What do you do when your bullied

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Mexony, May 20, 2008.

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  1. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    I'm not sure if this is the place where I post but...
    *points to topic* ?

    Well it's sometimes at school, surely I don't enjoy. I don't want to beat up the person because I ahven't tried and will never. I'm told I was strong to hurt with my hands. But at home I'm bullied between two sis. Older and younger. One hits and one insults but I can't do anything but either pinch them or say something like.." I'm telling" <--wow I'm a chicken and a snitch. But I can't really do anything because I'll get in trouble. It happens everyday but I feel so crowded.

    Usually I hide all my feelings but then after a year or months I burst out to tears. What my mood says up there, isn't how I really feel, but sometimes..
  2. gerlert_fav2005 Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 19, 2006
    Somewhere... I ish not telling you, Florida! XD
    There there! *hugs*

    What I'm suggesting is:

    -When in school, just try avoiding those that you know will bully you. Many people bully to feel bigger and better. :\ If one does aproach you and you can't really escape, just act calm. If it were me, I would start messing with their heads.
    For Example: (Bully and You )
    "Hey! You suck!"
    "Yes, I suck so much that I would waste my time bullying a kid."
    Then walk away! =3

    - With your sisters, leave their space. They are probably messing around with you so that you'll leave them alone. I ( Unfortunately ) have 4 older sisters and a younger sister. My older sisters don't even notice me due to me leaving them alone. My younger sister, though, is ALWAYS around me, so I would usually say mean things to her and stuffs... O.O
    If your sisters are still tormenting you, just do what I said about bullies in schools. =3

    P.S.= You could have put this in the 'Help With Life' thread. Lot's of people are there to help people.
  3. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    I had bully problems but i got it sorted out i leand karate for self defence and now im out of school :P

    school knew i was being bullied though they tried to help but it phailed (bullies are to stubborn or stupid to understand)
  4. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    well if you have some place to go thats quiet and someplace you can lock, then go there to get away from them.

    and dont be afraid to tell. they call you chicken because they are afraid you would tell.

    oh, and, if they arent girls...follow xendran's advice. of course you dont want to start a fight which could risk getting you thrown out of school but if you feel you need to...

    they had it coming.
  5. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    :) Thanks guys, that helped alot, going to try all that out:)
  6. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    I am rarely bullied but when i am I say either:

    'Excuse you'
    'I love you to'
    'you dont impress me'

    i am usually emotionally bullied so these work i have never been hit by a peer in school so..idk about that kind of bullying i would tell an adult if i was tho because im just a tadal tale ^^
  7. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Bullies prey on those that they think are easy targets (I know, I've been bullied a lot). What I normally do is crack a joke. If they say "You're the biggest idiot in the world" then say something like "I know you are but what am I?" It's old, but it works. Make them think that being bullied doesn't bother you. They eventually give up. At least, that's my past experience.
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Talk sh*t back when they try to act tough,they back down when I do it.
  9. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    You face your fears head on.Thats how i do it.You'll be afriad, you'll be scared but just do it.Just tell them off and tell them to get on with there lives besides bulling you to feel better about themselves.
  10. i <3 poptarts Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 27, 2008
    Earth. Or Mars..
    i retalliate, lmao.
  11. Nexit@h XIV King's Apprentice

    Apr 6, 2007
    Berlin, Germany x'3
    Honestly...I've been through that as well...
    I know...It's horrible...
    3 years ago, in every school break there were those girls who always made fun of me because I phisically developed really early...
    They were all like " Ew look at you! You look like a small woman...you're horrible!" Or " Look at all those spots! Disgusting!! Why don't you put a bag over your head? It would be better for all of us!" Sometimes they even spilled the food they didn't like all over me...It happens that I was always alone because of that...I've became an anti-social and cold person...until I met my best friend...She was always by my side and always supported me...she teached me how to behave in front of all those guys who treated me bad...

    The best thing you should do when you are bulied is to ignore the ones who bully you...
    I know it's not easy because they really hurt us sometimes...but you have to show them you are a tough person...not phisically, but psycologically...If they call you bad names, just keep on walking and pretend they are not there...
    If you are being beaten up...the best thing to do is to tell an adult...someone you really trust in...It may be hard to tell as well...you may feel scared...but you have to do something about it...
    Or you can always choose to chalenge them...show them, you are not afraid of them..
    But well...you're talking about your sisters right? I have a little sister too and...god we are always fighting but we love each other...I'm sure they love you too...They don't mean all the bad things they say and do to each other, believe me...;)
  12. len Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 29, 2008
    wow were some much alike except with the chicken and snitching part :wow:

    i hide my feelings at school too but i got over the bullies there now they can't lay a hand on me

    cause i made them fear me :sly: i showed them the true power of THE GREAT LEEN :ninjacat:

    but that happened after they crossed there line ,most of the time i keep quiet

    but i still have problems with my sisters my big sis pinches me a lot with her tall creepy nails :cryinganime:

    and my little sis insults a lo ti can get over them quickly oh well there are onley these simple


    1- never pay mind to the bullies

    2- stay away from them

    3-if they cross the line you have to do something

    and for your sister's you :

    1- stay away from your big sis as much as possible

    2- ignore your little sis

    3- don't snitch

    4-defend you delf (don't be a chiekn)

    5-use force if you have to with little sis ( don't try that with big sis believe me she'd kill you )

    that's what i do :blink:

    i thought i'de share

    :nomore: no more being bullied yay
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I hate bullies...been picked on since before I can remember(literally) I've gotten used to it...I usually do something sneaky and underhanded to get back. Then laugh when they're not looking. Other times when I feel too lazy to do that I just go head on...people back down when you're a big enough jerk or ignore them long enough. I'm lucky that in highschool...I don't really have to deal with it anymore. I feel sorry for the people who get picked on/beaten up though...
  14. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    man i just fight back
    yesterday this kid tried me and i nearly split him
    he saw where i was goin so he immidiatly stopped
    dont take that bull**** from them
    most of them just talk a good one but dont do what they r supposed to do
    when some one "bullies"" me i bully them back and worse
    and if they try anything its on
    i'll never understand y ppl let others ruin their day with bullying
    i would never take that

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    I do nothing, since the whole reason they do it is to bug you and i annoy them back
  16. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Don't supress your feelings. You do that and one day, you are just going to snap. The worst thing you could do is let your anger take over and you do something you would regret. Be assertive and take action. If you don't like what they're saying to you, stand up to them and tell them they have no right to treat you that way. Don't be scared to tell your teacher or parents because then they can take action.

    Besides, if they do start a fight, let them strike first. You can claim you were just trying to defend yourself from someone who meant to do you physical harm.
  17. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    What you do, NEVER walk away. Fighting's also not an option, except if you have to. But walking away from it makes it just as worse. Most bullies laugh at you, or worse, they follow you.

    My opinion, stand still, look him/her right in eyes, and don't look away! Seriously, it sounds werid, but sooner or later, he/she'll give up. At least, that works by me.
  18. Mielé Banned

    Oct 27, 2007
    I actually tend to bully them back 10x worse now (I know it isn't really good but I was brought up to never take s*** from anyone)

    But before that (like before middle school) I used to cry when ever some one bullied me (usually about my name) >>
  19. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    That's something you should never do, you useually end getting beaten up.
  20. Mielé Banned

    Oct 27, 2007
    I never have been. People don't even try cause they know how hard I can kick (I kinda have a reputation for giving bruises that last for 2 weeks + >>)
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