The Resilient

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aelin, Dec 26, 2016.

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  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Dania strolled through the halls of the ship questioning her own thoughts. Perhaps she shouldn't bother April. Keith might have been sleeping or April could have needed the extra rest, but at the same time Dania needed answers. She was okay at navigation stuff herself but she would rather have a second opinion. While April might have been on maternity leave, when there was barely over 100 people left, they couldn't afford not to have people work in some ways, though she tried to keep it minimal.

    Arriving at April's room, Dania knocked before letting herself in, only to see Simon already there. She walked over to the sink and started washing up first, knowing that April would murder her if she didn't.
    "Simon, April, good to see you." She chose to use first names since it was not technically a completely formal visit. Yes she was here about work, but she also wanted baby cuddles, and she was tired of acting so distant and just being the leader. "How is Keith doing?" She asked deciding to start with the easy small talk before bringing up what she had come here to talk about. She took a seat on a chair nearby and pulled out some maps.

    "If you don't mind.... I would like you to look over some of these maps for me. I need a second opinion on how we might navigate through an area like this. I know it is going to be dangerous, but I think that Emma can handle it, and we might have a real shot of doing something that will prove of use." Dania explained before her eyes drifted over to Keith. "Um... May I?" She asked not really hiding that she really wanted to cuddle the baby.
    It was nearly an hour before John woke up. He was disoriented, understandably so. Last he remembered he had been waiting for Kathi, and... what happened? He looked across to where she was sitting, and struggled to sit slightly. His head spun as he sat up and he put his good hand to his head to try and calm it down. "What happened?" He asked her as he slowly realized where he was at least. There was some things he was starting to piece together himself, but he would rather hear the answer from someone else. John also noted that Simon was not in the room, he assumed that it was a good thing. If the doctor wasn't there then nothing could be too majorly wrong.

    After a moment, while he still wasn't clear on what happened, John thought he should say something at least.
    "I'm sorry." He didn't really know what he was sorry for, but it felt like it was the right thing to say. He knew that he had gone to talk to Kathi, and somewhere in there he must have passed out. He might have freaked her out or hurt her or something in the area. He didn't want to have offended or hurt her in any way. She was a sort of hope for him. She meant that people did survive from the Everlasting. That there was still hope that not everyone he had ever known was dead. After all Kathi was sitting right there.
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Kathi had been sitting there kind of relaxed in the chair by the time he had woken up. She was leaning into her arm as he realized where he was. Then she heard him apologize. And she could tell just from social cues what the problem was and she just sighed, "I'm not sure why you're apologizing, but if you want to talk about this, we should probably wait until your health is back up. I don't want you passing out on me again because the topic is so rough." she was feigning optimism as she shifted and said, "But you had nothing to thank me for. I'm sure if the circumstances were switched you would have done the same thing. I just think it's the right thing to do."

    Kathi stretched a bit before standing up,
    "Anyway, next time you wanna talk about the Everlasting, it'd be great if you didn't show up at engineering to do so." considering the fact that John hadn't even mentioned the name of the ship at that point, it was very clear she knew what he was talking about, "Especially when you need more rest. But, um." Kathi looked bothered for a moment before she made herself say it, "If you... wanna talk about it. When you're healed up, you can give a knock at my room. Just ask the computer for the location. I'm the only Kathi. I'm also the only Rierson."

    Kathi was ready to head on out before she stopped and said,
    "It um... it was Dressel by the way. John Dressel, designation Engineer in Training under Lieutenant Commander Darren Rierson." Kathi didn't walk out on that, she just kind of lingered for a moment, "Since um... you said you didn't remember... I uh... I didn't remember... but I checked because I had a theory..."

    April listened intently to what advice Simon had to give or what he had to say specifically on the matter. She took some stuff to heart but was very iffy about taking him out of the room. The mention of leaving the ship freaked her out even more. But by that point Dania had also walked in. She was a bit overwhelmed but she said, "Uh- I um. Yeah. I'll look at the maps but er. Simon is still checking on Keith. Then you can cuddle all you want."

