Yu-Gi-Oh Stardust Accerlerator codes request

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by Yusei Fudo, Aug 23, 2009.

  1. Yusei Fudo Banned

    Aug 22, 2009
    The Satellite
    I couldn't find a thread for this game so this shouldn't be a duplicate or rule breaking code thread but I need

    * All male costumes
    *All hairstyles
    *all cards for turbo dueling
    *all cards for regular duels
    * infinite DP

    I've found these codes but they don't seem to work. I need these for Action Replay ds
  2. NeoRoxas Chaser

    Apr 3, 2009
    here you go:

    <Misc Codes:> = 13
    [Game Time 0:00]
    221204B4 00000000

    [Max DP]
    221204D8 3B9AC9FF

    [All Opponents on Free Mode]
    2212245C FFFFFFFF
    22122460 0000000F

    [All Cups, Opponent and Matches]
    2212243C FFFFFFF0
    22122440 FFFFFFFF
    22122444 FFFFFFFF
    22122448 FFFFFFFF
    2212244C FFFFFFFF
    22122450 FFFFFFFF
    22122454 FFFFFFFF
    12122458 0000FFFF
    2212245A 0000003F

    [Enable Free, Cup modes]
    22122188 000000FF

    [All Boards]
    12120524 000003FF

    [All Costumes and Hair Styles]
    12120520 0000FFFF
    22122183 00000040

    <Press Select:>
    [All Duel Runners]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    221204E8 007E1FFE
    221204EC 1FFF007E
    221204F0 01FF01FF
    121204F4 00001FFF
    D0000000 00000000

    <Press Select:>
    [All Parts]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    221204E8 007E1FFE
    221204EC 1FFF007E
    221204F0 01FF01FF
    121204F4 00001FFF
    D0000000 00000000

    [Time Never Increase During Races]
    521BEF74 E3A03CFA
    221BEF78 E1A00000
    D0000000 00000000

    [Enable All Tag Partners]
    E2122464 00000020

    <Including Free, Cup Modes:>
    [Enable All Modes]
    12122188 0000013F
    221221A1 00000001

    [Battle Results 255win Others 0 (Select)]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    C0000000 00000115
    12120782 000000FF
    22120784 00000000
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000


    <Deck Codes:> = 7
    [Enable Card List, Deck and All Card x 9 (Select)]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    D5000000 00009999
    C0000000 000002DD
    D7000000 02120F02
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FFFB0000
    D5000000 00003333
    C0000000 000005BA
    D7000000 021214BE
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22122128 FFFFFFFF
    1212212C 0000007F
    D2000000 00000000

    [Enable All Card Menu (Select)]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    D5000000 0000FFFF
    C0000000 000002B4
    D7000000 02120F54
    D2000000 00000000

    [Remove Card Restriction]
    12011C52 0000EA00

    [Remove Deck Size Restriction]
    521B8200 E3510028
    121B8206 0000EA00
    D0000000 00000000

    [Enable Multiple Use of Same Card]
    521AF79C BAFFFFF9
    221AF7A0 E3A00001
    D0000000 00000000

    [All Cards While Open Customisation Menu]
    02011DD0 EAFFB88A
    E2000000 00000010
    E3A02099 E7C120C0
    E7D100C0 EA004770

    [Enable to Purchase All Decks From Shop (Select)]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    D5000000 FFFFFFFF
    C0000000 00000123
    D6000000 0212072C
    D2000000 00000000


    <Dueling Codes:> = 1
    <[Press Select. At the end of the turn, you should win. Not tested online]:>
    [Instant Win]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    94800004 FFFE0000
    222AF56C 00000000
    D2000000 00000000


    <5D's Codes:> = 3
    [All Parts]
    221204E8 007E1FFE
    221204EC 1FFF007E
    221204F0 01FF01FF
    121204F4 00001FFF

    [Hold R Security Cannot See You]
    521BDBA4 E59F301C
    221BDBA8 E3A0C001
    94000130 FEFF0000
    221BDBA8 E3A0C000
    D2000000 00000000

    [Time Never Increase During Races]
    521BEF74 E3A03CFA
    221BEF78 E1A00000
    D0000000 00000000


    <Riding Duel:> = 4
    [Start+A to Max Your Speed Counters]
    94000130 FFF60000
    222A8C08 0000000C
    D2000000 00000000

    [Start+B to Max Opponents Speed Counters]
    94000130 FFF50000
    222A8C0C 0000000C
    D2000000 00000000

    [Select+A to Set Your Speed Counters to Zero]
    94000130 FFFA0000
    222A8C08 00000000
    D2000000 00000000

    [Select+B to Set Opponents Speed Counters to Zero]
    94000130 FFF90000
    222A8C0C 00000000
    D2000000 00000000


    <Language Mod Codes:> = 2
    [Janpanese Language]
    22122181 00000000

    [English Language]
    22122181 00000001

    if these don't work use these:

