Kingdom Hearts Recollect

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by cstar, Jan 28, 2017.


Skype or Discord?

Poll closed Feb 4, 2017.
  1. Skype

  2. Discord

  3. Either

  1. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    You awake to find yourself on the cold, unforgiving ground of what seems to be a cave of some kind. It is dark, and upon looking around you begin to notice others are on the ground with you. You seem to wait to react until the haze in your mind clears: Where am I? How did I get here? Who are these people?

    But the haze never clears and you are left with a feeling of dread. You look to your clothing to notice a little pin on your shirt with a number marked in roman numerals, and everyone else seems to have the same thing but with a different number on it. These circumstances are extremely confusing to you, even scary. Why can’t I remember anything? What is this badge? There is a broken machine on the ground in between all of you. What in the world could that be? And the dark seems to be… moving?

    You begin to realize that the wisps of dark and purple colors in the air are moving towards the exit of the cave, they are not just the lighting of the cave, it seems to be its own thing. But on instinct you know it is best not to venture forth alone. You get up and wait for the others, hoping they can help piece together the puzzle.

    They can’t. Not yet.

    1. No godmodding, powerplaying, or metagaming.
    2. In this roleplay, people will be given roles which will determine what memories they can remember and what essential part in the story they play. Do not. Do not. DO NOT. Tell ANYONE else what your role is or what memories your character remembers in private chats. If you remember something and wish to roleplay them explaining it, that is completely fine. But if other characters somehow know things they should not know, I’m going to be really disappointed.
    3. Keep conversations PG. Please pull back on the swearing. Try and pretend you’re playing a character in an actual Kingdom Hearts game. However, I will allow the usage of “hell” and “damn”. That’s it.
    4. This roleplay will be semi-literate. Try and post a paragraph or two each post. It gets hard sometimes, I know. But that’s half the fun.
    5. Fights will not be handled in a formal battle system. They will instead be handled in a written style similar to brawl missions in Kingdom Hearts SOS. If you do not know what this is, I will have an explanation below.
    6. Be respectful of each other, this should be a fun time away from real life stresses. Don’t make it a problem.
    7. I reserve the right to add and subtract rules as I see fit.

    Before each battle commences, a cutscene will begin. A large indicator will be placed explicitly saying “cutscene start!” and the enemies will be introduced, or dialogue will be exchanged. When a cutscene has begun, the cutscene will last for three days roleplay time, or shorter if players determine the cutscene is complete. It will just start on the third day regardless of whether or not it was finished. This will give the chance for people to react within the cutscene and make it their own thing.

    When a battle begins, everyone will start with battle points (BP), the starting amount is 20BP for everyone. Each BP is equal to about 20 words a battle point used. If you were to fight a shadow, a shadow is worth 5BP. You could beat 4 shadows in one turn.

    Each person can post once, each round’s length will be determined based on the schedule of the players, but generally one round will last one day. After the round has passed, the enemies will attack with a horde attack. The horde attack will be specified at the beginning of each battle. Each person starts with 20 health points (HP).

    If someone is knocked out during a fight, a player can use their BP to heal. The maximum they can use is one-fourth of their BP, each BP equaling one HP.
    Parts to the battle system are LOCKED right now. They will be unlocked through progression of the story, and the explanation will be placed here.


    Starting from the time this has posted, everyone has until Saturday, February 4th, 2017 to post a “enrollment form” and be rolled for a critical role. If you do not want a critical role, you do not need to! But if you would like a critical role, you must post the enrollment form before that date! If you post the enrollment form afterwards, you will be rolled for a non-critical role. Non-critical roles are important, critical roles are just one of the more important roles! Also, if you are rolled for a critical role, you might not get one. You are just giving the “okay” to role you for a critical role. Thank you!

