KHV The Musical - Phase Two: Screenplay

Discussion in 'KHV Musical' started by Plums, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    KH-Vids: The Musical
    Phase One: Plotting (x)
    Phase Two: Character Recommendations (x)
    Phase Two: Logo (x)

    What Is This? ⬊

    The KHV Musical is a site-wide collaboration that will be worked on over the course of the next year. The project will bring together various creative sections of KH-Vids and will ultimately result in an actual musical that will be released to the public September 2013. The musical will feature original artwork, original music and lyrics and an original screenplay. It will be showcasing the various voice talents of our very own KH-Vids members, and there will be auditions held for parts starting in May!

    The musical will be compiled in the Visual Novel software Ren'Py, and there will also be a watchable Youtube version, and perhaps a Livestream of the play-through at some point. The estimated run time is 45 minutes to an hour, or so, but there is not fixed time.

    Timeline ⬊

    Late September - October: Characters, Setting, Story/Plot - COMPLETED
    November - December: Screenplay, Logo
    January - February: Concept and Character Art.
    March - April: Music & Lyrics
    May: Casting
    June: Audio Production //Singing
    July - August: Production

    Phase 2:⬊

    As seen from the above Timeline, this thread is dedicated to the Screenplay of the Musical. In this thread, we will continue developing the winning Plot of the recent poll held, which was Jayn's idea.

    NOTE: While we are encouraging a broad spectrum of ideas, I must urge that you work within the realm of reason. Unfortunately, ideas to the scale of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann may not be the best type of narrative for a musical, much less one that can fit within the deadline for the musical.

    So Screenplay?

    For this stage of the project, we're going to be taking the characters, setting, plot -- overall, the entirety of the universe established in Jayn's plot and converting it into a Screenplay. Screenplays are the formats used by television shows, movies and plays, and give the actors their lines as well as cues for certain expressions and/or movements on the stage.

    Fortunately for everyone here, as this is a digital production, you don’t need to memorize stage directions or lines. In fact, you guys don’t have to put the Screenplay together! That is where Jayn and Plums come in you racists. We’ll be compiling the final screenplay to use as reference for when we begin to code the Visual Novel for release.

    Remember, the more you get done here, the less work we’ll have to do to get this project playable and ready for launch!

    If you want a reference for what the Screenplay will look like, check the following spoiler below.

    Furthermore, if you do wish to join the writing, you must be sure you can maintain a consistent presence throughout this process. Jayn and I will be hunting you down if you begin to flake out (without good reason). We understand that school and real life definitely take priority, but for a project like this to get done, you need to try to at least put in as much a consistent effort as possible. Worse comes to worse, Jayn and I will finish writing the script ourselves, which is something both of us want to avoid lmao.

    If you have any questions, please ask Plums and/or Jayn and we will gladly assist.


    Stuff Needed
    Main Character Roles (see HERE for more details)
    Misc. Games/Extras

    Events / Happenings

    Part One - Aaliyah’s P.O.V (Jiku Neon)
    Aaliyah has a crush on a boy, gets online to make him an AMV. Uses KHV for cutscenes and joins the site via pressure from What?. Musical number here. What? singing about how great KHV is, etc. (Screenplay writers should not write out the music number)
    She forgot to download the cutscenes, so a couple of days later she logs on again to do so. It’s announced the KH won’t be continuing as a series. KHV is being shut down.
    While heading to the office to ‘depart’, Aaliyah stumbled upon the staff member. Staff member has a musical number. Heartfelt, something about how much KHV means to them. They convince staff to keep trying for the site. They become friends.
    During dinner, Misty announces that we’ll be fundraising for KH-V. Unbanned member flips out and logs off.

    Part Two - Unbanned’s P.O.V (What?)
    Unbanned is grumpy because they have a pretty boring at home life, and because they are in a financial rut.
    We divulge deeper into their at home life and expand on their financial problem. Writers get creative, plz.
    The next time Unbanned logs on, it’s revealed that they made a fuss about things because they wereashamed of having nothing to donate.
    They are comforted by Aaliyah and the two become friends.

    Part Three - Aaliyah’s P.O.V (Tale_Wind)
    Aaliyah begins to log on more often to escape from irl. While offline, she decides to try and show her friend the AMV she finally finished. It is discovered that he has a girlfriend now. Despair.
    Her father leaves the house one day after a fight with her mom, and she’s unsure if he’ll return. Despair.
    The staff member recommends Aaliyah go visit HWL. She does, and the Premium Member helps her realize that she needs to stay positive and keep her chin up. Musical number.
    Aaliyah feels better and decides to play a game with the premium member. (KHVC visit? Only write up to them going to the community center.)

