Where I'm from!

Discussion in 'Archives' started by alina, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. alina Moogle Assistant

    Jan 20, 2011
    Under the ocean in a dark shell
    I came from the end of the river,
    covered in shivers.
    In the water,
    I taste the lake.
    From the seas of hatered,
    to the lands of love.
    Let you sing,
    But you must believe.
    I'm from deep in me,
    And you will see!

    Part 2
    If you don't believe,
    you'll never see.
    You can't see,
    it won't be.
    Love is life,
    And for that your mine'
    Happy Valentine!

    Part 3
    If it's me,
    Its you.
    When you sing,
    you lose.
    I can't help you,
    but see what a man could do.
    Even with you,
    Its hard to tell the truth.
    But you said you loved me,
    and I LOVE you too!

    Part 4
    What you say,
    I lay.
    come again,
    tell me what you see.
    Fire is bad,
    water is good.
    What i see,
    is how you'll be.
    And to me,
    It's just to leave,
    Your my friend,
    and now my Enemy!

    Part 2
    If you don't believe,
    you'll never see.
    You can't see,
    it won't be.
    Love is life,
    And for that your mine'
    Happy Valentine!