~Bleach: War of the Masked~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Oct 11, 2010.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Alright, remaking this for the second time since it was lost in the incident near the end of September. Once again, thanks to Aura/Ven and Arch/Terra/whateverhisnamewillbenextweek to helping me out while making this
    Also, thanks to daxma for his suggestions which actually gave me ideas for the plot later on.
    I'm remaking this for the people who initially joined and for newcomers (seriously, we need more people).

    Let me just reiterate that this is an RP based on the Bleach series by Tite Kubo but not based directly on it. That is to say, it's set in an alternate universe/timeline/whatever. So Ichigo, Uryu, Orihime, Renji, Rukia, Aizen, Grimmjow, and everyone else we know and love don't exist in this RP. However, feel free to make similar characters. I made the original one so even people who were new to Bleach could join, but now I just don't feel like typing all of that again. If you're new and still want to join, go ahead at your own risk, I'll welcome you.

    The Soul Society has been at peace for several thousands of years, or at least their version of peace. Shinigami did what they always did: fought Hollows, send souls to the Soul Society, etc. Then it started. Certain Shinigami came to wear Hollow masks. With these masks came great power. And with great power comes great responsibility. The Shinigami who had Hollow masks obtained Hollow powers through them. This was the ultimate taboo in Soul Society. For breaking this law, "Hollowed Shinigami" were executed. However, this didn't stop Shinigami from gaining access to Hollow powers. Some Shinigami did it by accident through training while others trained just to gain a mask, despite its illegality and kept it a secret. But they were found out and executed, too. The Hollowed Shinigami always begged for mercy, claiming they weren't monsters or Hollows. Eventually, this was seen to be true. Hollowed Shinigami were no longer executed and given a new name: Vizards.

    However, Vizards were prejudiced against and always kept a close eye. Different laws came into existence in regard to them and were repealed. This happened constantly because of the Vizards' strange nature. Such laws were: Vizards cannot have a seated seat, all Vizards must register and let their nature be known to everyone, Vizards must be part of a certain squad, etc. Of course, most of these laws didn't stay long. It was just that no one knew how to handle them. The existence of Vizards alone caused a commotion among the other Shinigami and citizens of the Soul Society. But eventually, things calmed down. Until the first full Hollowfication that is.

    When a Shinigami gains a Hollow mask, he gains a power he shouldn't have. Shinigami and Hollows are two sides of one coin; no one should have both powers. When a Shinigami dons his mask, he takes a large risk. Vizards are at risk of losing themselves to their Hollow powers. Once this happens, the Vizard merges with his Zanpakuto spirit and becomes a new class of Hollow, as strong as an Adjuchas...or even worse.

    These new form of Hollows, called Zanjens, became a threat to Soul Society, especially since Vizards could easily become Zanjens in the middle of Soul Society. Once again, after several Zanjen incidents, Central 46 decided Vizards must be executed to avoid this risk. They called Vizards "monsters" and "Hollowfied scum." Fortunately, the Tenth-Division Captain made a stand against this. One of his seated officers was a Vizard, a great Shinigami, and a good person. He knew that Vizards didn't choose to become Zanjens and they weren't monsters at heart. He gained more and more support until Soul Society finally decided against executing Vizards. However, Vizards were kept a very close eye on.

    Over time, Zanjen incidents decreased and Vizards were more common. It wasn't uncommon for a Vizard to be a high-seated officer, or even a Captain. All was (somewhat) well. This all changed when a group of Vizards defected. The defection is the worst stain on Soul Society's history, even worse than the discovery of Zanjens. One of the Vizards, a fourth-seat, attacked the Tenth-Division Captain. The same captain who had fought for his rights. The Fourth-Seat Vizard was Kyo Tiburon. He was seemingly insane and fought the captain, being much more of a match for the Captain than a fourth-seat should be, Vizard or not. The Captain was forced to use his Bankai to defend himself. Kyo never even released his Zanpakuto. Kyo's sealed blade was able to keep him on par with the Captain's bankai. Then, Kyo donned his mask and easily killed the Captain. Other Vizards, all over Soul Society, rushed to Kyo's side, betraying and fighting their fellow Soul Reapers.

