Todays younger kids

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by *Hippie Jesus*, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    One question/statement.

    Perhaps I do not want my life to be controlled by my parents? Perhaps I wish to take steps to avoid this path myself? What should I do?

    It is all very well to blame the parents, but on a website about a videogame, the target audience should be the people who visit it, namely the children. Giving parents advice is appealing to the minority.

    What should the younger generation on these forums do to stop their descent into this state?
  2. LightManifest Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 4, 2008
    Well, for my opinion, I agree with many and think parents should teach children morality. When a baby is born, it usually doesn't have these moralities... Parents, sadly, can not usually reason with a very young child when they don't understand much yet, so I think parents should just give them some reasonable discipline and explain why something is wrong so they'll learn. A small child without the strength of knowledge can be weak minded and very easily influenced. Whatever they watch, they'll most likely copy if it sinks in enough. Just keep teaching younger children, and, as they understand more of right and wrong, they'll learn morality along with it.

    I think the reason for some, not all, young kids trying to act the stereotypical teenager is because they were never taught these lessons. Their parents may just tell their kids, "no" and pull them away from whatever they were doing wrong at the moment. They might have saw someone on tv or a crazy teenager do the same thing and see them not getting punished for it, so they'd think, "My parents are just being stupid!" without realizing "why" it was wrong. Some kids, like said by Repliku, are just given toys to keep them busy. If they don't learn any lessons from adults or from their own experiences, and also don't spend time with their parents, they often turn into the stereotypical "spoiled" child when receiving these toys. Then, they only see their parents as creatures that give them things, and then they often even don't see their parents as people. In that way, they often demand what they want from their parents, for that's what they think they're there for.

    Another reason for kids trying to act as they're older is because they want to be older and given all the freedom older people are given. A big reason is because there are alot of bad teenagers out there who sometimes have moralities equivilant to a badly-raised child themself, and just set terrible examples around them, not caring about the little kid.

    Another reason is, like I've said before, is that they could be weak-minded and bad things they see around them can appeal to their instincts. Some like to curse because they're strong, hurtful words and they think they can get what they want with them. Not only that, but older people don't tell other older people to not curse, but tell their child. Parents need to explain why adults, and usually teenagers, are given the freedom to curse. Cursing and watching scary movies that little kids can't often handle, they think, makes them seem older. I believe this applies to very young girls dressing in revealing clothing. I don't think keeping them from people's cursing will do anything, because they will be exposed to it eventually, just like many other things we consider, "bad." Whether or not they copy it is dependent on how much they've learned.

    One last thing, although I know this is a very long post, is that I often say, "little kid," but some adults who never learned morality from their parents or from their experiences can also have the same problems!

    Not all kids are bad, but I've been seeing an increase lately. It's usually something that spreads from bad parents to their children, who usally also end up as bad parents too and then also badly raise their kids. Those kids could learn the lessons they need to know on their own, but still some often don't or don't want to. Some parents need to be more intelligent and take care of their kids, like spending time with them. Well, just my opinion. No offense to everyone.
  3. Alex C: Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 5, 2006
    Well I knew a lot about sex and stuff when I was young. I just never mentioned it cause I knew my parents would be upset.

    Hmm... as for them having better material things. That's just based on the parent's salary and priorities.

    Yes, they are learning a lot more. From where? Media? Dunno. Cause media is media. It's not like they allowed more swearing nowadays. Guess a lot of parents just let their children watch whatever. And not to mention older siblings and friends. It's just spreading quicker. It always spread. I don't know why its becoming more rapid now though.
  4. LightManifest Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 4, 2008
    Oh, I'm sorry, I think you misunderstood me. Well, it's okay, I think I'll need to explain certain things again... I'm sorry, I'm not exactly the best at explaining my opinions...

    What I meant by, "teaching," I meant teaching values. Keeping things like that from your parents shows you've learned and cared about what they thought.

    I understand parents can shower a child with presents to show their love, but I meant some just give presents to their children to keep them busy. Not all do, so I'm sorry for the kids with parents who do that, actually. It takes more than presents to show you love your child. Or actually, did you think I meant to say parents should give children better material items? Well, I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway if it seemed it, because I didn't mean to imply anywhere in my last post that parents should give their children better material items.

