Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jayn, Dec 21, 2013.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    genre: advanced original survival thriller / horror rating: mature

    Thank you to Fuzzy, Nova and SynK for their help. I wouldn't have been able to get this out without them.

    Revive / 100 Days

    Welcome to Act II! [ Or III, however you want to think of it].

    This is an original role play, and you do not have to be from the last two in order to participate. Everything that carries over will be explained to you here - so this is very, very new-player friendly.

    Below I will explain things in an F.A.Q format. Please scroll to the bottom of the thread to find a section called 'Help' that will explain these terms to you if you're new.

    WHO AM I?

    The time for being a Pawn is over. In this act you will be portraying a Player - an immortal being who has been apart of a long and tedious game established by a God who, essentially, doesn't want to be God anymore. These games have been going on for a millennium now and still there is no one suited to take his place, which in his eyes means it's time to reset the game and weed out those who are just wasting time.


    Until your realm has a new God, the current God can't leave. Though he disappeared from the forefront of things as soon as he lost interest, he's still there - and he doesn't want to be. The sooner a new God takes his place, the sooner he can abandon the realm.


    NOTE: This is how the game works usually. This is NOT what the RP is about.

    The object of the game is Godhood. In order to obtain Godhood, you need to seize total control [ own 100% ] of Aether - the realm in which you reside [ credit to BtD for the name ]. Aether is made up of various regions, and each Player owns a percentage of the land. You must take land from your opponents without losing your own, for if all your land is lost, you're out of the game - You return to being an ordinary Valen, while your enemies play for the right to ultimate power.

    The way to win land is through Game Boards. Each Game Board is created by one of the Players, who is designated its Coordinator. By offering a percentage of their land, they control the rules of the game. The bigger the percentage, the more control the Coordinator has, making more complex games and even rigging results in their favor - but if they don't win the game, they lose all of that precious land.

    The other Players must offer up some of their land as an entry fee to each game. But they are not the ones who play - Instead, they bet their land on Pawns, whose success or failure determines their own. If a Player's chosen Pawn beats the others, they win the land; if no Pawn wins or no Player bets on the winning Pawn, everyone but the Coordinator takes an equal share of the land. The Coordinator determines the default selection of Pawns, but may allow Players to contribute their own as well. More than one Player may bet on one Pawn, but they will share the spoils if they win.

    As Players, play smart, and keep a keen eye on your favored Pawn. As Coordinators, hedge your bets: Is it better to risk all your land and become omnipotent for one game, or play it safe and win little by little?

    All you really need to retain from this is that owning 100% of Aether = Godhood. There's a bit of a learning curve here, but it's something you'll understand more by experiencing it ... like football. If you don't understand, PM / Skype me - I have a fun pizza analogy to make it simpler. You don't really need to understand it completely at the moment, though. So long as you have the gist of it.


    I would rather not mention a specific percentage. You can say you have a little, or a good amount of it. It's kind of impossible for me to give you guys specific percentages, because if new people join later then I'd have to recalculate. So let's just say that everyone keeps their actual percentage to themselves lol. You shouldn't really have that much, though, as the more you have the closer to Godhood you are and you'd be really familiar with the game. It's safer to say you have a normal or a small amount because then you can say you haven't been immortal for that long so you don't know everything there is to know - and you can learn the game in this RP and maybe make a character in a later RP who has a bunch of land now that you actually know what you're doing lol.

    CAN I DIE?

    Unlike 100 Days, this isn't really about surviving so much as it is retaining your immortality. The price of 'failing' is being exiled. If your character winds up exiled then, like 100 Days, they won't be apart of this role play anymore but they aren't dead.


    The Reaper is a supernatural being that will possess a character every once in a while. When The Reaper is among you, an alert will pop up in the role play. If you successfully guess who the Reaper is [ clues will be dropped ], you receive something helpful and are less likely to be exiled. If you guess who the Reaper is, but you're wrong, The Reaper will possess you instead and do some serious damage. If no one guesses The Reaper in time, the one who is possessed will be exiled [ in most cases ]. This is another way of purging the Players.

    The Reaper will not know they're The Reaper until someone reveals them. In other words, at any point, you could be The Reaper and not know it. You can guess yourself if you suspect this.

    I GET MAGIC? ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

    Yes! Each immortal has abilities that correspond with the type of immortal they are. You can be any sort of immortal / supernatural being, so long as they have a humanoid form and aren't ridiculous. YOU CANNOT BE HUMAN.

    Your magic will help you get through the trials, so try to pick out useful magic for yourself ... Useful, not destructive. You're all immortal, so magic meant to just traditionally hurt people is really not going to help you [ as each immortal can only be killed in specific ways ]. Be creative and don't power - play. I'd also like to ask you not to repeat powers. For instance if someone has the power of invisibility, I would really like it if three other people didn't have that same power.

    Can change later depending on how many people join, but right now up to two people can share one power. Read the Character Sheets and make sure you're not just copying someone else. You can have up to five special abilities as long as they pertain to what type of 'being' you are, and make sense.


    If you're Hyuge, yes. If you're anyone else, it can matter if you want it to. As I said before, each pawn corresponds with an immortal. If you want to join this role play and you were in Days, you can join as an immortal who was betting on your human character in 100 Days. You don't have to. You could have also been betting on another member's character.


    It's been three months since 100 Days ended. Winnings have been distributed and both Devyn and Marina have finally settled into their new ranks as Immortals. Despite the constant chaos on the Game Boards life here in Aether is relatively peaceful. Everyone goes about their days as naturally as any human might, with just a few notable differences.

    There is no need to work here. Any work that is done is done for pleasure, and every immortal has an honest passion for their craft. The same applies to basic human needs like eating, sleeping, breathing. Time moves unconsciously and existence is lived out deliberately.

    Another important thing to note is that feelings and emotions work differently. The immortals of Aether are rather passive, as letting an emotion consume you will change you. For example, someone who is constantly angry will literally become an immortal born of anger. Their title may become something like: The Angry Elf, Jayn.

    Once you receive your title, you cannot change it without powerful and rare magic with serious consequences. It is important to keep your emotions in check here. You're free to have a personality, of course, just powerful emotions have an impact. If you've already got a title [ all of you do ], then you've already been defined.

    Life for a Player is about the same as everyone else's when a game isn't going on. You have a home, maybe a family. You spend your day doing the things that you're passionate about - even if that's just sleeping all day. At the end of 100 Days, you carried on normally, maybe visiting any new land you've acquired, with a new game set to begin soon.

    It just so happens that 'soon' is today, three months later! Our story begins with our Players gathering anything they may need and traveling to the Hall of Games for the next match. This game's Coordinator will be Marina

    Please do not join if you will not be consistently active. I will not harass you about posting. If you drop off of the face of the earth, I am erasing your characters and they will have never existed. I will not talk to you about it or ask you about it unless you generally have great activity. I'm not going to force anyone to be here. It is as simple as a talk. No exceptions, minus emergencies or in-advanced requests for short breaks. In other words, talk to me about anything that comes up that will compromise your activity or I'll just assume you're leaving.

    If you do get kicked out, don't be afraid to talk to me about it. I don't usually have a problem with giving second chances as long as you're a good sport about things.

    There will be a posting requirement. For instance, in 100 Days you had to post once every 48 hours [ once every two days or more ] or you were kicked out. Just like in Cupid's Brew, how often you'll have to post will depend on your 'availability'. Before we start the role play, I will, of course, let you guys know what the posting schedule will look like. This is to ensure we stay consistently active and actually finish the role play. Anyone not okay with this should not sign up.

    If you join, please be willing to collaborate with the story line. Contribute. Don't just follow my lead. Have fun with it! This is a collaboration. Thinking of it as writing a story together. To elaborate on this, please be creative. I understand everyone has different levels of creativity, and I don't expect all of you to be like ... crazy creative geniuses, but please try. Please don't join if you're just going to sit there needing direction on every little thing and never knowing what to do with yourself.

    NO MARY-SUES OR GARY-STUS. No sugary sweet perfect characters who always try to do the right thing and are pretty much angels with some troubled orphan past that's only made them stronger or given them a hero complex. Please, stray from cliches. Try to make an interesting, dynamic character? Your character has feelings and emotions and hopes and fears. They should not be one dimensional.

    Please do not kill or injure anyone without a legitimate reason. Also, on this note, no god-modding. If you fight someone or go to hurt someone, always give them the chance to defend themselves or retaliate. Same on the opposite end. Please don't insta-dodge everything and never get hurt ever.

    You should know your character's bio. I really hate bios in role plays, but if it helps you to figure it out and not contradict yourself later on down the road, then I suggest you write it down somewhere.

    You may have as many characters as you want. Please keep your character sheets SHORT. There is no need at all to write fifty paragraphs. Use all of that creativity and time in the actual role play, not in sign-ups. I want to get to know your character because you showed me, not because you told me in a character sheet. <3

    Blatant cybering is not allowed, but mature, suggestive scenes ARE. If you write anything highly sexual or highly graphic / disturbing, then please, please, please put a warning at the top of your post. You will never be required to partake in a 'mature' situation, or to read them. So please, for the sake of those who would rather not, warn.

