~A Haunting Fortress on the Horizon~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Arch, Oct 18, 2010.

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  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Kirie gripped the apple and took a step back from Serin as a warning to stay back from her. "Veritas Magus, you say?" she asked as if she wasn't bothered by the boy's advancement at all. She couldn't deny it though, she felt the power from one of the members of the group. As for the boy... why didn't he have that same magical aura? The faerie pressed her lips together in a thin line, watching Serin closely. The elder did say that someone was going to come by and collect the Veritas Magus, but she wasn't so sure about this young man. "Do I need to take anything with me? Or is this a run of the town as fast as you can deal?"
  2. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Julie took a step back when Raphael started his performance. She stared at him in awe, surprised he was able to control his Veritas Magus so well. She kept the brooch in a tight fist, only hoping that she'd end up being just as skilled as Raphael. She clapped as soon as the boy had finished with his performance, laughing a little at his comment. "Well, you're not using it for anything bad, right?"
  3. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    Dyre looked around on the streets below. She saw no sign of the man up towards one of the main squares. He must have ridden off towards the outskirts. She sighed and turned around. She cursed herself for letting herself do this. What had made her get worked up about this? She just didn't like the guy, that didn't mean he had done anything wrong, right?
    Not yet.
    Dyre peered off in the direction the man had went. The city boarder lay that way. She had only left the city a handful of times, and that was with her teacher, delivering items to customers. She had never left on her own before. But she felt compelled this time. She ran, and her breath hitched as she reached the end of her building and leaped. She landed, slightly wobbly, on the next rooftop. Taking in a slow breath, she began running again, and reached the next rooftop more gracefully. She could catch him. Preferably before he caught her.

    OOC: Yes, she just argued with herself. :lolface:
  4. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    Elaina was surprised. I mean, like Alec said. It had been easy to find one another. Would the others be this easy to find? She closed her eyes for a moment, thinking about how things would be different now. She was content with her current lifestyle, but now that things have been shaken up a bit, she wanted to see and do more.

    Elaina blushed at Alec's offer. "Uhm, yes, nature, and no, we shouldn't stay long. And do not worry, I've spoken with the Elder. He really isn't that bad. Maybe you caught him in a dull mood." She grinned slightly. "Shall we travel together? Do you have a horse?" Elaina would hate for Alec to have to walk beside her, and sharing a horse would wear Titania out faster. She blew a curly wisp of blond hair out of her face. At least I won't have to be alone much longer.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Serin shook his head at the girl's question, while at first it would seem like an idea to take time to pack supplies the problem became apparent in the actual application of such a thought. What if the group had to make a run for it as fast as possible? Too many things would slow them down. What if wild animals caught the scent of their load of food? "Taking too much draws attention so it's better to pack light and move quickly." He stated as he took a small step backwards. Serin motioned for Kirie to come closer so she could follow him. "Come on, I won't bite...hard." He joked lightly, finding it funny to himself.

    Varil drew his sword from its sheath, the black blade coming out without so much of a reflection of the light. He tapped a finger against the pommel and closed his eyes for a moment as he reached out towards where he could sense two of the Veritas Magus. It won't be long now.
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Kirie gave a half smile to Serin and then stepped forward to follow him. "Actually... I had a feeling you were coming. So I'm ready to go." Not only did Kirie had a basket with her, but a small leather knapsack she had strung around one shoulder. She opened it, dumped the apples within the rest of her things, and then set the basket aside for someone else to just come and take it. Her flower shop was in good hands, and she carried the seeds and herbs she figured she needed the most. "Alright... I guess you were the one the elder spoke of. So I'll follow."
  7. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya picked up the talking and smiled to herself. Now they have another ally with them. She knows that their work isn't done as others were out there. I wonder what the evil guy is thinking. Probably pissed off. She slung her bow over her shoulder. She also realized she hadn't brought anything with her.
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    So she knew? Luna's powers will come in handy... Serin smiled slightly at Kirie before turning around and heading towards the other two. "We better get moving. Thanatos is sure to be looking for us." Serin spoke lightly although he already how it would all end since there were only two options. Thanatos would find them or they would find Thanatos. Either one had to happen. He took a slight glance at the forest's direction, debating on whether or not to head to Etha first since it was the closest city. He bit his lower lip and turned, heading towards the looming forest. Faster we get this over with the better.
  9. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya looked at Serin. Planning for the forest? I'll volunteer to lead the way. I know the forest better than most people. She looked towards the forest and took a deep breath. Sooner the better right?
  10. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    OOC: Assuming I am still in the group...


