⍭he ℱallen

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Hyuge ✧, May 14, 2013.

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  1. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Alistair had awoken quite early and started his daily routine. Nothing new, nothing strange, but something interesting for him to do later on. After having his morning tea and starring over at the newspaper. The newspaper was an old and far less efficient than things like the internet, but regardless, Alistair liked gazing down at the black and white paper before him. As he took a sip his eyebrow rose as he stared down at an interesting article. "Hmmm...The Ripper? so thats the nickname being formed...how quick...yet fitting..." Alistair said with a smile. Before he knew it he received a call and then soon enough Alistair was out with a smile as he found his own personal aircraft set and ready for him.

    Entering his jet, Alistair was soon of into the air and allowed to relax a bit. The skies were quite pleasant and though Alistair preferred the darker and more gloomier thunderstorm, he was quite content with the peaceful outdoors. After reading the paper in his hand he memorized what he needed before soon enough his craft landed and allowed Alistair to walk out, finally making it to Norway.

    Following the piece of paper, he soon enough found himself a taxi and he was off to his destination. Travelling far off places were not unknown to him, but such a trip was quite...new to him. He almost felt that this trip would be quite the useless one, but at the same time it held quite amount of potential to develop into something...interesting. Once the taxi dropped his off, Alistair merely walked out and stared up at the door before him. He was sure this was the place since he recalled coming here before. Simply walking up to the door he merely knocked on it and once a woman answered, Alistair merely closed his eyes and gave her a pleasant smile "Greetings, may I speak to Herrick my dear?" Alistair said.
  2. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    Decimus Black

    ----- Day 19: 2/4 ----- Mood: Sleepy ----- Location: Service House – Rome, Italy -----

    Sunlight entered the room in which Decimus was sleeping. It fell on his face and awoke him. His grey-blue eyes opened slowly as they focused. The feeling of the white, soft down pillow gave him comfort and he pressed into it a bit. Down pillows never got boring, which made them the perfect place to rest one’s head. This bed was also one of the finest that money could buy. The cherrywood frame was hand carved and the bed had curtains for privacy, silk sheets, and a hand-embroidered comforter. Of course, this was his bed, which lay in the master bedroom of the service house. Every other bed in the building was not as nice, the comforters were machine made and had oak wood frames, but they were still some of the best beds someone could have, at a price that is. Guests had to pay five hundred or more to stay one night here, depending on the services provided. This enforced that only wealthier customers could afford this sanctuary, and preferably those who have been checked for any health concerns. Women and drugs tended to be quite pricey to stock.

    One woman was on each side of him, still sleeping and nude like he was. The night before was pretty nice, his two mistresses always treated him well. They had tried using a form of Marijuana for the first time to see if anything would be new. In fact, he hadn’t felt that confident and calm in a few months. True, his head was a little hazy, but damn it felt great to let loose. The ladies seemed to have enjoyed it too, which was great for him so he wouldn’t have to have any reports of talking behind his back. There would have to be some disciplining there.

    He sat up and looked over at his two mistresses. They were thoroughly tangled in the silk sheets, which would have to be washed after a night like last night. His figure leaned down and he kissed each of their exposed necks, which made them twist in pleasure.

    Yeah, you like that don’t you?

    A twisted smile creased his lips and he slid out of the bed, not bothering to close the curtains to hide the sleeping women.

    Decimus looked at his body and almost laughed seeing himself all soiled. He immediately went to go take a shower. A bath wouldn’t help get all of this stuff off of him very well.

    Speaking of baths, maybe I’ll have those two treat me to one later tonight.

    After being showered and getting dressed he headed downstairs and to the check in/out room. On his way he passed several rooms, most of which were silent as the residents slept. A few, though, suggested a late morning romp. One of the many attendants came out of one of those rooms holding a tray of what was once the guest’s breakfast.

    “Ah, Jazbelle, how are you this fine, late morning?”

    “Very good sir, and you?”

    “Fine, as always.”

    “Will I be switching out with Victoria today, sir?”

    “Yes, but only if you’re a good girl and made sure to charge for every indulgence our customer receives.”

    “Of course, sire.”

