Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Arch, Mar 25, 2017.

  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    The air was dense and hard to breath in. Aria’s body felt heavy, and ached as she hung suspended in the air by her arms. She didn’t have pep in her left to fight like usual, even though her mind was screaming at her to do something. She couldn’t make her limbs move though, even if she tried to focus all her strength into twitching just one finger.

    Move, she begged herself. Come on, move!

    The familiar shriek made the girl’s eyes suddenly open. There before her was the cloaked monster, smiling at her with its sharp, pointed teeth, drooling and growling lowly. It’s claws were already dug into her shoulders, pinning her in the air with no escape.

    Aria, wake up.

    It was that feminine voice again...

    The monster dug it’s claws into her deeper, making the girl gasp out and grit her teeth.

    Aria, it’s just a dream.

    A blinding light suddenly overpowered the monster, making it release Aria from its claws and stumble back.

    Wake up!

    Aria suddenly sat up in bed, panting and shuddering from the sudden adrenaline rush. She glanced around her with wide, fearful eyes, seeing she was not in a familiar place. It was a room given to accommodate her in the castle, where she and everyone else was staying. Strangely though, it was dark and hard to see in. Aria swore there was some kind of nightlight on before she laid down and drifted off... or even a full moon was showing through the windows .

    The girl brought up her sheets around her, breathing out as she felt uneasy. It’s just in your head,she assured herself. “You woke up, you’re not dreaming anymore. You don’t need to get anyone...

    It was then she realized she did the impossible... she woke herself from her own nightmare! Whoever or whatever that blinding light was in her dream, she figured that Aria somehow summoned that power from within to ward away the terrible creature. She was starting to get a handle on this!

    With that, Aria smiled to herself and nodded her head. She was doing better with handling her nightmares, just like Master Choma said she would be able to do. Maybe it was how much of an effort she put into the fights lately that’s made her feel stronger. Satisfied and feeling good about herself, she scooted on her bed, turning to lay down-

    She was suddenly face to face with the cloaked monster. Aria’s face paled and she let out a very quiet whimper. ‘No! What are you doing here...? You’re supposed to be gone!’

    Never in her life had Aria seen this beast outside of her usual nightmares. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears and feel her throat go dry. There was even a heavy weight on her bed as it crouched there, staring at her from under its hood. It’s breath was icy cold, which sent more chills down the girl’s spine and made the hairs on her neck stand up on end.

    It stared at her a moment, tilting its head slowly as a gurgle sounded out through its throat. It then licked its lips and grinned with its teeth glinting in an odd light. With that, it bore its fangs and lunged at her with claw like hands out to attack.

    Blood-curdling screams suddenly echoed from Aria’s room through the castle’s halls. And the sounds of a struggle could be heard behind closed doors...
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin had left his room not long after he entered it, believing everyone else to be asleep. Whatever happened to Tinarah he could not undo and without the full story he had no idea what to think about it. Even so, the thought of another him resurfaced and caused him to step outside, feeling cramped in his room. Pacing around the hallways would likely wake someone up so instead he chose to sit down in front of his door, a room he had purposely chosen to be next to Aria's because he had not trusted the masters to be able to keep the Princess of Heart safe. Then again...his actions were beginning to seem like little more than failures and the few successes he had were only to delay yet more failures. Something had to go right and he refused to allow the Light Chaser just pop in and either kill them all before taking Aria or take Aria and kill some of them in the process. Torrin lowered his head and summoned his keyblade, placing it on his lap to be ready to jump into action.

    Sleep rarely came to him anymore. It only meant risking staying on a world that could be destroyed at any minute or being caught off guard by the Chasers if they decided hunting him down was their only way to get rid of him. He tried to close his eyes and meditate, Torrin finding even that difficult given everything that happened. Eventually, after an hour or two, the fog in his mind lifted. Though the thoughts that remained were far from peaceful, he could live with just feeling some kind of sense of a vague calm. If need be, he knew how to rely on his magic to sustain him and keep him awake. It went counter what he had told Boreas about staying at full strength but that would hardly matter if they were all dead in the morning or awoke to find Aria missing.

    And then her scream came.

    Instantly, Torrin's eyes shot open and he was already on his feet thinking the worst. The Light Chaser had come to kill them all while everyone was gathered here. Torrin refused to let that happen. He had barely even registered that the scream had come from Aria's room when he broke down her door with a kick. His yellow eyes returned to their usual shade of blue and he called off his keyblade upon seeing that it was just Aria there. Just her. No one else. He was confused for a moment but realized that she seemed to be having some kind of night terror.

    Torrin ran to her side and...he wasn't sure how to act in the situation. "Hey! What's going on?" He gripped her by her arms and gave her a light shake to try and pull the girl into the here and now. "There's nothing here. Just breathe." He tried to speak in a calm tone despite his own adrenaline having spiked seconds ago. "You're safe here. You were having a bad dream." Torrin was already feeling a little guilty, wondering if just breaking down a door freaked her out even more...and now he realized that at any second others were going to start showing up wondering what was wrong. "Breathe. Just breathe." He repeated.

