~A Haunting Fortress on the Horizon~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Arch, Oct 18, 2010.

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  1. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    This world is full of surprises, mystical beasts await at every turn one makes, and towns are full of a variety of races which seemingly live in harmony. However, this was not always so. Ages ago a single wizard with powers beyond that any have ever seen had sought to challenge the strength of the Gods themselves. With his magic he managed to create a massive war fortress, one that was indestructable and could even travel to distant lands in a matter of moment leaving kingdoms victim to its power. After having forced half of the known world into submission, hope had arisen. Several great mages took up arms against the wicked man and entered the fortress themselves. Some say they were aided by dragons as no other creature would dare challenge such a mighty force. In the end, the mages were able to kill the man and used their own possessions to create a seal on the fortress, hiding it away from the rest of the world so that none would use its destructive power once more. These mages knew that they were only mortal and could not protect the fortress forever so before they died, they each entrusted their possessions to a select group of town elders who would in turn pass down these items to ensure that they were kept safe.

    It only seemed like a good plan. A man by the name of Thanatos was handed down control over a distant empire known as Fainth. The moment he came into power he ordered a widespread search of the mages' possessions. He knew that his empire was at its limit and that the only way to expand it was to gain a military strength in which nobody had ever seen for what seemed like eternity. He needed the fortress to rise again. With time his army had brought to him two of the items. Thanatos learnt that they possessed elemental powers and they too could be used as weapons. This good news was only broken when a single youth broke into Thanatos's castle, something thought impossible for a single person. This boy overpowered and pushed his way through the guards with an impressive display of swordplay and acrobatics. He reached the chamber where the two items were kept and immediately procceeded in destroying one of them, knowing Thanatos could not ressurect the fortress without all the items. Before he was able to break the second item, Thanatos himself stopped the boy. The man looked at the crushed mage possession and shrugged it off, knowing full well that with time he could restore it. As for the boy, Thanatos thought him too skilled to merely be killed. He forced the boy into submission and ordered him to take the remaining item so he could find and take the others. If the boy failed, his home town would not be spared from Thanatos's wrath. If he succeeded in aiding Thanatos, the world was doomed.

    Lucky you. You are chosen with the task of safeguarding a mage's possession. By now they have earnt themselves a new name. Veritas Magus, otherwise known as "the truth of a mage". Your town's elder has given you a single one of these, the best option for you would be to find others with these items, band together, and kill Thanatos. The trouble is, the towns have at most two items to safeguard so you would have to travel far and wide across the lands to find others with the same task. Not many know what lays beyond in the wilderness other than the fact that mystic creatures would be a common threat. Whatever you decide, you're not alone. ...And that may not be such a good thing.


    Fainth - A massive empire known for its military might. A broad range of people live there, from local blacksmiths, to those of high status, to beggars, to soldiers, and even the Emperor himself. Thanatos resides here but rarely makes public appearances. Despite his ruthless ambitions, life in Fainth is relatively peaceful as the empire does not actively attack its neighbors. A large mix of races reside here but it is predominantly filled with humans.

    Etha - A rather spread out city, most of it resides in the distant forest of the West. It's rare to find humans living around those areas simply because the Elves had settled there ages ago. The only ruler the Elves have is their queen but unlike human monarchs, she is not placed in such high regard.

    Murex - A highly montaneous land, half of the year it snows and the other half it snows harder. Some humans simply call it the "Cloud Break" in reference to the heights of the area. Not all of the residents of Murex live directly on the mountains but those that do are more often than not part of the Nephilim. The people, regardless of race, are very tough and everything but level-headed due to the conditions they must endure in Murex.

    Arilan - This city is usually dense with the lowest pack of society. The only respect they give out is to that of the city's elder, a man with a great deal of wealth and influence. Despite his position, he is far from corrupt. Arilan is considered to be what Fainth could have been if it didn't have soldiers walking the streets to keep the peace. An interesting fact about the city, many children run away from home to come to Arilan because despite it's problems, the people are very accepting of another's culture.

