~Bleach: War of the Masked~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Oct 11, 2010.

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  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "You never know." Arashi paused for a moment as he clasped his hands behind his back. "Maybe I ran away to let the others fend for themselves." This was something similar to what he would tell those in his own division. If matters turned for worse, they could not simply rely that their captain would save them. One needed to expect the worst and prepare for it. He let out a low and quiet whistle as these memories came to mind. Arashi shook it off when Somerie commented on the Hollows' activities. "I've been around Hueco Mundo more times than I care to count and I've never seen a Hollow enjoy the light."

    Arashi extended his right hand out towards the direction of the other group, flicking his wrist to summon up small particles in Hueco Mundo's thick air. A trail of visible spiritual pressure condensed, shedding a pure white light. It flowed directly towards the others' location and could easily be used to trace them. "I've made things easy for you. Just follow the trail and you'll find the other group. I'm sure a talented girl like yourself would have no trouble with such a task." He faintly smiled as he spoke. Arashi was about to lead the way himself when he felt something come along with the gentle breeze. The scent of Reiatsu was in the air, thick with the dual spiritual pressure found only in Vizards. To Arashi it stuck out like a sore thumb but he wasn't sure if the others could sense it.
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Hatsuharu ignored Yamata's approach and walked around him, smirking to himself. You have no idea what I'm capable of, old man, he thought to himself as he walked towards Sanosuke's Reiatsu. So will I get to fight Due again soon? Raiya asked her owner in a contemplative tone. While the spirit didn't have such a taste for revenge like Hatsuharu did, she was tired of all their battles never ending. She wanted to see who would win once and for all. Count on it, Raiya. We'll shock the hell out of that fish, Hatsu exclaimed back, mentally. After a few minutes, they were near Sanosuke's group and Hatsuharu flash-stepped towards him. While not as quick as the Captains' shunpo, his was quick enough to cover long distances in small amounts of time, as was its purpose. "Sano!" He called out, waving his arm.

    Sanosuke smiled as he rushed towards Hatsuharu, glad to see his friend was alive. "Hatsu! You and Yamata made it?" Within a few seconds, there were a few feet from each other. "But I saw you, in the Dangai, the Kototsu, it got you!"

    Hatsuharu looked down, contemplating on whether or not to tell Sanosuke what happened. Deciding that he should, he spoke up. "I saw Kyo. He was in the Kototsu. But when it hit us, we didn't...disappear or whatever. We ended up in this room like place, but the Dangai's currents were all around us still," he shrugged at the Captain since he had no idea how that was even possible. Once the Kototsu hit you, that was it. "But instead of Kyo, Yamata's old Captain was there. Sasuke or something. He said Kyo had a message for me. He asked if I knew the one-eyed man," Hatsuharu couldn't help but show the hope in his face, hope that Sano would know what Sasuke meant, but Sano's questioning expression made it clear that he did not.

    "Shouldn't you report back to Kyo?" The young voice appeared out of nowhere, directly next to Sasuke's ear as Virem suddenly came out of thin air, upside down so his face was next to Sasuke's. He didn't even flinch at the fact that Sasuke's body was engulfed in flames. "I saw Hatsuharu! And the others! So you did what you were supposed to..." He had a strange smile on his face, his peculiar sharpened teeth on his bottoms lips, "So....go report." The last phrase didn't have the same playful and curious tone as his earlier words. They were strangely serious, almost as if it was an order. After saying it, the Vizard slowly floated a few inches away while remaining upside down. His sheathed blade was on his left side as his dark red Shinigami clothes fell victim to gravity.

    OOC: I'm going ahead and posting this now so I don't forget tomorrow. I know I have a habit of leaving for weekends unannounced but this time I have a reason. Tomorrow's my birthday : D. I should be able to post tomorrow in the afternoon (EST), but the rest of the weekend is celebrating. I'll be back Monday. I'm going to leave Terra in charge while I'm gone (if he's up to it) so you guys don't have to wait for me to post. He'll know what to do.
  3. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    ooc: Happy early birthday. > u>

