Have you ever felt like you were being monitored by your parents? Like they're going to be stricter with you because you've got low grades? Well......how the hell do you get off the list?! I NEED TO KNOW! @_@
Best thing to do...get higher grades. xD While you wait for that to happen..ask if you can go to the library or join some after school thing that shows you are interested in school. If they think you are applying yourself more, they will back off some. Use your computer even to do some educational research...try watching things on tv now and then like the Discovery Channel. Basically, let them visually see that you are trying to learn and keep up and they will change their attitudes. Also, maybe even try talking to them about classes in school or topics. That's my suggestion and it worked for me, even if some of it was just for the purpose of getting them off my back.
I do all of that anyway.....>_>.....well...except for the library(lost interest in books) and researching on the internet. But it's just....>_<.....they're not even that low! *facedesk* Curse parental worry.....and what're you talking about? >_>