Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin scooted away from Aria after someone else stepped in on them making him self conscious about the whole thing. For just a moment he had felt the urge to open up but it passed as quickly as it came. Despite feeling uncomfortable about being seen some part of him was happy he had made Aria feel better. He folded his arms and glanced at the boy standing at the door then back at Aria. "You should probably take a shower or bath too. ...Not that you smell bad. A shower would do you some good." Torrin scooted a little further away, a soft floral scent still lingering in his nose.


    Zeno, Dentro, Pagos, and Koa now stood before their master. Zeno pushed a redheaded girl forward having grown tired of her attitude. Her curled locks of hair bouncing as she stumbled. "Excellent work, my students." The Light Chaser mused.

    "And who do you think you are!?" The woman threw back her hair to get a look at her captor and when she balled her hands into fists ready too attack the hooded man simply snapped his fingers. She collapsed to the ground under the influence of his spell and was rendered unconscious.

    "Dentro, put Merida with Kida."

    "Yes, master."

    "As for you the rest of you, take some time to rest before your next assignment. It seems that the time to find how our opposition stacks up against us is near."

  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    After being perplexed by the girl who had just walked into Tinarah's room, Chrono's attention was drawn towards the other man who had just arrived. "Morning." Having not seen him anywhere outside of briefly yesterday, Chrono took this chance to get a good look at him. The armor he wore was odd and made him seem a bit more out of place. This was of course taking into account how out of place he looked at times in the worlds he's gone to. It wasn't the best of means to use for comparison.

    Whatever the important matter that needed Choma's attention was, Chrono couldn't deny that he held some interest as to what it could be, however the pounding on Tinarah's door served to be a more pressing matter for himself. Not being one to jump to conclusion Chrono restrained himself from immediately trying to barge into her room. That isn't to say that he didn't attempt to open the door, only to find it lock and pound on the door himself. He made sure it was loud enough to be heard.
    "Tinarah! What's going on in there?" His voice was both calm and urgent. There were only two people in the room right no, Tinarah and the strange girl who had just waltzed in. He didn't think the latter was doing something, still he didn't deny the possibility until he could see it with his own eyes.
  3. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Take had arrived with the plate of breakfast just in time to hear Chrono yelling about something going on, and the noise of banging, like someone was trying to get out. Nini mewled curiously and the boy righted, walking past Choma and... whoever the other guy was... and he spoke up, "I literally just left for five minutes and we're already calling out for Tinarah's well being?" there wasn't much more he could contribute to the situation, looking around calmly before asking, "If the door's locked and someone's having trouble getting out, I imagine this calls for keyblades. Or a needle if it's one of those handles with the tiny holes." the boy held his arm out slightly to balance the plate on his elbow as he took his good hand and reached into his bag and rummaged around before pulling out a needle, "Fortunately for you, I have one. Well I mean, the keyblade too but ya know. Don't wanna panic her further by pulling out weapons or something."
  4. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar tilted her head when Tinarah called out to her. She started to lean against the wall when the bathroom door was flung open and Qamar saw Tinarah rush out, keyblade in hand. A blizzard spell smacked Qamar on her foot as she jumped backwards. She landed safely further towards the bed and looked down at her hand. “Oh crap.” she grumbled to herself, returning her keyblade to whence it came. Sighing, she stood up and looked at Tinarah.

    By now, the girl had pounded on the door and people were gathering outside the door. Though her words about being locked away caused Qamar to raise an eyebrow. “Who locked you up before? I just locked it so nobody would walk in on you after your shower.” she stated, raising her hands in a shrug.

    “Look, I’m not here to screw around with you or anything. So you can definitely stop trying to attack me.” she said that last sentence louder, so perhaps those outside would hear her. “Tinarah, I think it’s best I introduce myself. First off, I only know your name because of Torrin, who mentioned you first off. Or was it Atmos? Master Aster…?” she crossed her arms and tried to remember. Shaking her head, she looked back at Tinarah.

    “I’m sorry I scared you. Honest.” she said. “I’m not trying to hurt you, I’m trying to make sure you’re okay after everybody else barely took notice. Ever since you arrived here, I’ve been worried sick about you. About somebody I’ve never even talked to before this. Again, let me introduce myself.”