    Kyo was then attacked by the Tenth-Division's Third Seat, the one who inspired the Captain to fight for his rights and also happened to be Kyo's little brother. Before the Third Seat could release his blade, a hole in the sky opened up and a golden barrier came down. The Negacion covered Kyo and the other defected Vizards. Soul Society was appalled, this was a power no other Vizard has even been known to have. There were no Menos Grande in the sky using it, either, it simply came from a Garganta and saved the defected Vizards. While his little brother stared, the seemingly-insane Kyo called out the Captain-Commander as he floated away: "Your time is over! Los Lobos is tired of following those weaker than us! Los Lobos will tear you down! Los Lobos will chew you up and spit you out! Los Lobos will stand on top of your ruins and become gods! You better be ready, people," he said it all while laughing.

    Since then, Soul Society has never recovered from the defect nor has Los Lobos made a public appearance. The Lieutenant of the Tenth-Division was promoted to Captain, for formalities and the Third Seat (Kyo's little brother) was promoted to Lieutenant. After the defection, Soul Reapers started disappearing. Most of them were Vizards. Los Lobos was recruiting them. Those who wanted to join, joined by will. Those who didn't, Los Lobos attacked secretly until they couldn't fight no more. With no other choice, they became Zanjens and Los Lobos was free to control them. Some weren't Vizards though. There were regular Shinigami who were jealous that they could not have Hollow powers. Some who knew Los Lobos would tear down Soul Society and wanted to stand atop with them. These joined Los Lobos by choice.

    Soul Society has sent many Shinigami in search of Los Lobos. They've scanned every inch of Soul Society, they've scoured the Living World, they've ventured deep into Hueco Mundo, home of the Hollows, but with no luck. And with no large-scale attacks by Los Lobos, their presence is only felt through the corruption, betrayal, and disappearance of other Shinigami.

    Several days ago, Captain Lanan Sohma, the Tenth-Division Captain, disappeared. There was a strange disturbance in the Dangai Precipice World, the spiritual tunnel that connected Soul Society to the Living World. Captain Sohma volunteered to check it out. However, he supposedly never made it to the gate. After he left his office to head to the gate, no one's seen him. Similarly, the disturbance in the Dangai simply disappeared as well. Los Lobos is suspected, but this disappearance is different than the others; there are no signs of a battle anywhere, no signs of Vizard spiritual pressure anywhere near him.

    His Lieutenant, Hatsuharu Tiburon, requested to lead a group of Shinigami into the Dangai Precipice World to search for clues. However, he was disappointed to find out that his close friend and Captain of the Eighth Division, Sanosuke Torasai, was placed in charge instead. He led a group of Captains and Lieutenants and one Third Seat into the Dangai. He told everyone that the Kototsu was scheduled to make its run the day before, which is what Soul Society was waiting for before sending a group to search for Captain Sohma, but the Kototsu has seemingly disappeared. As they ran through the Dangai, the guards who guard the Senkaimon turned out to be working for Los Lobos. They did something and the Kototsu appeared, quickly chasing down the Shinigami in it. Hatsuharu and Eleventh-Division Captain Yamata were hit by the Kototsu after Hatsuharu saw Kyo's figure in it. Everyone else made it across the gate, but ended up Hueco Mundo instead of the Living World. Instead of being annihilated, Hatsuharu and Yamata found themselves in a pocket dimension inside the Dangai with Yamata's old friend, fellow Vizard, and Los Lobos member, Sasuke. Sasuke gave Yamata a bowl of noodles and told Hatsuharu he had a cryptic message from Kyo. "Do you know the one-eyed man?"


    • Vizards - Shinigami who have obtained Hollow powers and a Hollow mask through training. Different from the Vizards in the actual series. (See below) When donning a mask, Vizards get the following powers:

    1. A Hollow mask. The mask changes their voice, giving it a dual sound: Their own voice and a distorted voice, usually their Zanpakuto's. Their eye color also changes to reflect their Hollow nature.
    2. Instead of gaining a Hollow side, like in the series, their Zanpakuto spirit changes. It becomes somewhat Hollowy and more aggressive and, of course, stronger.
    3. Their spiritual energy becomes a combination of Hollow and Shinigami
    4. A Cero that can be personalized or a regular Cero.
    5. Enhanced agility, speed, strength, etc. These stats are generally balanced out but some Vizards may prefer one over the other (Love and Kensei with strength, for instance).

