Should Posts Count?

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by Jayn, Sep 4, 2011.


Should Posts Count?

  1. Yes.

  2. No.

  3. Don't care.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    This particular topic has been brought up in the past and now it's being brought up again for debate. Though I am addressing you all as role players specifically (because it's your input I'm looking for), this discussion is not limited to you only. I would like to ask that anyone who responds to this responds to it with an open-mind.

    The RP Arena has been placed under Fun and Games for quite a bit now because, well, it is fun and can be looked at as rather un-serious to some people. However, to other's, role playing is as serious as writing a story (which posts count for) on KHV, and means a lot to them.

    An argument has been that role players would reach premium too fast if all role play posts counted and the flip side of that is that people who consider themselves a KHV [role player] and nothing else won't ever reach premium which is just as unfair.

    A compromise being discussed currently is this;

    The RP arena would regarded as more than spam, and more as something belonging in the creativity corner/original works (as it is story-telling and CAN be just as intense or more) and posts would count in this section. HOWEVER. Moderation on roleplays would become a lot more strict. I would be enforcing the rules a lot more when it came to literacy and would probably re-write the rules a third time to make sure that posts counted for a REASON. (It wouldn't affect most of the RPers who take it seriously enough to put content into their posts.)

    For all who did not want to step up their posts, or just do it for fun and don't take it very seriously, there would also be a 'Light Role Play' subsection in which posts DID NOT count and rules would be lax. If a role play was posted outside of this section that was composed of one-liners and no effort, it would be forcibly moved to the 'Light' section.

    Also, this would take into effect as a fresh start. All of your posts made thus far in this section would not count, unless you contacted me personally and asked me to move your RP OUT of the 'Light' section and into a post-counting one because you feel it was up to par. Upon reviewing the RP, I would either move it for you and your posts would count, or I would tell you that it didn't meet standard and direct you to the (probably rewritten rules).

    Along with that, making new threads, you are free to post them wherever you want so long as you're following the rules in that specified section.

    Summarizing, the question is, what would you guys as the KHV RPing community prefer? Posts counting with a 'semi-lit/light rping' section where things would be the same for those who want it? Or things staying the way they are now, with the exception of the Discussion and Extended section (where RP posts WILL count)?

    Posted in the role playing section for a reason. I'm asking the role players. |: Please Vote on the poll and present a reason below for consideration with staff.
  2. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    I think it should count because I believe it will teach people to role-play better. I mean to make them post longer and hopefully making the post make sense and also making sure that people are paying attention.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    My say is no. Besides, RPing is meant to be fun. It kinda singles out some people by not allowing some RPs into the section where posts count and some in. Basically it's like saying, "Here's the serious RPers and the rest of you are noobs." Maybe not as extreme as that could be seen as it. There's a possibility for a lot of drama on it.

    ...On the other hand, if this gets passed anyways, I'm going to ask for just about every single RP I've ever been in(that's been brought back) to be placed in a section where posts count. << Meaning +5000 or so posts for me.
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I will address this more for anyone else with these specific concerns.

    The Extended Section could be seen as the same thing, but we've had no problems with it. (noobs vs. elites or something lolol) Honestly, inexperienced role players could post a role play in the post counting section and so long as there's effort and it's following the rules, it doesn't matter who is actually posting in that section; as as Heart said, it's a means of encouraging deeper content in posts, not belittling anyone.

    Also as stated earlier, most active role players on KHV have no problem with content-filled posts as it comes naturally. So for anyone afraid of feeling belittled, that's; 1) Against the rules in THIS section and on KHV in general, and 2) As long as you're following the rules, you can post anywhere you want.

    Edit; Oh. And I would only move your role plays into that section if there were active. xDD
  5. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    I would say yes on this idea. There is always a chance that some people may exploit the idea to get to premium status faster, but those people could always be dealt with. It'll also help people become better RP-ers and that would help everybody.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I didn't really consider the Extended section because nobody really posts there. >>

    What if people joined an RP but it never started off? Well I guess I can't really complain about that. It's just one post I'd be losing out on. Hm. I suppose I'll be getting a list of RPs I'd want moved. >> There are some pretty old ones...
  7. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    You and myself have had many a discussion about this very topic, and I've talked to many others about this too.
    You know my view and I say yay.

    Besides, with a section for light hearted RPs where posts don't count.
    This would give everyone everything. I see no downside to this at all.
    This would not be exploitable either for the reasons you stated, so I really think we should go for it.
    A lot of people take pride in their posts and it's also fun to be detailed and such for a lot of people, why not be rewarded in your post count?
    The role-play section is like any other creative section in that regard. That's what I believe anyway.
    As some people were aware, I was tempted myself to revive this topic in the suggestions section (I never got around to it... but yeah)

    For those that are more lenient, the light hearted idea would work nicely for them. XD
  8. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    No. Basically what Machina said. It'll only end up feeling like people are being singled out and it'll cause problems and the whole, "STAFF HATES ME." thing. I can understand the point here because I do sometimes feel like RPing isn't just...what it basically is, especially since I'm a writer. However, I highly doubt members would want to see themselves in the "light roleplaying" area while other members are in the other. I guess if members don't complain about being moved from one area to the other, then I guess it's okay, but I highly doubt every member will be understanding.