    Qamar stepped towards Tinarah and reached her hand out. “My name is Qamar. We’re at the castle of the Council of Masters. My master is named Kide. Do you have a Master?”
  5. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    The master returned his greeting but took a few moments to look at him, Boreas had completely forgotten that he wasn't showing his face yesterday only de-activating the armour after he had found him in the privacy of his room. He couldn't blame the master for the scrutiny. Tinarah's brother greeted him too but was pre-occupied with something regarding his sister, Boreas however remained focused on the task at hand. There were enough people here with the apparant return of the boy that had showed up first yesterday apologising for his appearance if it disturbed anyone to have a handle on whatever was happening inside Tinarah's room. He nodded to Choma then giving him a slight jerk of the head down the hallway to follow him. When they were out of earshot of those at Tinarah's room he turned to Choma. "Something happened with Aria, I don't know what happened exactly but Torrin instructed me to find you and tell you to find the Master of this castle and go to Aria's room. All I know is it had something to do with a nightmare, but from the way Aria spoke there was more going on than a simple nightmare, if it was I can hardly imagine being sent for you." Boreas explained in a hushed tone. "If you do not mind, I'd like to accompany you in finding the Master of this castle." He had followed his orders to the letter, and while he couldn't guarantee full discretion within a place like this he did what he could to guarantee it. Torrin was looking after Aria and Boreas was confident that his friend could take care of it.
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Chrono turned away from the door and towards take upon hearing his friends suggestion. He did have a point, well with the needle idea. His keyblade was what he was planning on using should the need to barge in actually arise. Chrono stepped away from the door once Take had pulled out a needle from his bag. "You're right about that, but why do you have a needle in the first place?" Chrono found that to be a little odd to have something like that just sitting in ones bag. Not to mention the food that he had brought with with. Waffles, tasty looking waffles at that.
  7. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    “Hm?” Aria glanced over at Torrin and chuckled when he suggested a shower. “No, I know what you mean!” She said with a grin to show she wasn’t offended with the suggestion. “Showers and baths help relax you... especially after something stressful happens or you just had a bad day... or night.” She ran her fingers through her hair and cringed when she caught them in a snarl and freed them with a shake of her hand. “That sounds like a good idea... I don’t want to miss Master Choma though... I mean, I can take a five to ten minute shower to get clean. Just it won’t be super relaxing. But I’d feel a bit better. I dunno, should I wait?” She asked Torrin with a raise of her brow.
  8. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Take raised an eyebrow at Chrono's question and said, "I mean, there are a lot of uses to needles. Stitching up clothes, if you need to open something and you need something small. Holding stuff together if you run out of pins. If desperate, stitching up your wounds." Take held out the needle for Chrono to use, "It's not like my bag is empty with a needle in it, there's other supplies too, this was just the most relevant thing... though a tiny screwdriver for glasses might have been just as effective in this scenario.." Take looked away as if he was drifting into thought before he quickly snapped back to reality and looked at Chrono, "Not the point."
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Go on. They won't leave just because they need to wait for you to get out of the shower. If you're worried about being rude then I'll give them a rundown of what happened." Torrin stood up and relaxed somewhat now that Aria appeared to be doing better. "I'll be just outside so if you need anything, just shout. Or scream...again. Er...I hope that wasn't too soon. You know what? Forget it. I'm out of practice with humor. Go wash up." He headed towards her door, motioning for Glyde to back up some. "Hey...Wasn't there another girl in your group? I don't think she's woken up yet. Or if she has, she must have wandered about during the night. Bring her along for breakfast if you're in the mood for company on the way."


    Choma looked back over to Tinarah's room his concern already going. At the very least it seemed like Takehiko and Chrono could handle the situation. ...Whatever was going on. The mention of Aria's nightmares troubled him. He had heard her before but he had dismissed it as a case of childhood trauma as was typically common. This time however sounded different and Torrin was worried enough to ask for Stamatis as well...though he supposed that now that Gero was back, the old man had returned to being the master once more. "Alright you can come but wait just one moment."