  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah had passed out before she ever managed to make it to the bed provided for her, falling asleep in the arms of the man who had picked her up while they were still outside. Her exhaustion was enough that not even dreams dared touch her sleep that night, the world she had entered back into was far away, even the cut sleeping next to her she didn't seem to notice was there that night. Or she didn't until the sun came up and Nini decided that she was hungry. At first it started as a small meow for attention. When that didn't stir Tinarah from her deep slumber, the cat walked onto her chest and meowed again. After another moment Nini started to paw at Tinarah's face, not scratching her but tapping her with her paws until Tinarah finally shifted batting the paw away. Excited Nini did a circle on Tinarah's chest then pawed her again until Tinarah finally opened her eyes.

    "Nini stop it. Why aren't you bugging Mika?" At first Tinarah was back as a child, in her bed at Choma's castle dealing with Mika's cat as the older girl accidentally overslept again. However as the room came into focus she quickly realized how much that wasn't the case. The question still stood however, why couldn't the cat be bugging Mika instead of her, Tinarah still wanted to sleep, but she was feeling better than the day before. Sitting up in bed, she wrapped herself in the blanket to keep warm as she looked around the unfamiliar room, her eyes shifting to the closed door at last trying to process all that had happened the day before. It all had felt like a bad fever dream, she had been so out of it, at times she didn't think parts of it were actually real. However given the view out the window and the unfamiliar room, she knew that she had at least been brought out of Choma's castle to what she thought she had heard Atmos say was the Castle of the Council.

    Impatient Nini meowed again pacing to the door looking at it, hinting at what she wanted. Finally Tinarah dragged herself out of bed, trying to get her feet under herself. It took a moment to actually get her balance, but the rest did do a wonder for her strength. The little bit of food helped as well, though it wasn't enough to keep her going forever. She had gone long enough without eating that it wasn't bothering her as much on proper rest. Once she was confident that she could walk and not collapse like the day before, she walked to the door, cracking it open as Nini slipped out. The cat didn't run too far ahead of her though seeming to wait.
    "Mika? Mika your cat needs food, where are you?" Tinarah called down the hall in a soft voice, trying not to be so loud to wake everyone up, but still trying to get someones attention. She didn't know how to deal with the cat, so she needed at least someone who did. As she waited for a response, she still held onto the door frame as extra support, almost expecting the worse. Once this was dealt with Tinarah looked forward to a bath before she was willing to meet with anyone. Falling in the ocean was not enough to clean over a month of dirt and grime, and now being somewhere clean in comparison, she felt dirty and not presentable, especially to the council.
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Takehiko's sleep had been dreamless. And when he'd woken up, he stared up at the ceiling trying to process where exactly he was before he slowly sat himself up. He remembered the previous day, and how he ended up in a new world, but how exactly he got into this room in particular was hazy to him. All he could remember was a lot of information, a bit of pain, and fear. But he couldn't remember why he was afraid. Surely there wasn't a detail about this place that freaked him out or anything.

    The boy looked down and his left hand and he raised it up to stare at it a while. He flexed it a bit and felt much less pain and had no idea if it was the tea or not, but he also noted it was bandaged a bit differently now. Still the same color and everything but with everything seemingly redistributed more towards his entire hand and wrist and less the other part of his arm. Especially his fingers. So he was curious if someone had done some work on it when he was sleeping. It didn't really matter. But then the boy looked towards his other arm. Nothing was there, but he could have sworn something was wrong with it last night. Like something swelled.

    Then it hit him, and the boy took in a deep breath to calm himself down before he got himself up from bed to try and go exploring a little bit. Though he didn't want to wander off too far, since he remembered needing to talk to Atmos about what happened the day before. So he could learn what happened with... Choma's castle being killed by the master of masters? No, he knew that couldn't have been right. Castles can't get killed.

    He got himself out of the room and heard the voice of someone calling for Mika because of Nini wanting food. Take had no idea who would be calling for Mika to take Nini unless...

    Take walked a bit closer towards the voice, clicking his tongue a bit before calling out,
    "Nini. Come here, I'll feed you."
    The little cat mewed and ran on away from Tinarah's side over to Take, and she pounced up only for Take to catch her in time as he said, "Ow ow. Careful. The hand." she climbed up onto his shoulder and kind of clung there before he walked closer, once he could identify exactly where Tinarah's door was.

    He stopped when he saw her peering out and stared surprised a minute because it was the first time he could really process the fact that she was.. older. Taller too, but that was kind of expected in the deal. After a few seconds he asked,
    "Would you like me to grab you something to eat too? You look like you need another minute... or several. But mostly food."
  5. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria was thrashing her arms around as if trying to get something off of her. She was didn’t even hear the door slam open she was caught so deeply in fight mode. When Torrin grabbed her arms, Aria shrieked out and tried to pull them back away from him, not knowing it was someone coming to help her. When she tried to hit and couldn’t, her eyes snapped open as she pressed herself in the mattress to try to escape. Everything was blurry at first, and then she caught the familiar facial features of Torrin.

    The girl was frozen, hyperventilating and looking around wildly. She was stiff under the older teen’s hands, and chest was rising up and down rapidly.

    “T-Torrin...?” Aria choked out. She started to relax as her mind was waking up and becoming more aware that she wasn’t sleeping anymore. Aria’s face contorted as her eyes filled with tears and her body shook. She had never been so scared in her life. “I’m sorry,” she breathed out as tears rolled down her cheeks freely. “I-I’m sorry to have scared you... I’m really sorry...”

