Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Chrono had been planning to just sit down and eat breakfast, but the ongoing argument between Take and Boreas had put a dent in that plan. He found himself glancing over towards the two in between each bite he had taken of the food, seemingly expecting things to escalate further from when Boreas had slammed his fist against the table. Between that and the conversation, if one could call it that, between his sister and Torrin it was a wonder that he was even managing to eat anything. The latter was definitely less worrying, there was still the matter of him not knowing when or if he should jump in to try and help. As it was her first attempt, the very least he could do is let her try on her own. No matter how awkward it seemed. "Sure, I'll take some."

    This had been said moments before Boreas stormed outside after challenging Take. He glanced down at the hot chocolate that was left, then looked to Torrin. "Aren't you going to stop him?"
  2. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Chrys cast Reflega. With the several magic beams shooting at her, it was near instinct. Doubtless it was one her master had accounted for, and was all to ready to counter. Not willing to give him that chance, Chrys darted out of the field of protection as the beams bounced off, rushing towards her teacher with her weapon at the ready. She used a blitz attack to attempt to hit him as the beams trailed not far behind.
  3. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana looked over to Thallasa as she had answered her. She was a little confused as to what was happening but quickly caught on. "Well natural can be many different things to different worlds. I know of a world where waterfalls go up instead of down. And my own world's rain has healing properties. Perhaps here ponds spontaneously create whirlpools? I do not know." Illiana sighed before looking at Thallasa. She placed her thumb and her index finger on her forehead as she started moving it in a circle. After a few moments, she put her hand back at her side. “You do realize I was being sarcastic right?...Actually.....let's just move on and figure a way out of here." She sighed as she shook her head. Taran had then started to wake up. He told Illiana he was okay before asking her if she was okay. She sighed before opening her umbrella, reaching into, and grabbing a few pieces of paper. She quickly folded it into a fan. Illiana held it together and hit Taran over the head with it. "Next time you wanna run into the goddamn woods blindly......Do me and the rest of us a favor and don't. We're lucky we got out of this with some bruises and scratches. Use your head first before rushing into things. Nobody is going to come to rescue everytime you're in trouble." She sighed before rubbing her temple.

    Illiana stood back up and looked around before she started to hear some voices from within the cave. She prepared herself for battle before looking at the entities the voices belong to. Illiana had to slightly squint to see them before walking around them. The two had introduced themselves as fairies, one of them being the king. She then spoke up looking to the rest of them, pointing her thumb to the fairies. "
    Is it just me or does these pixies look like a mini Santa and one of his mini-mini elves?"
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria saw that Eilonwy came to and sighed out in relief. Once the girl regained her senses, and things started to get a little weird with fairies showing up, Aria helped her to her feet and listened as Illiana and Qamar answer the questions. She hung back, waiting for them to get the answers they needed.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin raised an eyebrow at how seriously Boreas had taken Take's joke but he simply watched on as the two exited Edna's home. He was certain Boreas would not try killing Take but since he had removed his tunic Torrin just wasn't how sure how far a confrontation would go. Still, he trusted the two enough to not permanently injure each other or a petty squabble. Torrin took another sip of his hot chocolate when Chrono asked if he would do something about the situation and Torrin scratched his chin as he mulled over a proper response. "There were...occasions where my father or my uncle would have men serving under them fight over differences of opinion or clashes in personality." He didn't want to explain to Chrono in particular of his heritage but the background he gave was vague enough for now. "From their experience, I've learned that intervening every time two people have a fight only serves to pacify a conflict, not resolve it. If I find that Boreas and Take are incapable of getting over their differences on their own, then I will step in. Besides, if they want to rough each other up they'll be able to bond over that. They'll both be fine." Torrin took another sip as he began to cut into his eggs.

    "And I'm glad you think the eggs are good, Tinarah. Uh...I can make more than eggs but I'm not used to cooking with so I'm more of a hunter I suppose. Other than that I've usually traded for food when I really needed to."

    "Ow! Not so hard..." Taran frowned and rubbed the back of his head. "Alright...I'll be more careful..." The boy looked at Illiana. "Just don't hit me again." Gurgi stifled laughter at the sight of Taran being hit causing the boy to glare at the furry creature and make him go silent immediately.

    "Accident!? Sure. Seems verrrryyyy convenient." Doli grumbled, his eyes narrowing at the group.

    "Come now Doli, they look harmless enough. You say you were looking for a pig? Why one had fallen into the whirlpool earlier this morning and we weren't quite sure what to do with her." The fairy king spoke.

