Dream Drop Distance Secret Message at the end of KH:DDD [Kinda Spoilery]

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue' started by Amber, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    It could be talking about the coming battle between the 7 Light and 13 Darkness with the awakening of the seventh light. Or this and KH3 on a next-gen console.
  3. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    I'm thinking that that battle will be in KH3.

    Other thing I noticed: In the same video, at the end of the credits, at 4:10, it looks like a III. That might be a little far-fetched, but I wouldn't put it past SE to stick that in there as an easter egg.
  4. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    I saw what you were talking about. If it is an easter egg, the SE is probable telling us that the whole Xehanort Saga will in completely end in KH3. If not than it's just what happens when two guys walk into a bright light side by side.
  5. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    As encryptive (Not a real word, oh well) and ingenious as Nomura is, I doubt he would know of a PS4 or whatnot. If the message does mean something like that, it would probably mean PS3, as the KH1 and KHII were both on the PS2.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    That part in particular makes me feel like this isn't suggesting KH3 is on the horizon but rather that KH1 and/or KH2 will be remastered for an HD re-release.

    Either that or the "past" is the Keyblade War. It happened in the universe's past and it'll be coming around as the central conflict for KH3 it seems.
  7. Drop. Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 30, 2012
    I can't help but think of an HD collection of both KH and II when I add these together. never before seen details sounds like giving the SD KH games a HD resolution. Prepare yourself sounds as if We're going to release KH 1&2 so newcomers to the series can understand what the eff is happening after playing KH3D.

    It could be this, too. Not even a single game has been released on a HD console.

    It's definitely talking about that. I can't picture another sidegame (and with how BbS Vol.2 being canned, even lower probabilities). Other than that, dragging the story even more will become what I just said; a drag.

    My bet is on a HD collection.

    KH3's is this saga's closure, there wouldn't be anything better than finishing every possible incarnation of Xehanort.

    I read at another board that someone noticed this, too, so it isn't coincidence.

    More like Nomura, he likes leaving subtle hints here and there so the fans can speculate about stuff.
  8. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Next-gen console could mean Wii U for all we know. That console is supposed to have HD graphics, right?

    EDIT: Sorry, I realized I didn't specify. By next-gen console, I meant anything in either 7th (PS3, 360, wii) or 8th generation (Wii U, ?, ?).

    I was actually kind of wondering about the "past" part myself. As cool as an HD remake would be, I would much prefer the second option.
  9. Drop. Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 30, 2012
    It's not supposed to, it has HD graphics. Besides those, it also has Motion+, meaning that, if they do release KH3 on the Wii U, we might get something like Zelda Skyward Sword (which, honestly, I'm having a hard time picturing Heartless/Nobodies specifically designed to get hit by slashing them vertical/horizontal/frontwards).

    They're going to make the HD remasters. :v A lot of new fans have been attracted after KH2, they wouldn't understand the plot, so they could make a quick cash by attracting even newer fans, educating the new ones and pleasing the veterans by upgrading the main games to HD.
  10. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Has this been officially confirmed anywhere? Do you have proof? I thought it was just speculation, but you speak of this as fact.

    EDIT: I'd like to add that there have been rumors since forever ago that they were planning to remake FF7, but those plans never game to fruition.
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Nomura said somewhere that they were looking into the possibility of doing HD versions of the original games but nothing else was ever said and the idea was probably dropped.

    Also, there's a huge difference between a remaster and a full-out remake. A remaster of the series wouldn't take that much effort for Square. A remake like what people wanted out of FFVII would take a lot of resources. They're completely different things. Actually, FFVII has been re-released for PC. Not sure if it's in "HD" or not but it shows that they can do it without much trouble.

    Anyways, I'm hoping for KH3 rather than HD versions of the first two numbered titles. >>
  12. Drop. Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 30, 2012
    Not speaking of it as a fact, but as an idea that will most likely happen, seeing as how an HD remaster is something done in less than a year, staying true to Nomura's statement of releasing a KH game per year and feeding fans some fun so they can peacefully wait for KH3.

    They never go into fruition because SE doesn't want to remake the game. They have put numerous reasons. At first, it felt like they wanted to remake the game, but had limitations, but now it seems like they just don'twant to remake it. '_' They first said they needed to gather the original team that worked on it (impossible, a majority of the staff have either passed away, abandoned SE or relatively business with other things). Wada also said he'd remake FF7 after another title bests it

    In summation;
    FF7 won't get a remake, SE just doesn't want to.