    Somerie however seemed once again entranced by the nighsky, she almost completely forgot the first part of what the captain was talking about and then suddenly she snapped out of it when she sensed something. A another hollow perhaps? Something stronger living in the folds of the trench? Or perhaps . . . maybe. . . ? She shook her head when the thought crossed over her, trying to shake such thoughts from her mind. However Somerie wasn't the type to go running into things that did not deserve her attention at the moment. She needed to get the other two back to the group so if something of that magnitude did rear it's head, they wouldn't be alone. Somerie made a quick bow with her head in respect to Arashi, thanking him for his help, her autumn brown bangs falling into her eyes as she did.
    " I thank you for your help Captain, we are all truly grateful. But please sir be careful for there is a eerie presence amongst the valley of shadows. . . Come on troopers, let's hustle."
    She shouted at Ryo and Lex as she gripped her sheath, flash stepping away as she went, following the trail of light. Now that she knew where she was going, crossing the rock was nothing for Somerie and pretty soon in a matter of minutes she reached the stone archway that lead out of their trench and Somerie spotted the captains' coats from far away with ease, since they seemed to be illuminated in the moonlight.
    " Captain !!"
    Somerie shouted in her mind as she sprinted over to them, dismissing her normal elegant and graceful walk for a full on sprint.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: I'm going to kill off all your characters, Bueno. They will be eaten alive by Hollow lizards. XD Kidding. I'll only control them enough to get them out of people's way so they can have plot holes for you to mess with when you come back.


    Help, huh? Arashi smiled slightly to himself as he shook his head slowly at the thought of a lower-ranking officer giving him a warning. "I'm a captain, I'll manage." He said to himself, watching as the girl took off. She was a rather interesting person compared to the others that bored him in the Soul Society. You better not consider courting anyone. I don't like attachment. Arashi laughed quietly at his zanpakuto's comment. "Seems like you're attached to me. Just like I was to my own brother. I wonder how the Zero Division is like anyways..." He trailed off and scratched his chin for a moment as he rested his hand on his zanpakuto's hilt. Arashi lifted his head to stare up at the moon, giving a haunting glow to the ground below. Despite the tranquility of it, the scene still managed to give mixed feelings to the Captain.

    I suppose I'll join the others. With a deep sigh, Arashi vanished from the scene and arrived instantly next to the others. "Hm." He took another whiff of the air, feeling more than just the Vizard Reiatsu. It was far beneath the ground but he kept quiet about it. More Hollows, large ones at that. Arashi briefly glanced at the glowing trail he left behind, deciding that he would just let it fade away instead of forcing it to disappear. Any bright ideas? We could always go hunting. Zasetsu let off a hint of amusement when he responded to Arashi.I wouldn't have it any other way.
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth stood there for a couple of seconds with his arms crossed the moment Somerie to him to move out huh? did she call me a trooper? when was she put in charge? Seth thought to himself and sighed as he closed his eyes and followed whatever either way it means less work for me Seth thought to himself as he followed the fellow lieutenant but immediately stopped walking when he noticed her running ahead and opened his eyes, looking at whatever the reason she ran up for and continued on
  6. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    When Somerie returned to the group she finally felt at peace now, that she had finally returned the group back to the company of others and that her Captain had made it through alright. She walked near her Captain's side her mind caught up in something else so captivating that she forgot to speak to her captain or at least great him. Somerie closed her eyes as she turned her head in a direction of the shadowy valley where most of the others weren't looking. Her attention captured by that strange eerie presence again. She thought out loud.
    "What could it be?"
  7. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    Lex began to walk the path carelessly. Hueco Mundo was rather boring for him. I would go crazy and become a cannibal too if I was stuck in such a dull place. He thought to himself jokingly. Lex turned to Ryo. "It must be tough taking orders from a fellow officer, huh?" Lex asked Ryo.
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    The ground began to shift beneath Arashi's feet. He raised an eyebrow and looked down at the sand, taking a step backwards. A Hollow's spirtual pressure rose through the ground, the source of it slowly rising to the surface. It was still far down but it was coming. It seemed stronger than that of a Gillian-class Menos. It wouldn't even pose any sort of a threat to him but without taking a good look at it, he was unsure of what abilities it had. I really hope it wasn't what I think it is... "Everyone, get back. We're getting company soon." He spoke loud enough for the others to hear him.

    OOC: I know exactly what to do to keep everyone busy. 8D HOLLOW LIZARDS. Kidding.
  9. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    Lex began to feel the tremor below his feet. He quickly unsheathed his Zanpakuto. His face showed great excitement. He could feel it! "THIS IS GOING TO BE A BIG ONE!!" Lex said loudly and then smiled. Finally!! Some action!

