Maka Albarn
May 7, 2008
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August 30
Fairy Tail

Maka Albarn

It's called love, Panda, from Fairy Tail


This new year fills you with... determination. Jan 10, 2018

    1. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Yeah, that one's awesome! Have you seen his new one? It's number XXI.
    2. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      ...alright then...
      I think I'll watch some of pwilliard's kh comedies. They're hilarious. Have you ever seen them?
    3. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      That's a good idea, I think I'll go watch some random movies on youtube now xD.
    4. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I have no idea what to do next, and it is super annoying. Ugh, I hated writer's block! *Goes insane and also hits head against wall*
    5. Juicy
      I'm lucky enough that I rarely get hit by writer's block. When I write the words just come freely, pouring out onto the page :3

      Good luck writing that next chapter xD
    6. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Of course you're going to finish it! I command that you finish your awesome fanfic =)

      Yeah, I'm in a pretty good mood today, thanks. I'm trying to find inspiration for my fanfic. Major writer's block =/
    7. Juicy
      hey!! *Cheeses*
      Im just writing a fic right now :3
    8. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      YAY!!! I'm so excited to hear--erm, read that. The sooner the better!
    9. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Your fanfic is awesome, I love it. When do you think you'll update it?
    10. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      That's good, I'm excited to get into your fanfic again =)
    11. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Now that you're caught up on mine, you need to work on yours!
    12. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Probably a good idea xD
    13. Juicy
      ha! Its twenty to ten here at night lol
      but i wont be going to bed for ages.. but still.. I have no plans for the reamining day lol

      what time is it with you? (i have a sudden urge to know lol)
    14. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Ahh, so you're almost caught up. I only have 20 chapters up right now.
    15. Juicy
      thankyou =]
      it was hard work lol
    16. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Which one are you on right now?
    17. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Thanks =). Did you read all the chapters, or are you still getting caught up?
    18. Juicy
      lol for a second there I thought you were serious O.O
      but ill think ill pass on the brain lol
      Im okay.. actually thats a lie im pretty damn depressed. But nothing I can't handle. School sucks.
      My brian is also frying from maths. I somehow got into the top 15 in the school so now im struggling x_x
    19. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I'm alright, I guess. I don't know. Some days I'm really happy and others I'm depressed. I guess I'm in the middle today xD.

      How are you doing?
    20. Juicy
      so how are you today?
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    August 30
    Fairy Tail
    Past Usernames:
    Friendly_Heartless, Rainbow Dash
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