    Part Four - Premium’s P.O.V (Janson)
    We see that premium leads a very busy life. We gain perspective on a member that uses KHV more as a means of relaxation.
    They have a lot of stuff going on with school and a job and friends. Simply write up the average, busy day for them. Be creative without being ridiculous.

    Part Five - Aaliyah’s P.O.V
    Aaliyah logs on to attend a meeting on the donation progress.
    While there, a normal member stands up and leaves all emotional and whatnot.
    It is revealed that two normal members were dating and normal member was going to use the money he was originally using to go visit her to donate to KHV.
    Musical number about his love for her and long distance romance. THEY ALL BECOME FRIENDS.

    Part Six - Normal Member P.O.V (Midnight Star & Bushy Brow)
    Normal logs out and we get perspective on someone who’s in a long distance relationship.
    We focus on their chats online, and then a phone call.
    In the phone call, they discuss the donation issue and come to an agreement to put the money forth.

    Part Seven - Aaliyah’s P.O.V
    With Normal’s donation, the goal is reached! The site is bought successfully, everyone is happy. Musical number.
    Offline, Aaliyah’s dad returns and her crush breaks up with his girlfriend, or something else happy. Conclusion is that no matter what happens, you’re never alone, gushy gushy KHV.

    Games & Extras to be written up!
    Name the Song - KHV Chorus
    KHV Trivia - Community Center Event
    Mixtape Mania - Unlocks Radio
    Reaching 1000 premium points - Unlocks alternative ending

  2. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    The HERE after the Main Character Roles doesn't have a link attached to it.
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    If any of you are confused, here is an example of how it should generally go.

    First of all, read the plot if you have not done so. You cannot write it based off of the timeline at the bottom of the OP. You must read through the plot. If you would like to write one of the parts above (part 1-7), then you should post here saying that you will be working on that part.

    Let's say I decide to write part 6. I'd post here saying that I'll be working on it. Those screenplay examples can look pretty intimidating. Because this /is/ a digital production, you don't really need to worry about some of the things that screenplays include. It doesn't have to look super professional. Remember, this IS a VISUAL NOVEL so it works a bit differently. So anyway, I'm writing part six;

    Part Six - Normal Member P.O.V
    Normal logs out and we get perspective on someone who’s in a long distance relationship.
    We focus on their chats online, and then a phone call.
    In the phone call, they discuss the donation issue and come to an agreement to put the money forth.

    Here's a really stupid and pretend example of what the beginning may look like:
    SCENE: Normal's Bedroom

    Normal has just logged out of KHV and is now sitting on the corner of his bed. He decides to call his girlfriend on his cellphone to comfort her from earlier. She answers after the third ring.




    Are you alright? You logged off in such a hurry.

    No, I'm super sad right now.

    It will be okay.

    (Feeling better)
    You always know what to say, I feel so much better, thanks!

    Satisfied, NORMAL hangs up the phone.

    Except plz have better dialogue, thanks. If you only want to do a bullet point of a part, say so. (For instance, if you ONLY want to write their phone call, but you don't want to write the online chat part)

    While Plums and I are willing to fill in any gaps, the musical is a collaboration. That being said, please don't look at this and think that Plums and I will do everything if you decide not to help out and that everything is groovy. I think a lot of you guys are interested in seeing how this will turn out so I hope you'll also be willing to put in some effort to make it happen--otherwise it won't. </3

    If you need help or don't understand something, please ask. We're here to help!
  5. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Question: Is the person that the Normal member is in a long-distance relationship with also going to be a KHV member? And if yes, are they a Normal member as well? There are interesting ideas that could potentially stem from either option, methinks~ .o.
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Yes, they are also a KHV member. The don't have to be a normal member too, no.~ <:
  7. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Can we request certain parts to write for? If so, I'd like to take a crack at writing the Premium member's POV (part 4), but I could definitely use a writing partner to kick my derriere whenever I slip from deadlines.

    Also, can we write songs already, or write where we think a song could fit, and explain what we want to tell with the song? Cause I feel that, for example, the premium member's life, and motivations that lead that member to live such a busy life could be dealt with better in a song, rather than dialogue/monologue.
  8. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Take a look at this post, to answer some of those questions. I'll sign you up for part 4.