    “That’s a good girl.”

    The young lady, Jazbelle, set down the tray on a table next to the door to be taken away by one of the maids. She then went through a second door that held a small room that connected to the other the customer was using via a one-way, full length mirror. It was the best way to record the actions and recievings of a customer and was part of every room in the building. Besides, it was a great way for the servants to observe and try new things that the customers might like.

    This service house was originally built more towards gentlemen, but ladies can partake in the services as well. There is a full range of butlers to choose from, who are usually helping the maids cook, clean, etc. when there are only male guests, just in case women show up.

    With his mind filled with how wonderful his establishment is, he returned to his journey to the check in/out clerk.

    “So how much did we make so far, Vincent?”
  3. lord-insan-E-O Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2010
    What are you a cop?
    Tyson got into the station and it was a little more empty then normal. Turns out quite a few officers had been called out to help out over in London. Galway was in Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland was apart of the UK after all. "Hey Ty." James called out to his partner. "Hey, you ready to go?" Tyson asked. "Yeah." James replied.
    "Something wrong man?" James asked Tyson. Tyson was a little distracted. He was thinking about what Temeluchas's plans, and what she is going to do to the Nephilim. Also he was wondering how many of the fallen are out there, maybe he could get some real answers from them. If they even knew, would they even talk to him? He has fell pretty far. "Huh, um no I'm fine. Just thinking about stuff." Tyson replied.
    After a few hours of driving around they finally find something to do. "Finally, I'm about to die from boredom." James said. As they came down a street, two guys were robbing a convince store. Tyson pulled the car over and James bolted out. He was able to catch one of the guys. Tyson got out of the car and ran after the other guy. But the robber had a too far head start on him. "Stop!.....Please?" Tyson yelled out as he tried to catch up. 'Screw this.' He thought to himself. Tyson took a deep breath in and held out his arm. He focused in on the robber's leg, and he pulled it from under him, bringing him to the ground. For anyone watching it just looked like the robber tripped.
    Tyson dug him knee into the guy's back and took out his cuffs and put them on the robber. "Bet your wishing you stopped now huh?" Tyson smugly said as he brought the guy up to his feet. Using his powers like that gave him a headache but well worth it. Tyson dragged the robber back over to the squad car. "Let's see what ya' got here buddy." Tyson said as he patted him down. Tyson pulled a small gun out of the back of the robber's pants. "Well, all this for....how much did they get?" Tyson asked James. "Not enough for the trouble." James replied. "Alright get in the car." Tyson demanded as he shoved the robber's in the car.
  4. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    ///Day 19 (2/4)\\\///October 10th, 2013\\\///Location: Manchester UK (Random Car--->Streets)\\\///Mood: Where to go?\\\

    Brandon woke up a bit confused at first. Was he in a car or something? The hell was he doing in here? Was he being kidnapped by someone or- wait, his Tennis racket was right next to him. He thought it was weird that if someone kidnapped him they'd let him have his tennis racket. Then he started to think through this more logically and recalled the hell that had happened earlier that day. He looked out the car windows and saw his still wrecked house. Well shit. Brandon had no idea what the hell he was going to do now. He still received no word from his mother, at which point he left his phone in the now crushed house...not like it would've mattered anyway because the battery was long dead.

    He got out of the car and started playing around with his tennis racket and tennis ball. He simply hit the ball off the wall, back to him, and hit it again. This went on for a good twenty minutes until Brandon realized he was slightly hungry. He decided it was time for breakfast...with the zero money he had on him and the destroyed house that was there. He looked around and actually noticed the streets were pretty empty. He figured that everyone here probably already left to go to a refugee area of some sort or they were...well Brandon didn't like to think about the second option that could've happened. With nothing more to do he just sort of sat down on his house ruble and continued hitting his tennis ball back and forth.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    That was the first time he had heard of the earthquake. It wasn't surprising as he and Iris had been too busy to pay any attention to the news. Henrik crossed his arms and scratched his chin thoughtfully as he leaned over his empty plate.

    "What is it?"

    "First a plane crash in the States. Then another that was coming to this side of the world. Then an earthquake that caused a lot of damage. Not to mention recent storms that have been causing a lot of damage."