    April looked over the maps pretty quickly and asked,
    "So you want to follow through with this then? I trust Emma's skills enough but at the same time I'm more worried about the potential damage done to the ship just from natural hazards. This part of space is very well known for it's constant change in meteoroid activity due to them just hitting each other and breaking apart. In fact, the previous expedition did in fact have a map of their own that had drastically changed between two years apart. We would have to depend on absolutely everything being manual and every hand on deck ready. And we'd need to keep track of the mass of the ship on a constant basis and make sure everything is locked to grid." it might have sounded a little out of hand but finally April took a deep breath and said, "Though, I have a theory that if we enter from coordinate 48-92-12, we would have less of a collision rate. But we'd be farthest from the crash zone of the previous ship."
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Good to see you too, Admiral." Simon said despite not turning to face Dania when she entered the room. Instead, Simon moved closer to Keith as he placed the scanner back in his kit and whispered to the child, "Sorry about all the scans, kid. Don't worry, they're harmless." Of course, the small boy responded in kind with his total understanding of Simon's words by making that popping sound with his lips that April had mentioned earlier. "Attaboy." Simon smirked and slowly rose back to his feet and stretched his back before bending to pick up his case.

    He took a quick glance over at April who, from what he could tell, seemed to take his words to heart.
    "Suppose it's time I get going." Simon turned to leave allowing the two women to discuss business, and cuddle a baby, by themselves. Simon began to head to the infirmary to drop off the medkit and as he did so he began to wonder where Emma was at the moment. Since he had crossed paths with Dania that meant that the meeting was over. Perhaps Emma was busy or she had already went to visit him, either way he wanted to make the most of his time off.

    Once he neared the infirmary he stopped upon getting a direct message on the comm system from his father.
    "Find the time to get to the navigational sensors. We're to need to make sure whether or not the planet we're passing by has any life signs."

    "What? Can't any engineer do that though?"

    "The calibrations needed require medical expertise."

    "Sure. I'll get onto it later. Shouldn't take me more than an hour or two." The sound of the transmission being cut came to his ears. "Uh...bye to you too." Simon rolled his eyes and shook his head as he entered the infirmary, nearly running headfirst into Kathi. Just beyond, sitting up, was John in one of the beds. From the looks of it he had just walked into some kind of serious conversation but that was not what concerned him.

    "What happened here?" Simon spoke as he moved past Kathi to get a better look at John.
  4. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Dania nodded and patiently waited until Simon was done before scooping up Keith in her arms just as Simon was leaving. She held him, making faces at him and tickling his belly, trying to make him laugh. She was of course listening to April while she did this, but she had to take advantage of time with the baby as well. She didn't know when she would have time to pop by for cuddles again, and being one of the only babies on the ship it seemed that he was in high demand at times. It wasn't all about Keith though, April was a good friend of Dania's and Dania did enjoy the normal company. One could on't take so much talking to Garrett, he was a good enough guy and all but far too serious most of the time. There was only so much of that that Dania could take.

    Taking in everything that was being said Dania looked down at the map as April spoke.
    "I know. I know it won't be easy. I am just.... we are desperate. We can't live on this ship forever, Keith can't live in this room forever. I want to do what is best for everyone. At this point I feel we are running out of places to go to. We get chased off most planets. Perhaps if we can make it there then we will finally be safe. I don't think there is much for life dwelling on that planet, but if it is possible, then we should take what we can get. We are fighters after all, the human race has survived this long without a home. I just hope I can be the one to end our wandering." She spoke sounding rather stressed about things. The spot that April pointed out to enter from would make the trip longer, but safer and Dania had to stop and consider it for a moment. "Safety is more important than speed to our location. As long as we can navigate to the planet or the ship then how long it takes doesn't matter, as long as we are safe, or as safe as we can be. I wish there was a better way...." She sighed.
    John ended up looking away from Kathi as she spoke to him. He tried to approach her to talk about the Everlasting and the past, but he was embarrassed about passing out and found it harder to face her. She suggested he got himself better before they went back to that conversation, and while that was understandable, it still made him a bit uncomfortable. She said not to apologize, but he couldn't help but feel bad for passing out, he went on this huge rant and then just passed out, it wasn't right but he couldn't change any of it now.

