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Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hyuge ✧, Feb 26, 2013.

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  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    To Dante's surprise the small hole that was to test his idea actually turned out to be a decent size. Huh, maybe I can go this way then. Since his test had worked out he could use his hands to start digging. So getting on his knees, he began to move dirt out of his way in order to get some more progress done. The good thing was that he wsa still making some progress in this attempt, so hopefully he would spend to much time doing this.
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    At the speed he had fallen, he was surprised he hadn't broken his legs. Or perhaps he did and they had already healed by the time he stood up. Rick was beginning to get annoyed with this kind of treatment. If new wounds could not be made, old wounds would heal to prolong their suffering. It was morbid but being unable to die seemed like a good advantage at the moment. He moved his hands around, not feeling the girl close by. 'Great. Guess I'm doing this solo. ...And blind.' Wherever he was now, it was hot and getting hotter. With a few steps, thankfully without tripping, he reached out and-

    "HOT!" He pulled his hand back after touching the flames. It didn't take him long to realize that he was surrounded by fire after a few short moments of walking and burning his hand. No way up. No way out without risking running out of the flames and into something worse...or even more fire. As he paced back and forth he heard the sound of crunching beneath his feet. It was dirt. The thought of digging a hole came to mind but with the area getting hotter, he abandoned the idea for a more immediate solution. Rick wasn't sure how dirt worked down in Hell but on Earth, it was easily the best way for smothering flames. Even better than water. "Might as well!" The shout came from the effort he made to kick as much dirt into the fire in front of him as possible. Maybe, just maybe, he could make a path out of there by smothering enough of the fire.

    "Hello... is anyone there on the other side?"

    He stopped for a moment, wondering where the voice came from. Then it hit him. He still had the mirror in his hand. He held it up close to his face, unsure of how the thing really worked. "Uh...hello." Now wasn't really the time to stop and chat. "I'm in a rough spot right now and I can't see." He turned the mirror towards the flames he was trying to snuff out. "Busy making a path to somewhere else! If there's anything beyond that fire."
  3. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Oopsies. . .
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Aw poor little baby is stuck in hell
    Am I supposed to feel bad?
    All I wanted was fame and fortune, not to care for things like this...
  5. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    As Dante continued to make his way through the tunnel he was making, he could hear the sound of rumbling from above him. For the moment he would think nothing of it and continue to dig under the flames. It was a bit difficult since he didn't know where exactly the flames stopped at. Meaning if he popped his head out of the ground and was wrong, things wouldn't end well for him.
  7. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    That was when the dirt came falling down which caused him to stop right where he was at. Good thing too since if he continued on, the boulder would've crushed him. Great, as if the fire wasn't bad enough. Now he was trapped under some dirt with a boulder in the way. This one again brought him to the digging himself upward and seeing if he'd passed the flames and reminded him of the same downside. Then came the option of digging around the boulder. Sure it would take more time but at least he could move on. The only foreseeable problem was the possibility of more boulders falling on him while he was digging. Still he went on and continued digging, this time making sure to listen in case something else was raining down on him.
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    OH MY GOD.
    I'm gonna die...
    I don't think I could get much more dead than now.
    Shut-up puny don't talk that way.
    Aw he's crying.
    Poor baby Aiden is a crybaby.
    I am not crying I am freaking out.
    Aiden was still holding onto the snake. Not his smartest move but it was a weapon. He eventually got up to a wall and stared at it for a moment. Forgetting about the atmosphere around him.
    Where do you think they all come from?
    They don't
    They just chill
    They fall from up there?
    I am not climbing up a cliff!
    I will climb up the cliff just let me drive
    I'm not letting you drive
    I'm not a motherfucking CAR TO DRIVE.
    He felt his head get scraped by a boulder. He screamed, dropping the snake and running as fast as he could towards... it was an instinctive run. He saw a crash within a wall and climbed into it. Covering his head. He wasn't sure if he would be able to wait out everything. He noticed it was fairly easy for him to climb in this crack, but he didn't know what he should do.
    "Alright move it bitch I am driving this car."
    Aiden felt himself shimmy up the crack and up to an upper level in the trench. He did not wish to leave his little crack, fearing it was his only shelter. But his body moved without his consent. He felt himself run on the upper level, "Not as many snakes here. Hush crybaby..."​