    Low on patience and still worried for Tinarah, Choma summoned his keyblade and stepped over towards the two students and tapped on the door with it. There was a faint click when the door was unlocked but not opened. "I need to take care of something. Please handle the situation delicately." He warned the two before turning to leave with Boreas. The two entered the main hall and Choma hurried up the stairs, their footsteps echoing in the castle.

    "I never expected to be coming back here so soon. Or with anyone accompanying me. The council never receive guests. Ever." Choma spoke as they ascended the stairs and rounded a corner head up another flight of stairs before they were on the next floor. "They better explain soon what's going on here." He muttered mostly to himself in frustration but could not help but say it loud enough for Boreas to overhear.

  10. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Boreas stood by after Choma gave permission for him to accompany him to the master of this castle, if what Atmos had said was anything to go by he already knew exactly who to expect as the master of this castle, the man he saved from drowning out in the Dark Margin, the man he had attacked in Choma's Castle as they were on the way out, they were going to find Gero. As Boreas followed Choma he mentioned that the Masters never received visitors and not returning so soon. "I take it you were here not too long before then? What happened?" Boreas asked, if he had to hazard a guess it was for a request for help, with the forces they had arrayed against the Light Chaser he could understand wanting support in the fight, but Atmos had mentioned they hadn't even been in contact, remained quiet. Choma muttered something about hoping for explanations. "I too would like some explanations on some things, like why according to Master Atmos they remained quiet and aren't involved in the fight against the Light Chaser. Perhaps the master of the Castle may shed light on the issue. Although Master Aster did mention that we would be caught up today as to what is happening, we would be provided with answers too." If they commited everyone to the fight against the light chaser the odds would be stacked in their favour, but he had seen the martial prowess of the Light Chaser first hand and even if the odds would be in their favour he knew there would be significant losses involved perhaps they simply thought those losses were unacceptable.
  11. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria blinked when Torrin suggested to scream if she needed him and snorted at the attempted humor. She smiled and shook her head as Torrin headed to the doorframe to talk to Glyde and carefully slipped out of bed. She stretched out her tired muscles, only to shiver from the chilly air and grabbed her rainbow fleece blanket from her bed. That much she was able to pack along with a change of clothes, and the grey T-shirt with printed rainbows on clouds on blue PJ bottoms. She wrapped her blanket tightly around herself and went to her bag, digging passed the bags of beads she snagged from the last world and pulled out a clean outfit. With that, she nodded her head and slipped into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

    True to her word, she took a very fast shower, cleaning off most of the dirt and grime. Once she dried off just as speedily, she slipped on her outfit and wrapped her towel around her long, purplish hair. She sat it on top like a turban and then hummed as she unlocked the door and ventured out.

    “All done~” she declared. She was now wearing a purple, sleeveless dress like tunic top with a single belt around her waist. The neckline was cut into a v-like shape, and the collar was up midneck. She wore a choker with a rainbow star in the middle, and greyish-blue leggings with a floral pattern on them.

    She placed her folded PJs in her bag and then sat down in a comfy chair by a desk. “So... where do you come from, Torrin?” Aria asked as she wrung her hair out with her towel. She wanted to make small talk, given how awkward the situation was earlier. She felt bad he had to see her like that... or anyone for that matter. She knew how much it bothered people to see her cry or get sad. So she was trying to make the atmosphere more relaxed and welcoming now that the worst was over and she was awake... it wouldn’t do good to keep dwelling on what happened after all. It still bothered her, but she knew she’d get a chance to talk to Master Choma soon about it.
  12. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Adalric could hardly sleep that night. We're it not from the exhaustion of preparing several times as many meals as he was used to, his nerves probably wouldn't let him sleep at all. He folded his pillow over his head, trying to drown out ambient noise. Things were getting complicated...and he had a feeling that come tomorrow, they were about to get even worse.

    When morning finally broke, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, got dressed, summoned his keyblade, and performed a few maneuvers with it. If anyone had been watching (which he hoped with all his might no one was), they'd be able to tell they were defensive maneuvers. Parries, sidesteps, and the occasional counter. His eyes were closed, as though he were fighting some invisible enemy in his mind. In fact, that's exactly what he was doing.