    One liners are allowed, scarcely [ if you have writer's block, or are really, really pressed for time ]. I am not requiring unnecessarily long posts, but please make an effort. On average, the role play should be made up of decent sized posts. [ Three paragraphs. They don't have to be super long. ]

    During the Reset, some of you may receive PMs from me. These PMs may give you knowledge of something no other character knows of, or may be Declarations (or commandments). Please acknowledge these PMs.

    You may join at any time. Just pay attention to what's going on. If you're new and the RP is already in further, I'll tell you how to make your entrance. Anyone can join. I really don't care how long your posts are as long as they're competent and you're actually posting. Short posts are fine, so long as they aren't constant and on average you're making decent sized posts. If you are booted from the RP, you may not rejoin unless I say otherwise.

    Don't add counters to your own posts unless I ask you to.

    I reserve the right to add or subtract from these rules. I will always alert you all if I do.


    [COLOR=Silver][FONT=Ms Gothic][COLOR=#643D72][COLOR=#b23c5a]『[/COLOR][SIZE=6]♚[/SIZE][COLOR=#b23c5a]』[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Title[/B]: 
    [COLOR=#643D72][COLOR=#b23c5a]『[/COLOR][SIZE=6]♚[/SIZE][COLOR=#b23c5a]』[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Defining Trait[/B]: [ [I]If it's not already stated in your title, what are you known for?[/I] ]
    [COLOR=#643D72][COLOR=#b23c5a]『[/COLOR][SIZE=6]♚[/SIZE][COLOR=#b23c5a]』[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Valen Appearance[/B]: [ [I]HQ, medium to large sized picture only.[/I] ]
    [COLOR=#643D72][COLOR=#b23c5a]『[/COLOR][SIZE=6]♚[/SIZE][COLOR=#b23c5a]』[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Weaknesses/Fears[/B]:
    [COLOR=#643D72][COLOR=#b23c5a]『[/COLOR][SIZE=6]♚[/SIZE][COLOR=#b23c5a]』[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Personality[/B]:
    [COLOR=#643D72][COLOR=#b23c5a]『[/COLOR][SIZE=6]♚[/SIZE][COLOR=#b23c5a]』[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Magic / Powers:[/B]
    [COLOR=#643D72][COLOR=#b23c5a]『[/COLOR][SIZE=6]♚[/SIZE][COLOR=#b23c5a]』[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Favorite Color:[/B]
    [COLOR=#643D72][COLOR=#b23c5a]『[/COLOR][SIZE=6]♚[/SIZE][COLOR=#b23c5a]』[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Goal[/B]: [ [I]Why would your character want to become a God? If your character has kept that a secret you don't need to reveal it.[/I] ]
    [COLOR=#643D72][COLOR=#b23c5a]『[/COLOR][SIZE=6]♚[/SIZE][COLOR=#b23c5a]』[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Availability:[/B]
    [COLOR=#643D72][COLOR=#b23c5a]『[/COLOR][SIZE=6]♚[/SIZE][COLOR=#b23c5a]』[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Other:[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]


    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Nightmare Demoness, CRESTATIA!
      Defining Trait: Manipulation.
      Valen Appearance: XXX / XXX
      Weaknesses/Fears: Not being in control. Failure. Attachment. Humiliation. Any method of transportation that's not walking / teleporting.
      Personality: Crestatia is incredibly driven. She is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants - at almost any cost. She has deep admiration for those who prove themselves to be competent and respects those who earn it. She can be vague, manipulative and needlessly cruel at times but also holds a few soft spots for certain types of people. She is confident and decisive, and theatrical. Her demeanor often changes from calm and elegant to wild and crude ... depending.
      Magic / Powers:

      Memory Manipulation - Ability to erase or enhance the memories of another.
      Dream Manipulation - The ability to enter the dreams of others and change them.
      Teleportation - Ability to move from one place to another without occupying the space in between.

      Favorite Color: #7f638e
      Goal: Crestatia hopes to become a God to be able to reform some laws and restrictions placed on Aether by the current God, and - basically - rule better than he ever did. She's afraid of one of the other Players becoming God and ****ing everything up.
      Availability: 5 / 7


      Title: The Great and Marvelous Deity Witch, ANNALYNNE!
      Defining Trait: Vanity.
      Valen Appearance: XXX
      Weaknesses/Fears: Abandonment. Being ignored or unimportant. Demotion. Feeling useless. Losing Crestatia. Accidentally destroying herself [ details in 'Recap' ].
      Personality: Annalynne has an intense superiority complex. She believes that anyone who is a lower rank than her is basically dirt. Power hungry, overzealous and stubborn, she has a strong personality and craves the center of attention. Despite thinking she is the best there ever was, apart of her is still very dependent on the people around her, and she often tends to mimic people she idolizes. She often wants what she can't have and gets bored very easily. She is very childish. Annalynne also has rare spells of depression during which she calms down considerably and becomes immensely apathetic and thoughtful.
      Magic / Powers:

      Power Mimicry - Ability to copy or absorb another's powers or skills for a limited amount of time.
      Duplication - Ability to create physical duplicates of oneself.

      Favorite Color: #FFFFE0
      Goal: Annalynne wants to become God basically so that she can have the ultimate amount of power and look down on everyone else. She thinks that Godhood will cure all possible boredom as well.
      Availability: 5 / 7
    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Deviant Deity Demoness, Marina!
      Defining Trait: Seduction, Secret Seeker
      Valen Appearance: &
      Weaknesses/Fears: Emotional attachment to the other Valen Boats Snakes Losing Being Rejected Having an unsuccessful first game as Coordinator
      Personality: Marina has grown up as a person in the last three months. She was known for her seduction in 100 Days and her detest for women. She has virtually rid herself of that distaste, but is often times found flirting with the other citizens of Aether to appease her boredom. This place has been a significant change compared to what she imagined she lived like. Since becoming a Valen, she has been less self - absorbed and often times keeps to herself. While she did a better job at keeping her emotions in check upon arrival than her co - winner, Marina has become primarily a recluse.
      Magic / Powers:

      Empathy - The ability to recognize emotions exhibited by another person.
      Subliminal Seduction - The ability to project seductive thoughts to the minds of others, speaking with subliminal seductive powers behind each word, and/or stimulate the brain's pleasure centers by touch, voice, or thought.
      Pheromone Manipulation - Ability to generate and control pheromones which may have various affects.

      Favorite Color: #3A8495
      Goal: To bring back the two people she cares most about and feels she owes a debt to. ❥ To uncover Crestatia's secret.
      Availability: 7/7
      Other: // reuses half of 100 Days CS // Yay for cheating!


      Title: The Winged Believer, Ambrose!
      Defining Trait: Flight
      Valen Appearance:
      Weaknesses/Fears: Falling Being Buried Alive Shackles The Letter Z Being Lied Too
      Personality: Ambrose always gives others the benefit of the doubt. He's a bit of a free - spirit and just wants people to be happy which can be hard in their world. Those that were not Valen - born are his main target to cheer up. They are so detached and emotional that he likes to make them as carefree as himself. He doesn't play the Games because he feels he needs to win, but merely out of obligation. Ambrose doesn't have problems with getting close to people, but can never seem to commit to anything because he doesn't care for being tied down.
      Magic / Powers:

      [[ Air/Wind Manipulationxx]] The ability to control, generate, or absorb air or wind.
      [[ Force Field Generation ]] The ability to produce powerful fields of manipulated energy.
      [[ Transvectionxxxxxxxxxxx]] The ability to fly through air [ Ambrose uses his wings ].
      Favorite Color: #867474
      Goal: To have everyone live an easy and carefree since they are immortal and deserving of it.
      Availability: 7/7
      Other: Ambrose was the winning Player in 100 Days.
    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Treacherous Warlock
      Defining Trait: Deceit
      Valen Appearance: ♣♣♣
      Weaknesses/Fears: • Getting close to/trusting anyone • Fire • Suffocation
      Personality: Wry and duplicitous, he grew up lying to get the things he wanted or needed, he trusts no one. He believes everyone a valuable asset to him, regardless of rank. He believes himself smarter than all other players. Though he has a low opinion of everyone else, he still treats them with outward respect.
      Magic / Powers: ♦ Trusting Eye - Anything he says will be believed by the person who he maintains eye contact with. ♥ Discerning Eye - The ability to know when he is being lied to as long as he maintains eye contact with the liar. ♠ Projection - The ability to project an image of himself in one place while being in another.
      Favorite Color: #FFD169
      Goal: Secret
      Availability: 5/7
      Other: # W E E B S L A N G


      Title: The Mournful Nyx
      Defining Trait: Depression
      Valen Appearance:
      Weaknesses/Fears: Being alone. Losing everything.
      Personality: Luceia spent her childhood having things taken from her by her controlling caretakers. She has a deep attachment to anything and everything she can get her hands on and all hers, and spends all of her time worrying what would happen if she were to lose those things.
      Magic / Powers: THE VOID // Her deep depression passively nullifies one randomly chosen ability each for two randomly chosen characters* per in-game day.
      Favorite Color: Colors are depressing.
      Goal: Becoming God would mean owning everything.
      Availability: 5/7
      Other: Luceia lost a great deal of land after the events of 100 Days and holds a grudge against both the winning players and the newly established immortals.

