Area 51: Forbidden Sector

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Barakon-King, Aug 8, 2008.

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  1. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Area 51 is a fabled government holding place for advanced technology and alien proof.This all began when the mars probe landed.When debris and rocks were sent back for analyzation an alien life form was found.The information was kept in logs.Hidden from society by government.

    Log 1:"This is Dr.Ivan with test subject 431 it seems to have taken the form of a cell.It went through different shapes.Log 2:Its in the form of a fetus now it seems to be going through what looks like child birth"Log 4:"I'm going to add a special mixture to speed up the growing process"It soon grew to its full size but it didn't wake up.Log 5:I'm going to add 4cc's of adrenaline to wake it up with enough energy to do its basic movements.

    Instead before they could inject him he awoke and grabbed a guard by the throat and threw him into the wall.The alien then spat what seemed to be a slug at Dr.Ivan and it went inside his arm.At this point the doctor called for backup and the subject was captured and put in a high security room.

    Log 6:*heavy breathing*"This is Dr.Ivan the slug that was shot at me seems to be parasitic and*heavier breathing I'm having a shortage of breath*thump* *footsteps into room*He's gone check out that wound"

    Log 7:This is Military Doctor Cindi Harper the slug was parasitic and was feeding off the life of Dr.Ivan.*sound of snipping and cutting* ...the slug laid eggs inside him it was using him as a nest for children oh,no the eggs are hatching.Is Ivan getting up No!No!No!

    Log 8:*static* *whimpering* H-he's out there and the captured alien escaped he launched the parasites into the others*footsteps thumping*oh,no they're here.Someone help!Anyone please!

    This information was recorded 1987-2004 it is currently 2030 years since it ended and almost a quarter of the world has been used as outposts and bases for these aliens.Soon people banded together with what weapons,food,and ammo they had,and fought back.

    Their leader Damion Harper and his lifetime friend Sarah Forrest along with her brother Ichogo had invaded one of the bases and took it over.When they captured the technology the army gained special abilities due to the concentrated energy in the weapons.

    The President wanted nothing to do with the situation.He immediately had a safe haven built over a research base on the moon.He immediately fled leaving the remaining population deserted.The government left when the people needed them most.The aliens had heard of the special abled humans and called for backup from their planet.the government got what they deserved as the moon was blown to smithereens as the aliens reinforcements came to earth.The mother ships and battleships soon surrounded the earth ready to destroy on sight.
    Damion sat in the control room and listened to the logs his mother made before her death.It had always fired him up before a battle.The aliens hadn't moved since they had stopped in the stratosphere,but Damion knew if things became too hopeful for the humans they would shatter their hopes in a mere second.Ichigo soon came and said"C'mon time to check out the newbies"Damion then nodded and responded with "Lets go check out the scrubs,we'll scare em good this time."

    Transfers:the bodies taken over by the alien larva usually fast but has the strength of the body controlled

    Transmoggers:the more intelligent has the ability to transform inanimate object into golems or whatever monster of their choosing very fast but usually stand in place for chanting and incantations

    Gunmaster:skilled in long-range combat with either shotgun or machine guns with larva in bullets usually slow because of their weapons and ammunition they hold

    Golems:either conjured by transmoggers or the enraged version of a straggler it usually comes with a broadsword or a spiked club

    Straggler:The probably most powerful of the enemies except for its enraged side the golem these enemies walk on all fours and are either rode by transmoggers or covered with spikes to charge into battle

    Bonecrushers:These are the pure fighters they go into battle with either modified knuckle bracers or swords

    Caretakers:These enemies stand at the sidelines and heal their allies their only arms are the larva they shoot in emergencies

    Mech-Golems:Golems spawned inside of a mech suit with blades attached to the hands

    Powers to choose from: (can only choose two you can choose the same power twice to make it stronger)

    Pyrokinesis:control over fire

    Teleportation:able to appear and reappear in different places (must ask for persmission for this)

    Transmogger: can change inanimate objects into beings such a golem but only on occasion can the golem be summoned

    Ice powers: control over ice and water elements

    Electricity: control over electricity and boom of thunder

    No G-MODDING!! PERIOD. Even in fights do not post that your character automatically hits them in certain situations I will OK it in fights but unless I do dont do it.

    No killing other characters unless you have permission.

    Yes you can choose sides in this you can do it in however way you want

    The main story takes place in Futuristic New York but it is OPEN WORLD. Which means we can be in New York and you can be all the way in Japan with your own side plot.

    HAVE FUN!!!

    Name: Damion Harper
    Weapons:broadsword supercharged with electricity
    Special ability:Pyrokinesis electricity
    Bio: Damion's mother was killed by one of the alien parasite infected alongside his femme fatale friend Ichigo led the resistance had taken an alien base and gained special abilities for them and the rest of the group because of his pyrokinesis he had to wear a gauntlet on his arm to conceal his power and anger
    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Name:Sarah Forrest
    Weapons:longsword charged with ice
    Special ability:Teleportation
    Bio:Sarah had known Damion all her life and had hidden feelings for him but because of his cold outlook on the world she never got through because of her teleportation abilities makes her nearly untouchable.Though she has the skills she is usually a slacker and wont focus.

