Yeah, title pretty much says it all. Ever heard something really friggin' weird and wanted to share it? Here's mine. Igorrr is a freak, man.
Anything and everything by Nanowar of Steel, really. They're one giant parody of power metal, and it comes out hilariously.
Easily one of the weirdest songs I've heard, and one of my all time favorites by far. It's funny how something so....weird, can be so wonderful.
Perform This Way by Weird Al Yankovic. Making fun of Lady Gaga ended up making one of the most bizarre music videos ever!
Well, I may not have listened as much music as most of you, but I can provide my experience. Most stuff by Led Zeppelin I have listened to far that isn't Stairway to Heaven, only because of how "Psychedelic" they sound (If is the right word I'm looking for), to provide an example: Yeah it might not that weird but it stands out for me while still being catchy (To me atleast)
DyE - Fantasy..well not really the song the uh...Music video itself. I know what the meaning of it is but its just uh..yeah..
I think I have one that qualifies as strange. Zlad! - Electronik Supersonik Slightly nsfw. Use your headphones.
I want to avoid comedy bands since they are trying to be weird, but Dr. Demento gets really strange even for those standards. Case in point being "Funny Farm" where you can just feel the sanity slipping away as the song goes on. On the being serious weird I would say Babymetal as a whole, with "Gimmie Chocolate" if I had to narrow it down to one song. J-pop gets weird enough as is, mix it with metal and that just gets strange.
I'd agree with DyE Fantasy. Also, I won't post the videos here since the language is vulgar, but my two favs are WTF Quack Like A Duck Suck a Dick - Nicolai Fox youtube is your friend.