    "And you're thinking it's the end of the world?"

    "Not exactly, but I'm sure our recent visitors...or friends of theirs must be trying really hard to kill some important people." Henrik sighed. 'If they can cause damage on this kind of scale, I'm out of my league. I need to multiply my efforts by several factors... Today.' He mulled it over as the sound of someone knocking on the door caused Iris to get up and cautiously take a peek through the window. Henrik turned around, breaking concentration as Iris opened the door upon seeing that it was neither Danel nor Temeluchas.

    "Henrik, we have another visitor."

    He immediately rose from his seat and ran over to the front door. Henrik vaguely recognized this man. A doctor from another country. He had worked on some high profile cases but Henrik hardly paid attention attention to these kinds of things. Breakthroughs in medicine could hardly help his research in any way. Though, now that he thought about it, perhaps this man might be able to help Iris. These thoughts passed through Henrik's mind in an instant and even as he processed several things at once, he began to speak.

    "Doctor Grey, correct?" Henrik spoke in English as he did not know Irish, the country he knew Alistair was from. It was not one of the nine languages he knew as there were hardly any major scientific papers from that country that he was concerned about. English seemed like a good alternative to use. Henrik's own accent was indistinct. German and English were his first two languages. So of course he was perfectly fluent in both. "You didn't come all this way to discuss String Theory, did you?" Even if it was a more recognizable face than that of Danel's or Temeluchas's, Henrik knew better than to trust this man. Uninvited guests were hardly the highlight of his day.
  6. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    With the appearance of Henrik, Alistair could confirm that this was the same man he saw being tormented by his little mistress. "Of course not", Alistair said casually with a smile before glancing over at the man with his golden eyes before closing them once more. He was glad to see that Henrik was speaking English and knew of him so this made things much more easier for Alistair than he thought, though the problem was how the man would react to what he would have to say. Human kind was always unpredictable and thats what he always like about them.

    "Well now...lets get to the point shall we? According to two certain angels, my name is Azrael, angel of death, like you I was born no more human than any other, but even so, we are in a similar position..." Alistair said before shaking his head "Of course that similarity is possibly quite thin now...but regardless, so far your the only one who is...hmm how to put this...the same species?" Alistair said shaking his head before glancing back at Henrik as he placed on hand in his jacket pocket. "with this said I flew all this way to discuss with you about this whole scenario with Lucifer...That is if you wish to..." Alistair said before closing his eyes. "Tempykins has caused quite some trouble with you...she can be a reaaaaal bitch" Alistair said casually with a smile.
  7. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    Decimus Black

    ----- Day 19: 2/4 ----- Mood: Pleased ----- Location: Service House – Rome, Italy -----

    “Oh, hey Boss! I’m doing great. How about you?”

    “I’m good.” He went around the desk and put a hand on Vincent’s shoulder. “So, how much?”

    “We’re doing excellent, Boss. At the moment we’re making seventy big ones. Someone got the full package today.”

    Decimus patted his shoulder. “Excellent! Maybe we’ll get new toys for the customers to enjoy. What do you think?”

    “That is a wonderful idea sir. The girls have been requesting we replace the ones we currently have. It seems like they have gotten too used to them and require new ways to play.”

    “Hmm. Maybe some new outfits too. Anna Lee told me of some of the stitching coming loose.”

    “Great idea! Should I send in a request for shipment?”

    “Yes. It is ideal that we stock up right away. The customers will enjoy our new shipment very soon.”

    “Right away, sir. Would you like anything else?”

    “No thank you, Vince. I’ll be collecting my things and returning to my house. Have Red and Hannibal loaded into my car.”


    Decimus gave the man another pat on the shoulder and made an exit from the office. He made his way to the master bedroom. His two mistresses could be heard taking a shower. Red and Hannibal jumped up on him in greeting. He met them with a smile and scratches behind their ears.

    “Hey boys. Time to go home. Go get in the car ok?” The angel pointed to the door and the two wolves headed out and down the stairs.

    He collected his cell phone and keys and made his way to the car.


