Hell's Rebels: In Hell's Bright Shadow

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Beucefilous, May 15, 2018.

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  1. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011

    Chapter One: Fledglings of Silver

    6:00 AM, Aria Park
    Kintargo population: 11,900

    Even with the cobblestone streets still wet from the morning dew, and the sun just barely beginning to break over the horizon and shed its light onto the silver city, Aria Park was filled with dozens of Kintargans. They stood outside the opera house where the newly appointed lord-mayor, Paracount Barzillai Thrune, currently resided. In the sudden absence of their former mayor, Barzillai was appointed at his request as mayor of this city by Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II. Local rumormongers were still buzzing about her mysterious disappearance. Some say that she was bribed, some say she was murdered. Some say that she was simply praying a bit too hard to Cailean one night and slipped on her stairs. Whatever the case may have been Barzillai Thrune was in power now, and that was what caused this gathering.

    Angered complaints filled the air and blurred together. Most complained about the ridiculous proclamations and demanded that he revoke them. Others screamed that he had no business here at all, and called for his immediate resignation. Though, far more of them just seemed to be angry with the situation in general and were content to yell their frustrations. A few Chelish loyalists argued against what they called a growing demand for anarchy. The one or two civilians foolhardy enough to approach the opera house and attempt to enter were quickly pushed back by the Dottari, who looked to be growing increasingly nervous. At the doorway stood a slender woman with red hair, looking disdainfully down at the crowd.

    A shadow passed through the window of the second floor in the opera house, but didn't appear to reveal itself to be anything more just yet. Tensions were high, but hadn't come to a boil quite yet. For now, it was just yelling. More and more people continued to arrive. Some joined in the yells, some tried to out-shout and silence those who had opposing views, and some just simply watched as if scanning the crowd. If one listened to the less boisterous and more personal conversations, they might be able to pick up a rumor or two. There was a shout or two about a pickpocket, but it was largely ignored by all but those closest to them, drowned out by the myriad of voices.

    It seemed like the protest would go on for several hours...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2018
  2. salem215 Moogle Assistant

    May 7, 2018
    Kieran stands a building at the back of the protest. His eyes intent on everything that's happening. Though he seems to be relaxed against the wall, he is alert and reactive to any change that might occur. He can feel the tension in the crowd. As he continues to scan the crowd, Kieran notices a a short hooded figure, his fingers sneaking closer to pocket of a gruff man. Kieran walks over casually, and grabs the thief's arm.
  3. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    The halfling man gives a surprised yelp. He'd been so focused on reaching into the pocket of the gruff man, clearly a laborer of some kind, in front of him that he hadn't even noticed the half-elf walk up behind him. His yelp alerted his would-have-been victim, who turned around and gazed down with wide eyes at his coin pouch in the small man's hands, and the elf who had him by the arm. The man wrested the pouch back from the thief's fingers. "Thank you. If it weren't for you, he would've made off with this before i was any the wiser." The grateful pickpocket victim said to Kieren. "Here, take this as thanks."

    Kieran obtained 6 GP​
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    It was six in the morning and Purrah was already drunk.

    Well. "Already" may have been the only contested word there. Since the catfolk did not get much rest the night before anyway, and instead attempted to get herself drunk enough to pass out. When that didn't work, the cat simply resorted to waiting a few more hours before getting up when day's light made it easier to look around. Purrah loosely held a flask between her fingers as she began weaving her way through the crowd. She looked towards the opera house just to make sure nothing got increasingly hostile over there before taking another swig of whiskey and placing it back into her pocket.

    She heard some screams from the crowd nearby, mostly hearing a chant begin about rice that made her snicker just the slightest bit before she joined in,
    "Grain is not worth my life! Grain is not worth my life!"

    Purrah gave up pretty quickly on the chanting and began to look around at people. But she wasn't looking towards their faces, she seemed to be looking down at their hands. At once point she quickly grabbed someone's hand and looked at it and the person turned to her and glared at her and pushed her away and she chuckled and said, "Sorry. This one thought you were ssssomeone else. Carry on." she gave him a pat on the shoulder before making her way through the crowd. She watched as others began arriving and she let out a sigh. Perhaps the one she was looking for wasn't there yet. Purrah pulled out her flask again and sipped once more.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Valen watched the crowd and, despite the civil unrest, no one looked ready to start a full on riot and burn the place down. Though perhaps if more people were like him things would have played out differently. If he had arrived just a day or two earlier he would have been able to take his shot but with the Thrune being a new mayor things were definitely going to be difficult. He noticed something unusual about the movement of a certain section of the crowd but could not perceive what was going on other than there seemed to be some sort of pattern to it. The movement was deliberate. It could have been nothing but with little else to do but bide his time and observe, he moved towards the strange movement in the crowd. "Maybe I'll find myself something interesting." He muttered under his breath with great cynicism.

  6. ClearZer0 Moogle Assistant

    May 6, 2018
    Elf PirateBanner.png Vance had been hearing whispers of this riot coming for couple days, and he couldn't be more excited for it. It was this morning at the former Sunset Import tavern, now some nameless hole-in-the-wall that's only good for it's bad Grog, that Vance heard there was a full scale riot outside the opera house. He smiled and finished his drink and ran along with a large number a people, slower than most on account of his peg leg.

    He arrived where the rioters crowded the opera house, where Thrune set up. He had a lot to pay for, practically ruining Vance's new life. Vance joined in with the crowd, pushing forward to get near the front and see better. He got to the front and saw those corrupt Dottari, Vance's vein's bulged with anger. Vance yelled a commanding shout, his time in the military flashing back when he'd need to give quick orders. The crowded surged with anger along with him. He looked on his person for something, anything to give those Dottari a piece. He found a old bottle of Grog, swigged the rest drunkenly, and threw it with a shout. It crashes against a wall harmlessly but Vance barely notices, simply shouting his frustrations intensely.
    Last edited: May 19, 2018
  7. Deleres Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2017
    Andros took a deep breath, and felt his blood sing with excitement. The protest was exactly what he was looking for, and what luck to venture upon it so soon! But it wouldn't do to be overexcited and rash-that would only serve to ensure that he applied his efforts inefficiently. Instead, Andros looked out into the crowd, and heard the protesting against something about grain intensify. To the side, a bottle smashed against a wall, (a floor, even? Hard to be sure amidst the clamor) thrown by an aggressor unseen.

    Trouble. Andros looked around to note the positions of the uniformed guards. Instinctively, his fingers flexed, falling into long rehearsed positions in preparation.
  8. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Why he was even up this morning, Reno couldn't really answer, except for the fact that it had been too damn loud to actually sleep through. The red-brown, nine tailed fox, sauntered around the back of the crowd, looking for food that he could perhaps snatch out of someone's hand and go find a quiet place to eat it, boy would quiet be nice right about now, but nowhere in the city was ever quiet, no where in any city for that matter. Well perhaps if he couldn't beat them, he could join them. After all, he was sure there was a fight going to break out any moment now. Just one wrong word from any one person and all hell could break loose. Perhaps he would be the one to cause that to happen, perhaps not.

    Pushing back the thought for the time being, Reno took a walk around the block getting out of site of most of the people before he flashed back into his human form, taking to the crowd once again, wandering around looking for something interesting to watch, but finding nothing so far besides a headache from all the noise. Perhaps these protesters would win their little fight, it would be nice if it put an end to all the ridiculous laws, then perhaps things would be fun again. At first all these laws and watching everyone stumble over them was a great time to watch, but over recent weeks it had just started to get plain annoying.
  9. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Credit to Cstar for helping me out with the colors!!

    Velvet had been swimming through the night and into the morning to Kintargo. She had heard a commotion from above the water. She swam up to the surface and poked her head out of the water. It had looked like a protest was occurring at the moment. A very heated protest that looked like a fight would break out at any moment. "Oh dear." Velvet had decided to emerge from the water and walk a little bit toward the crowd while still keeping a distance. She looked around the crowd and was a little scared of how conversations within the crown were getting louder and more heated with each passing minute. She didn't know what to make of it or what even caused this many disagreements. Velvet brought her hands together and spoke to herself. "Kintargo.......Will you have the knowledge I'm looking for?" Velvet looked over at the crowd once more before looking at a woman who stood in the doorway at the opera house and she did not look happy. "What has happened that has caused this much of a disagreement?" She was quite curious but she knew better than to go into the crowd and get caught up in their troubles. She took a step back to make sure the distance between her and the crowd would stay that way.
  10. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Martial Law. Being forced to hang a portrait of that ridiculous woman everywhere. Being fined for spilling grain. Abolishing a flavor. Kintargo was a city of the free in the land of chains. It was a place of expression and self identity in a land of conformity and laws. It was a place where anyone should be able to wear whatever they damn well pleased and certainly enjoy their tea whenever it struck their fancy. Roshe had never been optimistic about the new lord-mayor since his arrival, but it became increasingly clear that he hadn't been deserving of any faith to begin with. With each passing day the man proved his insanity further to the people, and to Roshe and all the citizens of Kintargo, they knew that were they to keep their livelihood, Thrune must go.

    Knowing that she had to do something to stop this, Roshe had woken up early in the morning. Moving around the city, she gathered at Aria Park, the site of the growing crowd of people beginning their protests and letting out shouts of, "hell no! Thrune must go!" Walking into the crowd, Roshe hadn't joined in on the chanting and yelling of the crowd just yet, instead merely wading her way to the opera house. There was someone here worth yelling at, and Roshe was going to make sure that her shouts weren't just lost in the crowd.
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Listening in for rumors was not the easier of things to with the people that were shouting. Admittedly it probably wasn't the best of ideas to do so on the outer rim of the crowd, but it was too late to go back on that plan now that he was already here. Any form of information was what Arthur was looking for, specifically anything that he could use to possible turn a profit from or at the very least something that could aid him in his own endeavors.
  12. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    The bottle hit the wall and broke, and the elven man in the front of the screamed in a rage-filled voice that overshadowed all the rest. He cried out his spiteful yells, demanding that Thrune and all his cohorts be exiled from the city. The dottari were growing increasingly nervous and afraid of this man. His brow furrowed as he roused those around him to join in his violent revolution to right what was wrong. Soon, others began to throw things at the dottari. It seemed like tensions were growing by the second. The red haired woman standing in front of the door glared daggers at him, seemingly thinking what she should do about it. For a brief moment, all the voices were silenced when the window to the balcony on the second floor of the opera house burst open, and the shadow stepped forward.

    A tall, imposing man in armor stepped forward. He was adorned in many places by the pentagrams of Asmodeus. Though many had never seen him before, his wine glass in hand and arrogant, contemptuous sneer looking down at the gathering protest made it very clear who he was. This was the man who had been causing all their troubles. The very reason this protest was taking place to begin with. This was Paracount Barzillai Thrune. He had come to address his new people. Once the initial surprise of him making an appearance was over, the anger returned to the crowd as they shouted even louder. They demanded he leave at once. Let there be a proper election for the new mayor. Free the silver city from its iron chains. Barzillai simply turned his wine glass, listening to the pleas of the city folk.

    "People of Kintargo. Is it with hatred you look upon me and the House of Thrune?" He asked

    A piece of rotten fruit flew from the crowd with a surprisingly well aimed accuracy and pegged him in the shoulder. "NO ****. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CLUE, THE ANGRY MOB AT YOUR DOORSTEP OR THE **** FLYING THROUGH THE AIR AT YOUR GUARDS?" A very upset man from the crowd screamed out.

    "I see. I must apologize for I have not yet adapted to your...quaint country ways. Nevertheless, I have heard your complaints, and rest assured i will take them to heart. The happiness and well being of the people of Kintargo is in my utmost interest, I take pride in updating your archaic laws to a more modern standard. You say that you will not stand for me in a position of power? Your lord-mayor has heard your complaints. It is with a heavy heart that I issue this proclamation in response to your demands!"

    He motioned for a servant, who brought him a clipboard and a piece of paper. He took a moment to write it down, and handed it back to the servant who brought it downstairs and passed it off to one of the Dottari. The guard looked surprised upon reading it, but reluctantly nailed it to the wall of the opera house.

