Canvas -Rerversed-

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by myoblivion, Jan 11, 2009.

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  1. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    Niw pumped a fist then looked at the more....Important situation

    The girl sighed and rolled her eyes, then in a flash..Literally a flash, a gun was shot at Amayo, not just any gun though. She giggled with a evil twist in it then sighed in boredom, "I hope you like the presents we 'Type L's' sent you...I'd hate to ruin the surprise but..That bullet I just shot is a special thing whipped up for that one war agaisnt the Zombies, makes Vampires insane with blood lust and hunger....Unstoppable I heard." She stated like she was in bliss, she twirled around then tossed Grey the crystal, "I wouldnt waste much time on that, you might not like what you see inside." She said before she blew a kiss to Niw and disapeared

    Niw twitched then looked at Grey to Amayo, "I wonder how long it takes to kick in...." He mummbled, grabbing his gun

  2. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Amayo's eyes widened and she choked for a second before a wide grin spread across her face and she started to chuckle before laughing maniacly. Her fangs and claws appeared as she darted after Niw. She grabbed his chin in her hand and ran a finger down his neck, "Niw-kun~? could I have a bite please?"
  3. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    Niw scowled with a serious face, "Sh*t!" He cursed then looked at Grey, "I know you hate me but, take Kii out of here!" He ordered then shot Amayo's arm that was on his neck

    Yu yu and Kokoa were on the roof, watching secretly through the sun roof on top of the house *There names escape me....*

    Kokoa smiled happily, "Yi did a good job," He looked at her with his eyes smugly, "Dont you think?"

    Yu yu pouted and looked off, jealous, "Mm."
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "You're the human! You do what I say!" Grey retorted, grabbing Amayo by her arm and roughly yanking her away from Niw...although it was more of a throw than a "yank". Grey glanced over at Niw, obviously angry that he would even consider to give him an order. "You get your friend out of here or I'll hurt you as well."
  5. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Amayo violently ripped at his grip, trying to get away to Niw or Kii, and her eyes glowing amber, "LET ME GO!"

    Kii groaned and clutched his head as he sat up before jolting when he saw Amayo, he frowned, though it was sort of sad and confused, what happened to her...?
  6. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    Niw rolled his eyes then threw another book at Kii, "YOU have to take him, if I take him she'll just come at us!" He stated, angry, "She likes your blood but we are HUMANS, she wants us the most. I'd rather get bitten then Kii so get the heck out of here!" He yelled then grabbed a couple of scissors on the counter, in a rapid motion cutting his wrist, blood coming out. He stationed himself somewhere so he wouldnt be trapped then put his arm up in the air

    Kokoa burst out laughing

    Yu yu looked down with big eyes, "I didnt see that coming..."

    Kokoa still laughed then slowly stopped and looked at Yu yu, "I think our foxie friend would like to see her human get massacred, dont you?"

    Yu yu slumped back into depression, "Is that really nice...."

    Kokoa smirked, "No, but its fun." He said and disapeared
  7. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Kii dodged the book this time, and stared wide-eyed at what Niw did before staring at Amayo

    Amayo stared at Niw before her eyes got wide, pupils narrowing till tey were just lines in her eyes. She snapped forward and ripped herself out of Grey's grip and disappeared, reappearing by Niw and grabbing him, tearing at the base of his neck and digging her teeth into his skin
  8. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    Niw shut his eyes tight, "Get *Flinch* out of here before she finishes!" He yelled and swallowed, hearing his own blood being sucked

    Yu yu stared down the glass and pouted sadly, twirling her finger on the glass as she watched

    Kokoa appeared back, carrying Mitsru in a cradle. He winked at Yu yu and set her down by the clea glass, her face towards it so she could see

    Mitsru had a chain on her neck, her hands tied and cut roughly by a rope along with her ankles, and her face was scratched as well as her arms and legs having bruises. She opened her tired eyes halfway before they shot open, she went to speak but a cloth was tied tightly around her mouth

    Kokoa had a odd clicker in his hand, "And just in case..."
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey opened his mouth in protest but said nothing when he felt something familiar nearby. He looked, seeing the Type L's just watching them from the sunroof. He could also see one of them holding Mitsru...hopefully it wasn't an illusion. "I'm not getting your friend out of here. You didn't listen to me so I'll do my own thing now." He said towards Niw, running towards the sun roof then jumping straight up, crashing through the glass. "I thought you guys should join in on the fun." Grey landed a few feet away from the others and brushed the shards of broken glass off his clothes.
  10. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Kii frowned and grabbed the book that Niw had thrown at his head and threw it at Amayo

    Amayo jolted when she got hit by the book and growled, running after Kii and ripping at his skin, her eyes growing wide and a grin spreading across her face as she smelled his blood, she lunged at him and sunk her teeth into his neck
  11. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    Niw fell on his knee's, "GOD D*MNIT!" He yelled and then shot at Amayo, "You should of ran when you had the chance!" He cursed then looked up at the roof where Grey had gone before shooting again

    Yu yu covered her face from the glass and pulled Mitsru away

    Kokoa laughed, "Course," He coughed a weird gag noise as his teeth grew sharper, "l'll bite you to death."

