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Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hyuge ✧, Feb 26, 2013.

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  1. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Congratulations on breaking your bonds. Watch out for the dogs. . .
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Dante waited around for a bit to see the fruits of his labor. The wait wasn't too long as he notice a shadow on the ground. Looking up, he saw what was making the shadow and that it was exactly what he was hopping for. It's appearance certainly match the current ring he was in, red body, purple wings. The size wasn't that impressive, but it was good enough for him to catch a ride. That only left the approach, how was he going to catch a ride. Right now it was too preoccupied with teasing the sinner to notice his presence. Now was probably the best and only chance he would get. But there wasn't must to grab onto, well beside the demon's tail. It was the closer thing to him so his best choice. As Dante reached out to grab the tail, the wings started to flap, signaling that it'll be leaving soon.
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    As the demon approached with his sword, Allison switched plans entirely as imagining fake plastic chains was dumb. She got ready to force the demon to cut her forearms and when he did, she tried moving her detached arm to take the sword from him, like in 80's cartoons. Allison had no idea why she never thought of doing this before, as her body parts moved a little all the time after being cut from her main body. This came as a bit of a surprise to the demon and through it, Allison's arm manged to win while her main body yelled distractions and taunted it trying to distract it. As the hand managed to steal the sword as it swung from the chain still attached to the wrist, it knocked the demon on the head, temporarily fazing it for a few seconds. She didn't have much time. Still swinging, the hand managed to wiggle out of the cuff albeit painfully using the sword as an anchor against the rock, falling to the ground. It dragged itself using the sword towards the demon as it began to recover and stabbed it in the face. It would heal fast, but that would buy her a couple more minutes. Wrenching itself free from the demon, the hand continued to drag itself towards the body and Allison reached her stump of an arm forward towards the hand as it stretched itself towards the stump using the sword, and soon Allison had a fully healed and freed arm with a sword to cut herself loose from her bonds before sticking her parts together and healing somewhat like Sally from the Nightmare Before Wintermas, a movie Allison didn't really like much as a kid. More importantly, she was free, and she had a free sword to boot. Snickering at her luck and still surprised she pulled it off, Allison took off in a direction away from her rock and trying to stay away from the other unfortunate losers still stuck and shouting for her help. The demon could wake up and sound the alarm at any time. She didn't have time to help anyone else. Besides, she already had a partner, didn't she? Speaking of which, while running she pulled out the mirror from under her clothes and gazed at it. Looked like an ordinary mirror to her, though for the first time in ages, Allison got a good look at herself. No wonder why her flirtations didn't work on the demon. She looked like a wreck. Well, this is Hell. Now to cross the bridges and get out of here somehow.
  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Congratulations on breaking your bonds. Now it is just a matter of getting free- moving on to the next circle. Prepare yourself. Difficult obstacles shall stand in your way.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    The thought that he would have to put someone else in harm's way to escape disturbed him greatly. The only thing reminding him that this could ever be considered okay were the bleeding trees, evil dogs, and-Well, there were plenty of things. This was Hell. Rick had to remind himself that this was something that he and the others deserved. Now was his one and only chance to shoot for redemption, he had to fight for it. There would be no room for being weak. It was either this or eternal torment.

    'And I'm not spending eternity in Hell!' Slowly, he worked his way closer towards one of his fellow "inmates" who paid Rick no attention as the distance between the two closed. This one was already too far gone. This man's eyes were dead as if there was no purpose for him but to run and continue to run. Branches broke, thorns tore through his skin, but Rick pressed on until...

    TWACK! The man fell without even so much as a whimper. Rick came to an abrupt halt and turned to see if the dogs had taken his bait. The man he had just knocked down was immediately mauled as the hounds tore into his flesh before Rick's eyes. He was unsure of what would become of the man, he could not die twice. Would he simply be "reset" to continue running forever? Or would he be shredded as this place continued to heal his wounds only to be torn to bits again? Now was not the time for questions. Rick tore a branch off one of trees, feeling that it might make for a decent temporary weapon to fend off any stray dogs as he made his way backwards. And so, he went on his way, hoping that an exit to this place would appear before him.
  6. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007

    So much running. Her feet felt as if they were on fire. Though just when she began asking herself if this was worth it an end came into view. A giant wall.

