i can look into it!~ though make sure you ask people like llave too since he's into designs, etc. and i have been pretty swamped with coursework smhhhh
I've asked Llave and Jiku, and I'll snag What and Jayn when they appear. We want as many samples as possible.
Kites, the event's been over for a while now. Time for a new awesome avatar or what you had previously! :3
i'm sorry i don't have access to that section for moderating purposes, you might want to take that up with a supermod or PaW because he is the one in charge of that section. What I can say is that the internet is quick to throw blame at others when they don't see a face. The best thing you can do is give it some time and hopefully things will calm down. RP mistakes means they are intolerant and do not know how to deal with new people coming into the community. It is not your fault that you made mistakes because everyone does! Them taunting you to the point where you feel this way shows how crappy those people are. You're simply just trying to have fun and enjoy yourself. Don't be too harsh on yourself <3 If you need someone to talk to I am here and send me a personal message!
ikr and whenever i DO get time to play, we [essentially] use the same squad; Kasumi & Garrus 4 lyf <3
Hey. Message for you in the Premium Postbox. http://www.kh-vids.net/threads/premium-postbox.112174/page-15#post-4014997
I'm alive so I can't complain, and yes christmas brough me many new clothes to wear and a 3DS along with KH3D so I can rage quit on the series all over again. How about you, how goes things in the life of Julia?
i physically don't have access to any of the pins and can't hand them out as a sectional mod :C so try asking one of the supers or leave a message on misty's profile maybe she can help!! omg that's so frustrating though lol
http://kh-vids.net/threads/security-programs-compilation-freeware-shareware.69567/#post-3994243 I'm not sure if I should post this to you or something, but someone necro'd all over the carpet.
oooh man lol okay i'll get one of the super mods to take care of it since i am powerless there cries haha
savkuhawdbdwwefjkh ok XD oh frack, reading back on what I just wrote, and just couldn't at myself with the necro'ing on the carpet phrase //creys
i had a good one too!! we actually got a white christmas in something like 3 years so i was extremely excited. omg we haven't spoken in so long!! is it cold over there across the pond??
Omg lucky! 8D Glad you had a white Christmas over there! And it's so true, we barely spoken in so long ashvdaskgaeaw It's cool over the pond! Not freezing cold just yet, but the snow'll come down by January/February... At least, that's my guess XD Had enough White christmasses for the last few years anyhow over here XD
http://kh-vids.net/threads/which-xe...e-strongest-ddd-spoilers.135831/#post-3993246 can fix something on the poll?
Thank you. Btw I read your staff file in the Castle Oblivion :) Pretty cool that you're the answer to a floor.