      *Players and abilities to be randomly chosen by the Game Master, Jayn, for fairness.

    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Witch of Biological Suffering, Kuru
      Defining Trait: Sadism.

      Valen Appearance: here
      Weaknesses/Fears: fears others with Control, fears love, fears fire and water.
      Personality: A very detached Valen. Her only goal is to beat this game and rule over. She believes only the worthy should live and the weak should suffer if not die entirely. She has some soft spots however when it comes to those she is close with. But that alone is a fear she has. In her eyes, there is no such thing as trust, meaning even her "friends" are on her watched list.
      Magic / Powers:

      • Magic Mirror - Ability to copy another's magical ability for a set amount of time. The user must know how the power works and use it on anyone other than the original user.
      • Biological Manipulation - Ability to manipulate and organisms structure but not to the point of death. Can cause minor disease or mutations as well as heal.
      • Time Manipulation - Ability to force an individuals biological internal clock to fast forward, rewind, or slow down for no more than a year. This only effects physical appearance and has no effect on the mind, other than psychological. ((With permission since unsure if this is okay or not))

      Favorite Color: Whatever yellow this is.
      Goal: She believes only the strong should live and the weak should perish. A firm believer in survival of the fittest.
      Availability: 7/7 but varies if I am in town or not.
    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Mischievous Phantom, Garret
      Defining Trait: Thievery
      Valen Appearance:
      Weaknesses / Fears: Being robbed - Being stabbed in the back - His possessions being destroyed - Being Frozen

      Personality: Garret loves to cause mischief. He finds it fun to take things from people while they aren't looking, especially when he's right in front of them. Rank doesn't matter to him at all, he steals from everyone equally. Despite his blatant lack of respect for people's property, he does hold some level of respect for the other Valens.
      Magic / Powers:

      Plunder - Ability to take an aspect (such as friction) of an object.
      Transfer - Ability to transfer a plundered aspect to something or someone else.
      Invisibility - Ability to make oneself and others in direct contact invisible.
      Favorite Color: #682350
      Goal: To be able to claim that he's stolen God's throne.
      Availability: 7 / 7
      Other: Something goes here. Not sure what, but something.


      Title: The Unrelenting Shadow Beast, Nero
      Defining Trait: Fear
      Valen Appearance: V and
      Weaknesses / Fears: Bright Light x == x Being covered in nothing but light x == x Being cast out x == x Losing his power x == x Unable to do anything without shadows
      Personality: Nero values his newly found powers more than anything else. Even the land he holds within Aether is nothing compared to his precious shadows. As long as others don't try anything funny against him, he has no problem with them. If anyone becomes too much of a bother for him, he will go out of his way to get back at them.
      Magic / Powers:

      Transformation xxxx == x Able to change into a much more fearsome form.
      Shadow Diving xxxxx == x Able to dive into the shadows and move through them at high-speeds.
      Shadow Constructs x == x Able to create tools, weapons, armor, familiars, and appendages out of shadows.
      Shadow Projection x == x Able to project his consciousness outside of his physical body through shadows.

      Favorite Color:
      Goal: Unknown
      Availability: 7 / 7
      Other: Shadow Stands, baybee
    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Wine-Willing Temptress, SANGRIA
      Defining Trait: Inebriation
      Valen Appearance: |
      Weaknesses/Fears: Boredom, sobriety, lack of control, being unable to see or sense things, corrupting influences, revealing opinions, mind control
      Personality: Sour, spicy, quick-talking, quick-to-anger, sultry woman who is rarely -- if ever -- seen sober. She enjoys the company of the other Valens, if not only to entertain herself at their expense, and philosophical mind-games are one of her favourite methods. Despite her inebriation, she has a talent for being careful and quick-witted with her words. She lives by the rule of games, parties, pleasure, and entertainment, but her constant inebriation makes it hard to gauge her true motives; at times, she seems to deeply respect and care for the others, but at others she considers them only her simple-minded little toys.
      Magic / Powers:

      > 「 Bacchus' Blood 」 The ability to turn water, blood, or stone into any alcoholic beverage.
      > 「 Sensory Dampening 」 The manipulation of one's senses; sight, sound, taste, touch, hearing; also includes nociception (pain), proprioception (self-awareness of one's body relative to itself), thermoception (temperature awareness), equlibrioception (balance).
      > 「 Bell Jar 」 The ability to manipulate the sanity of an individual.

      > 「 Bacchus' Blood 」 The ability to turn any liquid existing at the present state of temperature into any biochemical alcohol. Includes raising or lowering alcoholic intoxication levels in individuals.
      > 「 Sensory Dampening 」 Same as drunk, with added ability of temporarily shutting down one's mind for a maximum of five minutes.
      > 「 Bell Jar 」 Same as drunk, with added ability of manipulating the feeling of an individual's determination/apathy.
      Favorite Color: #b30059
      Goal: Whenever she has been asked this, she is known to have tricked an individual into getting themselves drunk and revealing their secrets instead. Thus, currently unknown.
      Availability: 4/7
      Other: | | | |


      Title: Wisdom's Voice, MIMI
      Defining Trait: Innocence, Quiescence
      Valen Appearance: | |
      Weaknesses/Fears: Disconnection, losing her senses, getting too close with the other Valens, losing her dolls (especially Gotterdammerung), unnecessary effort
      Personality: A soft-smiling, careful girl who seems much too young at first glance. She is commonly seen nibbling sweets and acting extremely child-like; it is a strange wonder how she came to be, what with her simple-minded attitude. She carries a large stuffed bear around with her named Gotterdammerung, who speaks with a refined accent and appears to be Mimi's caretaker and best friend. Because Mimi does not speak beyond simple expressions, Gotterdammerung appears to speak for her.
      Magic / Powers:


      > 「 Coppélia 」 The ability to create dolls out of any makeshift parts that are imbibed with living energy under Mimi's command. Gotterdammerung is the longest-lived of these, as their lifespans are controlled by Mimi and Gotterdammerung.
      > 「 Ventriloquism 」 The ability to cast a part of Mimi's voice into an inanimate object (usually her dolls), along with temporarily manipulating others' "voices", or means of communication (not just speaking, but sign-language, technology, etc.)
      > 「 Mimisbrunnr 」 Copies or absorbs others' powers onto her dolls. Because most all dolls (with the exception of Gotterdammerung) are temporary, the power copy is also temporary.
      Favorite Color: Mimi: #808080 || Gotterdammerung: #4da6ff
      Goal: Gotterdammerung tells others that Mimi simply wishes to learn more about the Valens and their game structure, but as Mimi has never said her true goal yet, it is unknown if this is the case.
      Availability: Same as Sangria (4/7)
      Other: | | |
    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Juvenile Mirage, M O R G I A N A !!
      Defining Trait: Petulant, Languid
      Valen Appearance:
      Weaknesses/Fears: Losing grip on her own reality Forgetting her original form Taking a nap and never waking up Getting stuck in another form Dolls Indecisive
      Personality: Sleepy and a bit bratty, Morgiana is somewhat spoiled and likes getting what she wants, but doesn't like working for her goals. She's very free-spirited but judgemental and likes to sleep a lot. Childish antics and mischief are fun for Morji, but she can't stand it when the tricks turn on her. She also seems to not have any respect for personal space. Most of the time, Morji doesn't know what she wants, but when she does figure it out, a rare determination comes to light.
      Magic / Powers:

      Composing• • • • Ability to transform and reshape the structure of one's body.​
      Arranging• • • • Ability to create and manipulate others perceptions. Stronger version of manipulating illusions; can't be used to the full extent very often.​
      Waning & Waxing Ability to control the age of self, other organisms, or non-living objects.​

      Favorite Color: #ED9474
      Goal: Morji doesn't know what she wants. She's still trying to figure it out, but she thinks that if she becomes God, she can get whatever she wants, whenever she wants, however she wants. It'll probably mean lots of naps that she can always wake up from, but she's fine with that.
      Availability: 5/7
      Other: Prefers the name Morji ( more-zhi ).