    John say quiet for a long time and let Kathi finish saying everything that she had to say, which ended with his name. "Dressel." He echoed, like he was testing the name on the tip of his tongue. He sat there thinking about it for a moment.
    "Right... Dressel. It... It has been so long since I have spoken that name. We weren't allowed our names, not on slave ships, they didn't care." He said slowly, barely looking up at Kathi after she also spoke of her father, and just a moment before she had mentioned she was the only Rieson on the ship. "I am sorry for your loss by the way..." He said quietly seeming uncomfortable, like after he had been so eager to talk he was at a loss for words now. He hadn't known what to expect when facing Kathi again, but it was more difficult to do than he thought when he wasn't doing all the talking.

    Before he could mess up more, Simon entered the room once more and John glanced over at him as he asked what had happened. John looked at Kathi for help, but spoke himself anyways trying to explain the best he could.
    "I- uh. Since you said it was okay to leave, I went to talk to Kathi. I guess I got worked up or something... I don't quite know, at one moment she was approaching me, then I woke up here." He explained basically all he could remember about it. There was not much else to share, not when there wasn't much else he could remember. Bits and pieces of the conversation, but it didn't matter, not in this context.

  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    During his walk a lot of things had gone through Allec's mind. It had started off with idea on things that he could make later on and ways that he could at least have it so that it looked appealing as well as ideally tasting good. Given the nature of most of the food that he worked with, there was a lot of trial and error to be had. Something said trials resulted in errors that fortunately never lasted to see the light of day after he'd had the misfortune to taste it.

    He had just about made it to where his quarters were when he had almost past Jael's room. Come to think of it he wasn't at the meeting and he didn't really think that Jael would miss a meeting. Allec stood there for a couple of moment debating whether or not he should ask what he was up to and once remembering that he had nothing better to do right now, he knocked on the door. "Yo Jael, you in there?"
  6. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015
    Cadmus didn't expect to catch Emma this off guard, but he figured that came with the task set before her. She had been so engrossed in the hologram, just looking at ways to get through.
    There was a lot of pressure on her to perform. "
    It's alright, Emma, don't worry about it." He said after Emma apologised for her absent-mindedness. He understood why she was so focused as she pointed out herself this was going to be a challenge. "Now that's a new one, didn't think I'd live to see you not ask for more power." He joked, though to be fair the speed and engine power she requested was used to save their skins most skilfully.

    He listened attentively to what she had to say. "
    It's not an aweful lot to ask, we'll have to check the primary flight systems before we get into it to give a better chances that it won't respond in any strange manners." Cadmus said "We'll check the calibration on the movement thrusters and if necessary recalibrate them, fine tuning the controls, checking the signal lines from your controls to the actual systems themselves." The calibration would be the most time consuming part if it were necessary to do. "We'll make sure that it'll respond as you want it to, speed, maneuverability, responsiveness we'll make sure we can get the best out of this ship that we can and during the crossing you only need to give us a call and we'll do what is required so you can get us through." Cadmus re-assured her, sure there was always the chance of something breaking but with the preventive maintenance and checks they would do prior to transit these chances would be minimised.
  7. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    April watched Dania cuddle Keith. Keith was blowing spit bubbles still and April closed her eyes and said, "I don't want to lose him like I lost Ron. I'd just, I'd rather him at the least stay on the ship..." she shook as she admitted this, she didn't necessarily like showing how nervous she was about the outside, or even the fact that the loss of her husband was basically what led her to becoming as much of a shut in as she was. Even before Keith had arrived, when she was working she'd be quickly in a rush to get back to her room, and people noticed this.

    April leaned on the chair a bit and said,
    "I just wish we didn't _have_ to do these dangerous things... if we could just... live life with no problem on the...." she stopped her self and shook her head, "Nevermind..."