    • Hollowfication - Somewhat different from the actual series. This is used when a Soul Reaper loses control to his Hollow powers. He merges with his Zanpakuto spirit and becomes a Hollow himself.
    • Zanjen- the term used for Vizards who become Hollows. These Hollows are as strong as an Adjuchas or worse. They keep their intelligence but are cursed to live as a Hollow. When a Los Lobos member attempts to control a Zanjen, the intelligence diminishes and they regress to beasts.
    • Los Lobos - The name adopted by the rogue Vizards. No one knows what their true purpose is or who their real leaders are or even where they're stationed. They're responsible for the disappearances of many Shinigami, Vizards and normal Shinigami alike.


    1. No Godmodding, Powerplaying, Controlling someone else's character, etc.
    2. Read KHV's basic rules here: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?103707-UPDATED-RP-Section-Rules
    3. 20 words per post minimum.
    4. Be somewhat active. If you take a break, let someone know. If you're quitting, let someone know. Otherwise your character(s) is/are up for grabs/killing.
    5. No limit on character number as long as you keep up with them. No more than 3 Vizards (Los Lobos or Soul Society), no more than 2 Captains and 2 Lieutenants on each side (You can have 2 Captains on Soul Society's side and another on Los Lobos' but all three can't be on the same side).
    6. If you use pictures, put them in spoilers.
    7. You CANNOT use Arrancars. They do not exist here. You also can't use Hollow abilities (for Vizards) that weren't listed above unless I say so.
    8. Everyone has to be a Soul Reaper
    9. You cannot be a member of the First Division.
    10. Certain positions are reserved for the few members who joined the original RP. Fifth-Division Captain, Eleventh-Division Captain and Lieutenant, Tenth-Division Captain and Lieutenant, Eighth-Division Captain. There's also a third seat (Fayt-Harkwind) but I can't remember his squad. If you take that position, Fayt reserves the right to steal it from you if you take it before him.
    11. You can't use your Hollow mask for more than 5 posts before it "breaks." This includes the post in which you put it on. We're not going to do the whole "half mask" thing. I mean, you can say you're only wearing half your mask, but you still have only 5 posts.
    12. Only Captains can have Bankai (unless they don't want to). I'll allow certain Lieutenants to have it, but you have to ask me first. Anyone else is out of luck unless you're really special.
    13. I can and will break my own rules since I made this RP for plot purposes. If you want to do the same, you have to ask me first. Depending on the situation, I'll let you.

    • Character Forms
    Alliance (Soul Society or Los Lobos):
    Age (you can just put how old they look):

    Zanpakuto Name:
    Sealed Appearance (if nothing special, put "Normal Katana"):
    Spirit Appearance:
    Release Command:
    Shikai Appearance:
    Shikai Power:
    Bankai Name:
    Bankai Appearance:
    Hollow Mask:

    Full Character Outlines Can Be Found At The Here In The Character/Discussion Thread

    Squad Rank Name += Zanpakuto
    Soul Society

    • Zero-Division Member Shizukana Zanshou ++ Jitsugetsu

    • Third-Division Lieutenant Ryo Sasaki ++ Bukishukun

    • Fifth-Division Captain Arashi Zanshou == Zasetsu

    • Sixth-Division Captain Soku Nakamura ++ Prince of the Sea
    • Sixth-Division Lieutenant Yuki Nakamura ++ Morning Star

    • Seventh-Division Third-Seat Kyuzo Benkei ++ Tenrouken

    • Eighth-Division Captain Sanosuke Torasai ++ Miroku
    • Eighth-Division Lieutenant Somerie Hanazono ++ Aozora Onee

    • Tenth-Division Captain Lanan Sohma ++ Naranja
    • Tenth-Division Lieutenant Hatsuharu "Hatsu" Tiburon == Raiya

    • Eleventh-Division Captain Yamata Noorochi ++ Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi
    • Eleventh-Division Lieutenant Naoto Ozawa == Rensa-gatana
    • Eleventh-Division Tenth-Seat Lex Griffin ++ Serpiente Emplumada

    Los Lobos

    • Ex-First Division Third-Seat Virem Viral == Bradnias

    • Ex-Third Division Third-Seat Hanzo Takonari == Hangurībīsuto

    • Ex-Sixth Division Lieutenant Ryukason == Shion, Natsu
    • Ex-Sixth Division Fourth-Seat Kyo Tiburon == Due

    • Ex-Ninth Division Lieutenant Masa Ronin == Kokuji

    • Ex-Eleventh Division Captain Sasuke Susano'o == Futsu-Nushi-No-Kami
    • Ex-Twelfth Division Lieutenant Daichi Ryuunosuke == Tetsujin