    All nonnative ships’ captains must remain on board their ships and are barred from setting foot on land within Kintargo’s city limits—their crew and agents are free to come and go, but their actions are directly the responsibility of their captains, and any crew caught breaking Kintargan law shall have its punishment visited upon the crew members as well as their captain. Any captain caught setting foot in Kintargo is to be punished by squassation.

    "All ship's captains are hereafter barred from leaving their vessels and setting foot on Kintargo's docks and streets under pain of squassation. Effective...Let's say, four days ago!"

    It was then that all hell broke loose. The crowd broke into even more shouting and screaming than before, and began throwing more deadly objects such as rocks and knives. One person even managed to get a lucky hit and plant a dagger directly into the throat of the red haired woman standing in front of the door. She plucked it out and the flesh sewed itself together in a black and crimson smokey fire.

    "Nox, deal with this rabble." Barzillai casually spoke down to the red haired woman at the front door.

    She called out. "Do your duty to Cheliax and Thrune!"

    The dottari all drew their weapons on command, loyal and ready to follow their orders. This was about what had been expected in response to the riot, but what people didn't expect was from all within the crowd, several people threw their hoods down and drew weapons as well, attacking anyone nearby. Screams of terror erupted as the crowd began to burst into panic. Some fought, others fled, but the utter disarray made it hard for anyone to gain much ground.

    Due to the panicked crowds, all squares are difficult terrain.

    Purrah's turn!

    Purrah: 22
    Valen: 22
    Arthur: 20
    Andros: 20
    Vance: 18
    Velvet: 15
    Dottari: 11
    Reno: 10
    Roshe: 9
    Kieren: 7
    Thugs: 7​
    Last edited: May 19, 2018
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Purrah had witnessed the escalation of events, but with her own preoccupations she didn't quite understand how bad it got until there was a deafening silence brought on by the opening of a window. The one addressing the group spoke in just the right way to make her feel like she was being talked down to, like a kid. And the catfolk did not appreciate that for one second. If she had more care for the situation, maybe she'd spit. But she kept her eyes searching anyway, that was until guards drew weapons. That didn't surprise her too much. That was to be expected at the very least with what was going on. But the random stabbing from people in hoods in the crowd, that wasn't expected. And that immediately put Purrah on high alert.

    The cat watched two guards seeming to eye her in particular, if only because she was one of the closer ones to them. Purrah let out a hiss of frustration and cracked her knuckles saying,
    "This one does not have time for this." and she took one step forward. With the full thrust of her knee she slammed it straight into the gut of a Dottari who let out a loud noise of pain. She didn't manage to hit hard enough to kill him in one go, but she did manage to get a very nice hit in.

    Purrah moved 5ft towards a Dottari and attacked with an unarmed strike. Dealt 10 damage.

    Roll to attack:

    Roll to confirm:
    Total:12 [failed to confirm]

  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Valen looked around to see several others around him readying for battle after things got violent. He hesitated on immediately going for his axe and instead decided to swing his instrument around on its strap so that it was now slung onto his chest. He took off his gloves and tucked them in between into the space between his belt and hip. He strummed a single chord to begin his song. "Now then. Let's turn the tide of battle shall we?" The half-elf smirked. Then, he began to shred.

    Valen used Inspired Rage.

  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    The rumor tactic had failed much like he had expected it too, but the concern that Arthur had lied with how things had progressed within the crowd themselves. Right as he had taken a step back away from the group he was eavesdropping on, objects were being thrown, voices raised and not too long afterwards a whole fight had broken out.