    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Avarice Daemon, A R I U S!
      Defining Trait: Jealously // Envy
      Valen Appearance:
      Weaknesses/Fears: The desire to have everything. Losing everything. Others having more than him.
      Personality: Arius believes that no one deserves anything, except for him. He becomes extremely hostile, cold, and distant to those who flaunt their possessions around and absolutely loathes anyone who considers themselves better than him by base of merit. His intense jealousy can sometimes cause his rationality and judgement to vanish, the consequences unknown. Despite this, however, Arius can still be amicable and friendly to those who keep themselves and their possessions in check. He is especially talkative with those who admit to him that they are less equal to him [ in terms of possessions ], though this type of "friendship" is quite rare since most of the other Valens are as full of themselves as he is. In addition, because of his Material Teleportation ability, he is a very keen observer and has a strong memory.
      Magic / Powers:

      Desire Manipulation - The ability to see the true desires of others and alter them.
      Material Teleportation - The ability to teleport any possessions [ be it his or another's ] to him instantly; however, he must know where the possession is before casting.
      Memory Manipulation - The ability to have another forget that they had a connection with a certain possession or person.
      Favorite Color: #E0B0FF
      Goal: To achieve Godhood for himself and to ensure no one else claims it.
      Availability: 2 / 7
      Other: N / A


      Title: The Benevolent Sorceress, D A P H N E!
      Defining Trait: Generous // Compassionate
      Valen Appearance:
      Weaknesses/Fears: Losing her loved ones and friends. Becoming a sinister and evil Valen. Aether falling into the hands of someone wicked. Negative words.
      Personality: An avid animal and nature lover, Daphne attempts to see the purity and goodness inside even the most vial Valens. She is very positive and optimistic, which fuels her need to try harder and reach further. However, Daphne is extremely sensitive and if another speaks anything negative [ about her ] to her, she will be emotionally damaged and physically vulnerable until she recovers. For those which she can't see the light inside of, she vows that she will either reform them or, if various attempts prove unsuccessful, end their suffering.
      Magic / Powers:

      Healing Palms - The ability to heal oneself and others through touch.
      Sonic Scream - The ability to generate high-pitched vocals that can inhabilitate another.
      Soothing Voice - The ability to quell another's rage or frustration through speech.
      Animal Translation - The ability to understand and speak with animals.
      Favorite Color: #C6E2FF
      Goal: To ensure no one iniquitous claims the Aether and, subsequently, Godhood.
      Availability: 2 / 7
      Other: Daphne bet on Bryan during 100 Days and obviously lost, meaning that she has significantly less land than the other Valens [ though she doesn't really mind ].
    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Burning Passion! Magnus
      Defining Trait: Testosterone (strength) and Excitement
      Valen Appearance:
      Weaknesses/Fears: Becoming weak and losing his enthusiasm
      Personality: In short Magnus is a loud overbearing man that follows his emotions instead of his mind. He is always excited no matter how small or big something is and can hardly imagine how other are feeling due to his own ignorance. He is one who usually laughs something off and does not usually understand danger. To him danger is something he must face and defeat!
      Magic / Powers:

      Power of the Stupid: This power is an immunity towards mental attacks, Magnus' short attention span and dim witted mind cannot comprehend the invasion of his mind and merely rejects it. It isn't to say that one cannot ever use mind powers against him however
      Overwhelming Emotion: Using emotions to power and strengthen one's body. With strong emotions one can make their body grow much more powerful and can even repair the body if the emotion is strong enough.
      Favorite Color: #b30059
      Goal: He has no real interest in the position and merely joins for the thrill of the game
      Availability: 7/7
      Other: This games needs more TESTOSTERONE!
    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Enigmatic Joker, Vex
      Defining Trait: Versatility, Genius
      Valen Appearance: &
      Weaknesses/Fears: Absolute Failure, Being someone's puppet.
      Personality: Just as his title suggest Vex is an Enigma to many people. They only know the sides of him that he allows them to see and nothing more. Even with that being that case some consider him to be a bit insane due to some of his mannerism, though whether he truly is or not is a mystery.
      Magic / Powers:

      Blend: The ability to temporarily mimic another person's likeness so long as he has a clear image of the person in his mind.
      Cloaking: The ability to hide oneself or an item from sight for a certain period of time
      Telekinesis: The ability to move or control object with his mind

      Favorite Color: This
      Goal: To rule over everything
      Availability: 7/7 (Jazz band and if I get a job soon may cause problems)
      Other: Has made 3 drones (See image) that he keeps hidden


      Title: The Wayward Wind, Gale
      Defining Trait: Reckless
      Valen Appearance:
      Weaknesses/Fears: Being tied down, Having no freedom
      Personality: Gale is a fairly cheerful person. Most people who know him have never seen him anger and assume that it's impossible for him get anger. While that is far from the truth, he's just skilled at hiding his anger under a cheerful and reckless persona.
      Magic / Powers:

      Aeromancy: The ability to control the nearby winds
      Wind Tracing: The ability to use the wind to find people or object so long as there is wind around said person or object
      Gliding: The ability to use the wind to fly.

      Favorite Color: This
      Goal: To ensure the free will of everyone
      Availability: 7/7
    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Selfish Shifter, Belle!
      Defining Trait: Greed.
      Valen Appearance:
      Weaknesses/Fears: Forgetting her original appearance, having her mind controlled, can't keep focus for extended periods of time, losing her immortality.
      Personality: Selfish, distant, changing. Will admit she is not the best but is still the only person worth caring for. Because in the end all you have is yourself, right? But even then you may not have you. You're always changing after all. Affected by events everyday. Which is why she fears becoming a new person, someone unrecognizable to her original self, a fear brought on upon from spending too much time changing and a certain event.
      Magic / Powers:
      • Shifting - changing her appearance to look like others. Must have a mental image of them to succeed. The more she has looked at someone the more accurate it will be.
      • Sound Manipulation - affecting the sound waves around her to make them sound like something else. Perfect for changing her voice to match whomever's appearance she might be taking on among other things.
      • Merging - merges two beings together for a short amount of time, whether herself and another being or two different people. The merged beings can share powers and thoughts. Both parties must be willing, however, otherwise it won't work or will be hecked up big time like we're talking some crazy monster stuff. Imperfect spell.
      • Intangibility - the ability to walk through walls (disappear and fly. he's much more unique than the other guys. No ignore this part.)
      • Power Bestowal - can give her powers to someone else for a short while. And during which she cannot use them herself. Not a fitting power with her personality but seems to have been a side effect of trying to learn how to merge.
      Favorite Color: White
      Goal: The risk is great, terrifying, but she wants everything. Even better when others can't have it once it's hers.
      Availability: 5/7
      Other: Likes to wear glasses despite not needing to.

    • [​IMG]

      Title: Wielder of the Tachyon Roads, Darren
      Defining Trait: Speed.
      Valen Appearance: ~
      Weaknesses/Fears: Loss of movement/body control. Losing his family. Death. Being startled or unbalanced. Places with bad footing/transaction.
      Personality: A winner of a long passed game, many years as a Valen has made him settle down, and aquire suitable land. These things and many other factors have turned him into a kind and wise person. With a hidden current of his old, partying self that occasionally comes free at his whim. Driven to keep it and aquire more. However he does his best to stay neutral, knowing that emotions are much different then the mortal he comes from, he brands a stoic expression at the majority times.
      Magic / Powers:
      • Supernatural Speed - So fast that he doesn't leave a blur and he's long gone before the effects of his movements are felt by the dimension around him. Not as fast as instant teleportation, but faster then most flight. Top speeds are unknown.
      • Sonic Boom Control - Breaking the sound barrier in controlled bursts. Resulting in instant sonic booms. He can only use up to three rapid ones or one large one before he has to recharge.(SB's made while traveling do not require a recharge.)
      • Motion Manipulation- If an object, inanimate or otherwise is in motion. He can accelerate or deaccelerate it's motion. The higher the weight and faster the speed of the object, the bigger the strain on his body.
      • After-Image - His movements becomes so fast that he can generate one still image of himself that leaves in seconds.
      • Blur - This power of his is for other people. It allows him to make a target look like a speed blur. Reducing enemy accuracy. There is a two second time limit on it.
      Favorite Color: Electric Blue aka Sonic Blue
      Goal: Seeing only the good that can come from uniting the many owned lands. He plays, for a Aether better then the one left to them.
      Availability: 4/7
      Other: Has a cousin named Jaynabelle the Witch of Fast. shoutouttoairgear
    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Falsified Guise, Prism
      Defining Trait: Mockery
      Valen Appearance: x
      Weaknesses/Fears: Has trouble focusing, afraid of getting trapped in a mirror, can't sit down for too long, afraid of having to stay completely still. Always needs someone to support him somehow.
      Personality: Prism is very quiet, but very busy. He is friendly enough to stop and help someone if they need it, but needs to keep moving to keep himself from getting bored. He also takes people's opinions to heart and is easily swayed to change to fit their needs if he can help it. If he talks, it is usually something extremely important, or if he is responding to someone he deems as authority to him.
      Magic / Powers:
      -Reflection Manipulation-
      1. He uses the mirror to change and manipulate reflections, and can communicate to another through them.
      2. The ability to teleport through mirrors, can only do this if another reflective surface is present, but it is harder for them to teleport if the reflective surface isn't large.
      3. Can mildly alter someone's real appearance through the reflection.
      -Echos- Produce or modify an echo, so long as he head it spoken clearly or if the echo was clear enough.
      -Size Manipulation- Can change his size either extremely large or extremely small, but is limited to the size of a building for maximum, and the size of a flea for minimum.