  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Kyuzo Benkei
    Gender: Male
    Alliance (Soul Society or Los Lobos): Soul Society
    Age (you can just put how old they look): mid 20's
    Appearance: http://www.yale.edu/anime/imgarchive/Samurai 7/kyuzo.png
    Division: 7th
    Rank: 3rd Seat
    Bio: Kyuzo used to be a member of the 11th squad until he learned shikai and was changed to 7th for it's abilities. His rival remained a member of the 11th squad but had recently disappeared, giving Kyuzo no rival fights, one of the only times he seems to be satisfied by his opponent, considering how they where equal. Thinking he may have gone to Los Lobos, Kyuzo volunteered to go, to his surprised, he was accepted. (Couldn't remember what I had).
    Personality: Stoic, one track minded, obedient but in combat has a lust for battling with those stronger or equal to him.
    Other: Should still be based on Samurai 7's Kyuzo xD

    Zanpakuto Name: Tenrouken
    Sealed Appearance: A pair of shorter katanas.
    Spirit Appearance: A silver lion with a mane of dark clouds that leaves a trail behind it.
    Release Command: Awaken
    Shikai Appearance: Two katana that are similar to the swords in here
    Shikai Power: Able to cover the blades of the swords with a different force of weather depending on the location Kyuzo is in, it cannot be changed from that weather after release unless the environment they are in changes and places with no weather or no illusions of weather means no abilities.
    Bankai Name: n/a
    Bankai Appearance: n/a
    Hollow Mask: n/a
  3. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Username: Aura
    Name: Naoto Ozawa
    Gender: Female
    Alliance: Soul Society
    Age: 982
    Appearance: Naoto
    Division: 11th
    Rank: Lieutenant
    Bio: For being the lieutenant of the 11th squad, Naoto is usually asked questions if she enjoys violence. Her response is always no. She dislikes it. She became the lieutenant without having much of a say in it. She would have preferred to be in the 6th squad. Knowing she wouldn’t be able to go to the squad she wanted to go to, she stayed in the 11th division. Due to her dislike towards raw violence and brute strength, she uses kidou whenever she feels the need to do so and can be looked down on by those in the 11th division. She doesn’t care, though. Her past is basically unknown due to her discomfort of talking about herself. All that is known is that she joined the Academy at a young age and eventually became a lieutenant.
    Personality: Naoto normally comes off as a serious person, but really isn’t. She’s quiet and calm, but can lose her temper fairly easy. If someone persists on irritating her, she will fight back, but prefers to ignore them. She dislikes talking about herself and tends to avoid it. She was never really comfortable showing her emotions or opening herself up to someone. Not many people really know of her background because of this.
    Other: When wanting to release a cero when she has the mask on, she points the palm of her hand towards the direction she wants to send it, and releases a red cero.

    Zanpakuto Name: Rensa-gatana
    Sealed Appearance: Rensa-gatana
    Spirit Appearance: Rensa-gatana
    Release Command: Multiply
    Shikai Appearance: Two swords that are chained from the end of their hilts. However, on the chain, there are small daggers attached to it that hang loosely. There are about 15 daggers attached to the chain.
    Shikai Power: When Rensa-gatana is first released, it looks like it can’t do much, but the daggers on the chain are able to disappear and grow into the size of a normal sword. When those daggers separate themselves from the chain, they remain invisible and Naoto can control those daggers with a flick of her wrists. She can also make the size of the daggers either grow to the size of a normal sword, or stay the size they were when attached to the chain.
    Bankai Appearance and Name: N/A
    Bankai Power: N/A
    Hollow Mask Appearance: Vizard
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Just reposting this because the link for Arashi's mask had been erased. I have it formatted exactly like how you have it in your OC list. <<

    =Username: Z.E.R.O.
    Name: Arashi Zanshou
    Gender: Male
    Age: 1500
    Appearance: Arashi
    Division: 5th
    Rank: Captain
    Bio: Arashi has spent a great deal of time in the lower ranks of the Divisions, having been transferred to every single one before revealing that he had mastered Bankai and becoming a captain soon afterwards. He took over the the same Division his brother had been Captain of prior to disappearing. He asked the Captain Commander about it only to find that his brother had been promoted.
    Personality: Arashi dislikes sticking to the rules, finding many of them too restricting. He never refers to others by their last name, even other Captains. The only time he acts moderately serious is during a fight or when his emotions start deciding his actions. Although Arashi believes a Captain should use any means neccessary to bring an opponent down, he neglects the use of Kido because he prefers taking things up close and personal.
    Other: Based heavily off of the character of my fanfic. XD Specializes in manipulation of Spiritual Energy.