    Kathi listened to his response, and while she knew he had been through a lot with the slave trade, the way he spoke just seemed so foreign to her. And of course, once she finally said something he started getting quiet and didn't have much on his own to say. But that didn't matter too much, since Simon finally decided to show up and do his job. Kathi listened to the exchange of explanations as to how he got there and Kathi nodded, "Yeah he showed up in engineering to talk to me and just kind of, dropped. I uh, I'm no medical expert but I think maaaaybe you should have kept him on bedrest a little longer... environmental stresses making it difficult to cope with new environmental stresses?"
  8. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Dania sighed as she studied the baby for a moment before looking back at her friend. "I understand your worry, I know you want to keep Keith safe and I won't ask you to leave this ship until we know it is safe the thing is..." Dania hesitated trying to figure out how to word things She didn't want to entirely push her thoughts onto April, but at the same time, it felt like a pretty universal feeling. "It is a risk, yes. It is a huge risk I know, but do you really want Kieth growing up like we had to? Growing up knowing the moment we could hold a tool, we were trained to work, knowing that all our lives were destined for work and that is it? I just... I want to see us have an actual home. Space to run, to live. I heard stories of times that children were able to run around and play all day. Times where there was little worry and where people weren't pushed to the point of trying to make child armies or do anything they could just to rise through the ranks and stop it. I want to see those days with my own eyes April. I want that for Keith and the rest of the human race. Yes I am desperate and taking risks, but at this point nothing short of that sort of risk will give us any hope of a better life." Dania argued before standing up and handing Keith back. "I am sorry, but I really must go. I need to meet with Emma, Garrett, and Cadmus as to make sure that things go as smoothly as possible." Dania informed giving April a weak smile. "Thanks for the advice. I will put it to good use."

    When Dania left the room she sent out a quick page to the three that she needed to speak to before heading towards her office where she had instructed for them to meet her. It wasn't going to be a long meeting, she just needed to make sure everyone knew their places and knew the exact plan of action. She would need all hands on deck for this and she would need them all running on the same page. This little meeting was their best course of action to get to that point. After this they would all need to get whatever rest they could before the mission.
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Garrett was quick to arrive at Dania's office almost immediately after he was notified of the meeting, taking a seat to wait for the Admiral. ...And Garrett waited for the meeting to begin...while looking at his super cool robo arm. When Dania arrived he rose from his seat as a typical sign of respect shown when an officer of higher rank entered a room. "Good day, Admiral." He greeted simply.

    Simon let out a quiet sigh and nodded. "Thanks for bringing him back. Looks like I was premature in the assessment of his readiness to leave." It was a small mistake but an embarrassing one nonetheless. At the very least John seemed to be fine and that was what the scan he began to take just now was showing. Nothing too out of the ordinary other than the obvious signs that John needed rest. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention this to anyone else, Kathi. Doctor patient confidentiality and all." Obviously this incident did not fall under that rule but it was merely a friendly request.

    "There's not much I can do for now. Getting a few hours of shuteye is the best treatment I can prescribe for you right now." Simon spoke to John as he began to return the equipment back to their storage spaces and the medkit back in its usual spot by his desk. There was still the matter of the assignment his father had given him...and the subject of the mission he had yet to be filled in on. One way or another he had to make time to speak to Emma about it given that his father had not spared him any meaningful details.

    "Think you get can to sleep on your own or would you want something to help you ease into sleep? I won't give you anything that will knock you out but there's a few natural relaxants we have laying around if you want one. Some of them make for a fine tea actually..."

  10. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009

    Emma listened to Cadmus with a smile on her face, it was a bit of a relief that what she was asking for should be possible. "Thanks for this, that sounds great. You know I really appreciate the work you guys do even if I don't always have the change to properly thank you for it. Hopefully you guys can keep the ship working smoothly for a long time to come." She wasn't stupid and she knew quite how much they relied on the engineering crew to keep the engine and everything else working...and how screwed they would be if the engineering crew wasn't there to fix any issues. Her trail of thought was interrupted with the page coming through to notify her of the meeting. Noticing that Cadmus's comms device was also going off, she grinned at him, "It appears we are wanted, I hadn't realised the time had passed this fast. I guess we shouldn't really be late for this one." As she spoke she turned and started heading in the direction of the meeting, which wasn't too far away from their current location.

