Decided to open a shop for a little while. ;D _ REQUEST FORMS _____Avatars: Picture: [high quality, please!] Text: [no more than a few words, please. if you don't want text, just say so. for small text, just write small text in here!] Main Color(s): [if you have no preference, leave this blank] _____CSS Website Layouts: Website subject: [this is the subject of the website you are requesting the layout for] Picture: (optional) [I reserve the right to crop and/or make it into a banner. please do not make your own banner -- it will be easier for me if I make it by myself] Colors: [try to make them match the picture you requested. if you don't have a preference, just leave this blank. it may come out better if I choose them, and I may have to slightly alter the ones you choose] Other Specifications: [Anything else! Example: inspired by the song (meaning the layout will have headers from this song, band, etc.] _____Signatures: Render/Stock: [the focal point of the signature! high quality please. if you want just one in general from a certain KINGDOM HEARTS character, just write their name and I'll see what I can do.] Text: [only a few words, please!] Username: [do you want your username on it?] Colors: [exactly what it sounds like] Other Specifications: [anything else!] _RULES _ all forum rules apply here _ do not rush me. I have a life [and homework], so it may take a few days to process your request. _ CSS website layouts take a very long time to make, so you MUST be patient with me. I work hard on them because I want them to look good, not because I want to torture you. _ any posts that are not a request or a thank you will be deleted. _ I reserve the right to not complete your request, seeing as I do not have the best track record there. _ +rep is appreciated _ if your request does not follow the template, your post will be deleted. _ if you are requesting a CSS website layout, PM me the link to the site.
I'd actually like a sig from you, Misty. Make it anyway you like though, I'd like to leave room for artistic creativity.
Ack! The whole point of this shop was to get better without having to pick out stocks. xD It's okay. I'll try to get it done. ;D
^-^ I need a new signature! If you dont mind :P Render/Stock:¤t=Mamemmmee.jpg Text: None Username: Yes! On the top left corner Colors: Whatever looks nicest! Other Specifications: I want it too look...Kind of calming ^-^
hope it is OK if i ask for one Render/Stock:Male Mage or this one Werewolf Text: none Username: no Colors: reds and blues Other Specifications: 350x100
Render/Stock: Text: For my children's future Colors:I don't mind, :D Other Specifications: Give up your whole life on this sig jk
Cin, your request is done: It was a little hard seeing as you specified nothing xD, but if you need anything changed, just tell me. ~~~~~ I'll do myoblivion's, reptar's, and king_mickey's soon.
Render/Stock: Username: Well, it depends, how the sig looks. If the text looks awkward, take it out, if not, go ahead. It's up to you really. Your the sig master, I'm not. Colors: Red and Black are a Fullmetal classic, but as I mentioned before, you know what your doin', I don't. Other Specifications: None. Let me know if the Stock/Render isn't good/high enough quality, I can fix that.
I hope you don't mind if I don't request much, then you can do w/e you want with it that looks good, you know more about Photoshop than I do. Render/Stock: Kariya, the guy w/ the orange hair and the lollypop. I have a pic of him here, too but the quality got REEEALY crappy when I uploaded it. Any of the pictures of him would do, but preferably the one where he's holding the lollypop to his lips Text: If you have an idea go ahead, if not then I can look up quotes. Or maybe it'll look best w/out text. Either way, I'm not picky :P Username: slightly faded in the corner somewhere Colors: w/e looks good with the render I can edit things if they're not clear. I could also try getting the specific render cropped and up on photobucket, but the quailty will go down a bit :/
I'm sorry, everyone! I just got back from vacation, but I'll try to work my butt off once I take a shower. Sahjin, those pictures are just fine. ;D PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST ANYTHING UNTIL THIS POST IS EDITED WITH THREE SIGS. IF YOU DO I WILL DELETE YOUR POST. D: CAPS MEAN I'M SERIOUS. Edit numero uno: myoblivion: I can't get the doggies to look right. <_> Edit numero dos: king_mickey: it's screaming for text, so please think of something I can put there.
Umm...^-^ Would you mind if you made the blue color lighter? Like, a light blue? Other than that its good O.O And the doggies dont look weird >.<
@myoblivion: I'll do that once I finish homework. @King: after homework the rest of you will get yours soon enough. UPDATE: