Best Roleplay Antagonist

Discussion in '2017' started by Fearless, Aug 26, 2017.


This is that thing with picking the path the train will take all over again.

Poll closed Sep 2, 2017.
  1. Aux

    1 vote(s)
  2. Mizrabel

    1 vote(s)
  3. Ria (AKA Aevum)

    6 vote(s)
  4. Astral Praenunitus

    1 vote(s)
  5. The Light Chaser

    1 vote(s)
  6. Karina

    1 vote(s)
  1. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations!
    Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations!
    Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations!
    Cycle 4 is General Nominations!

    Aux (Kingdom Hearts SoS)

    - Destroy any bonds to light he has (His former friends)
    - Increase his knowledge of darkness and harnessing it's power
    - Recover his lost memories
    - Destroy anyone in his way

    Acts of Antagonism:
    - Linked to killing Bambi's mom and Clayton
    - Assisting in the kidnapping of Snow White and Belle
    - Basically beating up all the protagonists and sending them into the realm of darkness
    - Fought and took down 2/7 members of the order
    - Betrayed his friends
    - Sank Disneytown into darkness
    - Kicking people when they're down. Both literally and figuratively
    - Stole a time belt to alter timelines and meddle in world affairs

    Posts showing his past:

    Posts showing him as a villain:

    Mizrabel (Kingdom Hearts SoS)
    (Look under "Mizrabel")

    She's basically The C-list Maleficent.

    - Find and harvest pure hearts to keep her young and powerful
    - Assist Maleficent's Hellfire Club in their plans

    Acts of Antagonism:
    - Transformed herself into Horace Horsecaller to try and get closer to Minnie to abduct her
    - Turned Mickey's friends into crystals
    - Tried to absorb Minnie's heart
    - Tried to capture and harvest the hearts of the SOS protagonists
    - Erased Aux's memories
    - Implanted false childhood memories into Hikaru

    Mizrabel's Reveal:

    Boss Battle:

    Ria (AKA Aevum) (Kingdom Hearts: Recollect)

    Who are they?:
    Ria is an amalgamation of pure darkness created in a freak accident by the main cast of Kingdom Hearts Recollect. They mostly take the form and goals of Aevum (who is now a shell of his former self and goes by the name Chrono), but with a darker and warped twist to them.

    *To save their old world from darkness, using darkness.
    *To have Orphic Coast fall to darkness and use it as a conduit for their power over darkness.
    *To kill and absorb the remaining members of LIGHT for information as well as power.

    Acts of Antagonism :
    *Killed off nearly half the cast of Recollect
    *Placed all citizens of Orphic Coast (except for one) into a painful coma to use their darkness as a weapon
    *The one citizen who wasn't was blackmailed into helping him lure the cast into a trap, then tried to kill her as well.
    *Flooded the world with Heartless
    *Physically and Emotionally antagonized pretty much the entire cast.
    *Intentionally withholds Chrono from gaining new memories, and when he gives him a bone he tortures him for remembering.

    Astral Praenunitus (AKA Astral) (RE: Mario's High School Days)

    Who are they?
    Astral is a member of the S-Type species and is the Commander of the S-Type forces who align themselves with the terrorist group called the Crystal Order. It was also originally a member of the forces aligned with the Red Skull and has existed for quite a long time. It has a distinct form of a winged bipedal creature with a star-shaped head made of blue crystal with a singular red eye in the middle that can be made out in shadows.
    -Destroy the Bane of S-Type existence [the Relic in Nintendo High] and inturn the Harbinger of Providence-
    -Make sure that the Crystal Order's vision of a new world comes to pass-
    -Kill anyone who stands in its way-
    -Collect the crystal souls of the other S-Types and deal with those who rebel against its will-
    -End the lives of the Jumpman family and inturn Mario and Luigi-

    Acts of Antagonism
    -Sent the initial S-Types that first attacked Japan at the start of the story-

    -Confronted Mario, Luigi, and their friends in the Toshima District of Japan and nearly beat all of them to death-

    -Created both the Psycho Rangers and Shadow Mario-

    -Almost wiped Toshima from the map with Mario and Luigi in it-

    -Fought Jumpman, Fujiko, and Ruiji in the 80s/90s-

    -Manipulated an unsuspecting Miror B. in taking a Master Ball containing Missingno. in an effort to kill Mario and friends at Vermilion Gym-

    -Attacked in the middle of Mario vs. Honnouiji Academy's Elite Four when the former was weakened-

    -Attempted to kill both Ruiji and The Puppet when it was revealed that both were double agents against the Crystal Order-

    -Nearly killed a pregnant Fujiko-

    -Has commanded other S-Types in various situations as well as being a part of the Red Skull's group in turn killing people all over the galaxy and being part of the reason people like C.C. and others hopped around planets before settling on Earth along with issues that happened on Earth too like the incident from Seven Years Ago-

    -Fought Mario and Luigi after the latter two dealt with an S-Type army outside the Command Center with their
    friends...and beat them senseless-

    -Forced Mario and Luigi to watch as it lowered itself onto the Relic and survived taking in a portion of its power in the process-

    How many puppies have they kicked while stealing candy from children in the middle of a littering jaywalk?

