What I already did in one file Proud; 100% Journal; Time: 65:43; Munny: 137961; Everyone level 99; If I remember something I will add. The File I will do I won't use any Item; Just Kingdom Key; Never try to Level Up; Will be updating with your ideas. I don't have Final Mix version. Currently File Sora Level 18; Munny: 1617 Time: 5:33 Place: Disney Castle (Taking care of Queen Minnie); Have more ideas? Bring it! PS: I won't use any Boost items. Or Tents or Potion or change Armor or Accessories.
There's a code somewhere that allows you to get no experience ever. Want it if I can find it? Also, beat Xaldin blindfolded and complete everything not a sidequest in under 24 hours.
Hmm... Feet... it depends, if he can play the piano with his feet, then he is too skilled and will not be permitted to use them. If not, then I will leave the choice up to him. But if he wants to challenge himself. Tongue and Nose!