    Slowing down was rather hard once she reached it, but she managed for the most part. Still, her hands slammed into it and a sharp pain shot through them. Pulling them away from the vine covered wall she shook them in hopes of getting the dirt off and to numb the pain some.

    Was she to climb this? She attempted but the branches and vines broke off the moment she tried. Such a task seemed impossible. However this act revealed a hole in the wall which seemed just big enough to crawl through. So she climbed in, finding it too dark to keep going. It did provide her a moment to catch her breath as she felt a bit safer here. Still...she already agreed to herself that her rest stops would be short lived.

    She had to keep moving.

    But how?

    She couldn't see a thing and the only thing that she had on her was this mirror... Well, now seemed as a good time as any to try it out.

    "Hello?" She asked it, looking at it's reflective surface in hopes that the person attached to the other end would answer her now.


    Dogs? Oh, great... As if flying beasts weren't enough. At least the trees now acted as cover from them but the dogs... They had to be fast and since they were here... Well if they were anything short of vicious she would be shocked. So she had to run and fast.

    However while she was running she heard someone behind her, running in the same direction. There didn't seem to be any dogs or harpies around at the moment as she had ran away from the herd, but only a moment would be spared to stop. After all he could just be one of those lifeless souls stuck to run forever, though they all seemed to go the other way...

    "H-hi? Are you...one of the ones who heard the voice?" she uttered, deciding to keep moving in the end. Though she did slow to a brisk walk instead so the conversation wouldn't be too awkward, however she wasn't open to the idea of stopping completely.
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Right as Dante managed to grabbed ahold of the tail, the other sinners realized what he was doing and tried to stop him. Anyone that was nearby him immediately start trying to grab him and pull him down. Naturally he kicked their hands back and kept a firm grip until the demon brought him out of their reach. Certainly they would be pissed, but they had an eternity to think about their mistake. Still that was only one task completed, there was still the fiery rain falling from the sky and onto him. Normally he would've shielded himself with his arm, but he wasn't planning on letting go of this tail until he was outta here.