    "You have Hen Wen!? Where is she? Is she alright?" The boy stepped forward immediately cheering up.

    "Why don't you see for yourself?" As soon as King Eidilleg's words were spoken Hen Wen came scurrying forward from behind the flying fairies and ran towards Taran.

    As Taran embraced the pig Thallasa stepped forward. "As much as a happy reunion this is, I am curious why you and your people have gone into hiding in these dreary caves."

    "Ain't it obvious!? With the Horned King stirrin' up all sorts'a trouble up there looking for that Black Cauldron there's no way we'd survive out in the open!"

    "I see..." The woman folded her arms. "What if we were to reach the Black Cauldron first and destroy it? You wouldn't happen to know where such a thing is, would you?"

    "Really!? You would stand up to the Horned King?" The king hovered closer.

    "Protecting people is what we do, so yes." The woman calmly replied.

    "Then Doli can take you to where the cauldron was last seen. Won't you Doli?"

    "What!? Is that my job now too!? Do I have to do everything around here?"

    "Doli will be your guide and don't worry about your pig. We can take her safely home for you so you can focus on finding that cauldron." The king assured them.


    The beams that came from his fingers disappeared a second after they had been reflected by Chrys's spell and an instant later she had already closed the gap between them and readied her counterattack. The man stepped to the side, narrowly avoiding her Blitz and retaliated by kneeing her in the stomach and sending her flying back. "More!" The Light Chaser barked at Chrysanthemum. "Hesitation is weakness. Weakness leads to death. Would you allow your hesitation to be the death of your comrades? Is there no more fight in you that the pitiable display you are putting on? Surely you have more power within you." The man readjusted his hood and pulled on his gloves to keep them tight.

    "I see the doubt in your eyes. The darkness is not a threat to be taken lightly and you holding back only endangers your friends and our cause. Now show me what you are made of, Chrysanthemum Light! Use every power at your disposal! Prove you are worth of the rank of master!"

  6. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar crossed her arms and listened in on the King and Dolli. Master Thallasa immediately agreed to finding the Black Cauldron and destroying it. Qamar shook her head and rubbed her forehead. "Oh brother...." she mumbled. "Master Thallasa, we should be doing what we originally came here to do. I'm all for helping after we finish that task." She spoke out in frustration. "Besides, how the heck are we supposed to destroy some Black Cauldron of immense dark power or whatever?"
  7. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah watched as Take and Boreas threw out their challenge and marched outside. Things were going to go over well, but Torrin thought it best to leave them, so instead she tried to continue the conversation that she was having... or at least attempting to have with Torrin. "Master Stamatis taught me how to cook.... We... grew most of the food we had. Sometimes Uncle Fost would bring us supplies, but not often. The kitchen we had was better than this one." Tinarah tried to make conversation. "Um... maybe next time I should try and help... hopefully." Tinarah didn't trust herself to be in the mood to cook, or have the energy, but she could try again one day and make more than just toast like she had the night before. She then sat there picking at her food more, looking down. "I'm sorry... that I am so difficult to get along with." It was her best attempt to be a little nicer.
  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Even if Chrono didn't want to admit it, he couldn't deny that letting Boreas and Take handle things themselves was better than the alternative of just putting a cap on the issue for the time being. In fact, he didn't like it just as much as he didn't want to admit it. "If you say so." had been his way to concede before taking a quick sip of the hot chocolate that Take had given him. With that, he feels back into silence as Tinarah continued her attempts to converse with Torrin. Certainly not smooth sailing, but they were still talking. Which was good in itself.
  9. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    It didn't take long for Take to follow him outside and the kid looked rather confused at him but Boreas looked at him with a look that left no room for misinterpretation. The evidence of Boreas service to the king was clear on his body each scar from a cut that he received serving in the war. He raised one of his eyebrows as Take spoke up not wanting to fight over this. "So you insult and challenge me to prove whether I had the strength to back up my words and now that it comes down to it you try to get out of it. Absolutely pathetic. And if your sense of humour entails riling people up I most certainly hope you leave me out of your jokes unless you would like my fists to remind you." Boreas said there was still anger in his voice. "I am not one to refuse a challenge, whether it is directly aimed at me or not. Get out of my face then if you are not here to make good on your challenge." If Take wasn't going to fight and weasel his way out of it then he wanted to be alone to find his center again and perhaps save the anger for something more useful.​
  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    It was probably the way Boreas worded the reply that made Take's stomach fill with quite a bit of guilt, but by the point Boreas had called him pathetic for trying to worm his way out of it, the boy didn't really think he could actually walk away from this. It wasn't a pride thing, he was probably past that point, it had more to deal with respect. If he walked away, Boreas would probably just remember him for the same thing Take did end up accusing him of, being all talk. And he didn't think he could sit with that. After a moment or two, Take let out a sigh and shifted to take off his sweatshirt and then the shirt under it. He probably didn't have to do that but it made more sense to. Despite being a smaller stature, Take had a bit of muscle in his arms. He also didn't exactly have battle scars, the exception being a slash across his back, it was mostly faded burn scars. When he turned to look towards Boreas he saw him put his fists up and Take looked down at his broken arm and hoped it was as good as it felt at this point before he put his fists up.

