept you and many of your associates alive for this long.

    You are aligned with the Mafia, thus win when your numbers equal the Town's (or nothing can prevent this from happening). In addition, you are the Redirector—Once per Night you may choose two players, and any actions the first player performs that Night will automatically target the second.

    You are Glenn Larson, Cartel loyalist and frontman for one of their many cover operations, Keighley Pharmaceuticals. You may not be an official member of the Cartel, but the job pays handsomely, and you're ready and able to fight for it if it comes to that.

    You are aligned with the Mafia, thus win when your numbers equal the Town's (or nothing can prevent this from happening). You have no special abilities.

    You are Leonard Riley, but friends call you Leo. Though usually a bitter, sarcastic something-or-other resembling friendly, your temper flares quickly and at that point it becomes apparent why the Cartel hired you on as muscle.

    You are aligned with the Mafia, thus win when your numbers equal the Town's (or nothing can prevent this from happening). You have no special abilities.

    Midnight Star
    You are Flavio Rivera, a former Cartel supporter trying to break free. Unfortunately you don't have the scratch to skip town, and the only job that pays is ratting on your former employers...

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). You have no special abilities.

    Judge Sunrose
    You are Barnaby Diggs, special agent and primary federal force behind the Medellín Cartel investigation. You've been on this particular case for years now, waiting for the opportune moment to move in on the Cartel, and it looks like it's just arrived.

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). In addition, you are the Tracker—Once per Night, you may choose a player to follow, and will learn who that player visited (if anyone) that Night. This action itself counts as a visitation.

    You are Paola Reyes, MPD officer. Widely regarded as a firecracker with no sense of restraint, even your superiors have joked about throwing you into a Cartel hideout, stepping back and watching the mayhem. You think that sounds great and wonder why no one's done it.

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). You have no special abilities.

    Bite the Dust[/size]
    You are Terry Kerrigan, owner of several nightclubs in Miami whose catchphrase is "certified nocturnal." No one can mistake your bleach-blonde cornrows or your wide variety of neon leopard-print jackets, but they most look forward to the "pixie stix" you bring to every party.

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). You have no special abilities.

    You are Lars Mathers, the drunkest person on the east coast. What more is there to say? You've knocked back so much booze you're probably immune to alcohol poisoning at this point. At least you're fairly pleasant (if touchy-feely) when inebriated.

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). You have no special abilities.

    You are Walther Almstead, former MPD sergeant and P.I., formally retired. After losing a loved one to the Cartel you turned to unsavory methods to track them down, which in spite of your otherwise stellar record saw you booted from the force. But this has done little to stop you from taking your revenge.

    The Fuk?
    You are Conrad Law, oldest living Major of the Miami Police Department. A loyal and veteran member of the force, you've grappled with hoods and addicts for most of your adult life and don't regret a second of it; all the better to keep the streets safe.

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). You have no special abilities.

    You are Jaime Herrera, Chief of Police of the Miami Police Department. You have been one of the most devout supporters of the U.S.-Colombia extradition treaty over the years, just waiting for the day when you could oust these bastards, but now it looks like things are going to get downright violent...

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). You have no special abilities.

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). In addition, you are the Vigilante—You may personally choose a player to kill each Night. Your kill will count as a visitation.

    You are Freddie Costanza, owner of Freddie's Bar & Grill. You pride yourself in running "one of the only reputable businesses left in Miami," but as an unofficial FBI informant you are perhaps less concerned for your safety than you should be.

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). You have no special abilities.

    You are Scott Trask, recovering cocaine addict. After you went clean you snitched on a few of your dealers, but nothing major... The recent commotion can't all be for you, can it?

    You are aligned with the Town, thus win when all Mafiosi are dead (and at least one Townie remains). You have no special abilities.
    Makaze - Watcher
    • N1 - Targeted Beau
    • N2 - Targeted Midnight Star
    • N3 - Targeted Midnight Star, who was visited by Mish
    • N4 - Targeted Hayabusa, who was visited by Hyuge

    Princess ♥/Judge Sunrose - Tracker
    • N1: Targeted Makaze
    • N2: Targeted What?
    • N3: No action
    • N4: Targeted Cat~
    • N5: Targeted Hayabusa; Redirected to Mish, whom he saw visit What?

    Hayabusa - Vigilante
    • N1: No action
    • N2: No action
    • N3: No action
    • N4: Targeted Mish; Redirected to Makaze
    • N5: Targeted Mish

    Hyuge - Redirector
    • N1: Redirected Vivi to Trigger (:B)
    • N2: Redirected Marushi to Midnight Star
    • N3: Redirected What? to Midnight Star
    • N4: Redirected Hayabusa to Makaze
    • N5: Redirected Judge Sunrose to Mish

    Spectator Chat
    Mafia Nightchat
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2014
  2. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
  3. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Yes hello that was a v. accurate representation of Miami 10/10

    Sign me up
  4. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    B) I was born ready
  5. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Yes? Would you like to play?

    What would you two like to be called on the player list? I'm assuming Cat~ and Calxiyn, respectively.
  6. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
  7. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
  8. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
  9. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    bitchin, sign me up
  10. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    sign me up
  11. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Fight me.
  12. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Nah, you know me, I was just bein' a huge fuckin' tool.
  13. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    She means yes.
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    I'll be joining again~
  15. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
  16. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Guys for real
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    baby if we don't say anything then it is more than likely we will be called by our regular username. though i can't speak for Ben because his usernames change every two weeks and it's never the same thing twice.
  18. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71

    And yours changed quite a few times during the last game, if I recall. Actually so did Cat's. And Vivi's. And Below's... IT WAS ALL VERY CONFUSING OK
  19. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
  20. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Call me Ishmael.