    While it wasn't quite real combat training, it was surprisingly not as far from it as one would initially think. The enemy's movements were akin to that of one he would realistically face, and that allowed him to hone his own movements accordingly. This was a fairly light combat, for lack of a better term, due to his room not being a terribly large surface. After a few moments, he fell backwards and opened his eyes, evidently defeated by whatever it was his mind had conjured up.

    "Master, you really are stupidly strong..." The man muttered to himself after a sigh. Rising to his feet once again, he dusted himself off and went about the rest of his morning activities. Once he was ready to set out, he grabbed clipboard and set out to find what their guests wanted for breakfast. Trying to keep track of everything in his head last night had proved nightmarish.

    He headed to the rooms in no particular order, or at least, he would've if the first room hadn't been something that required his immediate attention. He didn't knock on the door as it would've been pointless considering the thing was broken in half on the floor! What in the world had happened here?! There was the man Qamar had almost gotten into a fight with and a very pastel looking girl sitting on a bed together, and someone else who he only remembered their order yesterday. Adalric only stood there, mouth agape as he looked at the door and then to the three individuals in the room. "I..what..." He breathed a heavy sigh. "What do you want for breakfast...?" He said with a defeated voice, dismissing the door for now. He'd fix it later...​
  13. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana looked over at the window that was in the room. She had seen that night had fallen. She debated on whether or not to call it a night or continue her practice. After much deliberation, she decided to continue practicing. She went over to a corner of the room where she had left a towel, a water bottle, and a pair of headphones. She took a sip of her water bottle before putting the bottle back down. Illiana grabbed the headphones and placed it on her head. Music immediately filled her ears. She resumed her practice after her small break. Her mind began to wander as she did some more cartwheels. As she landed upright, she had thought about a prior event. She thought back to when Aria had mentioned some of the names of the Light Chaser's apprentices. Illiana then begun doing some side kicks. Koa.....It's just not possible....It's been two years since his disappearance. If he was really back, wouldn't he at least visit home first? News travels fast at home so if that was the case I would've heard about it earlier before going to Atmos. Illiana had then started doing some turning kicks. Though I don't know how late I would get that news considering I haven't been home in a year and a half........A year and a half......Has it been that long? The night went on and before she knew, morning had arrived. She took off her headphones as she grabbed her towel. She walked up to the window and looked at the sky. She sighed for a moment before taking another sip of her water bottle. She started heading back to her room and had saw several people gathered around Aria's room. She had been a little confused but she wasn't gonna ask about. She walked back into her room and closed her door. She immediately went to grab a shower. After her shower, she walked back into her room and got dressed. She had changed into a blue sleeveless shirt and some royal blue jeans. She then put on some blue wedge heels. Illiana had then put her hair in a half up and half down kind of style. She walked out of her room and had decided to start to explore the castle.
  14. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    “Right.” Glyde gave Aria a thumbs up and soft, withdrawn smile. “I’ll be back ASAP.”

    He turned on his toes, and set off in a brisk stride down the corridor. Walking back in the direction he had come from, he stopped briefly by his room to clear the shards of broken glass that he had left in his wake minutes earlier. Scooping the shattered pieces of the plate and mug with his cloak, he bunched the garment around them like a munny pouch; load by load, he disposed of them in a small wastebin in the corner of his room.

    Getting back to the task at hand, he looked up the corridor, and then back down. There, he came to the conclusion that he would, more than likely, end up getting lost in the castle before finding the kitchens, or even a crumb of food. Somewhat disheartened, he turned and walked back towards Aria's room, figuring that the older Keybearer with her would have some direction...

    Even better, he caught the castle resident who had guided them to their rooms and provided dinner the night before. He gave young man a wave, indicating to check in on the room, and slipped in and out of the way ahead of him.
    "Realized I haven't the foggiest clue where the kitchen here is," he said, mildly embarrassed. "But I found the guy that brought us up here last night."