    ----- Day 19: 3/4 ----- Mood: Content ----- Location: Roads of Italy -----

    The new Dodge Dart car purred like a kitten. Its sleek, black body and tinted windows was the ideal vehicle for a mafia leader such as him. All of its gears ran smooth and could easily pass one hundred miles per hour. This was just one of three cars that Decimus owned. The other two are a blue Mustang GT and a maroon 1951 2DR Chevy.

    Sadly, for everyone else, only he and his top henchmen could touch the cars. They were held in a small, locked up, underground garage under each of his buildings. Usually the Mustang was at the club, the Dodge was at the house, and the Chevy was at the service house, but sometimes they got mixed up.

    Both Hannibal and Red had to sit in the backseats of the car. The angel didn’t want them fighting over the front seat. Luckily, he also had blankets back there so they wouldn’t scratch up the seats with their nails or get their fur all over them. Most of the time they were calm and would just lie down for the trip, but sometimes they tended to get excited about going back to the house. There, they could run around and do whatever they pleased, within reason of course.

    His house resided on one of the highest hills in Italy. He tended to always prepare for the worst and didn’t want flooding or a stray tsunami, at the worst, getting to him immediately. Rediculously enough, he even had a couple of small inflatable rafts and a life vest where he resides in each of the buildings. Call him a little paranoid, but a life of unexpected twists and turns in his business could prove him sane.

    It was a beautiful home. The one story abode was a little modest for his lifestyle, although he and the two wolves were the main residents so it was no big fuss. A front patio consisted of an enclosed garden of various flowers for beauty and an arch to walk under when you entered. There were two rooms, a master and a smaller one, two full baths, a medium-sized kitchen with an island, a fairly large living room, and a medium-sized dining room with an oak table with three chairs. Its back yard had a small purple grapevine lingering near the window of the kitchen, lots of wild grass, and some huge shade trees inhibiting the two acres of land. The patio had a table with a tile top, a few rod-iron chairs to sit in, and one of those long swinging chairs. It is a great getaway for Decimus and all the noise he has to deal with.
  8. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 19 - 4/4 | DATE: October 10th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Motel in London, England

    Sam sat on his bed, motionless. He had woken up from another one of his lovely dreams. There wasn't much he could do about them. They just came to him whether he wanted them to or not. But since they really didn't affect anything major, he didn't mind it. He got out of bed, put on his shoes, and walked to the door, stepping on a cockroach as he went. Ugh, gross.

    He opened the door and sat down next to it. Sam fished his cigarettes out of his pocket, one of the few things he had with him. All he had on him after the plane crashed was his cigarettes, a lighter, and the knife that Chicken Wings gave him, as well as the clothes on his back. When he looked into his pack, he noticed that there were only two left. He was going to need to get a new pack. A sigh escaped him as he lit the cigarette.

    Two left... He wasn't thinking about the cigarettes anymore. I'm gonna kill Red and kidnap the white haired girl in two days. Sam ran his fingers through his hair as he stayed deep in thought. I guess I'll have to get all of my enjoyment out of that. Ugh... Such a waste of beauty... He let his head fall back against the wall as he let the smoke out of his mouth. His rage was seething.
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Same species?" Henrik nodded. "I suppose that's one way you could put it." He folded his arms and leaned against the door frame. From the sounds of it, Alastair did not seem too fond of Temeluchas. Unless, of course, he was masochistic. That was always a possibility. "You came a long way just to talk." Henrik commented. He would have invited Alastair inside...if he was stupid.

    "So since we in a similar position, as you say, do you have some sort of mutually beneficial proposition in mind?" Yes, Henrik still knew how to use big fancy words. He was a doctor as well. Albeit an entirely different kind than Alastair.

    OOC: Short post because we need to finish this interaction before the end of the day.
  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 19 ⦙ 4/4 DATE Thursday ⦙ October 10, 2013

    Hana woke up that morning and investigated the destroyed streets of London. She was gone most of the day, well into the night. The whole time she was out, this unsettling feeling that something very bad might happen sometime soon kept nagging at her. She did her best to ignore it, but it just wouldn't seem to go away. After exhausting herself from walking so much, she stopped to order enough food for everyone and carried it back to the motel. Hana fed everyone that night and a few hours later went to sleep. She wanted to be well rested for whatever it was that bothered her.