    Welk - A rather small town filled with very simplistic people. It's the closest town to Etha's borders and thus the people get along quiet well with the Elves. No real form of government exists and the only person who has any influence in Welk is the town's elder. Welk, unlike Arilan and Fainth, is not packed with stone buildings and instead has cottages as it is more of a farming community than anything else.


    Humans - What? Are you dim? You know what a human is! It is rare for a human to display any amount of magical talent without having been formally trained and having the gift for it.

    Elves - Unlike what many would like to believe, Elves are not graced with the ability to live hundreds of years without ever aging. They live just as long as a human does. The differences between them and humans however is that they do have pointed ears, have a slight affinity to magic, have pale skin, and have the strangest ability to calm animals down with their presence.

    Nephilim - They were given this title due to their association with figures known as Angels in the Humans' beliefs. These people are just moderately stronger than the average human and have a pair of wings on their shoulders. Their wings are easily folded in under clothing making little more than a slight bump. They have absolutely no magical affinity.

    Faeries - They don't grant wishes and they don't have wings. Faeries are the only species that has an extended life, although they can at most live around 200 years. They age half as quickly as humans and a common trait among them is their unnatural hair color. They, like Elves, have a slight affinity for magic.

    Flametails - Flametails are a wolf-fox breed that can stand upright, have hand-like claws so they can use tools like bow and arrows and other things that hands are used for, and change colors to fit their enviornment. [Suggested by Shadox D.]

    Veritas Magus

    Sanctus - Contains the power of light. It is said to be one of the two strongest pieces of the Veritas
    Magus. It's appearance is unknown. It has been destroyed.

    Ater - Contains the power of darkness. The twin of Sanctus. It's appearance is unknown and belongs to
    the boy who had destroyed Sanctus. TAKEN

    Flamma - A golden ring with a small ruby embedded on it. It brings forth fire to the user's hands and allows the user to withstand the heat of an inferno. This item resides in Arilan. TAKEN

    Unda - Unda is a spear that calls upon the power of water. From the tip a powerful stream of water can be released and any nearby source of water could be used for added strength. [Note: This does not give one the ability to freeze water or control ice.] This item resides in Etha. TAKEN

    Arcus - A bow that grants the owner with the power of wind. With it, an arrow will never miss its target, an arrow would not be needed at all as it could bring forth a blade of wind to use as ammunition. This item resides in Welk. TAKEN

    Petra - With a large broadsword the user commands the power of the very earth itself. They can cause structures to rise, the ground to shake, and have slightly heightened physical strength. This item resides in Murex. TAKEN

    Tempest - A brooch with the elemental of lightning. While one may not rival the fiercest of storms, it is still a powerful object. It, like Flamma, allows one to bring the element to the user's hands for use. This item resides in Arilan. TAKEN

    Lucus - Lucus is a staff engraved with the force of nature. With it, vines would sprout out of the ground, animals would instinctively obey the voice of its user, and one would have a sense of direction like no other. This item resides in Etha. TAKEN

    Luna - A silver pendant with intricate designs swirled about it in a cryptic manner and at its center, a clean cut aquamarine gem. It has the power to create illusions and even bestows the user the ability to look into the future. As one can tell by its name, its power stems from the Moon. This item resides in Welk. TAKEN

    Anima - Takes the form of a golden phoenix feather. It allows the user to take on the characteristics of many different animals excluding some of the most powerful(Dragons and the Phoenix...ironic). With it, the user could even sprout wings of their own.


    1. No godmodding or powerplaying. Very simple.
    2. Keep it PG-13, this includes language and...romantic content.
    3. As for races/species, there will be NO mixed breeds of the ones listed.
    4. If you're wondering about having a character with magic, it will be very limited. Mild telekinesis, using a spell to open a lock maybe, healing magic, and possibly a tracking spell. Speak to me if you want to use magic. You cannot use an elemental.
    5. You cannot have one of the items listed above if your character is coming from the city of Fainth. That's the city the main BAD GUY is in. So you have to get the item from where I said it resides in.
    6. You can have as many characters as you want, but only ONE Veritas Magus per RPer. This might change depending on how many people join.
    7. The RP will start right after the characters get their item. The Town Elder is NOT the ruler of a town and is for all intents and purposes, just a bit of a plot device for us to use.
    8. Also, I don't want every character having magical affinity. Especially not if they're human.
    9. I reserve the right to add and change any rules at any moment of the RP.