    Zanpakuto Name: Zasetsu
    Sealed Appearance: White cloth on the handle, a longer and slightly thinner blade than a regular Zanpakuto with a rectangular hilt.
    Spirit Appearance: Zasetsu
    Release Command: Break
    Shikai Appearance: Zanpakuto
    Shikai Power: Zasetsu has the power over light. While it can release blades of concentrated spirit energy, it can also release a bright light to blind enemies as well as allowing Arashi to become invisible although he cannot activate his other abilites in that state. The more light there is in an area, the stronger Zasetsu is.
    Bankai Appearance and Name: Tenzasetsu
    Bankai Power: Tenzasetsu gives an all-around boost in Arashi's abilities. *Inb4Ichigoripoff* Tenzasetsu forfeits the ability of invisibility while gaining two others. It can suck in all the light in an area as well as becoming stronger in either extreme darkness or extreme brightness.
    Hollow Mask: Mask [Will become a Vizard later. Fires blue Ceros and doesn't need a "stance" to do so.]
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Ryo Sasaki
    Gender: Male
    Alliance: Soul Society
    Age: Looks in his 20's
    Division: 3rd
    Rank: Lieutenant
    Bio: A Soul Reaper who had graduated from the academy at a young age with a decent grade and was assigned to squad 11. He had been there for a very long while and was eventually transferred to squad 3 where he became the lieutenant. With his experience from the 11th squad he is skilled at melee combat, but that doesn't stop him from learning and using kido at times. He is currently working towards obtaining Bankai, getting closer to it as time goes by
    Personality: Ryo is a quiet individual who tends to keep to himself. He has a lazy side that he doesn't really hesitate to show and can be pretty carefree at times but know when it is time to be serious and doesn't goof off.

    Zanpakuto Name: Bukishukun
    Sealed Appearance: A katana that is a bit longer than a usual katana
    Spirit Appearance:
    Release Command: Arise
    Shikai Appearance: a pair of Jet-black gauntlets similar to Bukishukun's spirit form's
    Shikai Power: Bukishukun's ability allows Ryo to summon forth many different kinds of weapons for him to use. These weapons any be anything from swords, axes, a bow and many more. Ryo can only have one weapon out at a time so in order for Ryo to summon a new weapon his weapon must either break or be discarded by himself. Exceptions to this rule is weapons that need another in order to operate (eg. bow and arrows, dual swords, etc)
    Bankai Name: N/A
    Bankai Appearance: N/A
    Hollow Mask: N/A
  6. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    Name:Lex Griffin
    Alliance (Soul Society or Los Lobos):Soul Society
    Age (you can just put how old they look):he looks around his 20's
    Division:11th division
    Rank:10th seat
    Bio: A newbie who just started working for the Soul Society. He tries to learn as much as he can from his superiors and is very strong in battle. He's very courageous and is willing to give up his own life for his comrades.
    Personality:Calm, shy, and quiet. He prefers to think (very deeply) before taking action. He's also very aware of his surroundings.

    Zanpakuto Name:Serpiente Emplumada
    Sealed Appearance (if nothing special, put "Normal Katana"):Normal Katana
    Spirit Appearance:A Plumed Serpent. Its beautiful feathers hide the uglyness of the serpent's scales.
    Release Command:Rise to the Sky!
    Shikai Appearance: Two swords. The hilt of the first one is decorated in ebony scales and give it a rough and an ugly appearance. The hilt of the second one is decorated with beautiful silvery stones shaped as feathers.
    Shikai Power:Each sword has a different ability.(Lex uses only one sword according to his surroundings, he CAN use both forms at the same time but it causes him great fatigue and eventually after an hour he could pass out.)The scale sword can cause quakes and other seismic attacks. The feather sword can manipulate wind at will.
    Bankai Name:n/a
    Bankai Appearance:n/a
    Hollow Mask:n/a
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
  8. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Username: Daxma
    Name: Yamata Noorochi
    Gender: Male
    Alliance: Soul Society
    Age: He looks to be about 19 to 20
    Appearance: Spiky blonde hair, captains robe and Haori. He holsters his Zanputou on his right side.
    Division: 11th Division
    Rank: Captain
    Bio: He was Born as any other Shinigami is, He is recruited and he shows particular talent with Kidou. A captain by the name of Sasuke Susuno'o takes him under his wing and trains him. They form a great friendship. He trains him how to master shikai and then promotes him to Vice-Captain. Next Sasuke gives him the method of attaining Bankai but leaves him alone to attain it. After He is done his training he finds that his former captain had departed to join Los lobos and hours before his defection promoted him to captain.
    Personality: Warm Hearted and kind. He's highly philosophical much like his former captain.
    Other: Loves eating noodles out of a bowl, his favourite being chicken. One of the most skilled people with Kidou in soul society.