    Damn it not now I just got in contact with my partner
    Caroline quickly climbed up as best as she could to the top of the cliff. Her arm was still broken and she really wished she could get that healed somehow. When she got up on top of the cliff she overlooked the boiling river. She felt the only choice she had at that moment was to head towards it... without being detected.
    She had no idea what dangers lied in the different circles
    Before Caroline fully rose up from the cliff, she leaned back down and pulled the pitchfork out of the cliff. She figured she would need something to protect herself and that was better than nothing.
    She held the pitchfork in her unbroken hand and ran as stealthily as she could down the land.
    What monsters patrol this area?
  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Congratulations on breaking your bonds Aiden. . .
    An arrow goes whizzing Caroline's ear. Her arm is now restored.
    Out in the middle of nowhere a trench can be seen. From the other side of the trench a bridge is visible. Overhead cawing echoes across the land. Giant wings flap and cast large dark shadows over Kenny.
  11. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    Kenny tripped over her blood, ash-coated feet and fell flat on her stomach - her right cheek grinding on the floor beneath her. She got to her knees, trying to catch the right rhythm of breathing again. She knew if she fell it would have been over. The demons would get her and she'd be whipped into nothing. They'd whip her fingers, her toes, her limbs, her breasts and her head right off. Frantically, she looked behind her - and to her surprise, she couldn't see any demons. Their smell had gone along with their large whips. They were all gone. Still panting, she breathed out a sigh of relief and allowed a small smile to form over her lips.

    The girl with the flaming hair pushed herself up to her feet, looking down at her body, she noticed the ash had also gone. It was as if a non-existed wind had taken it off her body and left her with only some cuts and blood stains. It wasn't too bad - not at all. She looked around, there really wasn't much at where she was now. She knew she was still in her circle. Even if the demons were absent, her victory didn't feel too grand. In fact, now as she stood all alone, she realized how empty it felt. Empty and alone.


    Immediately, her hand reached down into her front pocket until she pulled out mirror. She almost completely forgotten about it! Kenny wasn't able to bring it out and use it because of the demons before - they would whip her so badly for it as if they wanted to smash the mirror tucked in her clothing so that it could not only break apart for obvious reasons, but also pierce her skin with the broken shards. She grasped the mirror desperately, and looked into it as she took her first step forward-


    Kendra felt her body loose it's balance and even lunge forward a bit. She was on her knees again and she lets go of the mirror accidentally and it flies across the surface of the place she was in. The ground was shaking like an earthquake hit Hell. She looked around and noticed huge, gigantic boulders - bigger than the demons she was previously with - falling from the sky. When they hit the ground they sent large vibrations through it causing everything to shake. She looked forward and her eyes focused on one thing: "The mirror!!"

    She got to her feet, and ran as fast as she could towards it. A boulder literally slammed right beside her, even hitting her arm. She screamed out in pain as it did, tears coming out of her eyes but she didn't stop running forward. As another boulder came too close, she went into a crawl and closed the distance between her and the mirror. She looked up at the sky and noticed a boulder falling right over the mirror. She could see its shadow getting bigger and bigger around the mirror. Panicking, she leaped forward with all her might and dove to grab the mirror. She clutched it in her hand and flew past the boulder - but not missing it. The cracking of bones suddenly echoed around her and her right foot swelled with unbelievable pain. She cried out so loudly - it almost deafened her own ears. She looked down at her foot but it was only the boulder and a bloody mess. She moved her leg closer towards her - to her surprise nothing was stuck! Yet, nothing was there. The boulder slammed so hard into the ground and onto her foot that it crushed it completely, severing her bones, muscles and skin away from her body. Tears sank down her face but she just bit her lip and looked into the mirror.


    Before she could find her answer, a dark shadow casted over her. She blinked her eyes tightly before looking up - she expected to see a boulder come down on her and crush her like a helpless, clueless insect. However, what she saw horrified her even more. Their loud cawing sounds made them even more horrific and terrifying. It was like they were screaming out their presence. They were huge, monster birds - raven like yet also resembling vultures. The way they flew over her and around her. What were they going to do? Were they going to eat her alive? Were their long, sharp beaks and claws going to pick her out one by one until she would be left with a bloody, helpless mess? She screamed out her sobs, still clutching onto the mirror. She didn't want this. She just got away from the demons - didn't she deserve an award? She looked back down at her mirror desperately, sobbing and screaming "Help me! Help me please!"

    But really, what could her partner do to help her? He or she was in hell too - this was their prison. This was their eternity, and nothing else but unending suffering was to be expected. Why was she even still surprised?
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    A large boulder comes crashing down on the flaming tomb containing Rick Alan. Unable to free himself in time, he burns and his soul is crushed to death--erased from existance forever.
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