    Lyn nodded towards Mya. "Lead the way." She said with a smile along with a flap of her wings. She summoned her bow, "Whatever is in there we can take em, we have two skilled women with a bow on our side." Lyn skipped forward a bit now walking only a few paces behind Mya.
  11. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya happily led the group through the forest, but sighed. Lyn, as much as like you, I do sort of envy you. The feeling of wielding such legandary artifacts infused with magic. She glanced at Lyn's bow. Plase understand my situation. My life was dull, everyday thugs until I met you and Serin. Something I wanted to venture on. Even as dangerous it is, I devote myself to this. She shook her head and looked forward. Look at me. Envying and talking nonsense. I apologize.
  12. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Kirie fell silent as she walked with the others. This was strange, yet sudden. Well, not so sudden since she recieved a warning from Luna that this was going to happen, but it was strange how it was going by so fast. Almost like a dream. She observed teh people in her group with interest, listening as the two girls talked amongst themselves. 'Different races, different people... all of them going on an adventure just like me.' She turned to see her home village was becoming smaller and smaller as they walked farther and farther from it. This was it. She finally got her wished. She was leaving it behind. Choosing not to look back anymore, she turned and continued to follow the group.
  13. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    "Oh no, of course not. I'm pretty sure there are things more powerful than this so I probably couldn't take over the world anyway." Raphael laughed a little. "Not that I had plans to, anyway."
  14. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    The rooftops Dyre traveled across were on a road leading straight to the edge of Fainth. She hoped the man had not veered through the sidestreets. She knew she was nearing the city's boarders when the rooftops became spaced further and further apart. It was getting more and more difficult to jump the distance between them. She stopped to catch her breath, and while doing so, searched the people on the road below her. The rider, to her relief, was visible up ahead on the road a little further. He drew a sword from it's sheath. Dyre's mind reeled. The blade was black; black as the night in contrast with the man's white horse. Being a blacksmith herself, she was intrigued as she had only ever heard of such weapons.
    No turning back now. She sprinted and lunged for the next building. The man was right below her on the road now. She walked to the edge of the building and jumped down, landing in front of the horse. She only then had realized that she had no plan of what to do now. "Just what do you plan on doing with that?" she asked as she put her hands on her hips and hoped that he couldn't hear the uneasiness in her voice.
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Bleh," Alec made a weird sound as he stuck his tongue out. "I've been here about half my life just so I could protect Unda. The elder said he needed dedication so he made me give up my life as a traveler," he told his new companion as he turned around and slowly walked away from her, hoping she'd follow. "Of course, the Veritas Magus amaze me. It was hard, but I made the decision. However, not once did he thank me," Alec grumbled as he raised his hands to the back of his head. "Then, when I finally get entrusted with Unda, it's only because some power-hungry maniac is after it and I have to go on a journey," Alec smiled, realizing something for the first time, "I guess I should thank Thanatos then, if it wasn't for him, I would never have been able to travel again...but the elder simply told me to go stand against Thanatos. He didn't ask. So forgive me, but eh, I'm just not a fan of the old man."

    Alec turned a corner as his story ended, seeing just what he wanted. "No, I don't have a horse, but I'm about to," He grinned as he saw the Elder's house. Just outside were two horses, a white stallion and a black one. "Wait here," he told Elaina as he started walking towards where the horses were tied up, keeping an eye out for the elder.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "You don't need something so powerful to feel special." Serin commented, directing it towards Mya as his eyes scanned their surroundings for signs of anyone with a Veritas Magus. Other than the group, there was nobody around whatsoever. He glanced over at Kirie who was silent. "We wouldn't have to be going around if these things didn't exist in the first place." Serin lifted his left hand and drew back his sleeve slightly to stare at the solid black bracelet on his wrist. It was the only thing valuable in his possession and was something he had to keep close. "Maybe we should've brought some horses with us..." He muttered lowly.

    "You're the female I ran into earlier. You shouldn't have followed me." Varil ignored Dyre's question entirely, as if he never heard her speak. She posed no trouble to him earlier but now that she stood in his path and was asking one too many questions, he decided that some violence was in order. "Behold! Just a fraction of Ater's power." He raised the pitch black blade above his head and swung it across as if drawing a line between the girl and his horse. The ground cracked as a wall of what seemed to be black flames errupted outwards.
  17. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya sighed and nodded.I know. We may all feel different, but it's just...nevermind. She shook her head and continued to walk through the forest, thinking about his words.
  18. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    Dyre stepped back and put her arms up to shield her eyes from the... black flames? She lowered her arms a little, and peered, dumbfounded, at the dark flames billowing up from the crack in the ground. Black was the colour of evil. This man was mad news, and part of her knew it was not in her best interest to follow him. She reached over her shoulders with both arms, and grabbed the hilts of the two machetes with her paw-like hands. She held the blades in a protective stance.
    Wait, did he say "Ater"? She knew she had heard of such a blade. At least, she had known of it's twin, Sanctus; the blade of light. If he wields this, that must mean he's... It only made sense that it's twin — it's opposite — would be a blade of darkness. She had only dreamed of crafting such weapons.
  19. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Lyn looked over at Mya, taken a back. She wasn't really sure what to say and was happy when Serin said something. She wished Mya had a Veritas Magus of her own. Serin's words sunk in, she reached into a pouch and pulled out a small instrument. She brought it to her lips and whistled a tune. "That should help." She said. "This," she indicated to the instrument, "calls several horses to my aid."

    OOC: "This instrument summonz mai magical horsiez with wingz guis.
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: XD Wow.


    Serin raised an eyebrow as he listened to the quick tune. He reached out his senses towards the object, curious to find if it held any power of its own but was disappointed to find that it had no magic. Not a moment later did he see a small group of horses heading their way, galloping towards the four. "That's quite a trick." He commented, smiling a bit to himself.

    Just as Dyre got in her defensive stance, the large stallion leapt over the female completely untouched by the darkness Varil had summoned. He grinned under his hood and glanced over his shoulder at the girl. "You're in over your head if you follow me. None of the Veritas Magus are in your possession so you're of no interest. Begone lest I'll strike you down if you reveal yourself to me once more, female." With that, Varil turned away and whipped at the reigns of his horse to push it to full speed.
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