Birth by Sleep Why Ven looks like Roxas *MAJOR SPOILERS!*

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by Noise, Sep 30, 2007.

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  1. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    I don't think that could be possible.
    Seriously, it wouldn't make any sense.
    It takes place in the PAST, and in the past, Sora's brother would have to be pretty dang old <<
    Father, maybe, GRANDFather, maybe.
    But not brother.
  2. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    It only takes place ten years in the past, so it's possible that he's Sora's brother. I don't really believe it, but it's worth considering.

    What bugs me about your thread however, is that you said these are spoilers. THEY'RE NOT SPOILERS!!!!! Spoilers ruin the ending to a story that has a confirmed ending, and we're nowhere near getting one. They barely even started the project. This is only a mere speculation.
  3. Kingdom Glory Banned

    Dec 23, 2006
    Aperture Science...with GLaDOS
    Correction, a spoiler is when you spoil the storyiline for someone(s).
    It could be the middle, beginning, end, semi-demi-middle-end, etc.
  4. he's-got-a-heart Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 8, 2007
    Cloud 9
    Wow! I like this theory! Not the brother bit but the whole thing about people forgetting.

    I want to know who the hell came up with this daft idea that just because there is no keychain it can't be a real keyblade.
  5. Repliku Chaser

    Maybe they are pseudo-Keyblades but they are still Keyblades, even without the key chains in them. I am still not sure that Ven has any actual relationship to Sora other than perhaps his spirit (Heart or Soul) merged with Sora in his youth. I almost think that's the voice that was talking to Sora when he was going through the very beginning of KH and having to choose his weapons etc. I also think that Riku had a similar image which is why he said he did 'not fear the Darkness', and that Xehanort's Heartless messed with him askewing his dreams.

    Really, I can't think of a single reason to believe Ven is Sora's brother. He's got to be 10 years older than Sora at the time he comes across the kid playing. Some parents space out kids that far, but it seemed to me Sora and Riku were playmates and there's no mention by either of them of siblings. Even when Riku is talking to Sora about leaving he says 'parents' but does not mention brothers or sisters. Perhaps Sora and Riku were made to forget, but I think I need more clues to actually think that Ven and Sora are related in any way.

    Sora was forgotten because Sora himself forgot...which I really do hope gets explained a lot better than that. That's some memory to be able to take out everyone else's memory of you but well...Riku's and probably King Mickey's. By the way Leon and Kairi were acting etc, Sora had been forgotten since the start of CoM after Namine began messing with him. That is a good point to draw out in this, but I'm not sure that it had much to do with Roxas or Ven. This one though is a total mystery so far. Maybe it does have something to do with it.
  6. DjC Chaser

    about the keyblade with keychains thing: we'll probably find out why in the story for right now stop worrying about a it. what u guys rather do:

    find out why ven looks like roxas and what is the mystery of xehnorts past


    try to figure out why they dont have keychains on their keyblades?

    i would go with the first one. i could carless about why they dont have keychains on their keybaldes when we could be figuring out more important things

    hey have you guys seen the vid in fm where vexon and i forgot the other two were talking about the past? i have because i have final mix. and im pretty sure u guys have seen it. well if u havent please request the link so i can piont out somthing interesting. and kinda leads me to a theory
  7. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006

    ok so u know how in the new cutscenes from KH2 final mix and zexion talked about the room of sleep or awaking (i dont rembers which) but Xemnas went into the one...well sora was in the other one...ending of CoM and beging of KH2

    so YEA!

    i belive that this is a random post but whatever if sora went into that and was "forgotten" maybe Ven did somthing along the same lines
  8. DjC Chaser

    they talked about both the room of sleep and awakening

    and what u said is good but wrong.this is what i was gonna piont out earlyer: okay when they said he is asleep we all think its sora.but it cant be because the org hasnt been formed yet and the org was formed when sora was awake! so they must be refurring to ven.

    ya see what i mean? nomura has us tricked with that but i figured it out.

    and that was a major spolier so will u people stop complaining about this thread having no spiolers
  9. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    I don't really think that Ven and Sora are brothers...
  10. Repliku Chaser

    I'm not sure they are really related at all, though Ven has about the same body type as Sora. His face and hair are different. Maybe though so I won't totally discount the 'brother' theory yet. They may be cousins or something too, or have no relation and so that part I don't think on 'too' much. To me, Sora did seem to be an only child, but there's no proof in the end to support that so much either. We can only verify that Sora has a 'mom'.