    -Probably way too many puppies to count and wouldn't have the use for the candy since it has no mouth despite having the ability to talk.-

    The Light Chaser (Kingdom Hearts - Light Chaser)

    Who are they?
    The Light Chaser is an absurdly powerful Keyblade Master that, in the five years he has been active under his alias, recruited 6 keyblade wielders and 1 keyblade master as students of his own to aid in his quest. Due to methods of his own devising, he has been able to keep track of all who oppose him in a near omnipotent manner keeping him a hundred steps ahead of all those who would stand in his way.

    What are their goals?
    To gather enough light, or "lux" as some might call it, to summon Kingdom Hearts and restore worlds that have been destroyed or taken by darkness. At the same time, the Light Chaser has been working to cleanse the Realm of Light of all darkness which would include those who harbor it in their hearts.

    Acts of Antagonism
    This opening post.

    Allowed worlds he deemed not worth saving to fall into darkness.

    Kindapped a Princess of Heart.

    "The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes." This holds true for the Light Chaser whose sheer power has spawned the creation of a massive dark entity that threatened to destroy an entire world had the Light Chaser not intervened to prevent its destruction to use as a home base.

    Karina (Kingdom Hearts SoS)

    Karina in essence was never meant to be an Antagonist. She joined the keyblade wielders on a mission to save worlds. However Karina wasn't there to be a savior, instead she was running away from her father. With a hardened protected heart, Karina found herself prone to fits of anger and violence. For the most part she just pushed her team away, not willing to work well with them, and making their lives more difficult. However over time some people pushed her too much and she snapped, trying to murder not one, but two of her fellow teammates out of anger. On top of that, she nearly murdered a two other teammates just because she didn't know her own strength. The strongest of the group, there had been times that she sparred with a teammate and in a single shot nearly killed him. Another time she tried to push her teammate into action and pushed her into a Behemoth that nearly killed her. Now there is also a data replica of Karina trying to murder members of the main cast in which she has now departed.
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Ria looked among the list of these supposed "best roleplay antagonist nominees" and their supposed acts of antagonism. And for but a moment, he was amused, before he laughed and said, "Really? This is the competition I get? Two angsty teenagers, a maleficent ripoff, some fake master with a light complex, and a wannabe nintendo villain?"

    Ria crossed his arms and shook his head
    , "Honestly, these accomplishments they've made are meager and weak, and how close are any of them to accomplishing their goals? Meanwhile, over here half of supposed "protagonists" died by MY hand. My plans are almost at their peak, and you're telling me this is the level I've sunk to? Where is the blood they've shed?"

    Ria shook their head and said,
    "I guess we've got near attempts at kills... maybe one person who succeeded in killing people? It's pretty vague, and possibly a red herring anyway. So come on, kids. Is there really any competition here? What's the point in kicking puppies when you can murder them while they're excited for a treat? I could probably take all of these guys down in a fight. Come at me, scrubs."
  3. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    Relli came up from behind Ria, out of quite literally nowhere, and smacked the villain upside the head.

    "Stop complaining and be grateful that you got on the poll."
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Ria turned towards Relli and smirked, "Weren't you one of the people I killed?"
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Begone creature of the dark. The Realm of Light is no place for garbage like you." Out from a brilliant column of light came a tall figure robed in black. An air of absolute confidence came from the man as he crossed his arms and spoke simply towards the would be 'Best Antagonist'. "Leave before I smite you right where you stand, shadow."
  6. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    "Oh, so we have a challenger I see?" Ria turned over towards the light chaser and looked him up and down before saying, "Ya know, the thing about light is that it casts very large shadows that just might not be under your control. So, you want to smite me? I had 9 children of pure light try to kill me, and they only got so far." Ria raised up their hands and summoned out two keyblades, "You wanna give me an extra keyblade for my ever growing collection? I mean, your weak little card says you've got one. I'd love to have it."
  7. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Voted for Astral simply for that puppy kicking/candy stealing description listed for it