    OC Form

    Name: [Full name.]
    Age: [Or appearance if your character is a Faerie.]
    Magic Affinity: [Yes or no.]
    Veritas Magus: [Optional.]
    Bio: [Some background info and maybe a bit about the character's personality.]
    Appearance: [Description or picture.]
    Weapon: [For those with the Veritas Magus, put "N/A".]
    Other: [Optional.]

    I will make a thread in the OOC section for this RP. Please post your OCs there. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.p...ess-on-the-Horizon-OC-Sign-Ups-and-Discussion
  2. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: [Full name.] Mya Realm
    Gender: Female
    Age: [Or appearance if your character is a Faerie.] 19
    Species: Elf
    Magic Affinity: [Yes or no.] Yes
    Veritas Magus: [Optional.] Arcus
    Town: Welk
    Bio: [Some background info and maybe a bit about the character's personality.] As an elf, Mya was raised and trained like a normal elf. She quickly learned how to use a bow at the age of 9 and was ranked as the highest archer of Welk. Shesoon was curious of magic and wanted to learn it. She didn't completely grasped it, but learned enough and found Arcus. She soon bonded with the magical bow.
    Appearance: [Description or picture.] http://m248.photobucket.com/image/anime archer/anime_vicxie/011.jpg.html?o=1
    Weapon: [For those with the Veritas Magus, put "N/A".] N/A
    Other: [Optional.]
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Someone had already spoken to me about reserving Arcus. Sorry. D: Arcus and Tempest are the only two reserved though. Also, you can delete the things I put in brackets. ^^;
  4. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    Username: Twilight Knight
    Name: Raphael Heart
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Species: Nephilim
    Magic Affinity: No
    Veritas Magus: Flamma
    Town: Arilan
    Bio: Like most other children, Raphael ran away to Arilan in search of acceptance. He was looked down upon for his wings are a bit more oddly colored than most other Nephilims (a dark red color). His eyes were also an odd mix of blue and red, with a jet black color covering what were once the white part of his eyes. He escaped from Fainth with only the help of his massive amount of luck which has followed him since birth. When he reached Arilan, he worked various odd jobs. He found a magician using magic preforming on the street. When the magician was done, Raphael asked if he could learn. The magician kindly obliged. Although, Raphael had trouble learning magic. The only magic he could do well was fire type magic. After he was done learning, he went out in search for his destiny, or at least something that would relieve him of his boredom. And thus, he stumbled upon the Flamma. He became fond of his power, and now, like the magician, he preforms in front of crowds of people, dazzling them with fire.
    Weapon: N/A
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    You're in but Nephilim don't have magic of their own just so you know. 8D8 I provided a link at the bottom of my first post to the OOC thread. You don't need to post your RP there since you already posted it here though.>>
  6. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Sadness now I have to do this wholething over again 8(

    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: [Full name.] Mya Realm
    Gender: Female
    Age: [Or appearance if your character is a Faerie.] 19
    Species: Elf
    Magic Affinity: [Yes or no.] Yes
    Veritas Magus: [Optional.] None
    Town: Welk
    Bio: [Some background info and maybe a bit about the character's personality.] As an elf, Mya was raised and trained like a normal elf. She quickly learned how to use a bow at the age of 9 and was ranked as the highest archer of Welk. Currently a high ranking elf although not a lot of humans respect her.
    Appearance: [Description or picture.] http://m248.photobucket.com/image/anime archer/anime_vicxie/011.jpg.html?o=1
    Weapon: [For those with the Veritas Magus, put "N/A".] Bow and arrows and a hunting knife
    Other: [Optional.] Tend to be a quiet one, but can be talkative as well.
  7. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: heartless_angel, you're already in the RP in case you didn't know. We're starting now.