    Zanpakuto Name: Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi,
    Sealed Appearance: Normal Katana
    Spirit Appearance:
    Release Command: Roar
    Shikai Appearance:
    Shikai Power: It change its size, shape and form
    Bankai Name: No change from Shikai name
    Bankai Appearance: No Change in Appearance
    Hollow Mask: N/A

    Username: Daxma
    Name: Sasuke Susano'o
    Gender: Male
    Alliance: Los Lobos
    Age: He looks to be about 19 to 20
    Appearance: Long dead blond hair which is cut off half way down his neck, a stubble like beard, black trench coat, black cargo pants, black boots, black t-shirt. He has haori from his former captaincy with a slash right down the middle of it. He has his Zanputou in a holster on his back
    Division: former 11th Division
    Rank: former Captain
    Bio: Little is known of his past except because he can't remember most of past...Outside of Sereitei before a shinigami scout happened upon him having a dispute with the Gate Guardian Danzōmaru. Danzōmaru wouldn't let him inside Seireitei due to a philosophical despute over the nature of beings. As the Shinigami watched he watched in awe and horror as Danzōmaru tried to smash him with a fist but out of no where, the He produced a cero and blasted Danzōmaru against the wall...Soon after this he was put in front of the Central 46 after the Techies discover he's a Vizard and looking at his structure he was born that way... how they do not know. In the Central 46 chambers they spoke to Him and decide to allow him free passage to become a shinigami...He is a Captain now soon after the 11th Captain becomes deceased. At this point he is a well respected man. He takes a young man by the name of Yamata under his wing...He joins Los Lobos for what he considers Philosophical reasons.
    Personality: He has an air of mystery about him, he is his former pupil, has a strong philosophy and considers yamata to be "naive".
    Other: Loves eating noodles out of a bowl, his favourite being beef.

    Zanpakuto Name: Futsu-Nushi-No-Kami
    Sealed Appearance: Normal Katana
    Spirit Appearance:
    Release Command: Cry
    Shikai Appearance:
    Shikai Power: Has the power to control Black Fire and Lightning
    Bankai Name: ????????????
    Bankai Appearance:
    Hollow Mask:
  9. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    Name: Soku Nakamura
    Alliance (Soul Society or Los Lobos): Soul Society
    Age (you can just put how old they look): 18
    Rank: Captain

    Bio:despite his appearance Soku is a very skilled swordsman. due to his happy nature he tends to not enjoy fighting close range. which is why he was given the task of developing a kido-skilled squad. similar to the Kido corps my more skilled in using kido for fighting or defending. (however the Kido corps werent replaced. they are still far more skilled than squad 6.) Soku began to develop spiritual powers when he was young due to his village being attack constantly by hollows. both of his parents were killed by hollows and he then became a partent to his younger syblings and all the other childern in the village that lost his parts. his younger sister (who i will make a character for later) took his place after he left for the Academy. after becomeing a soul reaper he sent the money he got back to his village and a orphanage was built to house all the childern.

    Personality:happy and upbeat, but focused when it comes to battle...but when theres nothing fun going on, Soku likes to stir up the pot
    Other: he is one of the best users of Kido in the SS. he gradutated the Academy with the highest honors. and since then with his training Soku can get to the mid 70's without an incantation.