    This is the reason why trying to connect the fate of rumors between FF7 remake and KH HD collection fails; these are two entirely different scenarios. One game is not getting a future because of staff unwillingness and the other one will most probably get an HD remastering, seeing as how it would be beneficial for the company and to the fan.
  13. pompom Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 22, 2012
    Hopefully it's Kingdom Hearts III I mean we've been all waiting for the 3rd title for about seven years now.
  14. Kubo Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 6, 2010
    Penalty area, ready to shoot
    I believe it will be another spin-off that has as its center a new organization member.
  15. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    See, this makes me think HD remaster, but with this...
    I think they're promising another numbered entry into the series, i.e. Kingdom Hearts III. The spin-off titles, while certainly important, have not been pivotal enough to be the numbered title.
    But this makes me frighteningly suspicious that the referenced title (Kingdom Hearts III) will be an HD collection. Which wouldn't be bad, but I'd want something more.

    Being optimistic, however, "the past will be reawakened" may simply be referring to a refresh/reboot to the series, returning to the sequentially numbering titles of the past, and that they'll be stepping up their game in terms of graphics.

    Still, it's Nomura, so cryptic as always.

    This is also a possibility, I mean, (Dream Drop Distance ending spoilers)
  16. Drop. Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 30, 2012
    Other than that, they would have to take out a lot of things that make the game what it is nowadays (like some obvious as hell grammatical errors).

    That new Organization might as well be the Seven Lights. What will it be called? Organization Seven? The 7th Order? :~
  17. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    This could harken to the idea of the Keyblade War.

    Talking about past makes me feel like the Keyblade War is involved since it's quite a central plot point now in the series.
    The new number for all we know could be 0, the origin of the series, where the Keyblade War is explored.
    The games are known for weird titles and spin offs, I mean, come on, a Zer0 wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination.

    It could also mean that parts of KH3 take place in the past, when relevant.
  18. Drop. Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 30, 2012
    Uh... Nomura himself said that BbS isn't a spin-off, but a mainstream title. A brought this because he called that game KINGDOM HEARTS 0, seeing as how it's the beginning of the series, the start of the chain of events that caused a reaction to other games.

    Like I said; KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep (KINGDOM HEARTS 0) is the origin of the series (and as far as Nomura said he'd go into the past of this saga).

    I'm going to try and picture a game centered in this:

    PROTAGONIST(S): Those who want the light for themselves.
    ANTAGONIST(S): Those who want the light for themselves.
    ENEMIES: It can't be Heartless because they haven't crossed the Realm of Darkness. Nobodies either because they started to exist once the Heartless entered the Realm of Light. Unversed because Vanitas isn't around and... Dream Eaters? I think there isn't a way out for them. They could also try an entirely new enemy, which I doubt this angle is going to be taken.
    PLOT: Everyone gets greedy and want the light for themselves. :v
    Scratch the part of protagonist, they're all antagonists.

    I'm not saying it couldn't work, seeing as how SE can make anything work, but I have serious doubts about it. We're close to the ending of the saga, bringing and stalling attention from what matters right now (Xehanort) would be kinda dumb. Obviously, the war happened even before Xehanort was born, seeing as how the event occurred before the worlds were split afar and during Xehanort's MoM, they had to use the Lanes. Other than that, we know what's there to know about the war:

    + People star fighting for the light.
    + The Xblade appears.
    + Kingdom Hearts appears alongside it.
    + Something happens that creates a destructive aftermath, breaking the Xblade in twenty pieces and Kingdom Hearts to the Realm of Darkness.
    + There are two ways to forge the Xblade.

    I don't find them weird, actually:

    + KINGDOM HEARTS (the omnipotent force and prime reason the game has even a plot).
    + Final Mix (They added the final bits to the mix, like a director's cut, something the director himself couldn't add until now).
    + V-Cast (For the mobile phones).
    + Chain of Memories (Memories are like chains; they start, progress and end. By Naminé manipulating Sora's memories, she had to start, progress and end).
    + Re: Chain of Memories/coded (The Re: meaning Remake, double-dots acting as an introduction as in what was remade? The thing that's after the dots).
    + II (Duh, it's the second entry).
    + coded (It's take place in a digital recreation of Jiminy's journal. Mickey had to code the book into his computer, so the diary was coded).
    + 358/2 Days (Make that division and you get the number of days Roxas and Xion spent in the Organization. Other than that, before make the equation, you can add seven and you get 365 days, that seven being the week before Summer vacation ended for Roxas).
    + Birth by Sleep (Although it isn't clearly exposed in the game, one can be born anew from sleep, or rather, reborn, I.E. Ventus sleeping when his heart was fractured twice).
    + 3D Dream. Drop. Distance. (3D because of the graphics, Dream. because they're both dreaming, Drop. because of the gameplay mechanic and Distance. due to them being separated).

    I don't find anything weird about them. '_'

    It wouldn't because it happened, lol.

    Can't see this happening.
  19. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    I think he means flashbacks when something about the past must be revealed in order to understand the present/future. I can totally see it happening.
  20. Drop. Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 30, 2012
    Like the flashbacks in KH3D? Now we're talking. This could actually work.