    Admist all of the chaos, Arthur had turned his attention towards one of the nearby thugs and fire a quick shot at him with his pistol

    Arthur attacked a Thug with his pistol. Dealt 2 damage
  16. Deleres Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2017
    Andros followed the path of the dagger as it sank in to the woman's throat with his eyes, and his fascination only grew as he watched her yank it out, the wound disappearing in seconds. His gaze followed her until he was pulled out of his daze by the crack of gunfire. Unfamiliar with the sound, Andros blinked and refocused to see that fighting had erupted from the tension. Scanning the crowd, he noted the men in uniforms and armor, the ones attacking protesters. His left hand clenched into a fist, calling his mental arsenal to his side. A half dozen mindblades, weaponized constructs formed of mental effort, came into existence around him. As they crackled and glowed with obvious energy, Andros singled out a Dottari guard and gestured, sending a single blade careening into the fracas. The weapon found its target in the guard's chest, sinking through his chainshirt with ease. As the guard dropped dead, the mindblade disintegrated, spent. Andros furrowed his brow and turned to assess the situation further.

    Move Action: Manifest Panoply of Blades
    Standard Action: Attack Dottari Guard (Northwest of Andros)
    Attack Roll: 19 + 8 = 27
    Confirmation Roll: 19 + 8 = 27
    Damage Roll: 5 + 8 = 13
    Crit: 13 * 2 = 26 damage
  17. ClearZer0 Moogle Assistant

    May 6, 2018
    Elf PirateBanner.png Vance studied Thrune, the fat tyrant who's expression was ambivalent to the pain of the city. Vance began to get out a dagger, one precise throw could change everything, but someone beat him to it. A dagger flew into the throat of the red head at the doorway, and she could care less. Her orders yelled out and the soldiers began to massacre the crowd, sending everyone into a panic. Vance saw around him chaos and madness, thugs under hoods slit people's throats and the Dottari began to beat down the protesters coming near the opera building.
    Vance faced the Dottari in front of him, ready to take out his cutlass and cut them down, but he hesitated when something flashed in front of his eye. He remembered the time on the battlefields, and his legs shakes with fear. Vance backs away and ducks the swings of the adjacent Dottari, trying to get some space from their blades. He keeps backing away until he bumps into something peculiar, a man playing a most enchanting guitar. Vance for a moment is taken in by his music, but he refocuses on the soldiers in front of him. Quickly pulling out his spellbook, Vance summoned the energies inside him and the runes on the pages glowed intensely. From Vance's hands came an amazing technicolor beam which bathed the crowd and soldiers in front him. 2 of the Dottari are directly hit, along with some people running in the crowd. The first guard is overcome by the display and falls down with mouth foaming, the guard next to him is just nearly able to shield is eyes with his gauntlet.

    Move 5 ft back, Acrobatics check: 20+3-4= 19
    Color spray, 15 ft cone, 2 soldiers effected by Will saves.
    One passes, the other fails and is Unconscious, Blinded, and Stunned for 5 rounds.
    Last edited: May 21, 2018
  18. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Velvet looked over at the armored man as he spoke out to the people about their concerns. Once he had announced a new proclamation, the crowd immediately went into a frenzy. "Oh no..." Within the blink of an eye, the impending fight that had been threatening to break loose, had immediately sparked and burst forth. Dangerous objects had been thrown onto the stage and had managed to strike itself into the red-haired woman's throat. Velvet gasped at what she had saw right before her eyes. The woman pulled out the knife as her skin had started sew and repair itself from the damages sustained. "What in the world?" Velvet didn't know what to do. Would she interfere and partake in this frenzy of a battle? Or would she back away and run from the fight? As she was debating, she looked over and saw a thug with his back turned to her.

    Velvet thought about it for another moment. She walked away from the water and started to sneak up behind the thug.
    I can't walk away and let this fight get out of hand. Velvet continued to sneak up behind the thug. She slowly pulled out her rapier. As she reached the thug's back, she ran her rapier right through the thug's chest. She pulled out her sword immediately and swung down away from her to remove the blood that had covered her sword. Velvet took a deep breath and looked away from the corpse.

    4th Roll(1d6)+0:

    3rd Roll(1d6)+0:

    2nd Roll(1d20)+0:

    1st Roll(1d20)+0:

  19. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Nox retreated back into the Opera house as the fighting began to break out. She gave one last spiteful look to the crowd and turned back into the building. She didn't seem the type to run away. Instead...She was getting something.