    And not because I'm biased towards anything High School Days related
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Nine pure lights? Funny. Purity says nothing about strength. In fact, I can name seven pure lights off the top of my head that wouldn't even be able to beat a lowly Shadow." The Light Chaser summoned a single blade. A chuckle came from under his hood. "And honestly, I'll bet I cast a shadow bigger than you." With no warning he vanished in a flash of light, as the name would imply, and reappeared behind Ria to strike at the dark creature's torso with a lightning fast horizontal swing of his blade.
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Ria immediately caught the keyblade with one of his blades, holding it firmly to block the Light Chaser. As he did so, darkness began swirling around at his feet. Ria's face quickly changed from that of an effeminate silver haired male to that of a masculine, black haired male as he said in a different voice, "Let's try and make this slightly honorable, swine." before he tried stabbing into his gut with the other keyblade.
  10. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "What the hell is this crap? Is that what you guys really think of me. You can all go to hell for all I care." Karina glared across the cast of antagonists, eyes eventually resting on Aux. "You...I will murder you one day, and have fun doing it. Don't think you can hide from me. I don't have any of those losers holding me back now trying to be nice, just watch me. Keyblade or not your head will be mine."
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Somewhere under his hood, the Light Chaser raised an eyebrow under the creature's drastic shift in tone and appearance. An interesting ability that was to be sur-Then the blade went through straight through the hooded man's chest with no resistance. The Light Chaser shattered into thousands of fragments of lights. "Fast little devil, aren't you?" The Light Chaser stood several feet away clearly unharmed with amusement clear in his tone. "Alright, gloves are off so to speak." A second keyblade was summoned in the Light Chaser's free hand to match Ria's own. "You're not the special butterfly you think you are." He leaped back to make some distance between the two and began to swing his blades at the open air. With every swing came an arc of radiant light speeding towards Ria and as the Light Chaser kept swinging the bursts of light only came out faster and faster. THERE COULD ONLY BE ONE BEST ANTAGONIST.
  12. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    This is getting pretty Rial now •u•

    Yes I just said that •-•
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Ria was doing his best at dodging most of the attacks, trying to parry as much as much of the light as he could before one of them got him in the chest, then he was winded and the light clearly hurt him more than other attacks normally would. He ended up getting hit three times before he allowed himself to fall forward. The darkness below him swallowed him in very quickly and the darkness disappeared for but a moment.

    But a noise was quickly heard from above, as a black long-haired male with less masculine features slammed on down after him, throwing a few darkness attacks at him as he came after him in a downward slashing motion.
  14. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Aux left the room.
    No words spoken
    No actions made.
    No cares given.
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    The scent of darkness was the only thing that allowed him to look up in time to watch as Ria, in a new form, came down at him. He casually swatted away the attacks that came his way, though one clipped his should causing his cloak to tear at the force from the attack making the Light Chaser wince. He raised his blades preparing for the downward slash from Ria. His muscles tensed as darkness swirled around them from the aftershock of the attack, the Light Chaser's blades shifting under the force of Ria's attack.


    Rather from his keyblade the magical bursts of flame sprung forth from his fists which were still clenched tight on the grips of his keyblade to fly upwards towards Ria.

  16. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    "Where am I?" Chloe asked. "What...what happened to me?"

    Someone barked a laugh behind her.

    "You, too, then?" Aden said, a hollow smile on his face. "Welcome to the club."
  17. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Not caring too much about the fighting around her, Karina looks for more interesting so called antagonists to deal with. If they were all as crappy as Aux, she would enjoy beating them up. However before she really settled on one of the maniacs in the room Karina saw a face from the past. "How in the living hell did you end up in this room Aden?" Was all that she could ask. He was supposed to be a protagonist. Then again so was she, but Aden had disappeared what seemed like ages ago, yet here he was. "Oh I get it, a bate beast for the antagonists to show their true dark side? Ha well there isn't much to fight there. Though I suppose if you want to really show your worth you can fight him." Karina indicated to the brooding Aux who refused to pay them mind, however she remembered far too well how badly he had beat them and thrown them away like they were nothing. There was some sick pleasure in seeing him do it to someone that she didn't care for.
  18. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008

    As all of the antagonists were in their petty squabble to determine who the best antagonist in all the known KHV Roleplay Universe was, one entity kept itself at a distance watching the pointless charade. Astral merely and calmly watched them all go at one another before floating into the air and stretched its arms out to the side and said. "All of these people gathered all together in one place and yet they bicker and argue amongst themselves instead of using their heads. This is a rather amusing sight to behold..."
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2017
  19. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    How are we still keeping this going??????
  20. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    Honestly I have no idea, I just know a fight scene's going on.