    Name:Ichigo Forrest
    Weapons:shotgun with electric rounds and flaming rapier
    Special ability:Transmogger
    Bio:Ichigo was Sarah's older brother he had also knew Damion all his life and was his best companion but would always check him when it came to his sister

    Name:Narkitile Bcothoyal
    Weapons: Parasitic flaming broadsword and minigun with stun bullets
    Special Ability:All
    Bio:He is the full emperor of the entire alien race. He is the most dangerous of them all and is not to be confronted if you plan to confronted you must be a part of a large scale group.

    Name: Alaric Aeterna
    Age: 23
    Weapons: *sighs* Can I have the buster sword(I'm a huge FF fan, sorry)? If not then a longsword.
    Special ability: Teleportation(Please? I don't think I'm the type to abuse least...I don't think I am...) If I can't have it then...Pyrokenisis twice.
    Bio: He forgot most of his past, waking up in the ruins of what seemed to be an old building of some sort. After getting out he quickly encountered a few aliens, he found out about his powers after almost dying trying to kill them all. Although he loves his powers he prefers his using his swordsmanship over using only his abilities to fight. He usually calls any futurist type of weapon a "toy" thinking them as an unhonorable and uncivilized means of fighting an opponent.
    Appearance: Black hair that almost reaches his shoulders, he wears black pants, boots, gloves, and a dark blue shirt. He's tall, 6 feet tall to be exact. His eyes are yellow.

    Username:Vertigo Haven
    Name: Norah MacIntosh
    Age: 17
    Weapons: Twin Daggers that grow in size when she uses them, but look like regular knives when they are in their sheaths.
    Special abilty: Electricty x2
    Bio: She lived a relatively happy life. Until one night when she was 14 years old, her parents left, saying they were going shopping, but they never came back. She knows in her heart that the aliens had killed her parents. Her temper can sometimes set of her powers of electricity.

    Username:Steal the Hail
    Name: Evan
    Age: 15
    Weapons: Fists and a Sword
    Special ability: I know this isn't on the list but I really, really want magnetic powers and pyrokenesis. If not then pyro and ice powers.
    Bio: Evan has always wanted to join the rebellion, and finally got in. Evan prefers the old ways of fighting better than guns and things. He is hyper, but also sometimes cynical, sarcastic, and even fun-loving.
    Appearance: Medium Length Brown hair, black glasses, brownish-green eyes. Evan normally wears white sweatpants and a long-sleeved black micro-mesh shirt.[​IMG](like this without the black hair and sweatshirt)
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Name: Alaric Aeterna
    Age: 23
    Weapons: *sighs* Can I have the buster sword(I'm a huge FF fan, sorry)? If not then a longsword.
    Special ability: Teleportation(Please? I don't think I'm the type to abuse least...I don't think I am...) If I can't have it then...Pyrokenisis twice.
    Bio: He forgot most of his past, waking up in the ruins of what seemed to be an old building of some sort. After getting out he quickly encountered a few aliens, he found out about his powers after almost dying trying to kill them all. Although he loves his powers he prefers his using his swordsmanship over using only his abilities to fight. He usually calls any futurist type of weapon a "toy" thinking them as an unhonorable and uncivilized means of fighting an opponent.
    Appearance: Black hair that almost reaches his shoulders, he wears black pants, boots, gloves, and a dark blue shirt. He's tall, 6 feet tall to be exact. His eyes are yellow.

    Yeah...I got a bit lazy on the OC thingy...sorry...
  3. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    Played by: Vertigo Haven
    Name: Norah MacIntosh
    Age: 17
    Weapons: Twin Daggers that grow in size when she uses them, but look like regular knives when they are in their sheaths.
    Special abilty: Electricty x2
    Bio: She lived a relatively happy life. Until one night when she was 14 years old, her parents left, saying they were going shopping, but they never came back. She knows in her heart that the aliens had killed her parents. Her temper can sometimes set of her powers of electricity.
    Apperance: [​IMG]
  4. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Your both in AAM you can have teleport, and yes to the buster sword. One question. Where are you located? Where the main story is? or....
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Thank you so much. :glomp: headache prevented me from saying much. Hmmm...*thinks* Open world means...I can pick Texas, right? I can teleport so that won't be my place for long...
  6. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    Name: Evan
    Age: 15
    Weapons: Fists and a Sword
    Special ability: I know this isn't on the list but I really, really want magnetic powers and pyrokenesis. If not then pyro and ice powers.
    Bio: Evan has always wanted to join the rebellion, and finally got in. Evan prefers the old ways of fighting better than guns and things. He is hyper, but also sometimes cynical, sarcastic, and even fun-loving.
    Appearance: Medium Length Brown hair, black glasses, brownish-green eyes. Evan normally wears white sweatpants and a long-sleeved black micro-mesh shirt.[​IMG](like this without the black hair and sweatshirt)
  7. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    Where the main story is, I guess.
  8. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    sure... but that means your in a mixture of aliens and humans we can start anytime so I guess I'll start your in Steal

    Damion walked through the street of New York, New York. He passed the ruins of a pizza place he would go to when he was younger and an old school. Not much had happened. He had set up a perimeter guarding the state of New York from all. The humans had to take a full exam to make sure they weren't transfers. It seemed everything was running smoothly.