    The idea of the improvement is nice, but again...I just don't see this turning out well. I'm sure many members that know their RPing is decent and not just one line would be happy because their post count will go up. But there's also those that for some weird reason want premium so badly will spam like crazy and when everything is moved they'll be all, "YOU HATE ME."

    I'll keep saying no. I just really don't see this turning out too well.
  9. Smackdoodle McGiggles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 4, 2009
    what if you needed at least a certain number of posts in order to post in the "posts count for RP's" section? That way avid RPers can't just use it for spamming posts, it requires some actual contribution to the forum, or some sort of filter that requires a certain number of characters in the post for it to be counted (Not sure if thats possible, but still an idea)
  10. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    I would just like to say, most of those issues were addressed in Kyoko's earlier response to Machina.
    I would also like to say, it's the same with Auto PM and such we went through before. You can't please every member, but you should aim to please as many people as you can.
    As for the ones who will say: 'YOU HATE ME'
    They're pretty much just trolls who you get on any forum. At the end of the day, it isn't about hating or anything. If they would have a problem with the rules and the fact they can't follow them. Well, without being too harsh. It's tough luck. :/
  11. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I think it would be an alright idea. Having posts count mean you should be more into the RP, or you could just go into that "light" RP stuff you were talking about. (I kinda scanned what you put, since it seemed long to me). But if you're going to make a seperate section count, than I think it would be good for those RP-ers to put more thought into their RPs, and not just kinda, well, fool around when other people like to take it seriously.
  12. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    The new idea seems fair and brilliant. A subsection for those who want to Role Play but aren't going to put as much effort into it like people of certain Role Playing caliber and standards is great. Jayn will be there to make sure there is little to no exploitation. And once you reach 1k posts by typing paragraphs of depth and entertainment for the people you're RPing with? I think premium is a nice little reward. It's not like us Role Players RP for the sole purpose of pretty names. And if your thread gets removed from the section where RP posts count. Then QQ your ass down to the light section and deal with the fact that your RP isn't serious enough for them to count.
  13. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    It's not a bad idea. But an issue that may arise if this idea is approved, then perhaps users from the duel arena will ask for a similar request. And this idea, like a revolution, will continue to spread and may reach a point where users will want spam-zone posts to count as well. I may be over thinking this, but that's my opinion.
  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    This is completely different.
    The spam section is exactly for what it is in the name.
    Spam. And so on.
    The Role-Playing section has a lot more creative value than the other no post count sections. Which is why this is even being debated.
    Trust me, the day the staff considers making the spam zone count posts. Hell would freeze over and I'd be skipping down the road in a pink tutu singing 'I'm a little teapot'
    (that is a fun thought)
    But yeah, I don't think we'd have to worry about this kick starting a revolution. No way in hell anyway XD
  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I suggest doing away with the idea of segregation, and simply using this.

    It's a plugin that can be set on a forum-to-forum basis. It only awards post count for posts above a certain length. I believe that should sufficiently deal with this.

    Now off to see where else this can be applied~
  16. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    So excited.

    For anyone who doesn't get it, basically what this mod would do is automatically make posts count with a set 'character' limit. Meaning if you posted below the limit, you wouldn't get the post count, but if you went above and beyond, you would.

    The question is still, basically should posts count at all, or not so it doesn't change the purpose of this thread. But you can give your opinion on this mod, too if you'd like.
  17. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    Eh no offense but I don't really like this idea much at all. If you want more posts in that section it should be because people WANT to post there. I find that people spam enough in sections to get free posts. Also for the people who don't go in there it isn't fair. I mean it is a good thought but yeah I am not to thrilled about it.
  18. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Well, honestly? Yes.

    Role-playing's meant to be fun: that does not make it fun and games.
    I myself occasionally spend up to an hour writing out a climactic post in a roleplay, and I spend a lot of time on the majority of my posts. I understand peoples qualms, but I feel this idea is possible, if its thought through.

    There are those who have qualms about "instant Premium", but if one takes the time to post long thought-out replies, that's a post. That's definitely a post. It's commonly longer than posts in other sections that count, and its commonly more thought-out or mind-involved. And so, my vote goes to yes.
  19. Tienewman Like A Boss

    Jul 23, 2011
  20. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Let's stop the vote now.
    I'm all for this. I'm not sure how I feel about a 'lighter' section, but I can see how it'd be worth it.'
    With P's mod, I don't see any reason not to do this. If people really want to make their posts count, they'll take that little bit of extra effort needed to reach the limit. If not, then they won't try. If they don't care either way, then no harm done either way (lol "OH NO, I DID NOT WANT THAT POST TO COUNT"). The only problem would be deciding on a character limit and figuring out if a lighter section is still needed.

    People put a lot of hard work into RPs, especially the one who make them. If posts count for original work in Creativity Corner and places like the Code Vault (i.e., some of the coders' post count), I think it's unfair to tell RPers that our hobby, no matter how hard work we put it into it, isn't as worthy as the others.

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