    It wasn't a short fist fight but it wasn't like it went on for far too long without a clear winner. Take could take some pretty large hits, but he couldn't dish them out. He didn't know how Boreas felt on his end but after a while Boreas had got in a really good punch in that winded Take to the point he knew he wasn't going to get up again when he lost his balance and fell. It was at that point Take held his hand up clearly in a signal to yield. He took in a few deep breaths before stating outright while still out of breath,
    "I... I never actually thought you were all talk... my joking just clearly was bad and not obvious I got carried away... it became too personal. That's when I disrespected you and the skill you've already clearly displayed while being here with us. And for that, I'm sorry." his hand was hurting quite a bit by this point but he was more focused on trying to breathe again than anything else.
  11. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana sighed as she shook her head before turning over to the pixies as they had revealed something very interesting. According to the pixies, Hen Wen had fallen down here earlier. "Well that was convenient." She put a hand on her hip. She looked over to Taran as his eyes lit up immediately as he heard the news. Illiana was kind of happy to see Taran finally cheer up though she wasn't going to let that show. Hen Wen had scurried out from the tunnel and into Taran's arms. The sight before her was actually heart-warming to her to say the least. She walked over to Taran and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm glad you guys found each other." Illiana looked over to Thallasa as she had started conversing with the King. Thallasa had agreed to stop the Horned King. Qamar had then decided to voice her opinion, saying to focus on their real task. She sighed in annoyance before walking in front of them. "I rather focus on this first then whatever this 'task' is. If you really want to go and finish that first, then by all means go ahead. I'm not gonna stop you. Too much work to do that." She crossed her arms before looking at the Pixie King. "As for stopping the Horned King..........I'm in. This isn't a monarchy.....It's just a sloppy dictatorship." She smirked as she looked at the King. She walked over to Doli. "Lead the way little guy."
  12. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria couldn't help but to sigh out a little when Illiana was already butting heads with Qamar. She rubbed the back of her neck and looked between the two girls before kicking at the ground a little. "Well... There's no use leaving until things in this kingdom are patched up. As much as I want to join the others again, it'll probably be safer for everyone if we take down the guy that's causing the most trouble." She shrugged her shoulders a little. "Or maybe we can split up to get the different tasks done all at once?”
  13. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas' words had only aggravated the situation even more to the point where Take took off his shirt too and wasn't going to back down either. Boreas simply put up his fists in a defensive stance no need to bleed each other dry by using weapons. When Take was ready they began Boreas pressed his advantage of both strength and reach. Take held out formidably but Boreas channeled his anger into his blows. He struck hard and true the counters from Take struck true as well and while it hurt and leave bruises and create more openings but it wasn't enough to put Boreas out of commision. Boreas ended it with a strong blow that left him winded with a quick follow up to send him just enough off-balance.