    The Dottari, being trained professionals, were the first to act against this riot. Though one of the ranks had already been taken out and another was dazed by this Elf's magics, they held strong and fought still. The two nearest purrah ran forward and swung their maces. The first, who had several broken ribs and was unlikely to last much longer gave a swing that was far stronger than one would expect with injuries like that, but the Catfolk woman was able to stop the weapon with her bare paw. Taking the initiative on her momentary distraction, the other Dottari close by charged forward to take advantage of the situation. The man stared wide eyed as Purrah raised up her foot to the level of his chest and stopped the blow dead in its tracks.

    Meanwhile, The dottari stationed to the east of the building were having far more success outside of the one who screamed in pain, clutching his eyes along with like 15 people in the crowd you jackass. The armored guards ran forward and, in what was probably the best display they would've been able to perform, swung their maces from high and low at the same time. Vance's momentary hesitation resulted in a direct hit from both. One cracked him in his forehead, and the other rammed into his stomach. In the furthest east position, a more intelligent Dottari pulled out his bow and fired into the crowd.

    Purrah moved forward and Attacked Dottari 2
    24, Critical threat~!
    12, failed to confirm...
    Dealt 10 Damage!
    Valen started a raging song!
    Arthur fired at Chelish Thug 7
    12, Hit
    Dealt 2 damage
    Andros manifested A Panoply of Blades
    27, Critical threat~!
    27, Critical HIT!!
    Dealt 26 damage
    Vance moved and used acrobatics to avoid being hit
    Vance cast Color Spray!
    One Dottari failed their save
    Velvet charged at Chelish Thug 9
    24, Critical Threat~!
    17, Critical HIT!!
    Dealt 12 Damage
    Sneak attack dealt 6 further damage

    Dottari 2 attacked Purrah!
    17, Missed...
    Dottari 3 Moved and attacked Purrah
    14, Missed.
    Dottari 4 is Stunned and Unconscious!
    Dottari 5 Moved and Attacked Vance!
    24, Critical Threat!
    10, Failed to confirm...
    Dealt 4 damage
    Dottari 6 Moved and attacked Vance!
    24, Critical Threat!
    17, Failed to confirm...
    Dealt 3 damage
    Dottari 7 Attacked Valen!
    10, Missed

    Reno's Turn!
    Last edited: May 21, 2018
  20. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    As Reno moved through the crowd it seemed like the one inciting all this nonsense had decided to show themselves, bringing another law for the people. Oh this ought to be good. A law on who could leave the ships and who had to stay behind. That rule was one that Reno could care less about, he had no reason to be for or against that law seeing he did not care for the shipping of the town. That being said, it was becoming increasingly hostile and the new law seemed to be pissing a lot of people off. Looking around the heat of the situation escalated quickly, too quickly for Reno really to have the time to prepare himself. Before he had a moment to summon a creature to fight at his side, someone was already throwing a knife into the neck of the red head woman who was guarding the door. What was worse than that though, was that she plucked it out of her neck without any seeming effect.

    Crowds scattered, but not all of them, some stood their ground with weapons in hand.
    "You see, this is the problem with society, you all feel the need to bring weapons to a peaceful rally. You are the ones killing society, not him. Though he is an *sshole I do agree with that. Still it would be better to fight your battles with something more natural than knives and weapons, that is just the cowards way out, and I don't appreciate you pulling one so close to me. You could get me in more trouble than it is worth. Perhaps you could do with a bit of a distraction." As he finished speaking a bit of arcane energy blasted forth and an eagle flew forth from it, turning and attacking the thug right next to it with it's claws. The talons raked against the thug, giving Reno time to get himself prepared for whatever was to come. The Eagle swept around and tried to hit it with it's beak, but that only caught bits of the weapon doing nothing to the target.

    Reno summoned an Eagle
    Eagle used Smite Evil
    Eagle used talon attacks on Thug 6
    Eagle used bite attack on Thug 6
    Talon Attack 1
    Total= 15

    1d4 +1
    Total 3

    Talon Attack 2
    Total= 19

    1d4 +1

    Bite Attack
    Total =6

    Does not hit!

    Total Damage= 6
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