    Ichigo was standing at the one of the metal checking stations outside of New York. There had only been 3 transfers. It was hard for to kill them because they were with their families. That was one of the hard things for him. The transfers have the ability to disguise their true nature meaning they can act just like a regular human but the only way of knowing is by dilated pupils and by constant friction of the skin. It was after two people went in that he saw it. The huge beast. It was a Mech- Golem he hadn't took one on in years. "We have a situation at Station #5! It's an MG! Requesting backup." He yelled into a headset he was wearing while running towards a gol

    The golem didn't taker much time to attack after calling for more to come. There were now 2 mech-golems 5 gunmasters and 2 caretakers.

    Sarah quickly took action and her attacksr were flawless as she appeared and reappeared all over the battlefield taking out the caretakers as they were a large threat. "Golem Removal Manuever #3!" She called out to her brother.

    (If you plan to be in the battle the you can automatically hit the gunmasters but for golems dont automically hit)
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Alaric leaned back on the chair he had placed on the top of a roof, staring up into the sky as his sword which lay on the ground beside him glinted in the light. "I wonder if I'm supposed to be somewhere right now...Maybe go somewhere important...I think New York might have more survivors than..." He shook his head quickly, getting rid of a recent memory of watching several people get killed by those...things. He stood up and stretched for a moment, walking over to his sword and lifted the heavy blade, sheating it on his back. "I should at least try to find others...I've done all that I can here."
  10. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Ichigo nodded as he and his sister both cut through the legs of one golem watched Damion come running forward.

    Damion jumped forward and punched through the glass protecting the golem's face and grasped it using the fire to burn it to ash. "One down One to go." He said before a bullet whizzed past him coming from one of the gunmasters.

    All of the gunmasters ran forward all of them holding large Uzi type machine guns each bullet loaded with larva. And some of the bullets hitting the bystander and they started changing into transfers.

    Damion groaned as he blocked some bullets with his sword. "This is quickly turning into a full-on war. I can't tell transfers from normal humans. I didn't wanna do this but kill approved. Shut the doors and Take out all targets that arent us." He said into the headset he was wearing signaling the other people at the doors to close them and shoot to kill all people.

    Sarah disappeared into the heart of one mech. Cuts were soon appearing resulting in the explosion of the mech and her flying out. "Thats two down only trasfers and gunmasters left!"
  11. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    << This didnt happen. *yellow tapes this post*
  12. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: So am I in?
  13. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    yup now all i need to know is where are you located
  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Alaric yawned and closed his eyes slowly. He rolled when he hit the ground. He had just suddenly teleported without warning. He didn't even expect it. "That was wei-" He was going to say weird this world that was still considered normal compared to everything else. He opened his eyes again, hearing gunshots in the distance. "From one battleground to the next...ah well." He took a quick glance up at the sky, noticing it was darker than it was in Texas. He figured he must've traveled at least two timezones. "Hmmm..." He said something under his breath as he placed his hand on the hilt of his sword.

    Ooc: double posted because of the database error...
  15. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Ichigo rushed a gunmaster but quickly turned his head when he saw Alaric. "Damion! We got something new here. You'd better take this one." He said to Damion signaling him to take him out.

    "On it!" Damion called back as he rushed forward towards Alaric building of fire in his hand and throwing a punch at Alaric.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Alaric barely even noticed that he was closer to the fighting than he thought, when he heard someone shout he teleported on instinct. He reappeared at the side of his attacker and looked at his shirt for a moment, it was singed. "What the hell was that for? Planning on hurting something you can't touch?" Alaric taunted.
  17. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Damion turned and looked at him. "So are you a human or a transfer? And as for can't touch I've trained for this kinda thing." He said referring to the times he would train with Sarah.
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Transfer? I just refer to those things as...prey." Alaric gave him a confused look and crossed his arms. "I think I'm human. Plus...I don't need to use my caught me off guard. I have this..." He gestured to the large blade on his back. "To defend myself." Which is all I ever need.
  19. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    "If your not a transfer and your not on their side your fine with me." Damion said dusting his clothes off and letting steam come from the gauntlet. "Crap. I burned out my fist again!" He said into a headset shaking ash off his hand.
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Ummm...Do I even want to know?" Alaric asked as he looked back down at his slightly burnt shirt. "I never thought anyone would be able to catch me off guard..."
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