    Aria pushed herself to sit up, and winced when pain ached through her shoulders. Her body was shaking like a leaf, and she cursed herself for being this weak in front of someone she barely knew. She wiped her tears away away with the back of her hand, and felt stings radiate through her muscles. Raising an eyebrow, Aria looked down at her arm and gasped, her face paling further. There on her skin were thin ribbons of crimson as if she had been scratched. She held out the other arm to examin it, seeing it suffered the same fate. “No... This... this can’t be. It was just a dream...”

    But she’s wasn’t so sure about that anymore, and panic was starting to overtake her again. She dropped her arm and reached up to her night shirt she’s had changed into. She peeled back by the neckline to have a look at one of her aching shoulder and gasped. There, where the nightmares had dugged its claws into her skin, there was a large, purple looking bruise there. “How...?”

  6. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Atmos lead one of her students away Torrin told him they weren't going to take any extreme measures. "If you say so..." Boreas said a little bit hesitantly. Then Aster joined them and tugged at the bracelet with Boreas watching closely, as force was applied to the bracelet the bracelet started to shrink and grow tighter around Aria's wrist. Torrin then tried something to get the bracelet away and it seemed to work but Torrin pulled away his hand in pain, it looked like he burned his hand, Aria helped him with his hand. "Torrin, if I helped you or you'd use my armour to protect your hands from the heat?" Boreas asked, it seemed to be working so perhaps with some additional protection it might work. As they all went inside Boreas gave Adalric a hand with getting Tinarah to a room, then found himself a room.

    Boreas found himself in a bed resting as much as he could, even when they were in the castle of the masters supposedly safe according to Aster but old habbits died hard. Back home he always slept very lightly an attack could happen at any time and he was always ready for one, it had been drilled into him by his military service, it's what saved him a few times as well as out in the fields they would get raided by night and by the time Boreas had gotten up and ready they would already be upon him. Even if it were the safest place in the universe with no Light Chaser threatening them at all and he would still sleep lightly. He even had gained a reputation for sleeping with his eyes opened sitting in a chair, it had freaked out his mother a few weeks ago when she found him like that, but he didn't do it often.

    Boreas awoke from his sleep, there were screams.... Boreas shot up and activated his armour again he left his room, summoning his blade. There were more screams and Boreas followed the sound, was this an attack? Aster had mentioned the Light Chaser didn't want to try his luck in here but at a night raid or early morning attack, to chip away at their numbers? The Light Chaser had already proved to be a cunning foe. But it didn't make any sense, there was by the sound of it only one person screaming. As Boreas got closer he heard the door being beaten down followed by shouting. Torrin's shouting, Boreas bolted down the hallway to go find his friend and back him up. He arrived at the broken down door to see Torrin telling Aria to breathe and Aria apologising to Torrin for waking him up. Realizing it wasn't a night raid Boreas unsummoned his Keybblade and deactivated his armour. "
    Is everything alright here? I heard screams... you okay?" Boreas asked. From what Aria was saying there was something strange going on regarding dreams. "What happened?"
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Torrin relaxed his hold on Aria when he saw her come to. He shook his head when she apologized. "No. Don't say that. It isn't your fault. I'm just glad you're okay." He let go of her and sighed out in relief. He only tensed when Boreas came in with a similar "fight first" attitude asking what happened. "She just had a nightmare." Torrin responded, looking over at Boreas. When he turned back Aria was shifting around seemingly in pain. Before he could ask what else was bothering her she revealed that both of her arms had suffered injury.

    This was wrong. This was all wrong and he had no idea what happened. There was no way someone could have barged in while he was around. And if someone opened a portal surely he would have sensed it or the masters here would be aware of an intruder. Without turning to his friend he ordered, "Boreas, get Choma. Tell him to find the master of the castle. Don't tell anyone else what happened. We don't need everyone panicking." If someone had broken in then they needed to be smart about this. If not...then he wasn't sure what to think yet.

    "It'll be alright, Aria. No one's going to hurt you." Even he couldn't believe his own words, seeing her show bruising on her shoulder to go with the scratches on her arms. Whatever came after her wasn't human and if Heartless or some other kind of dark force could still attack her despite having a protective magic bracelet then could she ever be safe? It was beginning to feel like if he left her alone for even a second it would be a grave mistake.

    "Let me take care of that for you, okay?" He took her arms into his hands, being careful not to hurt her more as green light came from his hands to heal her wounds. He motioned for her to come closer so he could do the same to her shoulders. During this he tried to find something to take her mind off of this but no light conversation came to mind. "Thanks for earlier. You know. The...thing with my hands. The burns." He mumbled, more focused on curing her shoulders, his hands pressed to her bruises lightly until the magic took effect and the bruises began to fade.

    "There...I think that should do it."


    Choma's sleep was what one could only describe as sleep. He got enough rest and that was that. He woke up early, as was his habit, and got ready for the day all the while thinking what he could say or do given the situation with Tinarah. Then there was also the fact that he had never had much of a chance to speak with Aria after she had been returned...or Torrin after whatever happened with Mika's Nobody. He did not know how much longer he could keep doing this. Losing student after student.

    He left his room after a moment of self-reflection and came to see both Take and Tinarah interacting over Nini. Choma leaned against the wall and smiled faintly, glad to see that even after whatever Tinarah had been through some things had not changed. "I hope you slept well, Tinarah."


    Atmos had just finished brushing her hair when the sound of a portal opening and closing came behind her. She smirked and shook her head. "Aster you really should knock first. This may not be my castle but this is my room."