    Two heavy metal doors creaked as they were pulled back to close the entrance which they guarded. When they had just a small crack left open between them a dark figure slid past, the two doors shutting behind it. "Finding them won't be hard now." The one known as Varil spoke out under his breath, a cold air following him as he headed away from the throne room which he left. His left hand rested on the hilt of the black sword strapped to his hip as he walked through the candlelit hallways, the sounds of his footsteps softened by the elegant red carpet stretched out in the corridors. Several soldiers moved out of his way when he finally exited the castle, one of them bringing to him his horse, so that he would ride swiftly out of the city. The animal had the purest white coat ever seen for a horse, not a single patch of black or brown to be seen on it. Varil paused for a moment, considering the irony of the situation before he took his place in the saddle, taking up the reigns. His dark eyes gazed down at the other men who watched him, seeing the distrust in their eyes. It didn't surprise him, after all, they had no reason to put any faith behind him. Still, he knew what he had to do. He pulled on the reigns of his horse as it began to trot down the streets of Fainth. He knew where he would start his search, he could feel where some of the Veritas Magus were.

    "That's what I wanted to hear, now that you mention it." Came the voice of Serin as his grey eyes followed an elderly man from behind several strands of his white hair. "I'm rather...interested in these Veritas Magus anyways and following users of them would only be something for me to look forward to." He smiled slightly as he spoke calmly, seeing the red-robed man sit down at a small wooden circular table in the room.

    "I'm sure your own talents would be of good use to them. You're a natural magician and I'm sure your travels have brought you a deal of experience." The man paused as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Didn't you own a sword? My memory isn't what it used to be but I could've sword you were a talented swordsman..."

    Serin's eyes lowered towards the ground as he shrugged his shoulders. "I guess you must be thinking of someone else. Anyways, I'll go see if I can find Lynnea. She does have Arcus after all. I suppose we could always travel to Etha to find the other keepers of the Veritas Magus there, head to Murex, go to Arilan, then head into Fainth to take on Thanatos." He plainly said, thinking over his simplistic plan.

    "It is such a shame that we cannot simply destroy them...Yet rumors have spread that a boy had actually broken one. If only we knew of a way other than violence..." The old man looked weary from regret over the situation. Serin opened his mouth to speak but nothing came. He knew he couldn't help the situation other than following through with his own plan.

    "I've already said goodbye to my own mother, have someone look after her while I'm away...please." Serin said lowly as he turned away from the elder and left his small cottage. The light of the morning struck him as he went outside, yet he casted no shadow. Serin's eyes glanced down at a moment towards the ground before he lifted his head up to the sky. There's a long road ahead...I'm not even sure if I'll be able to find the others in the towns they're supposed to be at. Still, I have to seek them out. He thought to himself, returning to look in front of himself. He walked forward as his mind wandered over what would become of this world when Thanatos took what he wanted and unsealed the fortress. It was said that if it ever rose again, everything would be covered in an everlasting darkness. Let's just hope it wouldn't be that bad...
  8. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Yesh whatever 8D

