I'm curious as to where all of you stand on these questions. 1. Are you more likely to join an RP if it has fancy graphics and banners plastered all over it? 2. For those of you who put banners and such in your RPs, why do you do it? Do you use them often? 3. Do you make banners for characters you RP as? Why? 4. How do you feel about RPers posting music along with their posts(i.e. "battle themes" and "mood music")? Do you even listen to it if an RPer posts music? 5. Does the source of the music matter very much to you? If it comes from a popular anime or game do you just ignore it? 6. Lastly, what about having a song posted in the very first post of an RP? Would you listen to it while reading the story and would it influence your decision to join? Question overload, but these all came to my mind.
As a visual person graphics really help inspire me to write better and rps with banners and such draw me in more than ones without. Not to say I'll refuse to join one without so long as the story is good though. For the reason above. Also helps me be more in character if I can see my character because bouncing back and forth between rps can make me get a bit mixed up with their personalities and whatnot. It feels out of place when no one else is using them so I often will not use any if no one else is. Combines 2 & 3 answers together. It can help. Doing it for every post can get tedious on my end since sometimes I just want to post but I never minded it when someone else has done it. And I always listen unless I have too many tabs/stuff going on at the time and then forget to come back for it. No. Feeling indifferent to the first part of this question though if the music makes the reading more dramatic or gets me into it more it'd influence my choice on joining whether I notice that it does so or not. If it is a bad song I, hopefully, will not let that turn me away from joining a rp I'd otherwise like.
1) Yes and no. Sometimes presentation can go a long way, but I think there is more to it than that. The use of fancy graphics and banners (as well as videos and music) can show that a lot of care has been taken with it. On another note, that isn't always full-proof truth. Naturally somebody could make an RP and take a lot of care, but just lack the skill to make banners and what not. Personally, they don't influence my decision to join an RP. They're nice, but I'll join an RP if I like it (which includes everything from story to the clear amount of work that's been put into it) among other things. 2) I like to use banners just because I like to format my posts and I believe it's also nice for people to be able to see what your character looks like. They aren't necessary, but I personally like them and do use them in nearly every RP I join. 3) I do. And yeah, all the same reasons as above really. Albeit, I've just realized that the question above applied to RPmakers who put stuff in their first posts. Regardless, yeah, you see my point of view. 4) I do it when it's relevant. A piece of music can just really set the tone of a post and help to communicate emotion or whatever. For battles, the right song can get your blood pumping. I use music in two ways. Not just putting it in my posts when I think it will fit, but I generally listen to music while I write my posts to help me get in the zone (it also helps block out the outside world which keeps me on target with my posts). Also, yes. I always listen to the music other people put into their posts because I'd appreciate it if they did the same with mine. 5) Not really. As long as it's suitable to the post or whatever purpose it's being used for I think it's fine whether its from something overly popular, unheard of or even an original piece made by the RPer themselves. 6) Again this is sort of answered with my previous stuff. If it's there and relevant and helps set the tone of the RP or the story, I always listen to it (as said above). I doubt it'd make much of an influence though of whether I join or not just the same as the graphic question.
1) Hmm, banners aren't the most important thing and I look for the story first but banners help as it shows effort has gone into it and well it looks nice. 2) I don't make rps so couldn't comment. 3) I use banners often because they make my posts look nicer and give people a good reference as to what my character looks like so they can visualise it and put more detail into their posts. I use it in most rps now so my posts look a little bare without. However I tend to go with what the majority of people have, if nobody else has a banner I might not but I don't like to be the only one without one. They also help test and improve my graphic skills by making a new one for each rp. 4) I'm fine with it, I'm too lazy to do that with every post and I don't often listen to music other people post but if they want to I'm fine with them doing that. 5) I don't watch much anime so I won't be familiar with it anyway but no regardless, though I don't really listen to the music in people's posts so this doesn't really apply to me. 6) On the first post of an rp is the one time I will listen to the music but that wouldn't influence my decision to join.