    OOC: Forget the Hollow Lizards, I want some Hollow Lamas! :P
  10. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    Soku and Yumi who were a few paces behind the group heard Arashis warning and readied themselves.

    "Everyone i can feel more than one and they are big! bigger than the group we just fought! please be careful!"
  11. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Somerie could feel the ground pulsing beneath her feet, something this big was actually traveling the ground? At such a speed? It had to be pretty powerful indeed. Somerie grabbed the handle and sheath of her sword getting ready to pull it when the chance reared it's head. She closed her eyes and felt the pressure of the approaching target.
    "Are you sure it's very wise to stand directly above the entry point of something traveling at that momentum and speed? It would be like a in coming train slamming into you."
    "Onee It's okay, I got that covered."
    Somerie got ready, ready to start moving when the moment arrived.
  12. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Yamata's smile remained on his face as he went over to see Captain Torasai and his group. He went to shake Captain Torasai's hand and he spoke low enough so that Hatsu couldn't hear, suddenly his expression changed to a seirous face "Sanosuke, Keep an eye on him, he almost got himself killed. He's more...aggressive than he was before. Vizards that lose control turn Zanjen and we don't want that now do we? Keep your eye on him before he gets himself killed by lunging at Sasuke or Losing control of his emotions and land himself at the other end of our blades as a zanjen" he said as he could feel a mild shake in the earth....

    "Virem, I don't report to anyone, i did it as a favour to Kyo" he said as from his chect came an almight Cero which carved out and extra part to the canyon and took out what remained of the Hollows. The Zanputou on his back sealed itself again. "Kyo should assume i got the message to his brother without doing him any significant harm and if not then he'll have to come to me and check...Virem order me like you just did a few seconds ago and i won't be as restrained as i am right now" he said. His expression hadn't changed once throughout the entirety of his conversation with Virem. "If Kyo Wants me, tell him to meet me out by the throne of the Late Barragan where all the Vastelorde's Spar" he told him as he took a chain with a white charm on it. He throws it in front of him and his Zanputou Spirit Materialises. This was something he used to train Vice-Captains to attain Bankai. He jumps on his Zanputou's back and he flies off...
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    As soon as the entity came closer, Arashi knew exactly what it was. These specific forms of Hollow were particularly troublesome for him to defeat merely because of his zanpakuto's abilities. He always had to rely on raw power when facing them which was something he hated considering that it was still just a Hollow. A massive humaniod form rose from the sand...no, it was the sand. It was large enough to even tower over a Menos Grande. The top of its head looked a bit like a crown from a chess peice while its mask was far from terrifying. This sand-Hollow only revealed the upper half of its body which was more than enough to cause all the sand the group was stepping on to go flying back in a sort of tidal wave.

    Arashi cursed under his breath, feeling forced to actually draw his zanpakuto. He flicked his wrist which caused a blade of air to cut through the wave of sand, sparing the group from falling under its weight. Such a simple move was not a display of technique, but simply that of power. "I hate these things..." He vanished momentarily and reappeared an instant later closer to the group. "If anyone has an ice-type zanpakuto, I suggest you release it now." Arashi told the group, his eyes watching as the huge Hollow gazed down at them probably waiting for them to make the first move.
  14. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    Lex laughed. This is my forte. He thought as he stabbed the ground with his scale sword. Almost immediately, the creature was struck with many explosions in its body. Then, Lex used his spiritual pressure to harden the sand on the hollows body and create ground to step on. As he stepped on its body he heard a voice echo loudly in his head. YOU IDIOT!! The sand disintegrated and Lex fell into the sand.
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Since I have nothing better to do, time to post again. 8D


    The Hollow did not seem amused and had grown quite angry at what Lex had done. It raised its hand and began to bring it down to crush the Soul Reaper.