    It was a long and painful ride up to the entrance. Dante had gotten off the demon before it noticed him, which seemed to put him in the clear. The only thing stopping him now was the door, or that's what he thought. It took a second but he got a better look of what was in front of him. The door and a giant blue minotaur. It was clear that it had no intentions of letting him by. In fact, it seemed that if he took another step, the beast would charge. Still he'd gotten this far and he wasn't going to let an over grown bull stop him.
  8. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    It took a jump and some intense leg kicking at air before she rolled over the side of the small little wall that surrounded "her" little ditch of hell. Allison never had a whole lot of upper body strength, much less arm strength, and frankly she chalked it up to luck again that she had managed to pull and push herself up over the edge. She stayed lying on the ground panting the frigid air for a few minutes before sitting up and looking around her. All around were the ditches of the various other "mini" circles of hell for all the other sinners in Circle 8. Having caught her breath back again, Allison stood up and looked at the rope bridge ahead of her that would lead her across a chasm to the other side of the top wall of another ditch. She looked down at the drop. She didn't know how deep it was or how cold it was, and worse, whether she could get out from the seemingly bottomless drop should she fall from the extremely precarious and insecure looking rope bridge. In the distance she could see the high cliff wall that she would have to somehow scale to get out of this particular circle. If it meant being a degree warmer, that was fine with her. Being this far down was just freezing. Standing up and taking a breath, Allison carefully and slowly made her way across all the ditches on the rope bridge, making sure to step carefully and lightly on each knot until she finally reached the wall. There were a few times where a few ropes snapped, but miraculously, she managed to hurry across to the top of a wall before the bridge would snap under her. What happens If I fall back down from the wall? I can't die twice can I? Can I still heal fast? Or was it only isolated in that one hole? She couldn't be sure if she'd be all right after a fall. After all, she had never freeclimbed before and frankly Allison wasn't sure if she'd have enough arm strength to go all the way up. Since she was here, she gazed at the pocket that contained the mirror. Would her partner hear her? Might as well let her know she was ascending. Pulling it out she gazed at it once more looking at herself and sighing. She touched the right side of her head at the gash. Surprisingly it still hurt, and she quickly flinched her hand away, scrunching her face up in a wince. Sighing again, she tried to get over the fact that she was about to talk to a mirror. "Um...hello? Uh...just wanted to say I was coming up...one circle..." she said awkwardly. She never was good with answering machines and leaving messages. Putting the mirror back in her pocket, she steeled herself for the climb and went for it, trying to find handholds in the steep cliff face before getting stuck a few feet above the ground. Slowly and shakily descending, she looked back at the wall. How could she scale it? Can I use the rope from the nearby rope bridge?
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    The wait for a reply was agonizing and never met by a partner, but rather another voice.
    She looked up at the cliff and decided the best thing was to climb up it further. With the mirror still stuck on her hand she began the climb. At first it was rather simple, then she started to feel like she was being tugged down. She kept going, ignoring whatever it may have been. Then after one large tug she finally looked.
    Hands. They are grabbing me.
    "LET GO."
    Stay with us....
    Stay here with us...
    Suffer with us...
    Forever with us...
    Caroline kept pulling herself up the cliff, but this time was moving faster and faster as more hands appeared out of the cliff. She wanted to scream but did not wish to attract attention. One of the arms grabbed her leg and pulled it in closer towards the cliff. Into the rock. Causing her incredible pain, as the tugged her leg down at the same time.
    Tears were in her eyes as she kicked them off. She couldn't feel her left leg anymore as she climbed up, when she reached the top of the cliff, she climbed up and closed her eyes grabbing hold of her leg.
    Come back...
    Don't you leave...
    No one ever leaves...
    Have fun with our little friend.
    "Little Friend?"
    She opened her eyes to coming about to crush her. She rolled quickly away from the edge of the cliff and attempted to stand up. Her leg was making this very difficult.
    Caroline's eyes met the creature and she grabbed her leg as she collapsed to the ground, "You are not little, my friend."
  10. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    The half man half bull beast waited by the exit of the circle. A door-like structure stood behind it encased in a wall of stone. Intricate designs were carved into the face of the wooden door. Its dark wood masked the tunnel behind leading to the next circle. What lies beyond a mystery to those who do not currently reside there. The minotaur stood intimidatingly in front of the door. No one was to pass through. Steam billowed out of its nose as it exhaled through its snout. A large golden ring looped through the nostrils of the beast. Wrinkles covered its face, overlapping with scars. The monster had seen many a battle over its lifetime. It stood with its arms crossed in front of its bare chest. Only a loincloth covered its lower extremities.