    BIC: Thwack! Thwack! Two arrows hit the center red target so small, only a skilled marksman could land a hit on it. Mya lowered her bow and sighed. Since the day she knew how to use one, she constantly trained until she has mastered the arts and skills of the bow. She turned around and walked into the forest. She always found the forest calming to her mind, especially when the 3 humans started to throw nasty words at her. It wasn't her fault they were askig for some broken noses and possibly some arms as well.All she knew was that it was her fault. So much for being modest. She created a makeshift fishing rod in minutes and casted it into the river, waiting for something to bite.
  9. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Bright brown eyes stared down at the small item in the girl's hand, tilting her head slightly as it shone when the sun's light hit it. A small smile crossed her lips, her hand closing to hold the small item as she lowered her arm down to her side. She looked over her shoulder, looking towards the building she had come from. Tempest. Julie turned her attention back ahead of her, looking back down at the brooch she held in her hand. The town elder told me to take care of this, but also told me I needed to find others with the same task. The young girl frowned, questioning where she could look first. The town isn't too big, but the rest of the land is. Julie sighed heavily, raising her free hand to rub the back of her neck. "Where can I start first?"
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "So much ruckus over such a simple thing," Alec mumbled as he sat on his bed, staring at the wall. Leaning against the wall was a spear, one of the fabled Veritas Magus. "Unda," he said loudly, as if speaking to the spear itself. He stood up and walked towards it. Are you really as powerful as they say? He inquired silently as he reached it and raised his hand to slide his fingers across its tip. "Powerful enough to have the ruler of a kingdom like Fainth after you?" He finished his question aloud as he took his hand off the spear and turned around. He moved his hand to his light blue hair, the only sign of his lineage, and brushed it through the strands. He took three steps forward so the only window was directly to his left. His cabin was a small one room building. His bedroom, living room, and kitchen being one and the same. "I thought the reasons the Veritas Magus were handed down was to protect them?" He questioned Thanato's motives even though the ruler couldn't hear him. "It won't be long before his army comes here in search of you," he told the magical spear behind him. "Should we leave? or just hide?" He asked Unda as if expecting an actual answer. When the spear remained silent, he smiled. "That's exactly what I thought you would say. I was kind of tired of Etha anyways," he told his new weapon as he faced it. Alec was known for his habit of talking aloud, especially when no one else was around. He walked towards Unda and placed his hand one more time on its tip. "Where to first?"
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Of course pears are magical! ....<<;


    Serin clasped his hands behind his back as he kept walking, letting out a high whistle as he did so. It wasn't the smartest idea however as it caught attention from others. Ever since he had returned from Fainth, people had grown a distaste for him. It didn't help that he let the story about his "curse" slip and now people just wanted him gone from Welk. "I'll be gone soon enough." He muttered lowly as he continued on his way, listening in a man shouted something about him being the son of evil or some nonsense like that. He sighed out as he neared the forest's edge, where the population thinned out. It was not uncommon for one from Welk to wander into the forest's edge. This part of it was a bit of a grey area between Welk's and Etha's borders. "Now that I think about it...I should've asked the elder where to find that girl.." A lack of planning for the simplest details was Serin's greatest fault, even though magacians were meant to be geniuses it didn't exactly mean that they were the brightest people either. Funny how unpopular I am with these people. Superstitious bas- Faint words in the distance caught Serin's attention. It didn't sound too good from what he could hear. He walked a little further only to find himself nearly running into three males who looked rather angry. They all seemed familiar to Serin but he didn't know them by name, only that they were nothing but trouble. "I suppose I chose to walk in the wrong direction." He mumbled, eyeing one of the men who now had turned to face him. Is it me or does that guy look ready to hit me? Serin stepped back, he wasn't in the mood for getting himself into a fight over having walked into something at the wrong moment.
  12. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya smiled as she nabbed the last fish and placed it in her basket. After a period of time fishing, she caught a large about of fish. One could say she was cheating due to her ability to call out for animals, but it was a forest. No one would care. As she started to pack up and leave, she heard some talking not too far away. She climbed up a tree to get a better look. She saw one person walking into the 3 males he encountered. From her point of view, they didn't look too friendly. She knows she didn't want to see a fight since they were pointless, but didn't want to stick in either as she already had enough trouble. She pulled out her bow, waiting for any confrontation.
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Well, how do you like them apples?

    Alec quickly turned around and dashed towards his bed. "You're right. Planning where to go beforehand is boring, the real fun is the journey, not the destination," he said as he leaped over his bed and landed on the other side. He reached under it to pull out his "tools." His lack of a closet meant he had to store things wherever and underneath his bed was his favorite spot. He pulled out a brown pouch, a roll of bandages, and some wire he had been saving. "I hate to do this to ya, but we gotta keep you covered up," he apologized to the spear as he moved his equipment towards it. The first thing he did was wrap the entire shaft (OOC:I have no idea if its really called that) in the white bandages. Next, he placed the pouch over the spear's tip and used the wire to tie it as tight as he could. "Last thing we need is someone noticing a strange spear," he mumbled as he wrapped the rest of his bandages around his torso diagonally and attached the spear to his back. He then leaped to the floor next to his bed again, looking for another pouch.
  14. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Apples are overrated. D:

    "I could always turn around and go-" Serin started off but was cut off when the closest male struck his chin with a fist. Serin stumbled backwards and hit his back against a nearby tree which only caused more pain. He touched a hand to his face and growled lowly, feeling a slight amount of blood on his skin. "I don't even know what that was for." He muttered towards the group. The one who had punched him stepped forward and grabbed Serin by his collar, bringing him closer.