    "Yes well, I hated pleasantries even more than you did. Besides, I'd rather catch you early before breakfast than after you gathered your strength."

    Atmos turned in the chair she was sitting in and raised an eyebrow at Aster who had found herself a spot on the bed to rest on. "And why would you say that?"

    "It's..." Aster shifted uncomfortably and avoided eye contact with her. "It's about Avra. Just, please listen to me before you get out your keyblade and start hitting me."

    "So now you want to talk about her? You avoided it all this time. I know I could have tried forcing you onto the subject but I couldn't bring myself to. It's just...she was so young when she died that-"

    "She's not dead, Atmos." Aster blurted out.

    "What?" Atmos stared in disbelief thinking her sister to be using some dark humor that was just out of line.

    "She's not dead. She's with the Light Chaser and I just didn't know how to tell you without you rushing off after her and getting yourself killed."


    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
  8. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Not Mika, but another boy... Take... if she remembered correctly had come out when she was calling for someone to feed the cat. He called for Nini and the small cat ran over and jumped in his arms. Tinarah took note of his complaints about his hands as the cat did that, grabbing a quick glace at his bandaged hand, but she didn't say anything on it. Instead she averted her eyes for a moment. He had died last she heard, tried to fight Torrin and didn't survive the experiments. Tinarah imagined that he must have had a will of iron, given that he was the only one Torrin singled out for that, the way he fought back.

    The boy came closer and by the look on his face, he might have not expected what he saw. She didn't know if it was because of her age, or how she looked in general. Either way it stopped mattering to her much anymore. She might have felt dirty, but after the first week in prison, she let go of caring about how she looked, and she hadn't really started to care again. She knew that she needed to clean up but that was more for hygiene sake, something she didn't have much luxury for up until now.
    "I um...." Tinarah realized she really didn't know how to speak to people normally anymore, especially those around her age. She was fine with Stamatis, and after that, well she really had shut herself off to everyone after the first couple days.

    Thankfully before she had to say more she heard Master Choma speak up. Looking passed Take she could see him leaning against a wall smiling at her. For a moment she remember how he looked at her like she was a freak when she tried to explain to him and Fost that he was her master, but older. She also remembered her promise to Fost. She didn't care what realm she was in, when she became a master, she wanted Fost there to witness it.
    "Master Choma... I... I slept fine until Nini woke me up. Feel a bit better than yesterday but still recovering." She tired to explain not knowing how much he knew about what happened before and since arriving.

    As she stood there again seeming awkward, she realized that she still hadn't addressed Take's question.
    "I... uh really should shower, but if you are offering I will have some food. I think I can manage to make it on my own though." She assured him not really sure she wanted to rely on others help. It hadn't always been turning out in her favour and she honestly didn't know where she sat with everyone now. Glancing back in her bedroom she looked to the bath and then back at Take. "Sorry...." She tried to offer him mainly because she didn't know how else to speak.

    Tinarah didn't necessarily close the door on Take's face but after that she turned and started to shuffle towards the bathroom. The way she slowly walked, with her back hunched, and arms across her stomach. She didn't seem totally okay, but she was at least on her feet. The sudden loud voice from another room caused Tinarah to jump before she got too far away. The voice was familiar enough that she could convince herself that it wasn't that there was a threat, but it still bothered Tinarah a little, it made her nervous, but she refused to turn around and let that be seen on her face with Choma and Take outside her door. She just pushed forward entering the bathroom, starting to run a bath, not even thinking about the fact that once clean she didn't have clean clothes to change into.
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    It didn't exactly take a genius to figure out how out of it and just... thrown off Tinarah was. Probably more so than everyone else was over the fact that she came back five years older. He didn't really wanna push it. But he did want food. Nini wanted food. And he knew at the end of this, Tinarah was gonna want food too. Take looked at Choma and asked, "Do you think she's gonna be alright, or are we going to end up having to keep her here while we move-"

    Takehiko immediately cut off his own words when he heard Atmos' voice and looked over towards her door, or at least seemingly her door with a concerned look on his face. He wanted to walk over to check up, but he heard another voice with her, so the boy backed up pretty quickly and he looked at Choma. Reaching up for Nini, he gave her a quick scritch behind the ears as he said,
    "I'm just... going to get food. Figure out where the kitchen is and all that... fun stuff..." and he headed on away.

    It wasn't too much exploring for Take to find the kitchen, but when he did, he ran into a woman with white hair (Well, not literally but at the very least encountered her) and he nodded to her saying,
    "Hello... um... am I allowed to grab food? Seems rude to take without asking. I was gonna grab some and bring some to Tinarah."
    Nini meowed when food was mentioned and jumped off his shoulder to try and get into the fridge, "Uh, Nini too."
  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Chrono found his sleep to be quiet. There were no dreams to keep him sleeping peacefully nor any nightmares to speed up his awakening. He found himself waking and staying put long enough to take in another look at the interior of his room. It was a quick look around, his eyes making the trip around twice before Chrono got up from the bed and got himself dressed.

    He backtracked his way back to Tinarah's room. As curious as he was about the story that would ideally provide answers to his questions, Chrono was more concerned with her well being right now. The questions that he had right now could wait for right now. Chrono spotted Master Choma leaning against the wall.
    "Master Choma, I didn't expect to see you here."
  11. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Qamar nodded at Master Aster, understanding the whole resting part. After all, they probably needed it after...whatever they went through. Especially considering their one friend was conked out in Adalric’s arms. Qamar then felt embarrassed at Aster’s words that came next. She got angry that a guy like that was even a keyblade master. Did he even train? Who knows. All she knew was that she wanted to be a master even sooner now. And the realm of darkness...that sounded dangerous to Qamar. Why should they even trust these people if they came from such a place. She almost questioned Aster, but decided against it.