    As for songs, no. Songs will be written later and in this current phase, no songs or mention to song specifics should happen. It should just be focused on the general dialogue and setting. When songs occur/song placement is written in the plot overview.
  9. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    I'd like to work on Part One. I'll have something done in less than two weeks.

    Secondary Point: The writing styles and characterization are going to change a lot across writers. How do you plan on reconciling that if at all? I also feel like sussing out some character sheets might be in order to help decide how everyone can act. Maybe it won't matter right now, but once things are starting to get finalized you know for a fact that there will be problems.
  10. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Regarding Part Seven (the ending): I don't think that everything should wind up exactly how Aaliyah wants. Yes, KHV can be saved, and I can live with Aaliyah's dad coming back, but maybe she doesn't get the guy? Having everything suddenly go right at once isn't particularly realistic, I think, and girls don't need boyfriends to be happy, right?
  11. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Would it be possible for me & Bushy to write Part 6 together?
  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Plums and I go through it at the end and uniform everything.

    This is all written in the plot and notes and stuff. No, she doesn't get a totally happy ending.

    It's fine that she doesn't get the guy. And the guy breaking up with his girlfriend isn't really perfect. Just leaves room for a potentially happy ending, if she musters up any courage to confess. But that's not really expanded on at all. o:

    This isn't to you, but in general, you guys make sure to read both the plot and this thread. The bullet points up there is just a bit of help and reminder of what happened in the long-winded version because I know you guys can get lazy, but please read both!

    Yep, yep.


    Y'all need to read. :P So far, I'm getting asked a lot of questions that are already answered.~

    It is a-okay to write with someone else. So long as you get it done, we don't really mind the method.

    Also, you as the writer can elaborate on things the way you want. : ) Example, Tale's question. If you don't want to write is to be super gooey sweet perfection then you can write it the way you want to AS LONG as it follows the guidelines/plot to a point. Plums and I will fix any inconsistencies. Just keep in mind that any actual plot changes were supposed to occur during the plotting stage (that's what it was for), so the plot is as it is. It is no longer the time to shift things around.
  13. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    That will involve massive rewrites as it is and some people are going to end up writing something for this only to have none of it show up in the final product. I'm going to guarantee that right now. I'm not trying to be adversarial here, but I feel like you are vastly underestimating how differently each person can and will interpret the simple plot we've got running right now. I could write Aliyah as a chain smoking, one-eyed midget with an inferiority complex and a propensity for wearing top hats and still be (barely) within the bounds of the prompt. I'm sure no one is going to go that extreme but you can see the point that has been made here. We are going to have seven characters with the same name and no reconciliation possible by the end. To lessen this we should agree on some baseline things about each character at least. Actual personality traits. I know you're probably just trying to make this easier for people to contribute to and more friendly and fluffy but everyone who's going to be contributing needs to accept that their own personal egos and opinions are subordinate to the needs of the project here and they need to put the group before themselves and that means agreeing now who we are writing about before projecting our own ideas onto the project against the will of the other writers. We are a team, not a set of individuals.

    If you're okay with putting in the extra work, I'll concede my point and let you guys hammer that out yourselves, but everyone that is here is here to help, asking for a little more isn't gonna kill our interest in helping out I'd imagine.

    An example of what I mean by a character baseline follows below.
    Aliyah Crews -

    Skin - Coffee, if I'm gonna try to use my crayon set for nomenclature​
    Hair - Dark Brown, braided​
    Eyes - Darker Brown, long lashes​
    Clothing - Follows a purple motif centered around lilac for most shirts and has complimentary accessories. Prefers jeans of skirts and flats over heels.​
    Height - 5' 2"​

    Intelligence - About average, she's not the quickest or most observant person and her memory could use some work but she more or less gets it and doesn't need help with anything she'd normally be expected to do.​
    Likes - cartoons and anime, nostalgia for things less than 10 years old, video games, being congratulated or thanked, this one guy​
    Dislikes - History, reading, criticism, being looked down on, not knowing what's happening, being told to stay quiet​
    Self control - Fairly emotional​
    Maturity - Low, unable to look very far outside herself and empathize with anyone too different​
    Interpersonal - Not very charismatic, but friendly and polite at least​