  11. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Hearing the words of Henrik caused Alistair to let out a small chuckle as he also leaned back and rested his back on a nearby post "...talking is all I can really do at tme moment..." Alistair said calmly before staring up at the sky "so many questions to ask...so many unknown factors...Danel merely told me of my angelic background...but Tempy...well lets say she literally stole my heart" Alistair said before placing his hand over his heartless chest. "through Temeluchas I found out about you and your...situation...basically to put it short my curiousity has grown and I wish to find out as much as I can about all this madness...I grow bored of sitting around" Alistair said before turning away "for now I shall leave you be...believe me or not, but know that I have no desire to harm you note your family" Alistair said before walking away with hishand raised in farewell. With that Alistair found himself a hotel room and drifted off to sleep
  12. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    Decimus Black
    ----- Day 19: 4/4 ----- Mood: Calm/Sleepy ----- Location: Home - Italy -----

    Red and Hannibal jumped out of the car when the fallen opened the car door. They immediately ran to the gate to the back yard.

    "Alright, alright. I get you. Just let me pull the car in ok?"

    Decimus jumped back into the driver's seat and pulled the Mustang into the underground garage. He locked up and returned to his wolves.

    "You guys get a little too excited about coming back here. But I'll leave wolves to their business."

    The latch was unlocked and the animals dashed into the yard like lightning. He locked back up and proceeded to the front door, passing under the arch of the patio. It was great, for some odd reason.

    Not too long after he retired to his room.

    No bath tonight ladies, sorry to disappoint. Ha, not.

    Sleep soon took him into sleep-filled dreams of the club.
  13. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Shane didn't even bother getting up today. After the earthquake incident he'd prefer if nothing else went to hell lately. So he'd hoped to get some undisturbed sleep as a way ti persevere his own peace and quiet. In the event something did happened he would deal with it. Otherwise he remained in dreamland.
  14. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    ///Day 19 (4/4)\\\///October 10th, 2013\\\///Location: Manchester UK (Random Car)\\\///Mood: Where to go?\\\

    Brandon was bored...and hungry. The day had come and went like any other, minus the whole no house thing, and he had decided to spend it just hitting his tennis ball back and forth, off of his racket and off of a wall. He wondered where the hell all the other people were. Sure the damage had been pretty big but surely there should be at least some people here. In addition there was no food to be had and as such Brandon went on a little scavenger mission. Going around to wrecked houses and digging through some of the rubble to find any scrap of food. His mind started to make him think of this as some sort of post apocalyptic survival horror game...which it totally wasn't...right? After some good old fashion digging he eventually found a bag of potato chips. Upon opening them he found, to no surprise, that all of them were completely crushed. He thought it was better than nothing and poured the bag into his mouth in ravenous hunger. His efforts of exercise had made him quite hungrier than he usually would be on a day like this, which he then figured it was probably not the smartest idea to do that. Continuing through house rubble he found more bags of crushed snacks.

    Satisfied with his haul he walked to the car he had spent in the night before and just sat back down in the trunk. He ate a good deal of the snacks before feeling filled. He didn't find anything to drink and as such he felt a bit parched. He thought to leave that for tomorrow, when he was awake and fully rested. He still wondered where his mother was, but didn't try to think too hard on it. God forbid something bad happen to her. Brandon's mood was starting to tank while thinking like that and instead decided it was high time to just go to sleep. As such he rested his head down on the floor and drifted off to sleep.
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Even though it sounded as if Alistair was hinting at something more, besides the obvious stolen heart comment he made, Henrik still did not trust him. Alistair said he did not desire to harm him or his family, but that did not mean Alistair would not be forced to do so. Even if Alistair still did not try to hurt Iris or his unborn, making an ally out of another person like himself did not seem like the best idea.