    Its dark soulless eyes scanned the area locking onto the man in front. What fool would dare attempt to cross over to the next circle? It raked its foot across the dirt ground and pumped its arms vigorously. The beast prepared to lunge at Dante from across the expanse. No one was allowed to leave. It would make sure of that, at any cost. A piercing roar ripped through the quiet air as it picked up speed and charged. Even with its size, the beast was fast. It had adapted to the souls that tried so hard to leave its realm.
  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    She had a moment to force herself to stand up. Her leg was killing her but she was glad she didn't have to see the hands anymore, or hear them. If this was only the first part of her journey, she clearly had a reason to be a bit terrified over what would happen next to her
    "Sweet... Caroline..."
    Her stood up straight as she whispered, "Bum bum buumm."
    She looked at the mirror attacked to her hand and for a moment saw her own reflection and she sung, "Good times... never seemed so good. So good! So good! So good!"
    Caroline smiled and laughed as she sang, "I've been inclined... bum bum bum... To believe it never would... oh... nooo...nooo."
    Caroline laughed again as her mood got better. She was going to hopeful and cheerful if anything, despite the pain in her leg.
    "And the winner of the election is Miss Caroline Murphy~"
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    If you have time to sing, you have time to fight. Prepare yourself.
    The Malebrachne had been watching. They knew a soul had tried to escape. They would not allow anyone to leave their realm. Their duty was to keep the corrupt politicians submerged in the boiling pitch. Anything else was not allowed. A large winged beast came flying over the cliff in the direction of Caroline. They are devil-like creatures. Men with large bat wings, thorny crowns resting on top of their heads, long naked tails protruding out their backsides with a pointed tip at the end. The tip of the tail is laced with poison. One wrong swipe from it could permanently kill a soul. They would be wiped from existence completely. Short pointy horns stick out of their heads with snarly faces and razor sharp teeth. They are angry looking naked men that fly around and render their souls virtually lifeless until the fall back into the boiling tar-like substance.

    Two of the Malebrachne came swooping down to greet Caroline in a rather unfriendly manner. Their pitchforks were aimed directly at her and their muscles bulged in every direction as they stretched and reached for her. She would be ripped in half. Each half carried by a different Malebrachne if caught. They would drop her in the pitch in two, never able to be whole again and make another attempt at escape. One of the men took a fast swipe in her direction with the pitchfork. Its sharp points aimed for her abdomen.
    A growl sounded from the dark tunnel Jane was currently occupying, but without the light from the mirror, she would not be able to see where to go or where the growl had come from. . . . .
  13. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    For the first few moment were the two met eyes, Dante could see the bloodlust in his eyes. It was clear that this was going to be no easy task, he would to careful not to be killed, or whatever would happened to him, by this monster. As the monster began it's charge Dante barely had any time to avoid. Luckily he did and avoided harm. There's no way I can fight this thing head on. My best option is to trick it somehow. Too bad he wasn't wearing red. He could've turn this into a matador game. Still that could work. All he would need to do is figure out wear to lead him.
  14. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Caroline went silent after she heard the voice, "I can have a little fun can't I? Might as well, I'm already in hell-"
    She noticed immediately the demons flying at her, "Shit."
    She backed away as fast as she could with her leg as the two had flown at her. One of them was aiming straight at her abdomen. What direction to turn in at this quick moment to think? Right? Left? Back? Towards?
    Down can only work so many ti-
    She immediately found herself going down without being able to stop herself. She was aware of the other one but the one that was directly attacking her was her priority. When she jumped down she backed away from the one attacking and went back towards the other one.
    Don't move the pitchfork don't move the pitchfork don't move the pitchfork.
    Don't move at all yet as a matter of fact... ah you won't listen to me.
    She ran behind the other one. What was she going to do? Running with her back turned at the two would be her worse mistake. The found herself staring at it, it wouldn't have her back turned towards her for long. Was she dumb? Or just bold?
    She jumped up at the creature and grabbed the tail in the middle of it. Because cstar cannot godmod much more than she thinks she is Caroline struggled to hold on to the tail as she felt herself lifted off the ground. This left her exposed, she swung the tail in the direction of the 2nd creature.
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "H-hi? Are you...one of the ones who heard the voice?"

    Rick almost stopped from the sound of another voice. This one was definitely human. He turned to see a girl headed in the same direction as him. He tensed, ready to hit her just like he had brought down the man from before. He would have done it too if she hadn't mentioned hearing the "voice". She was just like him. Whether or not this was a good thing was unclear to Rick. Maybe it would be easier for them to escape the together...or maybe it would only lead to one of them having to be left behind.