    Codes [Part 2]
    <Misc Codes:> = 13
    [Game Time 0:00]
    021204B4 00000000

    [Max DP]
    021204D8 3B9AC9FF

    [All Opponents on Free Mode]
    0212245C FFFFFFFF
    22122460 0000000F

    [All Cups, Opponent and Matches]
    0212243C FFFFFFF0
    02122440 FFFFFFFF
    02122444 FFFFFFFF
    02122448 FFFFFFFF
    0212244C FFFFFFFF
    02122450 FFFFFFFF
    02122454 FFFFFFFF
    12122458 0000FFFF
    2212245A 0000003F

    [Enable Free, Cup modes]
    22122188 000000FF

    [All Boards]
    12120524 000003FF

    [All Costumes and Hair Styles]
    12120520 0000FFFF
    22122183 00000040

    <Press Select:>
    [All Duel Runners]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    021204E8 007E1FFE
    021204EC 1FFF007E
    021204F0 01FF01FF
    121204F4 00001FFF
    D0000000 00000000

    <Press Select:>
    [All Parts]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    021204E8 007E1FFE
    021204EC 1FFF007E
    021204F0 01FF01FF
    121204F4 00001FFF
    D0000000 00000000

    [Time Never Increase During Races]
    521BEF74 E3A03CFA
    021BEF78 E1A00000
    D0000000 00000000

    [Enable All Tag Partners]
    E2122464 00000020

    <Including Free, Cup Modes:>
    [Enable All Modes]
    12122188 0000013F
    221221A1 00000001

    [Battle Results 255win Others 0 (Select)]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    C0000000 00000115
    12120782 000000FF
    22120784 00000000
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000


    <Deck Codes:> = 7
    [Enable Card List, Deck and All Card x 9 (Select)]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    D5000000 00009999
    C0000000 000002DD
    D7000000 02120F02
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FFFB0000
    D5000000 00003333
    C0000000 000005BA
    D7000000 021214BE
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FFFB0000
    02122128 FFFFFFFF
    1212212C 0000007F
    D2000000 00000000

    [Enable All Card Menu (Select)]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    D5000000 0000FFFF
    C0000000 000002B4
    D7000000 02120F54
    D2000000 00000000

    [Remove Card Restriction]
    12011C52 0000EA00

    [Remove Deck Size Restriction]
    521B8200 E3510028
    121B8206 0000EA00
    D0000000 00000000

    [Enable Multiple Use of Same Card]
    521AF79C BAFFFFF9
    021AF7A0 E3A00001
    D0000000 00000000

    [All Cards While Open Customisation Menu]
    02011DD0 EAFFB88A
    E2000000 00000010
    E3A02099 E7C120C0
    E7D100C0 EA004770

    [Enable to Purchase All Decks From Shop (Select)]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    D5000000 FFFFFFFF
    C0000000 00000123
    D6000000 0212072C
    D2000000 00000000


    <Dueling Codes:> = 1
    <[Press Select. At the end of the turn, you should win. Not tested online]:>
    [Instant Win]
    94000130 FFFB0000
    94800004 FFFE0000
    022AF56C 00000000
    D2000000 00000000


    <5D's Codes:> = 3
    [All Parts]
    021204E8 007E1FFE
    021204EC 1FFF007E
    021204F0 01FF01FF
    121204F4 00001FFF

    [Hold R Security Cannot See You]
    521BDBA4 E59F301C
    021BDBA8 E3A0C001
    94000130 FEFF0000
    021BDBA8 E3A0C000
    D2000000 00000000

    [Time Never Increase During Races]
    521BEF74 E3A03CFA
    021BEF78 E1A00000
    D0000000 00000000


    <Riding Duel:> = 4
    [Start+A to Max Your Speed Counters]
    94000130 FFF60000
    222A8C08 0000000C
    D2000000 00000000

    [Start+B to Max Opponents Speed Counters]
    94000130 FFF50000
    222A8C0C 0000000C
    D2000000 00000000

    [Select+A to Set Your Speed Counters to Zero]
    94000130 FFFA0000
    222A8C08 00000000
    D2000000 00000000

    [Select+B to Set Opponents Speed Counters to Zero]
    94000130 FFF90000
    222A8C0C 00000000
    D2000000 00000000


    <Language Mod Codes:> = 2
    [Janpanese Language]
    22122181 00000000

    [English Language]
    22122181 00000001
  3. Yusei Fudo Banned

    Aug 22, 2009
    The Satellite
    Holy sh** that's alot. Thanks Sora. They should work. Just need to figure out how to get the add cheat option working on my Action replay code manager
  4. NeoRoxas Chaser

    Apr 3, 2009
    i know how click on the ds card ... it say it will install it again.. do that and then you should have the option "add cheat/code"
  5. Yusei Fudo Banned

    Aug 22, 2009
    The Satellite
    Ok thanks. I'm waiting for it to recognise the cd
  6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Wow! Thanks SorawithRiku!

    Do you have any for the American Version?

    Cause I really need a code that will remove the limit restriction from the Extra Deck...

    For some reason they shrunk it down to only half the size in this game...And because of that my Fusion Deck Strategy has been ruined...
  7. Yusei Fudo Banned

    Aug 22, 2009
    The Satellite
    Half size is 15 if I'm correct. Could get someone to port the no deck restriction size code
  8. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    I know. But that's not enough...I need to have more than that in my Deck or my Strategy is ruined...

    I hope someone can port that code...