    Arashi, who decided not to wait for Lex to react, made a swift movement appearing as a blur as he flashstepped Lex away from the Hollow's attack. "I suppose you need better control of your Shikai." He stated as a wave of sand rose into the air when the Hollow struck the ground. "I'm gonna have sand everywhere by the time we're done here." He glanced over at the others as sand poured down on them. "Anyone else going to try? I'd rather not release my own zanpakuto." The fact was, if he did attack the Hollow, he would have to use nothing but brute strength to obliterate it. That was something that didn't sit well with his image as a captain. If you were an ice-type zanpakuto, this would be all too easy. Unlucky me, I got stuck with you. This comment struck a nerve with Zasetsu. An ice-type isn't nearly as powerful as me, Captain Ungrateful.
  16. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Somerie pounced up into the air and seemed to stay afloat in midair, trying to get a better look of the overall size of the thing.
    Somerie:" I don't think fire would work pretty well with this costumer. If we keep slicing at it, it will only collapse and rebuild itself, therefore drawing more sand up with it, its just a waste of spiritual pressure trying different things on it.If I use my fire based attacks it will only make the sand more dangerous and burn the skin off our bodies. Using Ice only would be more wise and perhaps I could distract it with my speed."
    She said as she stood in the air, hoping that somebody, at least somebody had ice based attacks in the group.
  17. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    Lex sighed. He was ashamed of what he had done. It seems I overestimated my own strength or....I was sabotaged. Laughter rang through his head. Serpiente....don't tell me you...why? A hissing voice responded. You can get a bit cocky sometimes...and well....lets just say that I wanted to have some fun. Lex lowered his head. You DO realize that if something happened to me you- Yes I'm very aware. Then why the hell would you- Simple explosions won't beat that thing, you have to think more....slyly. Lex smiled. and that's why you're my Zanpakuto
  18. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Naoto gasped slightly upon seeing the large sand...hollow appear in front of them. She drew her sword, but lowered it when hearing Arashi's words. You're not an ice-type. She looked down at her zanpakuto, her grip tightening on the hilt before she returned her attention towards the hollow. She cursed under her breath, wondering if there was any kidou spell that would work against it. There's no ice-like spell. Naoto bit on her lip and briefly looked down at her zanpakuto. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Arashi had grown impatient, the Hollow wasn't going to just let them think over their plan of action. He growled in frustration, hating what he would have to do. Such a move for a mere Hollow was definitely not something befitting of a captain as they were supposed to be subtle about their power. He had to make an exception now that nobody else had acted. Arashi stepped in front of the group and held his zanpakuto out in front of himself. "Break, Zasetsu." There was a flash of light as his sword seemingly shattered but in its place was its release state. The crescent-shaped blades along the staff let out a shining white aura. One hit should do it.

    He spun the weapon in his left hand as a dense spiritual pressure gathered on its length. "Raitobura." He swung Zasetsu upwards as a massive blast of light errupted forth, consuming the entire Hollow with the intense power belonging to that only capable of coming from a captain. This was what Arashi wanted to avoid, any captain could merely put a massive amount of energy behind an attack...it wasn't any sort of display of skill which was something Arashi preferred. When the light cleared out, sand rained down from the dark sky as Arashi rested the Shikai on his shoulder. "That was anti-clima-" He stopped midsentence as the ground shook violently.

    A gigantic column of sand rose up in between the group suddenly with no sort of warning. Another sand-Hollow had appeared. Not only that but two more sprouted as well to surround them all. The one in the middle had split the group in two. Lex, Somerie, Arashi, Yumi, and Ryo were on one side of the Hollow while Kyozo(OOC: If Fayt shows up. XD), Naoto, Soku, and Yamata were on the other side.

    "Well...I'm not going to do that same move over and over again." Arashi muttered, feeling like he had accomplished nothing with the destruction of only one sand-Hollow.

    OOC: If anyone's wondering what happened to Bueno's characters...since I'm taking care of them...they'll be mentioned soon enough. XD
  20. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    He suddenly broke his hand shake with Sanosuke as the beast appeared. He waited the fighting out until he could be needed until the thing actuallly split up. "Time to play kiddies" he said he jumped into the air and performed a single hand seal without an enchantation then said "Hyōga Seiran!" as a burst of frost blasted into the face of one of the monsters. In mid air he draws his Zanputou and brings it straight down on its head to shatter it. It stayed in place...
    "Don't get too carried away Yamata" His Zanputou Warned him.
    "Tsurugi, can you just let me do this without a warning for once" he told it.
    "No because when something goes wrong the least i can say is i told you so" It jested, as he landed just away from Sanosuke.
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