    That night, Henrik told Iris of who had come to visit. He would not keep her in the dark. As she prepared for bed Henrik continued to work on building strength in his abilities and not until long after Iris had went to sleep and his own mental stamina been drained did Henrik finally go to bed. Through the migraine he mulled over recent events such as the disasters, natural and unnatural, and the appearance of another angel like himself. Things were beginning to move faster and Henrik was beginning to grow frustrated with his own progress. He cursed his own mortal body, knowing it was only hindering his progress, and soon went to sleep before his mood further worsened.
  16. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Samuel Riviera
    DAY: 19 - 4/4 | DATE: October 10th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Motel in London, England

    After eating some of the food that little Red brought back, he sat back in his motel room and lay on the bed. What the hell is the point of him being in that group, he wouldn't be in it for very long now. In fact, he'd be ditching them in a day now. This wasn't good. He hadn't been satisfied yet. If nothing was going to happen, then he would just have to extract more enjoyment from killing Red. There was nothing really going on for them, and none of these dipshits actually entertained him. Maybe leaving them now wouldn't be such a bad thing after all. Maybe the other guys can provide more amusement for him. He'd just have to wait and see.

    As he lay there, staring at the ceiling, not noticing the little black bugs crawling around on the floor, he felt sleepiness washing over his eyes. There was nothing else for him to do other than sleep now, so that's exactly what he did, sleep.

    Joslyn Taylor Jones
    DAY: 19 - 4/4 | DATE: October 10th, 2013 [Thursday] | LOCATION: Motel in London, England

    Joslyn had eaten her fair share of the food that was brought back to the motel by Hana. Although, Victor and Tessa had some different ideas about how much she should eat.

    "Yooooouuuuu~ should TOOOOOOOTALLY get more food. It'll be a waste if no one eats iiiiiiiiiiiiit~"

    "For once, I agree with the dumbass over here. You should eat more."

    "But... If I eat more than my fair share..."

    "Sooooooooooo~ whaaaaaaaaat~?"

    "A girl needs to eat, you know. Unlike some people here."

    "Whaaaaaaat'sssss~ that supposed to meeeeaaaaan~?"

    "You know exactly what I mean, you whale!"

    "Yoooooouuuuu~ wanna start something Biiiiiiitchfiiiinnngeeeeerrrrrsssss~?" Once again, they had gotten into an argument as she just ate what she wanted to.

    Now she is laying in her bed, waiting for what little sleep she can get. She just placed her head on the pillow and waited and waited and waited as she closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep.
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    DAY 20
    Thursday, October 11, 2013

    Henrik sat up slowly and blinked several times as his vision came into focus. The dream from last night was nothing but a blur of images. It was far less coherent than the others had been for the past few days. He looked over at Iris, noticing that for once she was not tossing and turning. She was probably too tired to do so. He decided to let her sleep for a while longer while he got up and began to get dressed. Once he was ready Henrik went downstairs and made a call to a distant family member back in the States to ask that a very specific favor be done for him.

    There was no mere coincidence about it, that was certain. The details of his latest dream held the conclusion of that man's story but the most prominent images were that of his gun...and where Henrik could only assume it remained. The odds of it ever having been there were slim but the fact that he was connected to it must have meant something. The favor Henrik asked for was to have a family member go to the house he had lived in when he was a child, in the States, and check if the gun was still where his dream had told him it had been stashed decades ago. The fact that Henrik still had family near his old home made things only that much more interesting. Perhaps it was fate. Even if the gun was found, Henrik was unsure of what possible use he could have for it other than the obvious. He was certain that a gun would be less effective than his powers in the future. 'But maybe there's something more...'

    After exchanging pleasantries with his cousin, he ended the call. It would take some time before his cousin would call back and Henrik intended to make the most of today. Alistair was probably still in town but Henrik decided that it would be best that he let Alistair seek him out rather than the other way around. For now, he intended to continue with his practice.
  18. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    DAY 20 ⦙ 2/4 DATE Friday ⦙ October 11, 2013
    LOCATION London [Storage Unit] INTERACTION

    Enough time had been wasted. Something felt off and Hana wasn't just going to let everyone sit around until something else bad found them. She packed up what little bit of belongings she had on her and stepped timidly out of the room. They couldn't stay in this foul motel for another day. The compass has been hot against her chest since they landed and she had to head to the storage unit to collect everyone's swords. She clapped her hands together loudly and slipped the map she purchased yesterday under her arm. Wake up. We're leaving. She informed them. Hana didn't wait long. She stood outside impatiently. The last couple days had shaken everyone up, understandably, but they could have used the recuperation time to train or something. If they we're so ill-prepared, they might actually stand a chance. However, as things stand now, they would never survive in seventy days. It was hard to believe almost a whole month has already gone by, and with little to show for it.