1. When I join an RP, it's mainly for the story since that's what I'll be working with alongside the other RPers. Fancy banners and stuff in the OP is definitely a plus, since it makes the RP look nice. So in short; It may make me a bit more intrigued, but the story is what I go for in an RP. 2. EDIT: Oh, wait, you mean't in the OP of an entire RP. Well I don't make them, so I really don't have an answer for this one. 3. Every single one. I do it mainly so the people reading can better visualize what my character looks like, plus it's just fun to make them. 4. I think it's a good idea to add music to a post when it's necessary. A moment that's important to the plot, for example. It really puts emphasis on the importance of that moment. Now, if someone's putting music in every single post, then it can get annoying. When music is in a post, I usually will listen to it. 5. As long as the music fits the moment, then I could care less where it came from. 6. It certainly adds atmosphere to the initial story post, that's for sure. But in the end, the quality of the story is what will ultimately persuade me to join.
That last half makes it seem like a bad thing that people worked their asses off to make things look nice. * glances at the hunger games *. Yes, I am more likely to join a roleplay if it looks nice, as if they put effort into it. Normally, this effort is displayed by well written plots and attractive graphics. I do it because I feel like a roleplay with effort should call for some effort in return. This doesn't necessarily have to be done by making banners, and can be fitted through the content of my post alone, but I like people to think that I've put more effort in than just into my writing. / / Yes, I do use banners and graphics often. Yes, I do. It pertains to the answer above. I like it. It gives the character more realism, makes it a more three-dimensional, tangible person. It shows that the person who is roleplaying the character wants the readers to see that it's more than just words on a post. / / Yes, I do listen to the music posted, and it's usually while I'm reading. The source of the music is pretty much irrelevant. If the player feels like that is the music that fits the situation, then who am I to tell them that they're wrong? It's about feelings rather than facts. I'll listen to the music in any case. Well, the creator of the roleplay put the song there for it to be listened to; I'll definitely listen to it, and since I'm an emotive person, it might influence my decision to join, but if the plot is obviously crap ( that is, if it's crap in my opinion ) then I'm not going to join.
1. I personally don't care if the RP has fancy graphics or banners, though they make it cooler. If the RP has a cool and interesting story, I would think about joining it. 2. I haven't made rps in a while, so I can't really answer that one. 3. Yes, the moment I reserved or get a character in a rp, I immediately set work to make a banner. Like everyone else, I see it as for everyone to visualize what my characters look like. 4. If it suits the mood that the post is in, I don't mind if they put music with their posts. It depends if I am interested in the music they posted. 5. Not really, if I really enjoy the music, it doesn't matter to me. 6. I think it would help set the pace of the story the RP would go in. If the music is interesting, I would listen it and consider my decision of that rp.
1. No, but I like the look and feeling than they give off. 2. I put them in because way back in 2008 people forgot what my characters looked like and Banners seem to be very helpful for that aspect. 3. Yes, the answer is a mixture of 1&2 though 4. Well, when I post music I don't really intend for it to be listened to alongside reading the post, it's kind of a "what song is stuck in my character's head" thing. I don't mind the music though and I often do listen to them alongside reading. 5. No, music is music no matter where it comes from. 6. No, I usually ignore first post music to be honest.
1. Are you more likely to join an RP if it has fancy graphics and banners plastered all over it? Well, it doesn't NEED to have fancy graphic, but well organized and graphically presentable threads do attract me attention. 2. For those of you who put banners and such in your RPs, why do you do it? Do you use them often? I may only do so if I am the only one without one. So, not often :/ 3. Do you make banners for characters you RP as? Why? I do not. 4. How do you feel about RPers posting music along with their posts(i.e. "battle themes" and "mood music")? Do you even listen to it if an RPer posts music? I think music can be inspirational for situations. Adding music to accompany a character's speech or defining moment hits hard. Battle music is especially motivational for coming up with plans of action in a fast paced setting. 5. Does the source of the music matter very much to you? If it comes from a popular anime or game do you just ignore it? I'm more fond of instrumentals really. I find they are more powerful to the situation. Music with choirs or low singing are also acceptable. 6. Lastly, what about having a song posted in the very first post of an RP? Would you listen to it while reading the story and would it influence your decision to join? I would listen to it. It is a lovely accompaniment to the post being read.