    She reached the room quickly but it appeared that both Dania and Garrett were already here. "Hey Guys!", she said cheerfully to the two more serious members of the crew with her arms stretched above her head. She knew that both of them liked their formalities but both of them knew her and it wasn't like there was other members of the crew here that she needed to create a "good impression" for. She'd get serious when the serious talk started but the meeting hadn't started yet and she didn't really want to bother with that.
  11. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    "No problem, just doing my part for what remains of Humanity. It's the other way around too, we're thankful for you pulling us out of all the dicey situations that you did. And even if we're a bit annoyed or a bit angry that you broke something in the proces, in the end you still got us all to safety and in the end that's what matters. Here's hoping you get to pilot our vessel for years to come." The Captain said, he wasn't lying, they generally did rely on her piloting skills to get them out of dangerous situations and most of the time engineering could fix whatever broke but there were obviously sensitive systems around. Then first the Emma's pager got a call for her to go to a meeting, it came directly from the Admiral requesting both their presences, his own com unit received the very same message an instant later. "Indeed, Emma and you're right, let's get going." Cadmus said and joined with Emma on their way to the meeting. Entering the room after Emma, he closed the doors behind him. "Good day Admiral, Commander" He said nodding to each of them. He took his seat and awaited the start of the meeting. It was yet another meeting in a short while and Cadmus wasn't particularly fond of them but it came with the territory so he just had to suck it up.
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Dania smiled and nodded at each person as they entered her office and took a seat in front of her desk. While still a formal meeting, Dania was getting tired of the formalities all the time and decided to let it slip for a bit. It felt like the last few days were all just meetings and missions and formalities and she hadn't had much of a chance to just be normal and talk to people the way many preferred, April being the exception to this. "Yes thank you all for coming." Dania said folding her hands in front of her for the time being. "I wanted to call this meeting so we could run over the details of the plan before the mission. After this meeting you will all have time to rest until the mission starts." Dania said as a way of greeting before getting down to the matter at hand.

    "I consulted with April on how we should approach this. The best course of action seems to be entering here." Dania pointed to the part of the map that April had pointed out to her earlier. "Given the nature of the area, we don't know for certain all the positions of the asteroids, the best we can do is rely on educated estimates based on previous patterns of movement, meaning Emma, I expect you to be able to adjust the course as we go along according to what we see. This mission is not one in which the directions are black and white. I will be on the bridge with you. We will have a team of eight monitoring the surrounding areas and giving reports on where the best path is, as well as staying prepared for any emergency action that may need to be taken. Garrett, I would like you to set up and manage two teams. One to run the weapons and monitor for any hostiles, as well as be prepared to shoot at and break up asteroids on order if need be. The other team will be a landing team. That team can consist of people already working around the ship but make sure there are some prepared to disembark the moment we land to do some preliminary scanning. Cadmus, as for you. You will be in charge of shields and making sure that the ship remains running at all times. Keep your communicators on and on the same channels at all times. Communication here is key to the success of the mission and safety of our crew. Any questions?" Dania finished going over the basis of the mission with all the key leading players in hopes it would be enough information to aid in a successful mission.
    John sat quietly while he listened to what Kathi, then Simon had to say. He still felt a little bit guilty that he had passed out on Kathi, and even more guilty that Kathi sounded like she might have been judging the way Simon had handled things. How was simon to know that his body would react that way under stress when there was no indicating signs that it would? He didn't speak up however, not wanting to add any problems. John simply let Simon do another scan, only to come up empty handed, before relaxing back in the bed, glancing over at Kathi. "Thank you." He told her before continuing. "Perhaps I we can have a proper conversation when my body decides to cooperate better." He attempted to joke even if it wasn't really a good joke.

    Turning back to Simon, John considered what he was offering. Sleep did not come easy to him anymore. He often worked himself to the point he dropped before actually sleeping. Whether it was because of the fear, the nightmares, or the pain, that he couldn't sleep, he didn't actually know, didn't care at this point. He didn't want to admit he needed the help to rest, but after a moment put his pride aside. It wasn't like he hadn't been humiliated worse in the past, this was really nothing compared to some of the stuff he had been through, but it was a new ship, new people, a new life. He wanted to be strong, but he supposed his body had to adjust first.
    "If you wouldn't mind, I could use some sort of sleep aid." He finally responded.
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Kathi told Simon she wouldn't say anything to anyone. She understood completely the idea of patient confindentiality, and nodded at John when he mentioned them having a proper conversation later then she took her leave, since there was not much else she could do after that. She knew they had to prepare for departure to the planet with the asteroid belt around it soon, so she just headed on back to engineering, trying to keep herself focused on the now, rather than the issues of her past. Now it seemed she had someone she could discuss that with if she ever wanted to, not that she particularly cared to, but she had no reason to dwell on it on her own anymore.


    Jael was almost done with his translation, and when he heard a knock he quickly started writing faster to get the sentence he just translated out of his head, because he didn't want to lose it but he also didn't want to leave the person at the door. But he realized it was going to take much longer so he spoke up, projecting his voice, "Yes I am, come in." and the computer blinked to allow access into the room.

