I thought there was gonna be something after the credits but nope. Wasted about 20 minutes expecting some sort of teaser to happen.
lol, I was surprised when some guy hijacked my screened. Does that take a while to complete? Cause I forgot his instructions. xD
Set pivots down where you are. You start out with three and I think they're already placed on the map for you. Check the pivot map and search the section highlighted in green. On your minimap(and only there), a pivot will appear when you're close to it. Just touch it(they're blue fragment thingies) and you'll get it and a cheat for each on you collect. Cheats disable saving though. Pivots can appear in other maps and other players(you need to do this online or you can't collect anything) can collect pivots you place...meaning you simply have to put them back on the map. More pivots=easier time finding other pivots. There's a timer that counts down for each pivot before they spawn on a map. If you're quick, you'll be doing a lot of waiting. If you're slow, then no harm done.