    Following Master Aster, Qamar watched the exchange that went on with the strange bracelet on Aria’s wrist. Qamar studied the bracelet and almost reached for it when she saw Torrin exert some type of darkness onto it. She saw how it reacted and she knew instantly to just...leave it be for now. “It’s completely made of darkness…” Qamar muttered to herself, tapping her chin. She eventually shrugged and walked off, returning to Adalric, the sleeping girl, and the knight.

    “I’ll walk with you to the east wing.” she smiled to Adalric. “So I can know where her room is to help her when she wakes up.” Qamar knew helping Tinarah when she woke up was one of her top priorities. As she followed the group inside, she watched Adalric lay Tinarah down and she offered to stay to make sure Tinarah didn’t wake up. Once the cat finally fell asleep, Qamar left and headed off to the east wings.

    She approached the door to Master Kide’s room and stepped inside. After what seemed like quite a while, Qamar stepped out looking sullen. Kide had gotten onto her and laid right into her. Qamar dared not to speak back, so she took the verbal abuse and apologized to Kide as often as she could. Once he finally stopped, she was able to leave and reflect on her actions. Sulking, she walked to her room and closed the door. She leaned against the door and slid down, feeling her eyes grow wet. She wipe the tears and let them come for now, eventually wiping them off completely and fixing her makeup.

    Qamar left her room to assist with distributing the meals to whomever wanted them and she even left some for Tinarah in case she awoke. She left a tiny saucer of milk for the kitten, probably not enough, and left. By morning, she knew it’d be time for more food and the meeting later, so Qamar headed off to bed. Locking her door, she undressed and slipped into black short shorts, a dark purple sleeveless shirt, and tugged her hair loose. She slithered into her blankets and snuggled up, quickly falling asleep.

    Morning finally came and Qamar woke up to just a tiny amount of sunlight spreading across her bed. She yawned and stood up, slipping into a pair of flip flops and leaving her room. First on the agenda was her morning ritual of stretching and building a little strength in her body. Even though the sun was rising, it was still far from time for everyone to wake up, so she was able to do her morning routine unnoticed. She preferred it that way, but sometimes a Master or Adalric would come to speak to her.

    As the sun started to come up over the horizon more, Qamar sat down and closed her eyes. She had just finished her training for the morning and was now resting. In the distance, she heard a scream and opened one eye, glancing up towards the east wing. “That wasn’t Tinarah.” she muttered to herself, ignoring the screams as they died down moments later. As far as she knew, whatever it was, somebody else had taken care of it.

    Back in her room after much meditating, Qamar dressed herself. While the screams concerned her, she really wanted to check on Tinarah now. That girl concerned Qamar the most right now, seeing as she was in such bad shape. Tightening her hair back, she opened her pale yellow eyes and smiled.

    Qamar left her room and walked briskly towards the east wing. She stopped at Aria’s room, glancing in and raising an eyebrow. The door was broken and Aria looked to be hurt...but there were plenty of people in that room that she felt like she wasn’t needed. She continued on to Tinarah’s room in time to see Take and Choma there. The cat was now on Take’s shoulder and that amused Qamar. Not entering into the conversation, Qamar looked at Tinarah and blinked as the girl retreated into her room once again.

    Having no sense of privacy, Qamar put her hand on the door and summoned her keyblade. “Girls only.” she said, opening the bedroom door and going inside. She locked the door back and heard the bath water running. “Tinarah, I know you want a bath, but do you even have anything to change into?” Qamar asked. “I can offer some clothes, but I can’t guarantee that they are not all black.” She chuckled to herself at her joke. Qamar stood outside the bathroom door.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
  12. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria’s eyes darted over to Boreas, the guy that suggested to take extreme measures if they couldn’t take off the bracelet normally. He seemed concerned though, and she caught a glimpse of his armor and keyblade before it vanished. She felt bad for causing such a fuss and bit her lower lip.

    She then looked at Torrin with wide eyes when he seemed to order the older guy to go get Master Choma and summon the master of the castle. She felt dread within her and fought back the panic and the tears the best she could. It was then Torrin took her scratched up arms, and she winced as she stared back down at them. Whatever happened in her sleep terrified her to seemingly no end, and now to see it physically hurt her...she didn’t even hear Torrin tell her that no one was going to hurt her. He was trying to comfort her, but she knew it not to be true...

    She finally remembered to breathe in through her nose, and let out an unsteady, slow breath of air. She watched as her scratches faded under the green glow of Torrin’s hands and she looked at him with curiosity. He didn’t need to summon his keyblade to use the spell.

    He was thanking her for yesterday, which brought her anxiety ridden mind back to reality. “You’re welcome,” she half-whispered as he began to heal her shoulder. She took in another shivering breath of air, and let it out gradually. She then winced in pain, and looked to the other shoulder. “Oh yeah, it held me with b-both of its clawed hands,” she muttered as she turned the other shoulder to Torrin to show him the other bruise standing out.