    When Allec walked in Jael looked up and said,
    "Ah, hello Allec. Just give me a second I'm almost done translating this." he wrote for another minute or so before asking, "Did you need anything?"
  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Understood, Admiral." Garrett spoke after Dania had finished giving them their orders. Considering everything seemed no more difficult to him than some of the most treacherous assignments he had been given in the past...especially given the more aggressive nature of the previous admiral. Garrett folded his arms and glanced over at Emma who, as always, maintained her enthusiasm regardless of what was going on. At least someone in this place could always be counted on to show up with a smile. It may not have been professional but it was a welcome change to the strict discipline he kept his security team following.

    There did not seem to be any time for questions because almost as soon as Dania was finished explaining the mission she left.
    "You heard the Admiral, let's get moving." Obviously, this was directed towards Emma due to Cadmus holding a higher rank than himself. Garrett stood up and, without wasting another second, left the room without another word.

    Simon, the great doctor that he was, agreed to drug the ever living daylights out of a good way. The sleepy kind. It was just a relaxant to help the man sleep, nothing too serious. One pill was all it took and once the medicine was back under lock and key(nothing could be removed without his or another doctor's say), Simon dimmed the lighting. "Get some rest. I know you'll feel much better after some sleep and breakfast in the space-morning."

    Finally, after having allowed John to get settled in Simon left the room after calling for his assistant to come in just to not leave the medical bay unstaffed. Once outside into the fresh open air one could only get from recycled oxygen in an airtight space vessel, Simon stretched out called for the computer to give him a location of Emma. The response he got was unsurprising. From what he could tell, she, his father, Cadmus, and Dania were in a briefing session. With nothing left to do, other than put off work his father had given him to the last possible second, he decided to wait outside the office for Emma to catch up with her once she was out.

    And...almost as soon as he arrived Dania left the room, heading in the opposite direction he had just come from. Thankfully it just meant that he did not have to give a salute or...similar respectful gesture. Not long after, his father walked out. The two looked each other in the eyes for a short moment and Simon just awkwardly waved at Garrett. His father raised an eyebrow in response and left Simon to his own devices after saying,
    "She's inside."

  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Once the door had opened to Jael's room and walked in, he looked and saw that he was probably in the middle of translating something. It was easy to figure out seeing as how he couldn't read a single thing of what Jael had written that wasn't already translated. "Not really, I was just curious why you weren't in the meeting." A simple question with possibly a simple answer given the translating that he must've been doing. Admittedly part of his was interested in some of the untranslated sentences were. "What is it that you're translating?"
  16. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Cadmus took his seat and just listened to what Dania had to say. He didn't expect anything out of the ordinairy from this meeting eventhough they were doing a little bit extrordinairy. It was all crystal clear and it seemed there was hardly any special task for him simply because what he was supposed to do was already part of his assigned tasks anyways, it would just be a slightly more focused on it rather than manning the bridge. "No, ma'am, it's all crystal clear for me." Cadmus said, this meeting was rather pointless in his opinion, a simple memo would have sufficed if this was the entire meeting, it would have been a lot more efficient and if questions arose then they could have always have held a meeting. The assignment of specific roles in this made him more confident in their mission, just like the advise from the navigator. It seemed like this meeting was going to be done quickly as the commander was heading out of the room already. "Well, ma'am if that is everything, I take it we're done here until we start?" Cadmus said, still remaining in his seat until the meeting was official over.
  17. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009

    The meeting started pretty much as soon as everyone got in but it looked like this one was going to be a short one. Emma listened to Dania's words carefully as she gave the team the brief run down of their responsibilities for the coming day. The redhead nodded before responding, "That all sounds fine to me, I can do that. I mean half the fun of piloting is reacting to the situation as it happens. It's more of yours and April's thing to carefully plan all the routes exactly beforehand" She smiled, the charts that the navigators provided were really helpful to her and she did make an effort to learn the hologram before hand so she had some idea of what to expect, but the true test was always in the unexpected. It was a challenge that made it thrilling. She glanced up at Garrett as he told her to get moving, that guy seemed to always be route marching somewhere, nothing was ever relaxed and take it slow with him. That said, it was true that she probably should be moving, she wanted to give the hologram at least one more look over before she turned in for the night. Cadmus was also asking for permission to leave, so with a swing of her arms, Emma was out of her chair and heading towards Garrett. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going." She glanced at Dania before leaving the room and threw her a grin, "We'll make you proud so relax, okay?"