    I think Riku and Sora were single children because Riku even makes the comment as as he is in the Darkness area and says that they will never see their other friends or parents again. There's no mention of either of them having siblings. Of course, if the siblings were somehow forced to be forgotten as Sora was, it discounts this.

    I do think so far though that Ven's spirit, Not just his Heart, went into Sora and was dormant, so when Sora used the Dark Keyblade, it was Ven's spirit released and that is why Axel makes the comment about Roxas having a Heart. Also, it seems you need a soul to become a Nobody, and if he only had part of his Heart, the rest would work out. So, in the end, I am not sure whether they are related or not, but it could happen. Saying these two are related is more feasible than other relations. We'll just have to see.
  11. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    i'd say they have too be related
    cause they look exacly the same and i dont think Square would make 2 charachters the same voice if they dont have any relation ...
  12. Sharkleg Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 29, 2007
    I was thinking that too. That would be so awesome if that really happened. Sora would say to his parents "WTF Why didn't you tell me I had a Brother And then a girl who looks like Sora walks in. :glomp::nomore::kiss::offtopic:
  13. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    A girl ??
    im soryy but WHAT ???
    and also im not sure about all this maybe Sora is like the "true"keyblade master
    and they get born like that and maybe sora is special in another way so roxas is the keyblade master inside sora i know its strange but hey >_>
  14. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    i agree they must be related otherwise its a totaly random thing! UGH!
    this is going to be one of the best games i can already tell!!
  15. Blanc Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 26, 2007
    Destiny Island
    Don't fight. And isn't there a rule where you can bump or is that only within 12 hours or something.
  16. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    I just wanted to ask, does anybody even know who the guy in the cape that busted on Sora in the cave, when he was darwing a papu fruit and stuff, actually who was that? It could have been Ven, or Terra, it was probally Ansem though, just saying cause I didn't know
  17. Repliku Chaser

    I assumed it was Ansem/Xehanort's Heartless since he also appeared to Riku later in the same brownish cloak before Riku merged with him at Hollow Bastion. Also, I think, even though it's not expressively shown, that the figure was talking to Riku sometimes in the secret cave since before anyone else ever noticed the door, Riku as a child noticed it glowing. I really hope they do go into these things more later.

    The only other person I thought it -might- be was Xemnas, but I lean stronger to Xehanort's Heartless since he was trying to merge with a Keyblade wielder.

    Also, I believe if a topic exists, rather than making a new topic, we are supposed to reply to one that is older. I'm confused why people keep telling others to not post to an older thread when it says in the rules that is what we are supposed to do if the option presents itself. Perhaps a moderator could highlight and explain what the preferred action is? I'd like to know to ensure we are in the right or wrong.
  18. DjC Chaser

    lol every time i see ur post there like really long paragraphs.

    well i saw something saying the three senarios are terra,aqua,and ven and a couple of interesting stuff as well
  19. Repliku Chaser

    Yeah, I realize I do post paragraphs here. I suppose this is why I get A+ on all my essays at school. I can write away and just go on and on and on.

    I was referring to the person's question about the guy in the cloak in the Secret Cave in KH1. Were you saying that each cloaked figure in Kh1 was Aqua, Terra and Ven? I'm kind of confused what you mean. Please elaborate?

    I think the reason mainly I think it's Xehanort's Heartless is because he makes the same comments about knowing stuff as Ansem does when he takes over Riku's body. Also the brown cloaked guy was the one who was presumably Ansem convincing Riku to give him his form to save Kairi.
  20. DjC Chaser

    1. i fail most of my writing asignments because i right huge and have 3 sentence paragraphs so i can get it over with lol

    2. i was talking about bbs. at another site it said the three senarios that u play as are terra,aqua,and ven but nomura never confirmed it did he?

    3. the dude in the brown coat i thought was xemnas not xehonorts heartless?
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