    Zanpakuto Name:Prince of the Sea.
    Sealed Appearance:Normal Katana
    Spirit Appearance:LINK (he looks younger when you are looking at him in his shiki and he looks this way in the banki form)
    Release Command:Surge
    Shikai Appearance: the blade of the sword turns into water that holds the consistency of a thousand small blades.(basically, its the same thing as Byakuya's and Rangiku's shikai...but water.)
    Shikai Power: manipulate the sharp water to kill its enemys
    Bankai Name: King of the Sea
    Bankai Appearance: a triton with three large orbs of water floating some where around Soku
    Hollow Mask:N/A
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Everything would work out a lot better with some form of a bio, daxma and Noise.
  11. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Ok i'll post it tomorrow, just continue anyway and then i can update my profile later.
  12. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    fix' d
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Thanks, Noise.
    So Noise, lexamus, and TwilightBlader, to make things easier we're going to pretend you were with us the whole time, alright? Which means your characters just ended up in Hueco Mundo with everyone else after going through the Dangai Precipice World.


    Sasuke's message to Hatsuharu from Kyo:
    "Do you know the one-eyed man?"

    Hatsuharu stood in shock for a few moments while Yamata ate the noodles that Sasuke threw at him, not shocked from the weird passing of noodles, but shocked at the message. "What do you mean, the one-eyed man? Who the hell is that?!" He asked as we waved an arm angrily at the cryptic message.

    Sanosuke looked around, there was no way they could be in Hueco Mundo. In front of him were the others, Captains Arashi and Soku, Lieutenants Naoto, and Third-Seat Kyuzo. Hatsu and Yamata fell victims to the Dangai's Janitor. "I can't belie-" but before his realization and depression could set in, a series of roars cut the air behind him. "What?!" He turned around as his right hand flew to his Zankaputo on his back, a place very few Shinigami kept their blades. Now his eyes were set on a large group of normal Hollows. "Just our luck..." he muttered, pushing his shock at the loss of his friend to the back of his mind, "Get ready!" He yelled to the group now behind him. The Hollows weren't even Menos Grande and should be no match for the Shinigami, but there was a large number of them. As he unsheathed his blade, the Hollows ran forward, roaring.

  14. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    "I think the question is...What do you think it means?" He said as he turned away eating to himself. He didn't care what it meant, he was just doing a favour for a friend, he didn't care what it meant. Whatever Kyo had planned was his business it had nothing to do with him and if it did, he would deal with it, it was that simple.

    Yamata was slightly confused but whatever it was that was hidden in that message seemed to cause a spike in Hatsu's Reiatsu...Yamata's expression didn't change but he was worried not for Sasuke... but for Hatsu's sake in case he would do something that could get himself killed.
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Hatsu's anger was rising. "Where is my brother?" He asked, a faint screech building up in his voice.

    It took every ounce of energy for Lanan to not throw up. He could barely take anymore. "Let me go...," he muttered between gags. He tried moving his arms, but the vines holding them in place against the wall wouldn't budge.

    "Well," Kyo grinned, "Aren't you the strong-willed warrior? Is that all you have, Lieutenant Sohm-I mean, Captain Sohma?" Kyo's grin grew even more as he corrected himself. "That's right, you were promoted after your Captain's untimely...demise. How did he die again?"

    "How dare you!" Lanan yelled as he struggled to grab Kyo who was a mere couple of feet away, but the vines didn't allow him.

    Kyo broke out into laughter as he leaned closer, "Don't worry! You won't share the same fate, oh no, yours is much, much worse," Kyo whispered with his grin still showing as he moved his face so close to Lanan's that the Captain could feel his breath. "Unless of course, my little brother can save you!" And with that, he did a backflip, landing across in a corner. "He should be on his way soon so rejoice! This will be a reunion for the history books, Captain!" His laugh echoed across the large room, which seemed to be made out of a dark stone. Kyo leaned into the corner as Lanan kept struggling. All of a sudden, the door opened up. Two Vizards, both wearing their masks walked in, a Hollow in between them. "Oh? It's time for seconds!" Kyo yelled as he burst into another fit of laughter.
  16. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    "It's not my place to tell and even if it was, do you honestly think i'd make it so obvious as to confront you directly" he told him as he kept eating and walking into what seemed like an endless road that was the Dangai.