    Glyde watched from aside as the young ward of the castle entered the room seconds later, and gaped that the broken door, and then to the three of them. Glyde, too, took a side-glance at the broken door. “Long story,” he said. “Not one great for the retelling; you’d be bored out of your mind.” He explained, looking to dodge any further inquiry down the line. “Oh… breakfast?” his mouth twitched slightly. “Good coincidence that you came down this way.” Though he tried to mask it, his tone was notably put-off. “I was about to look for the kitchens… Get their requests first,” he finished, nodding to Aria and Torrin.
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Clearly Take was well prepared for any situation that could call for a needle. It was good to know and Chrono took the needle, ready to attempt to unlock the door with it. His attempt never happened for Master Choma walked up to the door and unlocked it with ease. "We'll do what we can." Was all he said in response to Master Choma before he left. Chrono then walked up to the door, turned the knob and opened the door. "Tinarah? What's going on?"
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin had barely turned his back to give Aria some privacy in case she decided to get out of the shower before she was completely...ready. Before his mind could wander to other thoughts the sound of the bathroom door opening caught his attention. He kept his back to her but when she happily exclaimed being ready he turned slowly to look over at Aria and, seeing that she had an outfit change, turned around to face her completely. He tilted his head to the side, not having seen something quite like what she wore before. Realizing that he was now staring at her rather than examining what she wore he turned to the side and folded his arms again. "You look..." What was it that he once heard his father call his mother? It was so long ago that he barely remembered such things. Thinking that the pause in his sentence was already growing too long he just blurted out the first sensible thing that came to mind. "Lovely." Yes. That was the word he was looking for. Though now that he thought about it, just saying 'nice' would have been a better fit.

    Torrin sighed. "Anyway. Uh. I'm from...just don't freak out okay?" Almost those exact same words had been said before when he introduced himself to Mika. "From the Realm of Darkness. So is Boreas. The uh...guy in armor from earlier. He's an old friend I haven't been around in about six years. I've been here in your realm during that time. So..." He opened his mouth to say more but already both Glyde and Adalric were there with the latter seeming to be upset that the door was broken. Thankfully, Glyde came in with a save so Torrin did not have to explain the situation.

    "I'm fine not having anything to eat, thanks. Sorry about the door. I can fix it. It's my fault it broke anyway." Too many people. Unless he wanted to look like some sad brooding loner he wouldn't feel comfortable eating in front of other people. His table manners had declined to be less than perfect over the past year. Even if he was sure Boreas would call him out on being too neat. "What about you, Aria?"


    Choma nodded at Boreas's question. "I came here asking for their help some time ago. They denied it and stated that they could not leave without a solid plan of action. Considering that they still haven't left, I can only assume that one never came." As they went down the hall towards the set of stairs on the opposite end of the floor there was another man descending down to their level.

    "Master Choma, it is good to see you again." Gero used a cane to assist him on his way towards them, the man's eyes were hardened by a man who had seen more than his fair share of battle. "Something is troubling you, it seems."

    "Master Gero," Choma bowed his head respectfully. "It's Aria. I realize that this might be a misuse of your time but--"

    "Nothing that concerns that girl is a waste of my time, Choma. Now what is the matter?"

    "It would appear that Aria has had an unusual nightmare. It was enough for Torrin to consider bringing you in on it I would agree that you are more knowledgeable in this area than I."

    Gero stroked his beard and nodded. "I see. Lead me to her then." The old man gave Boreas a curious look and raised an eyebrow slightly. "Ah, I have not seen one bearing that style of armor in quite some time. Frankly, I'm a little surprised that the young prince is not wearing an activator as well. Those from the Realm of Darkness I knew in my days were quite attached to them." Gero said as the trio now began to head back down the stairs into the main hall.

  17. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana stretched her arms before looking around. She looked toward Aria's room and there were still some people around but not as much as she initially thought. She shrugged her shoulders before speaking to herself. "Well...Curiosity killed the cat." She walked over to Aria's room and saw her, Torrin, Glyde, and the guy who offered the group dinner yesterday. She looked at the door and it certainly surprised. "I've heard of people having an 'open-door' policy but this is taking it to a whole new level and it's taking it a bit too far. Don't you think?" She crossed her arms as she looked at the remains of the door. She looked at the people in the room and then back at the door. She then looked up and spoke. "I'm gonna assume that Torrin was behind the death of this poor innocent door. Correct me if I'm wrong."
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    The nice comment went over the girl’s head. She didn’t think what she was wearing was nice, but she smiled anyways at the comment.

    Aria paused ruffling her hair to try to dry it, hearing where Torrin was from. “Realm of... darkness?” How could someone live where the Heartless were and not become one of them? Or stay so nice when things were... not so nice.