    She sniffed again and hiccuped softly as tears were still trying to make an appearance, which she rubbed her eye furiously with the heel of her palm. “I had these nightmares since I could remember... it’s always the same; some weird creature in a tattered cloak with sharp teeth and gnarly clawed hands... I never seen its eyes. It never talks. It just growls, shrieks, and gurgles. Sometimes it’ll be over someone, trying to take their...” She swallowed hard and began to fiddle with the charms on Mika’s bracelet as she talked. “... their heart... and then it’ll turn its attention on me. It’ll make me stuck or freeze in place and then it would pin me a little ways up in the air with some kind of darkness so I can’t run or struggle so much. It’ll show me it’s sharp teeth and get a scare out of me... Just only recently it started to dig its claws in me. This is the first time it caught me outside of the usual dream area. I thought I woke up. I thought I was safe. And th-then it was here, hovering over me on my bed... where I was supposed to be safe. It was supposed to be gone.”

    Aria trailed off and shuddered at the thought. “I’m supposed to have grown out of it by now,”’ she mumbled as she looked up at Torrin. “I’m supposed to have a handle on it, but it keeps getting worse and worse... and now this happened.” She looked at her arms and inspected them again, seeing that Torrin didn’t miss a single scratch. “... They’re going to believe me right?” Aria whispered as her eyes landed on Torrin again. “Even if the marks are gone, th-they’re going to believe that something weird is going on, r-right?”

    She shivered from feeling suddenly cold and closed her eyes as she inhaled and exhaled again before letting her eyes open again. “This is more terrifying than being trapped in a tight space,” she muttered to herself, letting her tears fall freely yet silently.
  13. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015
    Torrin answered for the girl that briefly glanced his way. Torrin followed up with outright ordering him to find Choma and tell him to find the master of the castle. Boreas wasn't going to be any good here in trying to comfort Aria anyways and they were orders. While Torrin said it was just a nightmare, what Aria had said seemed to imply there was more going on than simply a nightmare. The orders he got gave the same impression, if it were simply a nightmare then neither the master or the master of the castle were necessary here. "Choma... choma...tall guy that arrived after we did right?" Boreas asked, he figured it was the tall guy as that would be the only person in the group who'd really need a bed the size of the one in the master's bedroom in the other castle.

    As Aria began talking about what happened in the nightmare Boreas took it as his sign to leave, it wasn't really his place to listen to something personal like that and with that Boreas went to look for Master Choma, he started his search in the west wing as Boreas had first gone to help Adalric drop Tinarah off in the eastern wing before finding himself a place to sleep and didn't exactly know where the master had gone off too. Boreas walked fairly quickly but wasn't going to draw too much attention to himself by running not when a little bit of discretion was required. Not having any luck in the western wing, Boreas headed for the eastern wing, shortly after finding the man he had been looking for outside of Tinarah's room together with her brother. The young man approached the two of them and spoke up. "Good morning to the both of you." He said before turning to Choma "I apologise for the rather inconvenient timing, Master Choma but I need to speak with you alone for a moment. It's important." Boreas said, skipping introductions, they could wait and perhaps this man had picked up a few things about him already and didn't need the introductions anyways.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Avra jumped in, landing the finishing blow on Grandmother Willow. The thicket surrounding them began to separate allowing sunlight to filter through once more. The old woman's face began to disappear from the tree, her power exhausted for now. Avra sighed out in relief and allowed her keyblade to disappear. "That was too close. Next time we should start out strong with a Water spell or something before it gets cut off." She huffed. "Let's just..." She hunched over and rested her hands on her knees to catch her breath. "Let's get the Princess and get out of here." She stood upright once more and rubbed her aching shoulder, wincing at the pain that came with it.

    "Apparently the princess visits here often. If we just wait around a little bit longer she should come by and we can bring her into the fold."


    "Oh?" The white haired young woman turned around, swallowing in a loud gulp whatever she had just finished eating, to look at the boy who spoke to her and picked up the cat that tried to make a go for the fridge. "Hi there little buddy. You want some food? Yes you do!" When Nini meowed once more she returned the furry creature back to the ground and opened the fridge to look for something for Nini. She retrieved a slice of ham and rolled it up for the cat before offering it to her, smiling as Nini immediately took the meat and fled back over to Take's side to devour it.

    "Hey." She finally spoke towards Take. "I'm Selene. I'm one of the masters of this castle. I heard we'd be having guests but I didn't think they'd be so young. Not that I'm old. Nope. And don't call me old or that hand will be the least of your worries." Selene smiled at Take. "I'm kidding. Some of the others around here can be a bit...stuffy but none of us bite. Really! Well maybe Varos...I wonder if he's a vampire sometimes..." She trailed off and shrugged. Selene headed towards the exit and turned her head to glance at the boy. "Get whatever you need. We have plenty for you and your friends. Eat up! The Council will be calling for all of you later today." And with that she disappeared around the corner without another word.


    Unfortunately, Aria could see right though his words and remained afraid even after he healed her. Torrin tapped his fingers nervously against his lap and bit his lip, searching for the right words to say but nothing would come to mind. Instead, he remained quiet, listening to Aria's fears and concerns. She even wondered if anyone would believe her story about waking up bruised and scratched despite the fact that no one would have any reason to doubt her and that he was there as a witness. Her description of her dream wasn't what bothered him, after all he had dreamt up of similar nightmares when he was a child, but it was the fact that she had lived with these nightmares for such a long time. A recurring dream in fact. Something like that must have had some explanation that was beyond his current understanding.