    Preferred Name:
    General Schedule:
    Time Zone:
    Roll me for critical role: y/n


    Keyblade: (free rein, use whatever custom/existing keyblade you like!)
    Homeworld: (if available)

    Username: CrownMoksha
    Preferred Name: MoK or Moksha
    General Schedule: I'm around 90% percent of the time unless something unexpected comes up
    Time Zone: The only one that matters (EST)
    Roll me for critical role: Si

    Username: Glen
    Preferred Name: Glen
    General Schedule: Available 10am-6pm every day except Thursday. Thursdays I'm available from 8pm-9pm, these times are in AEST. (UTC+10 according to Google). Do note I'm not usually on Skype or Discord for those hours, those are just when I'm available so if I'm needed and not online just hit me up on facebook messenger and i'll be sure to respond asap.
    Time Zone: Listed above.
    Roll me for critical role: Y

    Username: Usagi Tsukino
    Preferred Name: Tay
    General Schedule: IDK my schedule at work is never set so generally, after work until I leave for work I"m available (whenever online on skype)
    Time Zone: CST -6
    Roll me for critical role: ye

    Username: Aelin Fireheart
    Preferred Name: Aelin or Gabi
    General Schedule: All afternoon/evening Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Thursday. All evening Wednesday and Friday
    Time Zone: PST
    Roll me for critical role: Yes Please

    Username: Skyheart
    Preferred Name: Skyheart, Sky, Skaia, Tom. They all work fine.
    General Schedule: Sleep schedule has been pretty erratic recently but for most of them day and an hour or two into the AM is a safe bet for now.
    Time Zone: EST
    Roll me for critical role: y

    Username: Captain Arch
    Preferred Name: Arch
    General Schedule: Mornings and evenings Mon-Thurs. Free most of the time on Friday and Saturday. I'm here for sure though during mornings and later at night on weekends.
    Time Zone: MT
    Roll me for critical role: y

    Username: Fearless
    Preferred Name: Fearless
    General Schedule: Lol who knows
    Time Zone: EST
    Roll me for critical role: Yea boi

    Username: HeartlessOfLight
    Preferred Name: HoL or Nick. Whatever's easier.
    General Schedule: Free most days, mornings and late evenings. Not a set-in-stone schedule but that's typically how it goes.
    Time Zone: EST
    Roll me for critical role: No. I'd rather not risk being given one only for unforeseen life things making me wind up being less active or worse.

    Username: tamale
    Preferred Name: tale
    General Schedule:
    • S: Available all day after about 2pm
    • M: Available in the morning until about 12:30pm, and the rest of the day after about 5pm
    • T: Available all day after about 4pm
    • W: Available all day after about 5pm
    • T: Available from about 4pm-6:30pm, then the rest of the night after 9pm
    • F: Available all day
    • S: Available all day
    Time Zone: ET
    Roll me for critical role: No

