A War in the Stars

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Arch, Nov 26, 2010.

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  1. Barakon-King Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 7, 2008
    In a time parado-...In a time parado-...
    Saris offered a nod to the young man, all the while his eyes still closed and replied, "Correct you are. And I believe you're Alek, the master has spoken of you before. He says you show promise, let's not disappoint him." He opened his eyes lazily and looked to the girl again. "I haven't seen or heard of you before. What is your name?"

    OOC: Let's hurry and do it then!
  2. K u r o g a n e Traverse Town Homebody

    May 14, 2009
    Malfoy Manor
    "Iris" the female replied curly, "My Sith Lord has been missing for sometime, I knew very little of him. .kept his secrets well as you say" she said turning her gaze towards Saris and gave him a slight bow. "Although I've heard of your name before Lord Saris, and I am greatly honored to work with you" wishing the Jedi would reach Thaven soon.
  3. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    As soon as Cin started walking, Adele followed after him, taking in a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves from the mission she and the others were about to go on. She wasn't overly excited or overly frightened about their first mission. I guess I'm only slightly nervous. She quietly thought to herself, her gaze momentarily landing on the other Jedi Apprentices she would go with. I wonder how nervous they are. The young woman's lips parted as she averted her gaze away from them as soon as they had stopped walking in front of a door.
  4. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Jedi Master Marcos Au was gazing out of a viewport, deep in thought. He envisioned his old solar system and the empty space that must now inhabit where the planet Earth used to be. Sure, life there hadn't been overly kind to him, but he had been comfortable. And yet...

    There was a part of hi that sorely missed life on the blue-green orb third from the sun. Perhaps it was the familiarity, the security...scratch that, the relative security of it. Perhaps. though, there was something more--something he couldn't quite place his finger on...

    Marcos was distracted from these thoughts when a chill ran up his spine. It wasn't a rare occurance, and something not abnormal. But, now that circumstances had changed, he wasn't so sure. Maybe it was something to do with this new Phantom Menace of the Sith? With a twinge of irritation Marcos jerked away from the viewport and strode down the hall, the hem of his brown robe fluttering behind him. He reached to his belt and, feeling the reassuring presence of his guard shoto, proceeded to where he had thought he had heard some voices earlier.

    OoC: olololol more movie humor~
    And in case you can't tell, Marcos is heading to the apprentices' and people's location. :P
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Remember, the Jedi Masters are not from Earth. The only ones in the RP that are will be the Jedi Apprentices. D:


    Cin stopped right in front of a doorway which was somewhat larger than the other ones along the halls. Beyond it was a small hanger where their shuttle would be. "Everyone did remember to bring their lightsaber, correct?" The question was simple but he just had to make sure, otherwise things would get messy all too quickly. He tapped the back of his hand against the door to cause it to slide open revealing a sleek-looking spacecraft that would be piloted by one person. Cin wasn't the best pilot onboard The Saber but he was good enough to hold his own in case anything unexpected happened during the short flight down to Thaven's surface.
  6. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Hanna smirked slightly, anything to take her mind of the task ahead. She almost instantly got out her lightsaber, without turning it on, twirled it round her fingers expertly in veiw of Cin before putting it straight back away. She smiled remembering the childish glee she had felt when she mastered that little trick after many attemps endng up sending it flying or dropping it. Although, that seemed all so insignificant now as they were about to do their first proper mission.
  7. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Adele's hands shifted slightly down at her hip, feeling her lightsaber down at her side. Her eyes fluttered, returning her attention back at Cin, glad she hadn't forgotten something that was very important. Even though she does remember grabbing it and putting it down at her hip, she still wanted to make sure. I wonder how long this mission will last. The question had been in her mind since she woke up. Hopefully we all do a good job at this.
  8. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Rayma kept a straight face and held up his lightsaber as well. When he put it back at his side, he gripped it tight, as if already on Thaven. He was anxious, though slightly frightened. Our first mission... he thought to himself. I just hope we don't screw things up.
  9. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Hanna glanced at the others wondering if they were nervous as she was, she could feel the pressure of the detonator in her hand all too much. She took deep controlled breaths as she waited for the door to open, half just wanting to get it over with. She just really did not want to mess things up for them, the more she thought about it she knew, the more nervous she would get.
  10. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    OoC: ...Shoot. ><; *goes to fix profile, while cursing self for not trying to post more in the past month*


    Jedi Master Au rounded the corner, the hem of his robe trailing lazily behind him. To his mild surprise, he saw a small handful of apprentices and Master Cin, preparing for...something.

    "Hm," he wondered to himself, aloud. "I thought there was something important about today..." He carefully sorted through the mental files stored meticulously in his brain. Although, they can't have been as meticulouly organized as he presumed, for he was obviously missing something...

    If one wishes to remember something, he decided, one must keep multiple copies...
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