    Technical - None​
    Artistic - AMV's​
    Social - Normal stuff​

    General: ​
    She's above all else normal. She's not particularly nice nor mean. If she saw someone getting beat up she'd call the police but wouldn't dream of helping even if she felt she could. Online, however, she's a much bolder personality with a greater tendency to throw herself into things, even if it's a bad idea. She's easily confused by her life and the world around her, but she's like 14 so we'll forgive her for that. Making friends is her strong suit because for all she lacks in uniqueness and salient qualities in general she makes up for in being a good listener who doesn't make snap decisions and tries to stay agreeable with people she first meets. ​

    Verbal Tics:​
    Uses interrogatives and verbal pauses and has a limited vocabulary. ​

  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I definitely agree that that kind of thing can be helpful, and you guys can figure character sheets and the like out if you want to. But it's just a script. None of the writers are required to go into enough detail to make it difficult to uniform. The more detail, actually, the more difficult it'll be to condense it into VN form. I personally think that character sheets and the like are really useful when collaborating with stories and such, but for this all we really need from you guys is dialogue and brief setting descriptions. Seriously something as brief as here. With a bit more personality and less derp.

    Details about what the characters look like will be happening in January for the artists.

    Plums and I are going to end up doing a lot either way. It won't just be copypasta everything from the script. We'll have to go through and put everything together and then separate it and script it using Renpy's engine.

    JAYN has just woken up for the day. Breakfast is waiting for her. She prepares to eat, noticing there's no straw in her cup of orange juice.

    (furious, disoriented)
    Who took my straw?!

    Would be better than;

    JAYN has just woken up for the day. She is wearing a flowing, purple nightgown with pink polka dots and a bright red bow in her dark, somewhat tangled hair. As she sits up in bed, she notices a glorious smelling plate of food placed beside her on a stand. Big, golden, fluffy pancakes fill up most of the plate. They are accompanied by two strips of mouth-watering bacon, and two plump, flaky biscuits drowned in golden syrup. She sits up and prepares to eat, noticing that there's no straw in her cup of orange juice.

    (furious, disoriented)
    Who took my straw?!
    Because it leaves room for Plums and I when we edit everything. Not only that, but we're most likely not going to animate all of that, so the most we'll pay attention to is that she just woke up, there's breakfast there (which would be mentioned in the narration itself) and she's missing her straw. ...And is upset.
    For it to be really helpful, you guys would have to write a script the way they're written in RenPy. Which is pretty difficult to figure out for some people. That being said, I'm not against the character sheets! If it'll help, you guys can do that if you want. But you don't need a lot of detail in your script at all.
    All of this sort of stuff is what the plot discussion was for, and I don't really want to take time out of the writing process trying to agree on character sheets for all characters instead of just writing.
    If it would help, I propose a semi-compromise. We can have open, public documentations of everything. For example, if I'm writing part one, I can post what I have so far in here and keep updating until I'm finished with it. That way, everyone can kind of build on each other and Plums and I can monitor and edit as we go instead of having to do it all at one point. We can also monitor progress that way. (So weeks in if someone still hasn't done anything we can catch it early rather than 'sorry I didn't do anything' at the end of these next two months). This is in addition to any character sheets anyone may want to make and have out there in the open for public reference. (Even though I genuinely prefer something off-site like a Google documentation or something that only the writers have access too and are sent via PC or something, that has all parts in it.)
  15. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    You seem like you've given this sufficient thought, so I'm going to go ahead and support you on this. From an ideological standpoint I still prefer a highly detailed plan over a loose general one, but that's just style and if this style is what seems like it has the best chance of working out smoothly I'll do my best with it. I've only glanced over the Ren'Py system so I can't say much for formatting though...
  16. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Formatting shouldn' be too much of a challenge be a bit easy.

    For the final game, the coding of the dialogue would look something like this:

    Green would be the character identification (j = Jayn, c = Claw and so on), the show/hide commands would show the image of the character, and the "at x" indicates the position of where that image would pop up.

    Essentially, we're compiling the script in the format Jayn had posted above so it'll be simple to copy/pasta into the base Ren'Py document (after we settle all the more advanced coding and such).
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Still needing sign ups for Part Two, Part Three, Part Five, and Part Seven.~ Just a gentle reminder for all of you writers out there! The more time you have, the better, so if you're interested you should sign up! : )
  18. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Question, when are the characters decided upon? It'll be easier to write when we know for sure who we're writing about.
  19. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    At the end of a week or two, depending on how fast recommendations go--which is why I hope more people start recommending and voting. v:
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Four more parts still open for anyone who would like to pitch in and help with writing.