    "I'm sorry." He spoke after a moment of silence, averting his gaze as he was unable to look into Aria's teary eyes any longer. Torrin clenched his hands into fists then relaxed them knowing that there just was not anything for him to fight for this to just go away. He looked over his shoulder to check if he could see or hear anyone coming down the hall but nothing came. He looked back at Aria and shifted on the spot on her bed he had taken a seat on. "Look, you don't need to worry about anyone believing you. They will. And if anyone doubts what you say is true then I'll back you up on it." He clasped his hands together and listened to the sobs of Aria, hoping he could make her feel better somehow. "Whatever happens, we'll figure this out." Having little else in the way of comforting her Torrin moved closer and embraced Aria tightly to get her to stop shaking. "You'll be okay. Just trust me on that, Aria."


    Choma turned to face Boreas upon being spoken to. He had just been about to knock on Tinarah's door and ask why that other girl went in before being interrupted. "Good morning." He did not recognize the young man before him but judging by the look about him and the design of his armor activator... Choma raised an eyebrow and it took him a moment to piece together that this was likely the same person Atmos, Torrin, and Tinarah had arrived with who had been wearing armor.

    "What is it?" Concern once again resurfaced within him on hearing Boreas's tone. "Did something happen?"

  15. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Takehiko didn't even get a chance to respond to her before she was already gone. He looked down at Nini who was still munching on the ham happily. Well, he had permission to get food he supposed. He shifted around looking for food before he ended up somehow cooking himself and Tinarah waffles with a side of bacon. He didn't even know if Tinarah liked waffles, or bacon. The only reason he even cooked waffles was because he knew that was Chrono's favorite meal and he just kind of assumed they'd have the same favorite meal. He figured he should have gone with something safer like cereal. He at least knew not too cook too much for her though. Tinarah looked like she hadn't eaten much in weeks, and knew eating too much could just end up making her sick.

    He finished up and instead of pouring syrup on her's he placed syrup in a little cup so she could pour it at her leisure. He ate his food whilst cooking hers, and when he was done he covered it up and fed some more food to Nini before heading on back up towards Tinarah's room.
  16. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.

    ... A gale force wind stormed out from the open door with a bellowing roar. Like dust and debris wrapping into a cyclone, pitch black and deep violet particles of Darkness and shadow rushed out riding the wind.

    Standing downwind, the dark haired boy fought against the torrent; he had carried nearly twenty feet from the door by the initial outburst. In long, slow, laborious strides, he pushed his way towards the door. He had to close it; though he wasn't sure how, or if he even could, it had to be done. It was his fault anyways.

    Overhead, the Homestead Lodge lurched and rumbled. Clutter clattered in violent crashes as it fell to the floors. At the epicenter of the disaster, the wayhouse was getting the full impact of the tremors rocking the tunnels beneath and around its foundations. It won't last, the boy worried. The Lodge would fall into itself if he couldn't cut off the Darkness soon enough. Yet, it remained an effort of futility: try as he might against the gale and shadow, he could cover no more than five feet before losing resistance and being blown back further than he had been; the best he could do was hold his position and hope that the storm would settle at some point.


    A massive roar of thunder erupted from outdoors, shaking even the cavern leading to the door. Then, appearing in silhouettes just beyond the door frame, the small, yellow-eyed monsters began emerging. Allowing the wind to take them forth, they flowed like a river of tar into the cavern corridor. “No!” the boy cried. He threw his arms forward. The Key gifted to him… or was it cursed... unto him by his mentor manifest between his clasping fingers. Flares of energy flew from the opposite end of the Key, destroying several of the “yelloweyes”; it wasn’t enough to maintain a constant fire against the creatures.

    His effort to keep the beasts under fire only helped to throw his resistance against the gale. The force emanating from the door only swelled to greater intensity. As though it were aware of the boy’s struggle to cease its rage, the Darkness directed its power exactingly upon him. With a final heave, it swept the boy’s feet out from beneath him. As a husk of tumbleweed whipped about by a cyclone, the boy was flung back through the cavern, into an enveloping cloud of shadow.

    He felt the backside of his head slam against a hard surface. HIs vision blurred rapidly; within seconds, all was dark to him...


    The sensation of treading through a tunnel towards blinding white light ushered Glyde into the waking world. He rose from the bed in the manner in an almost jumping fashion. Panting heavily, gasping for air, he felt the running of another cold sweat down his face. “Another one,” he grunted. He retained a yelp or scream, for the concern that he might wake someone, or otherwise draw attention to his room. Silently, save for his heavy breathing, he threw his covers off, and set his feet down to the floor.

    He took a single, protracted stare at the window: night gone, and morning had come. The mist and fog covered the details of the landscape, but he could tell that it was light outside.

    Working to utter at least a small measure of control over himself, he set about dressing for the day ahead. The process amounted to very little; he had only the clothes on his back, his cloak, and the boots he had tucked under the bed the previous night. Within less than two minutes, he was fully clothed, cloak included. Though with a hesitant first step, he set out down the corridor, carrying with him the stained, but otherwise empty plate and drinking glass from the prior evening’s dinner.