    As for learning, many children see and hear things that people would find offensive. Kids with strong minds and morals can watch one thousand very "dumb" tv shows and still be unaffected by vulgarity. Just some kids with weaker minds, due to being not taught these lessons of values, can be impacted by what they hear or see and might copy it if they like it. Those are kids parents have to steer away from bad examples such as vulgar media until their children can see through parts considered bad.

    Anyways, I hope I explained myself properly. I agree with you, low morality is spreading. I hope some bad parents learn and it ends...
  5. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    Yes, that is because of the culture of today's Western society. That and all the Family Guy they watch. <_<
  6. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Yeah, the next generation of kids are not going to be good. I already hate my generation, but I never thought that things could get this bad with kids. Cursing, swearing, immodesty...the future looks pretty bleak right now. At least there are still some good kids out there (like the two that I'm babysitting right now).
  7. Repliku Chaser

    It isn't 'just' the parents' fault that kids decide to take turns for the better or worse. The point is that if kids are taught at malleable ages from 2+ when they can learn, they obviously will have a stepping stone to go off of for later years when they are naturally rebelling and won't be so extreme. Also, young kids won't be out cussing because it will be wrong of them to do so.

    There's also nothing wrong with kids seeking to spread their wings out and not just live under someone's yoke. We all do that at some point in our lives. The biggest thing I'd say to think on is how 'extreme' do you want to be. Video games, music etc aren't going to be the factors though that cause kids really to want to do things their way and try life out. We all hit that stage even if we were nomadic sorts wandering with no sort of entertainment in that fashion. However, when doing this, teens should also try to have maturity and commonsense. Thinking through some things before deciding, 'oh hell yeah', is what separates a smart teen from a dumb one. Also, keeping communication open with parents helps them get used to the idea that you are growing up and ready to take on some tasks. Not having communication and playing the deal of doing everything behind parents' backs is what causes them to distrust more. After all, they were teens once too.

    So, there's just a way to get to do more things which generally consists of showing your parents that you are an individual and that you do care for the family and others, but also want to have some freedoms to explore. If they aren't for it, you may have to do things secretly, but even so, the point here is to think rationally and not do things that you know harm yourself or others. If you take responsibility for your actions then you grow up a stronger adult. Kids do at a point have responsibility. Young kids is what was mentioned here such as 4 year olds. If a teen cusses or some preteen even, I'm not about to think it's so inappropriate as I will if some 4 year old is calling me stuff he doesn't even know what it is. If a teen does some reckless behavior, he/she is held more responsible for it because by that time the person should have a sense of right and wrong. A 4 year old though is not going to be the same and so has to be considered differently in the eyes of others.
  8. daisydog2 Destiny Islands Resident

    It drives me nuts too! I am probably the only kid at my school that restrains from cussing, well I am in high school so thats not unusual for kids to cuss ,but whatever! I babysit these 9 and 8 year old kids and they mess with my phone and text message my friends and they think they're so cool! Ugh it drives me crazy!
  9. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Usually its the things they watch or that their parents don't raise them well.My 8 year old cousin once flipped off my dad just because my dad wouldn't play with him.And at that time my dad was eating too.My cousin even flipped me off once.My dad hit my cousin but my uncle didn't say anything to his own son.He didn't tell him "Never do that again!Its wrong!" he just stayed quite.Even worse his wife didn't say anything either.My cousin finds it funny to flip someone off.
  10. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    Yesh, infact I have a nextdoor neighbor whom has to boys swearing off. They stuck up the middle finger up at my dog when he was staring out the window...very violent.

    But I think the younger kids follow this by their elders, watching and experiencing it with adults around them. They could learn it from t.v., following someone's footsteps, from others in the outside world. As in life, you learn while you grow. So I think that's how it is.

    By the age of 8 I learned all the violence, but I kept it locked inside of me. So far 6 month of not saying one, perhaps because I learned not to say the words automatically.
  11. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    What's seriously ignorant isn't that the kids pick it up, but that no one is stopping them. When they pick it up, no one is going to keep them from doing it anymore because no one cares. =/

    That's the reason why you see a 5-year-old cussing a 16-year-old out and a group of 7-year-olds texting each other and such.
  12. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    I shouldn't be quoting a Repliku post since it's so long (XD) but....