    Her comment was probably a little hypocritical as even her own normally carefree attitude would be forgone tonight with working out how to make this succeed. However, relieving their Admiral's tension, if only a little, probably wasn't a bad thing. It would suck if nobody could sleep due to the stress and end up performing worse.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
  18. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Jael looked at the documents for a moment to actually think about what he was translating for a moment since it had become automatic and he said, "Transit access through two systems. In order to get to our destination for our next mission, we have to pass through neutral territory that conflicts a bit with our last botched negotiation attempt. I gotta send these through early on and make sure it passes. I'm doing two different ones because you can access on either side and since it's in unclaimed territory due to the asteroid belt, we're doing okay. I mean, if there is life on the planet then it's not marked under the official registry and that's all I'm worried about right now... in case you zoned out: business stuff."

    Jael stretched a little and said informally, "Someone at the meeting was supposed to take notes and send me a synopsis of what was going on. If they didn't, I hope it wasn't anything that had to deal with me... anyway, how are you doing today? Come up with any exciting recipes?"
  19. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    As the next day rolled around Dania dragged herself from bed, slightly dreading the day. While in some ways there should be a lot of anticipation in it for what they might accomplish, there was also a lot of fear for the idea that they might fail. If they failed here, if something went wrong, it could mean the end of the human race, or another fifty years drifting while their numbers slowly decreased. Dania didn't give a damn if she was remembered for her work as admiral. The previous one always dreamed of the idea that he would one day be remembered, celebrated when they found a new home. Dania could care less if she was forgotten in fifty years, all she wanted was for there to be a home for them to settle. A place for the human race to thrive once more. After that, it didn't matter to her. If she died to achieve this, then she didn't care either.

    Stepping from her chambers she barely bothered with breakfast, her stomach was doing enough flips that she was not convinced that she would be able to keep it down anyways.
    "Everyone report to stations at 0900 hours. Prepare for mission start." Dania announced over the communications system on her way towards her station. It was only about 7:30 but Damia couldn't rest anymore and needed to do something. If she could organize the crew to some extent then herself, it would help settle her, hopefully.

    "Garrett can you send over the final assignments for the landing crew and weapons crew?" Dania asked through a private line of communications as she got to the bridge and took a seat at the main navigational station, looking over the plans and the maps again, mulling over every option. She wanted to make sure everything was right. Nothing felt right, nothing felt proper, every part of her screamed that this was too big of a risk, but it was too late to back down now. It was one of those moments that she wished that her father was still around. He had always been good at giving her a hug and supporting her through difficult times, and now... now he was gone, she was on her own and supposed to be that support block for others. The full weight of the decision she had made was now baring down on her and she didn't know what to do.

  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Jael was there fairly quickly, he had gotten up early to finish up the rest of the document planning and had eaten a little while ago, and he had a feeling, considering the time, Dania probably skipped food which made him grumble slightly. He brought all of his stuff since his station was also going to end up being in the main navigation area for radio communication with other aliens they should run across. As he walked in he walked over to Dania's desk and placed the final translated documents on the desk, then he put down a little breakfast bar and said, "You don't have to eat it now but you know how mom got when you and dad didn't eat something before a big thing like this. Having something small is better than nothing." Jael did a slight lecture before he headed over towards his station since he knew he had interrupted.


    Kathi was pretty much already up well. She basically had to be there for engineering hours, but she was in a power nap in the area so she could work at optimum efficiency when the time came. When the Admiral's little notice happened, she got up and stretched and headed on downstairs towards the lower release chambers. If anything happened, Kathi and about three other people were to run around and keep changing the levels and levers to be sure everything was working optimally for Emma. Kathi also had another job where she was the one at the lower monitor to give cues and notes if anything went horribly wrong and to relay those to the captain as soon as she could.

    Kathi checked in on her spot and she had her waters ready, five canteens worth locked into a spot so they would not move rapidly during anything. Kathi read over the levels of everything and messaged out,
    "This is Kathi Rierson, everything is at optimal levels down here. I will check again when it's closer to deployment time since it's only 0730. Many are taking power naps, some are eating, most of us are ready to go for the heavy navigation."
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