    Yamata looked on and analysed the situation as it unfolded, still not changing expression while he ate.
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I don't see anything to gain from wasting time killing Hollows. Arashi silently thought to himself, not once reaching for his zanpakuto as the group was rushed by the small army. He stepped forward, completely unamused with what was happening. "They could've at least been Vasto Lorde." He muttered lowly, narrowing his eyes as a rather large Hollow lunged at him. In an instant it fell apart, having been cut in half. In Arashi's left hand was a golden sword, glowing with a small portion of his spirit energy. It vanished instantly as Arashi turned his head to look over his shoulder to see the others. "I suppose it'd be easier to wipe the load of them with some kind of wide attack." He plainly stated as his eyes flickered down towards Zasetsu. I don't want to bore you with these weak things.
  18. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Kyuzo could feel the wind of Hueco Mundo on his face as he heard Arashi state that a wide attack would be more appropriate. Knowing that this would probably be the first fight of many, Kyuzo wanted to know what the weather was like here for his zanpakuto and drew it from his side. "Awaken, Tenrouken", he said as he released his zanpakuto in a swirl of wind from the air. The two short swords where now regular sized katana of a strange design but the blades where surrounded by a swirling wind. Getting infront of the group he slashed With both arms and a gust of razor-like winds shredded a number of the Hollows. I get the gist of this wind now, he thought to himself figuring out how to use the weather here for his sword techniques. "Shall I swing again, or would someone else enjoy to attack?", he asked with a tone of voice that sounded as if he was uninterested, which he was, since he knew his second attack would be under his complete control.
  19. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    "You don't have to tell me twice" Soku said with a smirk and walked forward.

    simply extending his hand forward pointing at a large group that were preparing to charge he focused his power and said.

    "Hado #33 Sōkatsui (Blue Fire, Crash Down)"

    The large blast of blue fire struck the hollows instantly destroying them. after the Hado had faded away and the smoke cleared Soku noticed only a few hollow that weren't near the attack remain.

    "and that's how you fry a hollow, team." as get gave a playful grin "piece of cake"
  20. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    finally I am ready to get this party started ~_~

    Name:Somerie Hanazono
    Alliance:Soul Society
    Age: Looks to be at least 18.
    Appearance: Long warm autumn brown hair and fiery blue eyes, a beautiful flower. She is at least 5'4 feet tall. Wearing a normal reaper's black kimono with a aquamarine blue stole wrapped around her arms.
    Division: Division Eight
    Rank: Lieutenant
    Bio: Born of upper middleclass family, she never knew what it was like to live the life of the less fortunate yet she does not treat them with rudeness, instead she likes to give out food and gifts. Especially the fabulous things given to her by her parents. She wasn't really interested in taking this gifts since most of them revolved around girly things such as make up, jewelry, and nice kimonos. Instead she gave them away to the lower middle class girls who only got the hand me downs. Once her parents tried to force her to become a Geisha, since she was rather beautiful and popular talk amongst the young men in the city. But she always seemed to ignore them and instead kept her eyes in books,scrolls, and observing things closely, like the beauty of nature. After taking a few harsh classes of the Geisha, Somerie thought it wasn't her interest and ran away to the Academy to train as a soul reaper instead. She graduated with ease since she learned well and kept her attention on her education. When she got into the soul society at first it was hard fitting in, but then things got better, much better.
    Personality: A rather kind and meek girl, highly intelligent and loves to give advice. But she is never without her playful sense of humor but she learns to control it and only brings it out in respectful situations.
    Other: When Somerie isn't too busy helping or running errands for her Captain, Somerie spends her time reading, making artwork and singing in a courtyard where a sakura tree bloomed most dramatically and where most of her co workers did not intrud.

    Zanpakuto Name: Aozora Onee
    Sealed Appearance: A normal looking katana with a handle the color of polished brass, the sheath it is kept in is wrapped in white silk and attached to a belt that clings to Somerie's hips.
    Spirit Appearance: A female eagle, of pure icy blue, fiery red eyes and wings tipped with transparent feathers that seem to be made of something similar to glass. She is a rather wise and understanding eagle.
    Release Command:Glide and give me wisdom
    Shikai Appearance: It looks rather similar to her sealed form but the blade glows hot with heat and the silk that originally covered the sword's sheath now hands on the end and flows gracefully as if in water.
    Shikai Power::Somerie has the power to control swiftness,agility, and speed. Sometimes she can move so fast in the air it may almost seem like she is flying. As just as fast as her are her blue fiery attacks with menacing flames.
    Bankai Name: Aozora WashiMusha
    Bankai Appearance: Her weapon begins to glow and makes a loud crackling sound like wood burning in fire. Feathers began to fall from the sky and swirl around Someire gracefully
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