    Mitsru looked at Grey, she shook her head with her eyes shut and screamed at him

    Yi appeared on Grey's back, "Remember me??" She asked, her appearance still in the shape of Mitsru's
  12. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Amayo screamed before stumbling back, her vision blurring as she looked around, swaying and stumbling. She looked at Kii and frowned she she saw how bloody he was before looking and Niw. Her eyes widened when she saw him covered in blood, she held out a hand, "N-Niw...?" she said before screaming and covering her head, she suddenly jerked up and lunged at him

    Kii collapsed to the ground and clutched his neck, biting his lip to keep from crying out
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey reached behind his back to grab Yi and threw her off his body and down on the roof. "Back off." He growled, suddenly lunging towards Kokoa. "You're first!" He shouted, slamming his fist into his chest. "I'll fight you all if I have to..." Grey muttered, drawing his knife out with his other hand.
  14. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    Kokoa coughed then laughed, falling back ang going through the roof like a ghost. He came up the other end and kicked Grey's back hard, "Like you could even finish one of us. Think logically my friend."

    Yu yu dragged Mitsru away a little bit and slumped back down, she started braiding her hair and sighed sadly

    Mitsru wasnt really paying attention, "MMMPTH!!!" She screamed at Grey gesturing her tied up legs away from the enemies

    Yi rolled over and pulled herself up, thinking for a brief moment before sliding off the broken sun roof and onto the floor. She landed on her knee's and looked at Amayo then at Kii, she got up and went over to him silently

    Niw cocked his head at Amayo then thought for a second and put the gun to his head, "Come on Amayo, tell me not to do it.." He said, trying to get through her lust
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey rolled as he fell towards the roof and quickly regained his balance, turning around to see Kokoa. He brushed some dirt off his shoulder and laughed. "You still haven't seen the full extent of my power..." He looked over at Mitsru. "She has some magic...and can transform. Amayo's well...she's what she is." He lowered his head as his tone darkened. "I'll show you what an angel can do." ...Even if my powers don't last too long... He quickly tossed his knife at Mitsru, the blade cut through the bondages keeping her legs tied. Grey jumped to the side and vanished for a moment. He reappeared beside Kokoa and kicked him in the ribs. "I'm faster than you!" Grey said it even though he didn't know it was true or not, he didn't care.
  16. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Amayo quickly came to a stop and stared at Niw, her body jerked toward him but she forced herself to stay put. tears started streaming down her face and she lunged at him, but instead of her fangs singing into his skin, she grabbed his hand and brought it down away from him as she hugged him tightly, clenching her teeth to keep from biting him

    Kii stared at Amayo and Kii
  17. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    Kokoa sucked tightned his stomach muscles to ignore the pain, he snickered then swung his leg around and up, kicking his smack in the face. He smirked and went into a squat and swung under the roof and back up to slash his back with his claws

    Mitsru kicked her leg up to hit Yu yu's jaw

    Kokoa disapeared, leaving Grey unslashed. He appeared behind Yu yu and grabbed Mitsru's ankle, twisting it backward with a disturbing snap, "Ah, ah ah...." He scolded then took off the cloth to hear her scream, he smiled and then clicked the clicker

    Mitsru screamed from her pain then stopped and looked up at Kokoa for a second then slowly brought her head to look straight. She grabbed her ankle and twisted it back with another awful crack before standing up and running at grey, "Grey!" She shouted at him with open arms
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey staggered back, surprised at Kokoa's reaction time and watched as Mitsru ran towards him. "Mitsru stay back!" He ordered, running towards her. He clenched his fists tightly, ready to attack once more, this time with much greater force. Maybe if I can just do enough to make them back off...
  19. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    Mitsru did what he said and moved a few inches, she waited for him to come close in her reach then grabbed his wrist and swung him at amazing strength for her 5'1 figure, crushing his wrist. She swung him and let go, sending him flying

    Kokoa smiled tightly to hold in his laugh, bu it eventually burst out

    Yu yu giggled in a creepy, breathy way

    Yi crept closer to Kii silently, but something slammed her out of the way, she fell once again without a sound and looked up to see Charcoal

    Charcoal smiled crookedly and raised his hand up, claws 4 inches long appearing

    Niw looked past Amayo, "KII!!!!" He yelled and shot the gun, the bullet flying under Amayo's arm and hitting Charcoal in the middle of the forehead
  20. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Kii gasped and stumbled backwards, falling back near Niw and Amayo

    Amayo looked over at Kii before her body jerked, and she growled, jerking forward to Charcoal and disappearing, reappering and slashing his neck and wrists, using what they turned her into against them
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