IT IS A BAD THING. Kidding obviously because I've used banners before(both self-made and not). Time to answer my own questions now that I've seen a lot of answers. This got popular fast. It catches my attention but graphics aren't important to me. Especially since I'm terrible at making them and can sympathize with others who have the same trouble. RPs are about having an interactive story, not eye candy. I only use banners for my RPs when I'm really feeling inspired or when I have pictures in my head that would be easily used to fit the RP. Only last year did I start using banners more often but I don't do it with all my RPs. I only use banners for characters I RP as when everyone else has one....and even then not all the time. I've never made a banner for my own characters because I'm not good enough to make them. I usually listen to music posted. I just don't want to see it done for every post. I prefer when it's used to enhance the mood rather than just posting a character's(the RPer by extension) favorite song just because they feel like it. I'm a musician, so actually it does matter to me a little. It's just my taste but I try to stay away from anything that isn't instrumental unless there's a really good reason for me to do otherwise. I don't see music posted often enough so other than that, it doesn't bother me if it's from a popular source(DBZ, Final Fantasy, etc). That's the most important time to listen to music! If the OP of an RP has something like that, it'd be great if people listened to it. Personally, I'm working on an RP right now and I did compose stuff for the RP. One song I've recently made will be in the OP once the RP is up. Having said that, this kind of stuff won't really influence my own decision to join an RP. It's all about the story and having your characters fit in. Always.
Whether it's graphics or just being really well formatted, yes. If it's all plain text default everything I probably won't bother with it. It's the effort behind it. There are Graphic Shops that offer to make an RP opening post pretty so even the effort to just request something is nice to see. I do it because I enjoy graphic making and it usually looks nice. More put together, more effort put in...I really like aesthetics. It's not just RPs I use banners and such for. Everything must be beautiful. (。’▽’。)♡ Always. I think it's nice. Same reason, really. It also helps, in my opinion, because you associate the image with that person. When it's above the post it kind of helps you put a 'person' to everything that's being done without you forgetting what they look like since not everyone describes the character's appearance too often aside from hair and eyes. I don't really care as much about music. I'll listen, if I feel like it. I would listen more often if my laptop wasn't likely to explode. If everything is running well then I'll click. I hate it when it's embedded, though. It lags, even if it's in spoilers. I prefer a link. If an RP has music in the opening post it doesn't really influence if I'll join or not.
It's nice to see an RP that has some visual aids to go along with it. A banner to go with the title, and maybe a few other images. But I don't let that determine whether or not I'd join in RP. Sometimes people overdo it with the images and banners, which makes it a bit difficult to read what's actually been typed up. RPing is a largely text-based activity. So while it's nice to see a bit of visual aesthetic, I ultimately make my call based on the plot given; is the story interesting to me, and did the writer put effort into THAT is more important to me in the end. I haven't made an RP in a while. I try to find at least a base image to use to set a mood or fit the setting of the RP. But I don't bank on them. I'd rather let my words spark peoples' imaginations. N/A. Up until only about a year ago I would usually include theme music in my character sheets. It was something of a customary thing that I picked up over my time as an RPer. But I've since strayed away from that. I do sometimes put in links to music if I feel that it will be appreciated or help set the mood. If I do post a link to a song, it's usually a song that I listened to while making the respective post. Since the music tends to inspire my writing in those cases, I feel that it becomes intrinsic to the post. So naturally, I want try and share it with the others who read the post. All that really matters to me in this case is the appropriateness of the music selection. The music has to fit the scene being depicted in the post. If the scene is characters fitting, then I'd prefer something a bit darker or with more drive, etc.
I don't really mind either way. Not really, because I'm lazy :/ I really like it when they do it, especially if I'm familiar with the music. Well, I do prefer music from stuff I'm familiar with. I would like it if each rp had its own theme that sets the mood for the entire rp (kinda like how each KH has it own Dearly Beloved)
Plastered makes it seem so violent!! Haha, but um, if it appeals me, I'm going to honestly say... yes. I'm all about visuals and if something catches my eye, I'm really going to be drawn to it. However, of course, it boils down to the content - which is much more important but if the content is as great as the visuals then amazing! Absolutely. Yes. I use them all the time and I honestly do that because it helps me remember who I'm playing. I like to have the appearance, of course, of the character on my banners and whenever I choose appearances I like them to match the personality of the character so banners aren't just to snazz up my posts but they're really to help me get into character and such. Yes! I just love to do it, it's really fun to make and like I mentioned, it helps me get closer to the character. I think it's cool and it shows how committed and "into-it" an RPer is. I really appreciate it, and I do listen to them while I read the RP, or I read their posts or something - because it's there for a reason and I let the music help me understand more about the post or RP. No, not much. Of course, I do care if it's credited haha (plagiarism is a no no) but I do care about the source when I end up really, really liking the song to the point where I'd want to get it on my iPod. Yup! Yup! Yup! I thought that was about question 4 actually so yeah. whoops.