    Hana followed the lines she had highlighted on the map. The storage unit wouldn't be too far, but with the roads as destroyed as they were, walking would be slow. If she remembered right, there would be another car as well, but driving anywhere didn't seem to likely. If only there was another means of travel. Her blue eyes drifted upwards to the cloudless pale blue sky. Flying was always the safest and easiest means of travel. When did it become so hazardous?

    She sighed. They walked for a long time. The hands on her watch read: 1:57. It took nearly three hours and her legs were burning. There was little said during that time frame. Some of the others whispered back and forth on occasion, but not her. Hana was cold and silent. Her shoulders were taught, her muscles tense. She gave off a very serious intimidating aura. When the fence surrounding the storage complex came into view, she breathed out in relief. For awhile she had feared they might have turned down the wrong street. A large sign stood overhead that read: Weaton's Storage. This was the place. She slung her bag off her shoulder and rifled through until she found the large key ring. As she walked, Hana flicked through key after key. She still hadn't decided on the right one when she came to a halt in front of a large metal door. There was a number on the front, 782, and that was when she picked the right one. Small numbers were etched into the key matching the one on the door. She slipped the key easily into the lock and listened as it clicked. With a heavy push upwards, the door slid up and revealed a dark 20' x 20' square room. (Idgaf about metric conversions.)

    Hana walked to the center of the room and pulled on a string. A single bulb dimly lit the place. It seemed completely unharmed from the earthquake which was all do to the enchantments placed there. This was her most important unit, and that was because very little here belonged to her. Along the left wall was a floor to ceiling row of storage lockers. Each had a key lock and a dial on the front. A small compact car (not nearly large enough for all of them) w a s in the right hand corner, pressed in the back. A small safe sat under a cardboard box between the lockers and the car. Hand lifted the box and entered a quick six-digit code into the safe. It beeped and the lid popped open with a suctiony noise as the seal broken open for the first time in decades. She pulled out a small ring of keys and a sheet of paper with her ornate scrawl just barely legible in faded graphite. There was a title in one column on the page, and the other contained a series of numbers -- the combination to the locks.

    Each locker had a name etched into it that would match the title on the page. Hana squinted at the faded letters and numbers, then looked back up at the others. Everyone, find the locker with your name on it -- your angelic name -- and then look at this paper here for your title. The combination next to it belongs to your locker and the sequence has to be entered in before unlocking it with the key. It may have seemed simple compared to the more secure ways people could protect contents these days, what with the lasers and computer memory analyses and whatnot, but for Hana, this was complex enough. She pointed to some if the titles on the sheet and and rambled off numbers before catching sight of Hay Sun. Oh, you won't find a locker with your name on it. Had she really gone without opening the box yet?

    Hana handed out a few keys and when the lockers opened, they were lined with red velvet. Antique looking decorative boxes rested inside. They were oak, with patterns of wings and feathers carved into the sides. She watched as everyone pulled theirs out and her breathing hitched in her throat. It Had been a long time since any of them had seen the light of day. She paid close attention to Samuel. She couldn't help it. Maybe if Abaddon saw that she had done as instructed so long ago, his new form would seem more willingly to help. As much as he tried to hide it, she could sense that the jailbird was up to something. Her chest constricted and Hana took a seat on the hood of the car.

  19. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    ///Day 20 (2/4)\\\///October 11th, 2013\\\///Location: Manchester UK (Random Car--->Streets)\\\///Mood: I'm outta here\\\

    Brandon woke up that morning like it was any other...only he was in a car and he still had no house to go to...Brandon woke up that day like it was yesterday, only now with food! Sweet glorious food. Really they were still only bags of crushed snacks but beggars can't be choosers, and after all crushed snack food was still delicious. Unfortunately Brandon had next to no sense when it came to rationing food and as such, completely devoured everything he had. While not one of his more intelligent moments, it was certainly one of his better feeling moments. Feeling full and refreshed he decided to just go out of the car and wander about...for the entire day...again. Brandon quickly decided that that plan fucking sucked and totally abandoned it. What he needed to do was actually go somewhere. And not anywhere near since everything was basically wrecked.