    Boreas remained standing to catch his breath for a moment Take hadn't gotten up yet and without anger clouding his mind he saw what he had done, Take had yielded and started apologising to him for the jokes and going too far. "
    Apology accepted, but I too was at fault perhaps more so than you I let my pride and anger blind me over what are as you said petty things. I should have been above it rather than resort to violence... I was angry and unreasonable..." Boreas said as he walked over to Take and offered him his hand as a peace offering and to help him to his feet. He had perhaps just been looking for a fight that morning and taken his opportunity no matter who it was.
  14. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Take accepted Boreas' hand, and used mostly his weight to get up. He was still breathing a bit but it wasn't nearly as bad as when he was winded. He didn't feel tired, but he felt drained, like whatever emotional height he was at was just gone now. And as he began to notice his hand hurting more he reached over to try and massage it to try and work out the pain a bit, but his brain accidentally associated that with the same thing he did with the scorpions. In fact, it was probably the first time he'd shut his emotions out without thinking about it actively. As his face seemed to just go back to the emotionlessness he hadn't really been displaying lately, he let out with a monotone to his voice. "Perhaps, but I guess there's no point to dwell too much on it. I'd rather you fight it out with me like this than have you blind angry against the enemy." he looked back over towards the mansion where everyone else is and continued, "Though I might challenge you to one of these again some day. It reminded me of the brawls I used to have with my brother... and I'm a bit of a sore loser."
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin stood up to clean his dishes and gave a slight nod of acknowledgment towards Tinarah. "I see...I think the team would be interested in seeing what you'd have to cook." He commented. "Hm..." He began to dry his dishes and started to place them away in their place. "This isn't related to anything but there was once a story an old blacksmith once told me. Cranky guy. Short. I think he's a dwarf? Eh...either way. Uh. Right. So the story goes..." Torrin dried his hands and looked over to see if either Take or Boreas were returning yet. It was silent outside now and he figured whatever it was, they had likely settled it by now.

    "Way before the Realms of Light or Darkness were around, there existed something else. Something before them. Vague but that's all the explanation I was ever offered. So way back then in this mythical time, there existed creatures of immense power. I was told they were once called god-beasts. So..." Torrin scratched the back of his head as his brow furrowed. "Hmm...I don't remember the rest of the story. Maybe i should have gone with something else. There was a hero with a sword...something about a flying continent...I think people even traveled by...cannon? I think there was even a jolly fat elf man in a red suit who gave presents to children involved. And a reindeer with a glowing nose. Huh. Thinking back on it now, I think old Watts was drunk when he told me the story. Uh. Never mind. Guess you can ignore all of that." He cleared his throat.

    Torrin snapped his fingers. "Ah! I guess I do have a story of my own. During my travels over the past year I once found a world that was a set of peaceful islands. There they had a legend that whoever plucked the fruit of one of their indigenous trees would be bonded with whoever they shared its fruit with. I looked at one of them myself I didn't see anything mystical about them but to the people of that world those fruit were special. From what I learned, they would be used during wedding ceremonies there. Looked a little silly sharing some star-shaped fruit but I suppose the thought was...sweet. Er...not that I'm a romantic or anything." Torrin shrugged.


    Thallasa shook her head slightly at the others. "We do not need to split up. Staying in this place has given me reason to believe that this place too will fall should we fail to help stop the Horned King. Darkness like that only calls upon more darkness. And..." Thallasa eyed Eilonwy and the girl blinked curiously at the woman. "As for our other task...I believe it has been completed already thanks to the assistance of Illiana and Taran here."

    "So yes, let us head out and stop the Horned King. We have powerful weapons of our own between all of us. If not our own blades then possibly the boy's sword could do the job. It seems to hold a great deal of power on its own. If none of those do the job then we shall have to figure it out from there. Being incapable of improvising as the situation calls for it would make for a serious weakness."

    "Alright well if you lot are goin' then stop chatting and git!" Doli called out as he flew back to the area where the others had first arrived. Once everyone gathered around the flying fairy as the fairy king started to wave farewell at the group.

    "Do you expect us to fly out or–Waitwhat'sgoingon?" Blue sparks of light surrounded them and they began to rise off the ground, levitating higher and higher as they were carried upwards.

    Fflam let out a yelp and Gurgi flung his arms around Eilonwy as the party was carried up out of the cave and through the surface of the pond without even so much as catching a single drop of water upon them. They were back on shore still dry despite having flown through the pond. Doli began to fly ahead of the group leading them past a clearing in the forest to what appeared to be marshes ahead. "Well don't stand there gawking! We don't got all day!"

    "He's quite angry isn't he?" Taran commented, looking at Illiana.

    "Gurgi no like mean friend." The furry creature commented after hopping off of Eilonwy.

  16. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah kept slowly picking at her food while Torrin began to clean up a bit attempting to tell a story. As he started his first one, then his second, she couldn't help but laugh a little bit at it. It was clear he didn't really remember most of the stories he was trying to tell and just the fact he was stumbling over his words like that, she found funny, it just seemed so... normal... of a prince or whatever he was. She was still trying to sort out exactly what the Torrin here was. She knew there he was basically the king of the dark realm. Here she didn't really know if the same applied or not.