      -Mimicking Appearance- Can mimic and appearance for only a short amount of time before it slowly fades out into an imperfect copy. He can only replicate someone he has seen through mirrors and he can keep the appearance longer if he altered the person he is copying's appearance
      Favorite Color: White and Grey
      Goal: He wants Aether to be a place everyone can accept, and feels he is the only one who could do that.
      Availability: 5/7 (right now I am on a road trip, but as soon as I get back, the only problems I have are school and extra curriculars.
      Other: I'm sorry if these seems rushed if there are any problems please message me and tell me I'll get back to it as soon as I can D:
    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Flickering Sorcerer, Pyrrhus
      Defining Trait: Coldness
      Valen Appearance: Δ | Δ
      Weaknesses/Fears: Feeling powerless or having a lack of control, having his true thoughts known, alcohol and other flammable liquids.
      Personality: Pyrrhus appears to unnaturally happy on the outside. However, this is used to mask his true persona. He sees the pawns in his games as nothing but playthings and feels no reason to see his fellow Valens any differently. His focus is on his own personal enjoyment, and as such, he often is not able to recognize the needs of others. While he is normally relaxed, he can be quickly incensed when others act outside of his image of them, especially when they try to act against him. He is prone to giving others nicknames.
      Magic / Powers:
      Pyromancy - The ability to create and manipulate fire.
      Heat Manipulation - The ability to add and remove heat energy from objects.
      Mirage - The ability to create illusions by manipulating heat in the air.
      Favorite Color: #FFA07A
      Goal: While he had no interest in becoming God in previous games, he now fancies the idea of having his fellows Valens be like pawns with him as the coordinator.
      Availability: 5/7
      Other: Because he bet on Cherno during the 100 Days game, he holds a grudge against Crestatia for the land that he lost.
    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Cogitative Enchanter, Anthea
      Defining Trait: Cleverness
      Valen Appearance: Click here
      Weaknesses/Fears: Failure, losing control, losing what she has, her nightmares.
      Personality: Wise and cold, that is Anthea's personality summed up in two words. She frequently gets nightmares, and they make make her distant from the other Valens, and the only one she really interacts with is her sister, Sienna. She is also clever, and can easily think of new ideas.
      Magic / Powers:
      Telepathy-The ability to mentally communicate with others.
      Physical Manipulation- Ability to “mold” a body/object into anything imaginable.
      Clairvoyance- Ability to directly receive information about a person/object in any way other than touch.
      Favorite Color: #FF00BF
      Goal: To gain power over Aether and “reform” it into a better place.
      Availability: 4/7
      Other: She is Sienna's "sister".


      Title: The Playful Jester, Sienna
      Defining Trait: Friskiness
      Valen Appearance: Click here
      Weaknesses/Fears: Boredom, failure, anything “useless”, stuff she can't have fun with.
      Personality: Just like her title, Sienna is a playful jester. She is almost always dying for fun, and is pretty childish because of that. The only times when she is serious are if she is alone with her sister (Anthea) or at an important event that doesn't look like “fun”.
      Magic / Powers:
      Temporal Duplication- The ability of bringing past and future versions of an object into the present.
      Thunder Manipulation- The ability to control thunder/lightning.
      Animation- Ability to turn inanimate objects to life.
      Favorite Color: #610B0B
      Goal: Sienna is just joining for the heck of it (for the fun).
      Availability: 4/7
      Other: Sienna's real name (before becoming a Valen) is Mary, but she gets irritated if others call her that. She is Anthea's "sister", and bet on Elizabeth for 100 Days (she lost).
    • [​IMG]

      Title: ☾ The Inquiring Polymath, Rosaline

      Defining Trait: ☾ Curiosity ☾

      Valen Appearance:

      Weaknesses/Fears: ☾ Losing her knowledge ☾ Water ☾ Other’s knowing more about a subject then her ☾ Clumsiness ☾ Accidentally getting trapped in whatever Animal she transforms into ☾ Heights ☾

      Personality: Rosaline Is eccentric, awkward but is very knowledgeable and wise. Striving to good at everything, whether it’s Music, Sports or Academics, Rosaline is a completionist who attempts to be well rounded in all skill types. She is also very curious about the world around her, making her impulsive, not afraid to really say what’s on her mind. She is very skilled, and because of this her powers vary. She doesn’t understand sarcasm, and cannot take criticism. Being a Know It All, she likes to show off her smarts to others, since she’s much smarter than the average being. She is headstrong, and has a bad temper. She hates to see others around her do the simplest tasks wrong. What stops her from doing so is her clumsiness. ☾

      Magic / Powers:

      Intuitive Aptitude: ☾ Can instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms and objects. Must feel the object in order to understand it. ☾

      Hypnotic Song: ☾ Capable of emitting astonishingly beautiful and enchanting song/music that is capable of luring anyone who hears it to come towards the singer. ☾

      Animal Mimicry: ☾ The power to transform into (Smaller) animals. ☾

      Favorite Color: This

      Goal: ☾ She wishes to know everything about all worlds and exceed in all skills. As God she can achieve that. ☾

      Availability: ☾ 4/7 ☾

      Other: She has a large collection of books and can be found reading them just about anywhere
    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Force of Nature, Johnis
      Defining Trait: Fun
      Valen Appearance: The Force of Nature
      Weaknesses/Fears: Being off the ground, metal, pandas, and fire.
      Personality: A man of upbeat nature who doesn't like to let the common stress of owning land get to him. For the most part, he is always looking for a good time and always making light of any situation he's placed in. In terms of manners towards others he is quite tactless and can sometimes come off as rude. In regards to his fellow Valen, he feels as though they are all better than him. Thinking this way, he finds it more fun to play with them, since games are always more fun when you can beat someone of greater skill than yourself.
      Magic / Powers:

      • Weather Manipulation: The ability to bend weather phenomenon to make any certain kind of weather event occur.
      • Miracle Growth: The ability to spawn any kind of flora and/or rapidly accelerate its growth at any given location, so long as they're grounded.
      • Terrakinesis: The ability to manipulate the earth (example: rocks, dirt, sand, etc.)
      Favorite Color: Blue, Green, Brown
      Goal: To have fun. He's not entirely interested in becoming God, but loves a good game.
      Availability: 4/7
    • [​IMG]

      Title: The Calculating Ice, Ursa
      Defining Trait: Analytics | Distrust
      Valen Appearance:
      Weaknesses/Fears: Fire | Losing her powers | Sometimes becomes to lost in her thoughts and forgets the real world even in the middle of conversations
      Personality: Ursa is not one to be quick to making friends. Everyone is an enemy at first glance, and only through passing a series of specially designed tests can they ever become closer than just a mere observation in her mind. Quiet and uncaring, she approaches life as she approaches puzzles--something to solve and the move on. She doesn't hide what she thinks though she might forget to vocalize her thoughts.
      Magic / Powers:
      Cold/Ice Manipulation: Ability to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature, can be used to control and generate ice
      Resistance to cold temperatures: Allows for Ice Manipulation to create glacial armor for battles or an ice cocoon for rest
      Enhanced senses: Ability to see, smell, taste, feel and hear more than a normal being.
      Favorite Color: Light blue
      Goal: Secret
      Availability: 6/7 (Might change soon as I'm on a job hunt currently)
      Ursa was a normal funloving kid at one point. She tries to block out any carefree emotions during the game.



    In case you're new, I'll use this section to briefly go over everything you need to know from Revive & 100 Days.

    T E R M S

    Game Board - The Game Board is the playing field of the game on which the Pawns reside. This game board can change in occurrence to the Players wishes. This means that everything from the location, to the relationship of the pawns can be changed by the Coordinator. For example, at one point, the Game Board location may be at a school campus while in the next match, the location may be in some desert somewhere. The Game Board cannot change in the middle of a match nor can it be in the - actual - human realm, it can only imitate it.

    Valens - This is what everyone here is! This is your rank! Valens [ immortals ] come from diverse regions and their powers significantly differ, however each one of them desire reign over the same land. To win their right to their world and eventually be granted Godhood, the Valens formed a game to play. Winner takes all.

    You can be born a Valen, or you can become one from winning one of the Game Boards. [ Like 100 Days. ] Just because you're a Valen doesn't mean you're playing the game. The ones playing to become God are referred to as Players.
    There are also many other ranks of immortality that we'll get into later.

    Pawns - Pawns are the pieces on a Game Board. All of the kids in 100 Days were pawns. They don't technically exist. Meaning when they die they're just unexisted forever. They're basically make believe. Each pawn represents a Player above the Game Board [ though they don't know that ]. Sometimes several pawns belong to one Player. A Player creates a pawn and gives them memories, feelings, hopes, dreams, fears, complexes, etc. Each pawn is created with the intent of either winning the game, or helping push things in a certain direction.

    Rooks - Rooks are the additional game pieces that are thrown onto the Game Board by the Valens. They have no hearts [ on the Game Board ] and their decisions and actions are controlled by the Players that cast them. Their sole purpose is to be used to manipulate the Pawns and assist their Player in winning the Game. However, despite this, they are the second most valuable pieces, even more valuable than the Players themselves [ as the Players cannot physically enter upon the Game ]. A Player is able to get close to the Pawns and interact with them through their Rooks without breaking a rule. Rooks are still a risk to take, nevertheless. Rooks are capable of forming hearts [ their own agendas ] and becoming a permanent piece in the Game. If this happens, the individual Player responsible of casting it out is disqualified and the Rook takes their place.