    Does it take you so long to type your posts that it logs you out sometimes? I've always wondered.



    You don't have to answer that.

    Back on topic...

    Yes, it bothers me that kids these days are swearing and such. I've seen little kids at the local pool (around 4 years old) running around saying, "S**t! Hahaha S**t! S**t!" It bothers me that the parents aren't doing anything about it. Even though they might not notice that they're kids are doing that, they should at least explain to them not to say cusses even if they don't.

    It's mostly because of the fact that little kids have to hang around with a group of teens a lot of the time if their parents aren't home and their siblings are home with a buch of friends. I know I cuss quite a few times with my friend, but she doesn't have any younger siblings. If she did, then I would be sure not to say it in their hearing range, or not to say it at all.

    Parents should also make sure that older siblings shouldn't say anything innapropriate in front of younger kids. A lot of little kids want to be like their older siblings when they get older, and all of the cussing will influence them badly.

    I just did a semi Repliku post D:​
  13. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    That does annoy me, when you see little kids swearing. They are actually influenced by that stuff.
  14. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Guys, this is the way the world works. Hundreds of years ago you would be considered a classless hussy if you showed your bare arms in legs in public. Nowadays I'm seeing a lot more than bare arms and legs, and in some cases, it's perfectly acceptable. For their generation, this is just how they will conduct themselves. Soon, these cuss words won't be considered bad to say. Having a cell phone at age six will be considered perfectly normal. Whether or not you want to raise your children like that is totally up to you. Yeah, I agree that it's annoying, but like I said earlier -- it's how the world works.
  15. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Well, I don't think it's just today's kids. It has most likely been the same way for the past 100 years. I mean, I hear stories from my parents and my parents friends about crazy events, and how when they were little they would swear in front of their friends. I mean, even when I was growing up, I constantly heard it, and I swore sometimes (7-12).

    The thing I say is: why should it matter if a little kid does it or whether an adult does it? Is there some kind of age cut-off where it's okay for a then-kid to swear? The entire idea is confusing to me.
  16. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Might just be a sign of the times with the way the children are acting. But they do need to learn how to conduct themselves properly in the presence of others. Calling a black person a ****** is hardly appropriate since you don't know if they'll be offended by it. I know some aren't offended by the term but you don't know so think it's best to err on the side of caution and just not use it in the first place.

    Also, the kids need to learn that television is television and in some cases video games are video games. Just because a character in a video game/show swears doesn't mean kids should. Mostly the kids are doing it because their parents or their peers do it and they think it's alright. They don't see the negative aspects of it and just worry about looking cool to their friends or wanting to be like their parents/older siblings.

    Also I find the idea of kids with iphones/ipods to be silly. I didn't get my first ipod until I was in High School and I didn't get a cell phone until I started college. So in my experience, I feel the kids with iphones could be potentially spoiled. But that's just from my personal experience.
  17. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008

    It kind of makes you think about what the hell the parents are or are not doing. I think 99% of the time the parent(s) tend to avoid or deny the idea that their parenting skills may be fundamentally flawed and therefore may need improvment.

    Another reason is due to the relative age age oge of the parents. Mom and Dad have a child at 15, that child will be subject to a teenagers view on life. To me young parents are bad ones without the proper tools necessary to raise children.
  18. Amethyst Grave Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jul 7, 2007
    My Violet Prison
    Once I was waiting for a friend at a corner when some little kid (mustve been about 4 or 5) comes speeding round it and bumps into me and went ''Watch where you're going you f***ing virgin or i'll f***ing break your neck!''

    No Joke.

    It's not Right.
  19. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    I heard something really disturbing the other day. I was talking to a really sweet nine year old. She told me that doctors are now required to ask kids her age if they take drugs. Seriously.
  20. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    Wow. that's serious. It wasn't probably a 5 year old it was more of a 6 year old in my opinion. But either way it's really not right, and annoying too.