    "You're nothing but trouble. You're cursed and you'll only bring it on everyone else by staying here. We want you gone." The man's words partially made sense to Serin, the people of Welk were rather simple-minded and it would only be natural for them to assume that a curse could spread like a disease. Still, he had no patience for this sort of behavior.

    "I'll leave soon enough, now get your hands off-" Once again, Serin was cut off as the male shoved him back against the tree forcefully as he raised his fist to strike at Serin again. Oh come on... Serin his wrist, causing the man's punch to suddenly jolt upwards and completely miss Serin's face. It hit the tree which caused the male a great deal of pain. Serin pushed the man away and adjusted his collar, his eyes fixing on the other two. "Get out of here before I turn all of you into a bunch of rodents." Of course, he didn't have that kind of power but regardless, the three took off believing he had the capability to do so. "The people were so much nicer before I left." He commented, sighing out loudly. "So much for acceptance."
  15. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    OOC: Sorry I'm late. School an all. So could someone fill me in?
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: Nothing's really happened yet. Varil is going through the streets of Fainth to leave the city, Serin had a small run-in with some people who didn't like magic and he's going to start looking for those that have Veritas Magus...and Mya seems to be watching him(they're in Welk). Alec seems to be preparing to leave Etha. And...Julie from Arilan is just wandering around the city wondering what to do.

    Also, everyone who has taken a Veritas Magus already has theirs. Just saying this for those who have not yet posted.
  17. Twilight Knight Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 6, 2009
    Battery City
    OOC: Alright then, thanks.

    Raphael stood in the dim corner of his small home. He spread his large wings and flapped them twice, shaking the ash off of them from his last show. He was happy he was accepted here. He gazed at his Veritas Magus. His shined in the small light that came from the ceiling. He smiled and folded his wings. His strange colored eyes shined and he walked out of his apartment. He gazed at the crowded streets and began walking.
  18. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya observed the fight. She would have left him for his problems, but the words "cursed" rang through her head. Was he cursed? He looked normal to her eyes. She made a decision and jumped down the tree behind Serin. Seems like you got yourself into a bit of trouble.
  19. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    The young, blond Nephilim walked quietly though the forest of Welk as she headed back to the village. She enjoyed time to be quiet and think, even though she liked to talk most of the time. Her translucent wings hitting a few tree branches along the way. She didn't mind though, after having to keep them hidden for so long it was a blessing to be able to have them free. She smiled at the thought.

    As she made her way through Welk she came upon a disturbance to her quiet time. She saw two people, one male, one female. She heard the female speak. Her curiosity got the better of her and she decided to check out the situation. She approached the two of them, calling forth her Veritas Magus, Arcus. "What's going on here?" She asked.
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Serin pulled his hand away from his chin looking at the specks of blood on his palm. "Trouble seems to be something I run into a lot." He mumbled, lowering his eyes towards the ground. He turned at the sound of another voice, opening his mouth to speak towards the newcomer when he caught a glimpse of Arcus. That's one of them! "I just ran into a bit of trouble, that's all." He quickly said, wanting to get to his point. "You have a Veritas Magus! I've been looking around for the owners of them. You must be...Lynnea. I'm Serin and this is..." He trailed off as he motioned towards the other girl. By instinct, he had tried introducing the elf beside him as if he had known her but the fact was that he didn't. "Um...well, I don't know her name. Anyways, I'm trying to gather everyone together so we can take on Thanatos himself! I know it's a little far-fetched but with enough power, we can surely overcome him." Out loud, the idea sounded stupid. Thanatos wasn't even believed to be mortal, let alone human like he should be. His own magic seemed to exceed the natural abilities any other magician could possibly have and the thought of taking on such a man seemed like suicide, but it was still something Serin wanted the others to believe in.
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