    Regardless of what was to come, he couldn't just ignore her. "Yes. Yes I did." He slowed his pace to match the girl's. Was now the time for greetings? He decided to hold off on the whole "afterlife story" business until they were out of this place. If they got out that was. "I think...we should be getting to an exit soon." Even as he spoke, the scenery was already beginning to change. Albeit ever so slightly. There were less people running the other way, the barks and growls of the dogs faded into the distance, and the density of the trees seemed to lessen. 'This has to be the right way. It just has to be.'
  16. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007

    No reply. Great.

    Also no light. Even better!

    Groaning Jane decided to stop her mopping and get a move on, thus moving through the crawl space as fast as physically possible. However it had not been long before she heard the growl, stopping in her tracks once she had done so. Without light she could not see it.

    Would turning back be safer? It seemed like there was only one way to go forward and so it undoubtedly led to...whatever had made that noise.

    Turning around in such a small space would be rather difficult though. Not to mention ending back where she started was not something she wished to do...

    So, almost reluctantly, she continued forward.


    The way the man had looked at her made her wary. She tried her best to cover it with a smile but she made no effort to close the distance between them. In fact, if they were not heading the same way she may have tried running in another direction.

    But truth be told it was nice to see another soul who acknowledged her presence. Even if he used her, she would be happy. However, despite the need, she did not say anything else and picked up her pace to a jog, wishing to save energy where she could.
  17. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You have a partner for a reason. You can't just go around picking whomever you choose. I hope it was worth it.
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Allison kept looking at the rope bridge to the right and at the great cliff wall to the left. There had been no response from whomever was her partner, so her little speech really did seem like leaving a message on a phone. Regardless, could she really use the rope? It would mean cutting off the only way to get this far from this circle for anyone else who might escape. Could I really be this selfish again? Unlike maybe some of the others here, she had learned her lesson the first time. Sometimes being selfish does no good at all. Quickly trying to think of something else than linger on the bad memories that left a terrible taste in her mouth and her heart hurt, Allison wondered if she could ask this "Guardian Angel" of hers and the other souls. Bringing the mirror back out again, she figured she had nothing else to lose to sound as terribly awkward as she did before. "Um...hey...uh....Guardian....Angel....um....I was just wondering....well...uh....what happens if I take this rope bridge apart? Will you guys....fix it?....in the future?" she asked smiling her trademark nervous smile that probably looked far more grotesque and more like a grimace than a grin. And even if she could use it, what could she use to cute the rope? Well there are a few rocks here and there. Some of them are sharp....sort of...And if she couldn't use it? Well....wait....there are a few icicles scattered around here...I mean...I could try...? A few ideas were beginning to formulate, but no cohesive plan.
  19. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood

    Spirits of the underworld are not meant to be set free. The bridge will remain in whatever condition you leave it in. Escaping this place is supposed to seem futile. You must be creative if you would like to make it out alive.
  20. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Yarrrrgh...." sighed Allison upon hearing the answer. Though at first she was quite surprised she had even gotten an answer, but now she had to think some more. There was no guarantee that in the future there'd be more "escapees", so ideally, she COULD use the rope bridge for rope to help escape since no one's going to use it later. Potentially. Sighing, Allison kneeled by the tethers she just noticed holding the bridge to this side. She peeked her head over the edge and looked at the abyss below. It felt colder down wherever there was than where she was now. Though still curious, she picked a nearby ice chunk and dropped it over, listening to hear the sound of the fall. After a couple seconds, that felt like minutes (though really there was no way to tell time here in Hell) Allison gave up trying to hear the sound of the ice as it never came and if it took that long for it to fall, it wasn't worth the risk of seeing whether there was a way out going down. She was already so far down in this place, going down again would just lead her to the 3 great betrayers. Where it was even more cold. She turned away and went back to looking at the bridge. The main thing she wanted to do with it was at least create a safety guard for her so she wouldn't fall to her death. Man how funny would it be if the huge wall was just an illusion and it wasn't actually that huge.
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