    He wasn’t entirely certain in which direction to go to get anywhere in the castle…

    A sudden scream from the same corridor, while not the compass he had hoped for, guided him towards others among the castle guests. Curious and beyond that concerned by the scream, he quick dropped the plate and glass to the floor, and ran back down the hall, where he saw Torrin rushing into a room not far off. Glyde arrived in time overhear the conversation… it had been Aria’s scream… A nightmare…
    Her too. After a minute of consideration, Glyde neared the room as well, but restrained himself to remaining just outside. He quivered from shaken nerves. Should he say anything? Or simply back away? Involuntarily, he let out a cough, and quickly reeled back, still in view. “Uh, sorry. I was just... I didn’t mean to-- should I just go away?”
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Aria listened to Torrin as she cried softly, sniffing and hiccuping to herself. She had fought this battle alone for so long she didn’t know how much longer she would last. Her aunt and uncle did what they could to help her from night time herbs, to dream catchers, to soothing music, to warm milk before bed and cookies... but nothing made the nightmares stopped. She never knew when she was going to be plagued by the dreams, and so she was always a little on edge when she was too tired to stay awake much longer and drift to sleep.

    She looked down at her lap when Torrin said he was going to back her up. Aria could tell her being upset bothered him, but she couldn’t help herself. She was wiping her eyes with the corner of her sheets, about to apologize to Torrin again when she was suddenly hugged. She dropped the sheet back in her lap, and felt herself gradually relax in the embrace. She didn’t know Torrin well, but she could feel he was genuinely concerned about her. Hesitantly, she wrapped her arms around Torrin and hugged him back, burying her head in his shoulder. She could feel herself calming down in his arms as the sobbing was lessening along with the shivering. She was awake now, and she was safe. Nothing else that was bad was going to happen to her today.

    “Thank you,” she finally whispered after a moment, squeezing Torrin as comfortably tight to her as possible. She wanted to reassure herself she was actually awake and this wasn’t some dream within a dream again.

    It was then she heard a voice at her door, and pulled away from Torrin to see Glyde there. Aria felt all embarrassed and rubbed away the remaining tears with the back of her hand and snagged a few tissues off her nightstand to wipe her nose. “Y-You’re okay, Glyde,” Aria managed to get out with a nervous smile. Did she wake up the whole castle with her screams? “I-I’m sorry if I woke you up too.” She half-laughed and sniffed again, throwing her tissues away in a small waste basket by her bed. “I’m okay now. How are you?”

    The last thing she wanted to do was carry a conversation, but this was the way it always was with her. She had a moment to express her real emotions, and then she had to tuck them away and soldier on. There wasn’t time to feel sorry for herself or dwell on the negative for long.
  18. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.

    "Oh." Glyde took two steps forward, coming to a stop just outside of the door into Aria's room. "No, no. Nothing like that." The nervois quiver subsided; his discomfort eased, and loosened slightly. "I was already awake when I heard you. Didn't sleep too well myself, so I figured I'd get up and about. Usually, once I'm awake, I can't just go back to sleep.

    "Seems you had a rougher night than I did, though." He looked over Aria carefully. He knew the feeling of needing to keep to one's self. "Just came to see what the trouble was, since I was down the hall. You look alright now though... I can carry on, if you'd prefer I left," he repeated. "Was gonna go see where breakfast was at, if anywhere. Bring you back something?"
  19. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Glyde was so nervous to talk to her. Aria couldn’t help but smile a little at that,. She didn’t mean to be intimidating if she was... She listened quietly, hearing how he had a rough night as well and had woken up before she did. He heard the screams anyways, and he came to check up on her.

    She was surprised, however, when he offered to grab her some breakfast. She smiled warmly at him, letting her hands relax in her lap. “That’s really sweet of you, Glyde. If you wouldn’t mind grabbing me some too, that’d be great. I eat just about anything.” She softly giggled and hunched her shoulders before relaxing them. “You weren’t intruding or being a bother. Thank you for checking up on me... I appreciate it.”
  20. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tinarah had the door cracked open to the bathroom as she started to run the bath, taking any bath soaps she could find and putting them into the bath. Normally she wouldn't much care to use this sort of stuff, but she had such a need to get clean that she was willing to use the stuff provided for her. However over the sound of the bath running she heard the door close and lock. Tinarah jumped and hid herself in the bathroom as she summoned her own keyblade to her hand. There was a girl talking to her, asking about clothes, but none of that seemed to register as niceties. Tinarah remembered last time she stayed at a strange castle, and was offered shelter and clothes. She was lied to betrayed, and the clothes offered was still what she was wearing, itching to get off.

    "N-no! I don't need your help." The last time she had heard this girls voice she had been yelling and Tinarah took no comfort in any of this as she slowly reached for the door. Flinging it open she rounded the corner and shot a blast of blizzard at the strange girl as she observed the keyblade in the other girls hand. She wasn't here to help, why would she have a keyblade if she was. She was going to lock her in here. She was going to make her a prisoner again wasn't she? In a mind of sheer irrational panic, Tinarah ran from the bathroom, yanking the door open only to find it locked.

    Pounding on it with one fist trying to get the attention of Master Choma, or anyone she trusted more, Tinarah lifted her keyblade, readying it.
    "I won't be locked away again." She stated. If she had to she would fight until she collapsed again. She might have been malnourished, but at least she was better rested, and on her two feet once more. After pounding a few times she lifted her hand to her necklace, thinking of how Stamatis had tried to protect her and got himself hurt. It was time she tried to protect herself, even if she remained on the defense, not trying to take a strike at the girl quite yet.