    Coordinators - [ aka: Game Masters ] are responsible for the creation of a Game Board and have a lot more control over what happens [ declarations ] and what pawns exist there. I mean, technically a Coordinator is still a Valen, but a Valen is not necessarily a Coordinator. This is what Crestatia was in 100 Days. In other words, for y'all newbies, this is who was killing everyone off in 100 Days. You can think of God as the Coordinator of this role play.

    Declarations - These are simply commands.This is what the Coordinators use to change things on a Game Board. Such as 'Declaration: Jayn is now a fish'. I would turn into a fish. Or, 'Jayn's room is now hot pink'.

    R E C A P

    Revive -

    Annalynne was given a Game Board that Crestatia decided she didn't want. She tries to be happy about the new powers given to her but is mostly just bored and lonely. At the end, it's revealed that Crestatia didn't actually give the Game to Annalynne and was the true Coordinator from the beginning. Crestatia was attempting to trick her and get revenge on her for something unrevealed.

    Crestatia appears on the Game Board towards the end of the role play to guide the Pawns into finding out Annalynne's name and basically ruining the Game. Because no one really accomplished that, Crestatia was forced to abandon her plan and create 100 Days to make up for lost time and come up with an actual winner.

    100 Days -

    Because Revive didn't result in a winner since it was more about Crestatia's revenge and all of the pawns sucked [ srry ], Crestatia created a new Game Board. In 100 Days, the cast had 100 Days to live. Their goal was to basically survive to the end. The winner was originally supposed to be the last one standing. There were also alternative ways to win. In the end, Devyn ended up breaking the Game Board and becoming the 'technical' winner.

    Devyn grew up with a boy her family took in named Chester. It turned out Chester had the unique ability to move from Game Board to Game Board after an unsuccessful suicide attempt. In other words, any time he dies he just moves on to the next Game Board. He taught Devyn all about the game. In the end, that knowledge is what had her labeled a cheater and is why she didn't become a Valen. During 100 Days, two characters actually ended up killing Chester [ upon request ] and Devyn was planning on becoming a Coordinator and being able to be with him again.

    Because of her perseverance and the way she handled Crestatia and the things that happened to her, Marina was also granted immortality and 'won'.

    There was a witch named Annalynne who came out of no where down onto the Game Board to mess with 100 Days. She has limited power and her name holds a lot of power over her if used in certain ways. Sometimes she can use that to her advantage but sometimes it's not so great if she doesn't ~ want ~ to be somewhere but is summoned anyway. When Annalynne is summoned onto a Game Board, she unintentionally causes chaos. Her presence summons all sorts of ****ed up things like hurricanes and eclipses of the sun and fire balls and terribleness. This is a result of something between her and Crestatia that hasn't been revealed yet. Outside of a Game Board she's stable.

    There was a girl named Rhia who could travel between realms [ and escorted some 100 Days kids to a trial island for reasons ] and could also appear in people's dreams.

    Last edited: Jan 27, 2014
  2. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Title: The Deviant Deity Demoness, Marina!
    Defining Trait: Seduction, Secret Seeker
    Valen Appearance: &
    Weaknesses/Fears: Emotional attachment to the other Valen Boats Snakes Losing Being Rejected Having an unsuccessful first game as Coordinator
    Personality: Marina has grown up as a person in the last three months. She was known for her seduction in 100 Days and her detest for women. She has virtually rid herself of that distaste, but is often times found flirting with the other citizens of Aether to appease her boredom. This place has been a significant change compared to what she imagined she lived like. Since becoming a Valen, she has been less self - absorbed and often times keeps to herself. While she did a better job at keeping her emotions in check upon arrival than her co - winner, Marina has become primarily a recluse.
    Magic / Powers:

    Empathy - The ability to recognize emotions exhibited by another person.
    Subliminal Seduction - The ability to project seductive thoughts to the minds of others, speaking with subliminal seductive powers behind each word, and/or stimulate the brain's pleasure centers by touch, voice, or thought.
    Pheromone Manipulation - Ability to generate and control pheromones which may have various affects.

    Favorite Color: #3A8495
    Goal: To bring back the two people she cares most about and feels she owes a debt to. To uncover Crestatia's secret.
    Availability: 7/7
    Other: // reuses half of 100 Days CS // Yay for cheating!
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  3. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    [/url] Title: The Treacherous Warlock
    Defining Trait: Deceit
    Valen Appearance: ♣♣♣
    Weaknesses/Fears: • Getting close to/trusting anyone • Fire • Suffocation
    Personality: Wry and duplicitous, he grew up lying to get the things he wanted or needed, he trusts no one. He believes everyone a valuable asset to him, regardless of rank. He believes himself smarter than all other players. Though he has a low opinion of everyone else, he still treats them with outward respect.
    Magic / Powers: ♦ Trusting Eye - Anything he says will be believed by the person who he maintains eye contact with. ♥ Discerning Eye - The ability to know when he is being lied to as long as he maintains eye contact with the liar. ♠ Projection - The ability to project an image of himself in one place while being in another.
    Favorite Color: #FFD169
    Goal: Secret
    Availability: 5/7
    Other: # W E E B S L A N G

  4. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Title: The Witch of Biological Suffering, Kuru
    Defining Trait: Sadist

    Valen Appearance: here
    Weaknesses/Fears: fears others with Control, fears love, fears fire and water.
    Personality: A very detached Valen. Her only goal is to beat this game and rule over. She believes only the worthy should live and the weak should suffer if not die entirely. She has some soft spots however when it comes to those she is close with. But that alone is a fear she has. In her eyes, there is no such thing as trust, meaning even her "friends" are on her watched list.
    Magic / Powers:

    • Magic Mirror - Ability to copy another's magical ability for a set amount of time. The user must know how the power works and use it on anyone other than the original user.
    • Biological Manipulation - Ability to manipulate and organisms structure but not to the point of death. Can cause minor disease or mutations as well as heal.
    • Time Manipulation - Ability to force an individuals biological internal clock to fast forward, rewind, or slow down for no more than a year. This only effects physical appearance and has no effect on the mind, other than psychological.
    Favorite Color: Whatever yellow this is.
    Goal: She believes only the strong should live and the weak should perish. A firm believer in survival of the fittest.
    Availability: 7/7 but varies if I am in town or not.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  5. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Title: The Mischievous Phantom, Garret
    Defining Trait: Thievery
    Valen Appearance:
    Weaknesses / Fears: Being robbed - Being stabbed in the back - His possessions being destroyed - Being Frozen

    Personality: Garret loves to cause mischief. He finds it fun to take things from people while they aren't looking, especially when he's right in front of them. Rank doesn't matter to him at all, he steals from everyone equally. Despite his blatant lack of respect for people's property, he does hold some level of respect for the other Valens.
    Magic / Powers:

    Plunder - Ability to take an aspect (such as friction) of an object.
    Transfer - Ability to transfer a plundered aspect to something or someone else.
    Invisibility - Ability to make oneself and others in direct contact invisible.
    Favorite Color: #682350
    Goal: To be able to claim that he's stolen God's throne.
    Availability: 7 / 7
    Other: Something goes here. Not sure what, but something.
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    you will be required to post every __ days, depending on where your crown is. If you miss your deadline [ without warning ] three times, you're out.

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014
  7. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    Title: The Wine-Willing Temptress, SANGRIA
    Defining Trait: Inebriation
    Valen Appearance: |
    Weaknesses/Fears: Boredom, sobriety, lack of control, being unable to see or sense things, corrupting influences, revealing opinions, mind control
    Personality: Sour, spicy, quick-talking, quick-to-anger, sultry woman who is rarely -- if ever -- seen sober. She enjoys the company of the other Valens, if not only to entertain herself at their expense, and philosophical mind-games are one of her favourite methods. Despite her inebriation, she has a talent for being careful and quick-witted with her words. She lives by the rule of games, parties, pleasure, and entertainment, but her constant inebriation makes it hard to gauge her true motives; at times, she seems to deeply respect and care for the others, but at others she considers them only her simple-minded little toys.
    Magic / Powers:

    > 「 Bacchus' Blood 」 The ability to turn water, blood, or stone into any alcoholic beverage.
    > 「 Sensory Dampening 」 The manipulation of one's senses; sight, sound, taste, touch, hearing; also includes nociception (pain), proprioception (self-awareness of one's body relative to itself), thermoception (temperature awareness), equlibrioception (balance).
    > 「 Bell Jar 」 The ability to manipulate the sanity of an individual.

    > 「 Bacchus' Blood 」 The ability to turn any liquid existing at the present state of temperature into any biochemical alcohol. Includes raising or lowering alcoholic intoxication levels in individuals.
    > 「 Sensory Dampening 」 Same as drunk, with added ability of temporarily shutting down one's mind for a maximum of five minutes.
    > 「 Bell Jar 」 Same as drunk, with added ability of manipulating the feeling of an individual's determination/apathy.
    Favorite Color: #b30059
    Goal: Whenever she has been asked this, she is known to have tricked an individual into getting themselves drunk and revealing their secrets instead. Thus, currently unknown.
    Availability: 4/7
    Other: | | | |

    Now now ... you look real tense, hun. Why not loosen up, grab a glass, and join me for a while; sound good?