    For some reason Brandon started thinking of this as more of an adventure than anything else. He was all by himself, no home to go to, his mother was nowhere to be found right now, and he really needed to get to some other place that wasn't here. The thought of his mother being a no show still really bothered him but he decided that if she wasn't showing up, she was probably in a safe place and just unable to get here. Really this plan of Brandon's was really stupid and impulsive, seeing as he had no way to find his way home, no way for his mother (should she show up) to find him, and no food to eat. But he was a young boy and stupid impulsive actions were just what young-uns do. However he thought it would probably be for the best if he somehow gave his mother some indication that he did leave. He looked around and inside the car until he found a piece of paper and a pen. Man this car was really convenient. If only there were keys and Brandon actually had his license on him. But alas even Convenient the Car could not provide those such luxuries.

    Brandon wrote down a quick note describing to his mother that he had decided to leave the place for now but would come back later. He was simply going south to find a place to possibly stay in and would come home once everything was all fixed and/or back to normal. With the note written down Brandon placed it in the window of the passengers side of the care and simply walked out with his tennis racket and tennis ball in hand. Brandon had actually been feeling like leaving home and going to explore new places over the past few years, truthfully. Something just seemed missing in his life and Brandon wanted to find it. While it was still only within the country it was as good a starting place as any. And Brandon took it, and continued walking in a southern bearing to wherever the wind may take him...or until he got really fucking tired and wouldn't be able to walk any more. But he was hoping the latter wouldn't happen.
  20. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    Decimus Black
    ----- Day: 20 ----- Mood: Irritated ----- Location: Home/On the road -----

    Bzzz. Bzzz.
    Bzzz. Bzzz.

    “Come on Boss, pick up.”

    Bzzz. Bzzz.
    Bzzz. Bzzz.

    Decimus was awakened by the vibration of his phone on the nightstand. It was a rude awakening and he rubbed his eyes as he yawned and stretched. He cracked his eyes and looked at the clock. The time read that it was past one o’clock.

    Well damn, I was sleeping real good too…

    Bzzz. Bzzz.

    “Alright, alright. I’m up.”

    The phone was taken into hand as he sat up against the pillows.

    “Yeah? What do you want?”

    “Sorry for waking you up, Boss, but it was kind of important.”

    “Well, get on with it.”

    “Some kid thought it was funny to harass some of the boys last night. We got him locked up for discipline when you come over.”

    “Well ****. I’ll be right over. No one disrespects me like that.”

    “I know Boss. He’ll be here waiting for you.”


    The fallen angel hung up and swung his legs over the bed. A grunt left his mouth as he thought of what was going to happen. True, he liked to discipline, but having to wake him up was just irritating. That kid would have to wait for a few hours while he got dressed and made his way over after trying to wake up.

    Red and Hannibal could be heard sniffing at the door. They were usually the first ones to greet him when he woke up.

    “Hey boys, I’ll be right there. Just let me take a leak.”

    A bathroom break and a shower later he answered the wolves by opening the door. They immediately pounced and almost threw him over.

    “Hey now, calm down. You guys act like you haven’t seen me in days.”

    Breakfast consisted of some bacon, eggs, and toast with jelly for the angel. For the wolves, it was some rats and ground up beef. The two loved to chase and kill the rats so they always got some. After breakfast, Decimus said his goodbyes to the animals.

    “Don’t worry, Daddy will be right back. He just has to take care of some business.”

    He hopped in the car and drove off towards the club. The phone was taken out and one of the henchmen was called.

    “Yes Boss?”

    “See to it that Red and Hannibal are taken to the service house before I get there later tonight. They will be missing me. Also, get the girls ready for tonight. After I’m done with the disrespectful kid, I’ll definitely need some release.”

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