    Torrin finally settled into a story about star shaped fruit and Tinarah couldn't help but think about it.
    "I think the concept is kind of sweet. Something to tie you to another." She sighed. She had gotten lonely with Fost and Stamatis and sometimes did wonder what it would be like to be with someone, and the story reminded her of that. "I mean I don't think you need a fruit to tie your heart to another. Stamatis is proof of that. The Stamatis here doesn't remember me, but he wants to because there is something there telling him he knows me. I think it is the same with Uncle Fost, but he would never admit that." There was fond memories starting to flow now. "Still I wouldn't mind trying it one day... If I ever find anyone to try it with." There was a slight sad tone, more lonely than anything but she didn't let herself fully sulk, just think on it for a moment, before eating a little more eggs and deciding to give up. "Sorry. The eggs were fine... I just... I am not feeling well enough to eat right now." She had gotten about half way through but her body just didn't want to let her eat anymore.
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Are you doing better, Stamatis?"

    "Yes. I believe I am, Master Skia."

    "Good. Remember, a banana a day keeps the doctor asleep."

    "....Do you do this on purpose?"

    "Do what on purpose?"

    "Nothing. The reason I summoned you was to gain some insight. You have continued your own studies into the arts of darkness, have you not?"

    "Not as intensely as Kide when it comes to that pet project of his. But yes. What insight are you looking to get?"

    "Due to his experiences in this Realm of Reflection, as Master Gero has named it, Gero has expressed his concerns over Torrin. He seems to believe that the prince can only be trusted up to a certain point. Thanks to some of the work Master Kidemonas has put into modifying our castle a few readings were taken from everyone."

    "What? We can do that now? That's...invasive."

    "It was merely to gauge one's ability to administer appropriate challenges for them."

    "And it just so happens that it can be used to conduct involuntary scans on our guests."

    "Perhaps you should take a look at the scans for yourself before commenting on the morality of the issue. Kidemonas and I have done what we can analyzing the data but I believe you can solve a few unresolved issues regarding our current ally."

    "Hm...I'll see what I can do, Master Stamatis."

    "Thank you."

    "Oh and...Stamatis? Aster and Atmos have been making the castle feel really tense lately. Do you mind sitting down with them and having a chat?"

    "I was about to suggest something similar to Masters Varos and Thyella. Choma seems to have been rather anxious as of late and I felt that a sparring session with one of us would do him some good."

    "I can pass the message along."

    "And I shall do what I can to mend the ties between the sisters."

    "Great. So....see ya later crocodile."



    "...I shall see you at the next meeting."

  18. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea

    Chrys reeled back from the pain of the blow to her stomach, and perhaps from her Master's harsh words as well. She rather liked to think thinking before you acted wasn't quite the same as hesitating. Charging in recklessly could be just as dangerous to others as not acting fast enough, after all. But then, perhaps her Master meant something different. Rather than just the powers immediately available to her in form of attacks, there were others that she forgot she had all too often.

    With a pulsing glow, Chrys began to levitate into the air as she let a new form take hold of her body. It was her Fleur form. The new elongated robes and dark blue hair shone with a magical Aura, and Chrys burst forth to deliver attacks to the Light Chaser once more.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2018
  19. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    That's right. Their mission as keyblade wielders was to stop the darkness from spreading...

    And with the hint that the princess had already been found, Aria glanced at Eilowny and made an 'o' shape with her lips as she got the message.

    It was then they were suddenly floating out of the pond cave, and while everyone else was freaking out, Aria couldn't help but to break out into a grin.
    "Weeeee~!" It was much different from being on a glider high up in the air, but it had the same effect of making butterflies flit around in her stomach. Soon they landed on the shore. She was astonished they didn't even get wet and looked back at the pond in wonderment. This world was really weird.

    Aria overheard Taran's and Gurgi's comments and giggled a little.
    "I bet Illiana and him would make great friends," the girl said with a slight smile as she began to follow after the fairy. The down mood she was in yesterday was nearly gone, and a little of her sass was returning again.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  20. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar completely ignored Illiana, not even looking at her when she was being rude to her. She decided to just listen to Master Thallasa. "At least they were able to do that." Qamar commented. "Though Taran looks rather capable with that sword, so he'll be safe." Just as she said that, they were lifted out of the pond and dropped off on the surface, dry as bones. Qamar patted herself, wondering what the heck just happened. Shaking a bit, she looked to Gurgi and Taran. "That was weird but...I like it." She smiled, nodding to herself.

    Aria seemed to be in a much better mood today, so that made Qamar happy. She walked over to Aria and patted her shoulder. "I'm glad you're happier today. Must have had a good night's sleep!" she giggled.