    Username: O.KnightofTwilight
    Preferred Name: Light
    General Schedule: My work schedule isn't really set either, though I generally work 9 hour shifts of 8-5 I get on to check the site every day and I generally have plenty of time to post, with the exception of Sundays and Wednesdays, though I generally have a good amount of time then as well.
    Time Zone: CST
    Roll Me For Critical: Sure. Go for it.
    I. Kara
    II. Chrystopher
    III. Chloe
    IV. Chrono
    V. Xen
    VI. Daeni
    VII. Alder
    VIII. Relli
    IX. Marley
    X. Cerdic
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Username: CrownMoksha
    Preferred Name: MoK or Moksha
    General Schedule: I'm around 90% percent of the time unless something unexpected comes up
    Time Zone: The only one that matters (EST)
    Roll me for critical role: Si
  3. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Username: Glen
    Preferred Name: Glen
    Available in the following times:
    • S: 10am-6pm
    • M: 10am-6pm
    • T: Available from 6pm onwards.
    • W: 10am-6pm
    • T: 10am-4pm
    • F: 10am-6pm
    • S: 10am-6pm
    • If I am not online on Discord or Skype at the times listed, I can be reached via Facebook messenger. My facebook is listed on my KHV profile.
    Time Zone: AEST
    Roll me for critical role: Y
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2017
  4. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    Username: Usagi Tsukino
    Preferred Name: Tay
    General Schedule: IDK my schedule at work is never set so generally, after work until I leave for work I"m available (whenever online on skype)
    Time Zone: CST -6
    Roll me for critical role: ye
  5. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Username: Aelin Fireheart
    Preferred Name: Aelin or Gabi
    General Schedule: All afternoon/evening Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Thursday. All evening Wednesday and Friday
    Time Zone: PST
    Roll me for critical role: Yes Please
  6. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Username: Skyheart
    Preferred Name: Skyheart, Sky, Skaia, Tom. They all work fine.
    General Schedule: Sleep schedule has been pretty erratic recently but for most of them day and an hour or two into the AM is a safe bet for now.
    Time Zone: EST
    Roll me for critical role: y
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Username: Captain Arch
    Preferred Name: Arch
    General Schedule: Mornings and evenings Mon-Thurs. Free most of the time on Friday and Saturday. I'm here for sure though during mornings and later at night on weekends.
    Time Zone: MT
    Roll me for critical role: y
  8. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    Username: Fearless
    Preferred Name: Fearless
    General Schedule: Lol who knows
    Time Zone: EST
    Roll me for critical role: Yea boi
  9. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Username: HeartlessOfLight
    Preferred Name: HoL or Nick. Whatever's easier.
    General Schedule: Free most days, mornings and late evenings. Not a set-in-stone schedule but that's typically how it goes.
    Time Zone: EST
    Roll me for critical role: No. I'd rather not risk being given one only for unforeseen life things making me wind up being less active or worse.
  10. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Username: tamale
    Preferred Name: tale
    General Schedule:
    • S: Available all day after about 2pm
    • M: Available in the morning until about 12:30pm, and the rest of the day after about 5pm
    • T: Available all day after about 4pm
    • W: Available all day after about 5pm
    • T: Available from about 4pm-6:30pm, then the rest of the night after 9pm
    • F: Available all day
    • S: Available all day
    Time Zone: ET
    Roll me for critical role: No
  11. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    Username: O.KnightofTwilight
    Preferred Name: Light
    General Schedule: My work schedule isn't really set either, though I generally work 9 hour shifts of 8-5 I get on to check the site every day and I generally have plenty of time to post, with the exception of Sundays and Wednesdays, though I generally have a good amount of time then as well.
    Time Zone: CST
    Roll Me For Critical: Sure. Go for it.
  12. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Alright everyone, the roles have been sent out. If there is any confusion as to what the heck this has to do with your oc, it is meant to be a foundation you can set your OC around. I ultimately didn't want to tell you how your personalities were or necessarily how you have to roleplay, or even what your backstory was for your homeworld. These are all your choice. This is just the selective piece of information you have for the beginning of this roleplay.

    If anyone has any questions, when I wake up I will answer them. Please remember. DO NOT SHARE YOUR ROLES WITH ANYONE ELSE. Don't even say "oh I got a critical role" please! It just ruins a bit of the fun.

    Anyway, Discord won the roleplay chat location! I won't be making a skype chat. I want to have everything consistent and in one place.


    When I wake up later I'll deal with stuff don't hate me
  13. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Name: Cerdic Zoric
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Bloop
    Rank: X
    Keyblade: Here
    Homeworld: Ashen Rose
    Personality: Cerdic is a decently laid back person who believes himself better then most. He believes himself very attractive and thinks everyone is in love with him. He is a bit of an intellect. He likes being able to know as much as he can, even if it is not relevant to him.
    Likes: Books, good wine, the ladies, chess
    Dislikes: lowlifes, people who believe themselves better than him, getting dirt on his clothing, being rejected
  14. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Name: Kara Dawlistrus
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Here
    Rank: I
    Keyblade: True Light's Flight
    Homeworld: Village of Serenity
    Personality: Kind, caring, loyal, selfless. Willing to stand up for what she believes in, and has a strong sense of justice.
    Likes: Reading, writing, singing, the colour blue.
    Dislikes: Bullies, darkness, grey, videogames, people who think they're better than everyone, cats
  15. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    Name: Daeni (day-knee)
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Rank: VI
    Keyblade: Lady Luck
    Homeworld: Sentinel's Keep
    Personality: A crybaby and often scared of everyone, Daeni prefers to hide behind her best friend. Although, at this time, she doesn't remember who her best friend is in this group and would rather hide behind the closest object. Maybe if she learned their name, she'd remember her best friend.