    She didn’t have time to speak to him though when one of the students of the big masters showed up, being all nervous as well. “Oh, hello!” Aria greeted warmly as she took the towel off her head. Her wet hair flopped in her face, and she spat and parted it away from her face, gasping. “Aiiiir!!!... um, yeah, anyways-“

    It was then Glyde joined back in and was being all sheepish. “It’s okay, now we can get breakfast without getting lost.” She looked at the boys, and then back on the new guy. She could tell he was upset about the door, but she didn’t feel like explaining that she had a nightmare and thus her door was broken down to check on her wellbeing. She was trying to move past that already while waiting to tell someone else about it.

    “Aw, you’re really nice. Thank you for getting us dinner last night, that was sweet of you,” she said to Adalric. She then eyed Torrin suspiciously. “No one skips breakfaaaast. He’ll have toast with a hot chocolate... I’ll have Bacon, scrambled eggs, and a bagel with cream cheese, please. Ooo! And a hot chocolate for me too! If that’s okay...” She then raised an eyebrow at the guy, combing her mane back with her fingers. “Do you need help cooking?” She asked Adalric. “I bet it was stressful cooking for all of us last night. I can help out. I know a thing or two.”

    Aria perked up when she heard a familiar voice and smiled a little when it was Illiana. “Yeaaaah,” Aria admitted while rubbing the back of her head. This was getting a little uncomfortable with all of these people wondering about the well-being of the door and what caused it to break in the first place. She didn’t want to tell anyone else what was going on yet until she figured out herself what was going on. Seeing how worried Boreas and Torrin were for her earlier, she didn’t want to do that to anyone else if there was no need for it.... granted the physical harm from the dream appearing on her when she woke up was serious.

    She cleared her throat and rubbed her finger under her nose before resting her hands in her lap. “Everything is okay now though,” she simply said, giving a tiny smile to the older girl.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
  19. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Illiana raised an eyebrow at Aria's answer. Noticing the awkwardness in the room, Illiana shrugged her shoulders. After a few moments, Illiana spoke up. "Sooo....why are we all in the room right now? I can understand Aria cause it is her room. So why are you three here?" Illiana looked at the other three as her curiosity grew and grew. She walked around the three as if she was a detective before looking at Aria. "I doubt I'm getting the full story here. I'm not gonna ask you any further questions though I'm still curious as to why you three are here and I doubt it's a more of a 'Good Morning' situation." She walked around the three again with her arms behind her back.
  20. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    With her back to the door Tinarah tried the door handle once more as Qamar tried to talk to her. It was clear none of the words were sinking in as Tinarah still held her keyblade out ready if Qamar got any closer to her. The girl might have let go of her keyblade, but Tinarah knew how strong people could be without their keyblade. What a little bit of strength or magic could do for one when they wanted to hurt someone else. She wasn't going to be naive anymore and think that just because someone didn't use their keyblade didn't mean that they weren't stronger than she. Tinarah didn't even believe herself that strong, she knew that she still had a long way to go and a lot of training to do.

    As Qamar stepped forward offering a hand Tinarah slashed at the girl trying to keep her away. She wanted to run but she was locked in here, the least she could do was fight until the end. She wasn't going to go down without a fight. She wasn't going to give up like she had after Mika died. She would fight for herself, she had to.

    The door to her room swung open, much to Tinarah's surprise as she heard her brothers voice behind her. Turning to Chrono and Take she studied them a little perplexed for a moment.
    "You're... you...." She said to Chrono lowering her keyblade a bit. It was almost like she didn't expect to see him the way she had last remembered. The broken words of the creature that Chrono became echoed in her mind, and Tinarah nearly lifted a keyblade to Chrono as well, spare him from becoming that thing, but her eyes rested on Take and Nini, both here, both alive. "You can't let him take your Light... it will kill you..." Tinarah's voice was quiet as she looked at him, then back to Chrono, before turning back to see Qamar standing there, suddenly not as intimidating looking as she had seen a moment before. Whatever had snapped in her mind Tinarah was still coming out of, she had not released her keyblade yet, but now, with an open door beyond and her friends standing there she at least became less hostile.