    Title: Wisdom's Voice, MIMI
    Defining Trait: Innocence, Quiescence
    Valen Appearance: | |
    Weaknesses/Fears: Disconnection, losing her senses, getting too close with the other Valens, losing her dolls (especially Gotterdammerung), unnecessary effort
    Personality: A soft-smiling, careful girl who seems much too young at first glance. She is commonly seen nibbling sweets and acting extremely child-like; it is a strange wonder how she came to be, what with her simple-minded attitude. She carries a large stuffed bear around with her named Gotterdammerung, who speaks with a refined accent and appears to be Mimi's caretaker and best friend. Because Mimi does not speak beyond simple expressions, Gotterdammerung appears to speak for her.
    Magic / Powers:

    > 「 Coppélia 」 The ability to create dolls out of any makeshift parts that are imbibed with living energy under Mimi's command. Gotterdammerung is the longest-lived of these, as their lifespans are controlled by Mimi and Gotterdammerung.
    > 「 Ventriloquism 」 The ability to cast a part of Mimi's voice into an inanimate object (usually her dolls), along with temporarily manipulating others' "voices", or means of communication (not just speaking, but sign-language, technology, etc.)
    > 「 Mimisbrunnr 」 Copies or absorbs others' powers onto her dolls. Because most all dolls (with the exception of Gotterdammerung) are temporary, the power copy is also temporary.
    Favorite Color: Mimi: #808080 || Gotterdammerung: #4da6ff
    Goal: Gotterdammerung tells others that Mimi simply wishes to learn more about the Valens and their game structure, but as Mimi has never said her true goal yet, it is unknown if this is the case.
    Availability: Same as Sangria (4/7)
    Other: | | |

    Mmm ...
    It would be in Mimi-mistress' greatest interest if she refrained from further consumption of the saccharine objects before the state of her teeth degenerate.
    Mmm ... more caramel would be good ...
    ... It would be in Mimi-mistress' greatest interest, to Gotterdammerung's chagrin, if she received more caramel ... alas, 'tis quite a stir, but Gotterdammerung must implore himself to find some caramel immediately.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  8. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010

    Title: The Juvenile Mirage, M O R G I A N A !!
    Defining Trait: Petulant, Languid
    Valen Appearance:
    Weaknesses/Fears: Losing grip on her own reality Forgetting her original form Taking a nap and never waking up Getting stuck in another form Dolls Indecisive
    Personality: Sleepy and a bit bratty, Morgiana is somewhat spoiled and likes getting what she wants, but doesn't like working for her goals. She's very free-spirited but judgemental and likes to sleep a lot. Childish antics and mischief are fun for Morji, but she can't stand it when the tricks turn on her. She also seems to not have any respect for personal space. Most of the time, Morji doesn't know what she wants, but when she does figure it out, a rare determination comes to light.
    Magic / Powers:

    Composing• • • • Ability to transform and reshape the structure of one's body.​
    Arranging• • • • Ability to create and manipulate others perceptions. Stronger version of manipulating illusions; can't be used to the full extent very often.​
    Waning & Waxing Ability to control the age of self, other organisms, or non-living objects.​

    Favorite Color: #ED9474
    Goal: Morji doesn't know what she wants. She's still trying to figure it out, but she thinks that if she becomes God, she can get whatever she wants, whenever she wants, however she wants. It'll probably mean lots of naps that she can always wake up from, but she's fine with that.
    Availability: 5/7
    Other: Prefers the name Morji ( more-zhi ).

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
  9. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Title: The Avarice Daemon, A R I U S!
    Defining Trait: Jealously // Envy
    Valen Appearance:
    Weaknesses/Fears: The desire to have everything. Losing everything. Others having more than him.
    Personality: Arius believes that no one deserves anything, except for him. He becomes extremely hostile, cold, and distant to those who flaunt their possessions around and absolutely loathes anyone who considers themselves better than him by base of merit. His intense jealousy can sometimes cause his rationality and judgement to vanish, the consequences unknown. Despite this, however, Arius can still be amicable and friendly to those who keep themselves and their possessions in check. He is especially talkative with those who admit to him that they are less equal to him [ in terms of possessions ], though this type of "friendship" is quite rare since most of the other Valens are as full of themselves as he is. In addition, because of his Material Teleportation ability, he is a very keen observer and has a strong memory.
    Magic / Powers:

    Desire Manipulation - The ability to see the true desires of others and alter them.
    Material Teleportation - The ability to teleport any possessions [ be it his or another's ] to him instantly; however, he must know where the possession is before casting.
    Memory Manipulation - The ability to have another forget that they had a connection with a certain possession or person.
    Favorite Color: #E0B0FF
    Goal: To achieve Godhood for himself and to ensure no one else claims it.
    Availability: 2 / 7
    Other: N / A
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2013
  10. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Title: The Burning Passion! Magnus
    Defining Trait: Testosterone (strength) and Excitement
    Valen Appearance:
    Weaknesses/Fears: Becoming weak and losing his enthusiasm
    Personality: In short Magnus is a loud overbearing man that follows his emotions instead of his mind. He is always excited no matter how small or big something is and can hardly imagine how other are feeling due to his own ignorance. He is one who usually laughs something off and does not usually understand danger. To him danger is something he must face and defeat!
    Magic / Powers:

    Power of the Stupid: This power is an immunity towards mental attacks, Magnus' short attention span and dim witted mind cannot comprehend the invasion of his mind and merely rejects it. It isn't to say that one cannot ever use mind powers against him however
    Overwhelming Emotion: Using emotions to power and strengthen one's body. With strong emotions one can make their body grow much more powerful and can even repair the body if the emotion is strong enough.
    Favorite Color: #b30059
    Goal: He has no real interest in the position and merely joins for the thrill of the game
    Availability: 7/7
    Other: This games needs more TESTOSTERONE!
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2013
  11. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Title: The Winged Believer, Ambrose!
    Defining Trait: Flight
    Valen Appearance:
    Weaknesses/Fears: Falling Being Buried Alive Shackles The Letter Z Being Lied Too
    Personality: Ambrose always gives others the benefit of the doubt. He's a bit of a free - spirit and just wants people to be happy which can be hard in their world. Those that were not Valen - born are his main target to cheer up. They are so detached and emotional that he likes to make them as carefree as himself. He doesn't play the Games because he feels he needs to win, but merely out of obligation. Ambrose doesn't have problems with getting close to people, but can never seem to commit to anything because he doesn't care for being tied down.
    Magic / Powers:

    [[ Air/Wind Manipulationxx]] The ability to control, generate, or absorb air or wind.
    [[ Force Field Generation ]] The ability to produce powerful fields of manipulated energy.
    [[ Transvectionxxxxxxxxxxx]] The ability to fly through air [ Ambrose uses his wings ].
    Favorite Color: #867474
    Goal: To have everyone live an easy and carefree since they are immortal and deserving of it.
    Availability: 7/7
    Other: Ambrose was the winning Player in 100 Days.
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Title: The Enigmatic Joker, Vex
    Defining Trait: Versatility, Genius
    Valen Appearance: &
    Weaknesses/Fears: Absolute Failure, Being someone's puppet.
    Personality: Just as his title suggest Vex is an Enigma to many people. They only know the sides of him that he allows them to see and nothing more. Even with that being that case some consider him to be a bit insane due to some of his mannerism, though whether he truly is or not is a mystery.
    Magic / Powers:

    Blend: The ability to temporarily mimic another person's likeness so long as he has a clear image of the person in his mind.
    Cloaking: The ability to hide oneself or an item from sight for a certain period of time
    Telekinesis: The ability to move or control object with his mind

    Favorite Color: This
    Goal: To rule over everything
    Availability: 7/7 (Jazz band and if I get a job soon may cause problems)
    Other: Has made 3 drones (See image) that he keeps hidden
  13. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Title: The Benevolent Sorceress, D A P H N E!
    Defining Trait: Generous // Compassionate
    Valen Appearance:
    Weaknesses/Fears: Losing her loved ones and friends. Becoming a sinister and evil Valen. Aether falling into the hands of someone wicked. Negative words.
    Personality: An avid animal and nature lover, Daphne attempts to see the purity and goodness inside even the most vial Valens. She is very positive and optimistic, which fuels her need to try harder and reach further. However, Daphne is extremely sensitive and if another speaks anything negative [ about her ] to her, she will be emotionally damaged and physically vulnerable until she recovers. For those which she can't see the light inside of, she vows that she will either reform them or, if various attempts prove unsuccessful, end their suffering.
    Magic / Powers:

    Healing Palms - The ability to heal oneself and others through touch.
    Sonic Scream - The ability to generate high-pitched vocals that can inhabilitate another.
    Soothing Voice - The ability to quell another's rage or frustration through speech.
    Animal Translation - The ability to understand and speak with animals.
    Favorite Color: #C6E2FF
    Goal: To ensure no one iniquitous claims the Aether and, subsequently, Godhood.
    Availability: 2 / 7
    Other: Daphne bet on Brian during 100 Days and obviously lost, meaning that she has significantly less land than the other Valens [ though she doesn't really mind ].
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  14. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Title: The Selfish Shifter, Belle!
    Defining Trait: Greed.
    Valen Appearance:
    Weaknesses/Fears: Forgetting her original appearance, having her mind controlled, can't keep focus for extended periods of time, losing her immortality.
    Personality: Selfish, distant, changing. Will admit she is not the best but is still the only person worth caring for. Because in the end all you have is yourself, right? But even then you may not have you. You're always changing after all. Affected by events everyday. Which is why she fears becoming a new person, someone unrecognizable to her original self, a fear brought on upon from spending too much time changing and a certain event.
    Magic / Powers:
    • Shifting - changing her appearance to look like others. Must have a mental image of them to succeed. The more she has looked at someone the more accurate it will be.
    • Sound Manipulation - affecting the sound waves around her to make them sound like something else. Perfect for changing her voice to match whomever's appearance she might be taking on among other things.
    • Merging - merges two beings together for a short amount of time, whether herself and another being or two different people. The merged beings can share powers and thoughts. Both parties must be willing, however, otherwise it won't work or will be hecked up big time like we're talking some crazy monster stuff. Imperfect spell.
    • Intangibility - the ability to walk through walls (disappear and fly. he's much more unique than the other guys. No ignore this part.)
    • Power Bestowal - can give her powers to someone else for a short while. And during which she cannot use them herself. Not a fitting power with her personality but seems to have been a side effect of trying to learn how to merge.
    Favorite Color: White
    Goal: The risk is great, terrifying, but she wants everything. Even better when others can't have it once it's hers.
    Availability: 5/7
    Other: Likes to wear glasses despite not needing to.

    hi im trying this again if that is okay please tell me if i need to change anything. like those powers. [im sorry.]
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Title: The Wayward Wind, Gale
    Defining Trait: Reckless
    Valen Appearance:
    Weaknesses/Fears: Being tied down, Having no freedom
    Personality: Gale is a fairly cheerful person. Most people who know him have never seen him anger and assume that it's impossible for him get anger. While that is far from the truth, he's just skilled at hiding his anger under a cheerful and reckless persona.
    Magic / Powers:

    Aeromancy: The ability to control the nearby winds
    Wind Tracing: The ability to use the wind to find people or object so long as there is wind around said person or object
    Gliding: The ability to use the wind to fly.

    Favorite Color: This
    Goal: To ensure the free will of everyone
    Availability: 7/7
  16. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Title: The Unrelenting Shadow Beast, Nero
    Defining Trait: Fear
    Valen Appearance: V and
    Weaknesses / Fears: Bright Light x == x Being covered in nothing but light x == x Being cast out x == x Losing his power x == x Unable to do anything without shadows
    Personality: Nero values his newly found powers more than anything else. Even the land he holds within Aether is nothing compared to his precious shadows. As long as others don't try anything funny against him, he has no problem with them. If anyone becomes too much of a bother for him, he will go out of his way to get back at them.
    Magic / Powers:

    Transformation xxxx == x Able to change into a much more fearsome form.
    Shadow Diving xxxxx == x Able to dive into the shadows and move through them at high-speeds.
    Shadow Constructs x == x Able to create tools, weapons, armor, familiars, and appendages out of shadows.
    Shadow Projection x == x Able to project his consciousness outside of his physical body through shadows.

    Favorite Color:
    Goal: Unknown
    Availability: 7 / 7
    Other: Shadow Stands, baybee
  17. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Title: The Damned Observer of Fate, ASTERION
    Defining Trait: Curiosity and Conflict
    Valen Appearance:
    Weaknesses/Fears: To miss the greatest event, to watch things turn into a distasteful and tragic turn, to fall under the unfluence of a pretty face, to watch it all end.
    Personality: An enigmatic person whose emotions vary a deal. He is usually a calm and relaxed individual who merely goes with the flow but he does have a bit of an anger problem. He is a helpful person yet he does not tolerate stupidity and will get quite pissed off regardless of this and tend to start argument if it leads to this. He is quite a curious person and holds an interest in the many goals of the other Valens. He is not above interfering with fate, but is one who would rather not do so.
    Magic / Powers:
    Power Negation: The power to cancel the use of powers when around Asterion. Powers involving permanent changes and cannot be cancelled will be weakened a great deal. Power Negation also affects Asterion and prevents him from utilizing his other powers as well.
    Mind of Steel: A fierce and powerful desire and objective that remains in Asterion's mind. Though his mind can be affected, his overall goal and desire cannot be tampered and dissuade with powers.
    Energy Manipulation: The ability to manipulate the energy in one's body. By sacrificing one aspect of his body he can strengthen another. An example would be sacrificing speed for power or vice versa. He can also steal another's energy by grabbing them. He can also expell this energy in burst, but the sheer loss of energy makes it a double edged sword. Energy can also be used to form physical forms as well.
    Favorite Color: #b30000
    Goal: He desires to see change in the land of Aether, but claims he has no interest in the role of god. Despite this he will not merely hand over the title and if need be he will take up the position of god.
    Availability: 7/7
    Other: N/A
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Thank you for joining! I'm still kind of looking over the OCs to make sure everything is in order.

    Said this elsewhere, but just reminding y'all that you don't have to be a jerk to be a Valen. v: There are a few character types that seem pretty similar, so make sure you read the character sheets and your character isn't just like ... a duplicate of someone else's character because that's not very dynamic.

    I'm going to be working on the OP video so tonight is the last night to get a CS in and have them appear in the video. You can continue to sign up or make new characters but they won't be in the vid if they're posted after tonight.

  19. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    Title: Wielder of the Tachyon Roads, Darren
    Defining Trait: Speed.
    Valen Appearance: ~
    Weaknesses/Fears: Loss of movement/body control. Losing his family. Death. Being startled or unbalanced. Places with bad footing/transaction.
    Personality: A winner of a long passed game, many years as a Valen has made him settle down, and aquire suitable land. These things and many other factors have turned him into a kind and wise person. With a hidden current of his old, partying self that occasionally comes free at his whim. Driven to keep it and aquire more. However he does his best to stay neutral, knowing that emotions are much different then the mortal he comes from, he brands a stoic expression at the majority times.
    Magic / Powers:
    • Supernatural Speed - So fast that he doesn't leave a blur and he's long gone before the effects of his movements are felt by the dimension around him. Not as fast as instant teleportation, but faster then most flight. Top speeds are unknown.
    • Sonic Boom Control - Breaking the sound barrier in controlled bursts. Resulting in instant sonic booms. He can only use up to three rapid ones or one large one before he has to recharge.(SB's made while traveling do not require a recharge.)
    • Motion Manipulation- If an object, inanimate or otherwise is in motion. He can accelerate or deaccelerate it's motion. The higher the weight and faster the speed of the object, the bigger the strain on his body.
    • After-Image - His movements becomes so fast that he can generate one still image of himself that leaves in seconds.
    • Blur - This power of his is for other people. It allows him to make a target look like a speed blur. Reducing enemy accuracy. There is a two second time limit on it.
    Favorite Color: Electric Blue aka Sonic Blue
    Goal: Seeing only the good that can come from uniting the many owned lands. He plays, for a Aether better then the one left to them.
    Availability: 4/7
    Other: Has a cousin named Jaynabelle the Witch of Fast. shoutouttoairgear
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    okay so since I am on a phone, and the idea I was working on in my head all day is literally Beema's character Nero with only a couple of differences, I am doing all of this stuff from scratch with limited wifi access... I have a half hour before this place closes for the night -deep breaths- I WANT IT DONE TONIGHT.

    Title: The Falsified Guise, Prism
    Defining Trait: Mockery
    Valen Appearance: x
    Weaknesses/Fears: Has trouble focusing, afraid of getting trapped in a mirror, can't sit down for too long, afraid of having to stay completely still. Always needs someone to support him somehow.
    Personality: Prism is very quiet, but very busy. He is friendly enough to stop and help someone if they need it, but needs to keep moving to keep himself from getting bored. He also takes people's opinions to heart and is easily swayed to change to fit their needs if he can help it. If he talks, it is usually something extremely important, or if he is responding to someone he deems as authority to him.
    Magic / Powers:
    -Reflection Manipulation-
    1. He uses the mirror to change and manipulate reflections, and can communicate to another through them.
    2. The ability to teleport through mirrors, can only do this if another reflective surface is present, but it is harder for them to teleport if the reflective surface isn't large.
    3. Can mildly alter someone's real appearance through the reflection.
    -Echos- Produce or modify an echo, so long as he head it spoken clearly or if the echo was clear enough.
    -Size Manipulation- Can change his size either extremely large or extremely small, but is limited to the size of a building for maximum, and the size of a flea for minimum.

    -Mimicking Appearance- Can mimic and appearance for only a short amount of time before it slowly fades out into an imperfect copy. He can only replicate someone he has seen through mirrors and he can keep the appearance longer if he altered the person he is copying's appearance
    Favorite Color: White and Grey
    Goal: He wants Aether to be a place everyone can accept, and feels he is the only one who could do that.
    Availability: 5/7 (right now I am on a road trip, but as soon as I get back, the only problems I have are school and extra curriculars.
    Other: I'm sorry if these seems rushed if there are any problems please message me and tell me I'll get back to it as soon as I can D:
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