    Although when it comes to protecting, she will do her best to make things right and protect those who cannot protect themselves.
    Likes: Candy, rabbits, soft things
    Dislikes: Sour things, spicy things, bad guys
    Other: Oh god.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2017
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Name: Alder Ritter
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Here
    Keyblade: Ends of the Earth
    Sunset Palace
    Personality: Alder is a rigid individual who's often more concerned with doing the right thing than the logical thing. He's very set in his ways and is more than willing to act first and think later.
    Likes: Honorable actions, silence, reading.
    Dislikes: Cowards, people who can't take anything seriously, being weak.
    Other: You are without honor.
  17. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Name: Chrono
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Oro
    Rank: IV
    Keyblade: Lost Memory
    Homeworld: Lux Horologium
    Personality: Chrono is as headstrong as he is curious about how things once. Once his mind is set towards something, it takes a lot of effort to deter him until he's content with what he's found. His cheerful disposition rarely fades from his face except for certain situations, in which his expression is one that befits it.
    Likes: Machinery, weapon designs, clocks
    Dislikes: Unnecessarily loud people, Being lied to without a good reason behind it, Being lost
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
  18. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Name: Chloe
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: kinda like this except taller and buffer and a less smiley resting face
    Rank: III
    Keyblade: Glimpse of Darkness
    Homeworld: Shimmering Meadows
    Personality: Chloe prefers to keep to herself, unless she really likes someone, in which case she'll...still be quiet, but around them. She'll politely engage in conversation if someone engages her first. She's not afraid to speak up when she's not cool with something, though, or to throw down if necessary. Her mind is not changed easily when she's decided on something, especially since she spends so much time in her head coming to a decision.
    Likes: Personal space, gardening, constellations
    Dislikes: Showboating, unfinished work, anything that eats her plants
    Other: Give her a succulent and you will earn her love forever.
  19. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Name: Marley
    Age: 20
    Gender: ???
    Appearance: This one
    Rank: IX
    Keyblade: Snake Eater
    Homeworld: Lunalis
    Personality: Scatterbrained, jumps to conclusions, optimistic, easy going, tactless, somewhat bossy, not really understanding of others/their problems, punch first ask questions while punching
    Likes: Eating, exploring, exercising
    Dislikes: Know it alls, waiting, being wrong
  20. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Name: Xen (Pronounced "zen")
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Here
    Rank: V
    Keyblade: Dual Disc
    Homeworld: Neon Metropolis
    Personality: Overall mild-mannered and calm. Xen is an inquisitive fellow, willing to go to great lengths to find out everything he can about something that interests him. He's also a bit of an introvert and loves his personal space. That said, he will happily converse and enjoy the company of one or more people in short bursts (assuming he has a choice in the matter). Deep down he has something of an instinct to protect others even if it means endangering himself. He sometimes speaks in a verbose manner, utilizing a number of words that is more than what is necessary to get across a point of conversation he is attempting to make to others while also attempting to give the impression that he possesses a high level of intelligence. Yes, that last sentence was an example of how he speaks sometimes.
    Likes: Discovery, big words, technology
    Dislikes: Vague answers, having to explain something "in ten words or less", being called a typical "nerd" or "geek" because of his interests and personality
    Other: He does wear glasses, but under normal circumstances he can see well enough without them.