Todays younger kids

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by *Hippie Jesus*, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. *Hippie Jesus* "I get online and notice I have E-mail I click my

    Oct 26, 2007
    Between the area where your parent's have sex
    Sorry if this is the wrong section but....

    Has anyone noticed how little kids are acting today srsly I had all these little kids swearing at me 1 said "will you have sex with me?" That was wrong another asked "are you gay?" It's just not right infact a kid told another kid to f*ck off it's INSANE THERE'RE LIKE 5-10 and they do that kinda stuff!!!!!!

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    It drives me nuts, thinking that it makes them mature and i see freakin 6 year olds in the mall with an IPHONE all i have is a Razor
  3. *Hippie Jesus* "I get online and notice I have E-mail I click my

    Oct 26, 2007
    Between the area where your parent's have sex
    I nearly exploded when I saw them just gather in a group and show off i pods and swear.....god it's just annoying
  4. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Yeah. I've seen like 6 year olds wearing like, tiny skirts and short shorts.

    It's seriously ridiculous. I want to go over to them and shake them and ask them what they think they're doing. D:
  5. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    for the foul language, i blame the media which includes but is not limited to INternet and television. and it really pisses me off to see 6 year old with cell phones too, WTH does a 6 year old need a cell phone for
  6. *Hippie Jesus* "I get online and notice I have E-mail I click my

    Oct 26, 2007
    Between the area where your parent's have sex
    This is where I think the government needs to step in cuz this is just when they brag about when they watch shows like "Hannah Montana, Sweet life of Zach and Cody, Drake and Josh" and so on, becuase of this the wiggles are becoming a rap group, blues clues is becoming a math show, Dora is being removed or changed.

    Exactly, government needs to do something.

    Dude I just got a cell a christmas of 07
  7. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    You all sound like 70 year olds, get over it, seriously. XD
  8. *Hippie Jesus* "I get online and notice I have E-mail I click my

    Oct 26, 2007
    Between the area where your parent's have sex
    Excuse me sir would you like this cussing 5 year girl cussing about ****s?

    Yeah thats what I thought X3
  9. Repliku Chaser

    The government doesn't need to do a thing.... parents do. Those kids don't pick this stuff up from media alone. The majority probably heard parents and teens and others around cussing and picked it up to use or some parents let their kids watch movies they are too young for obviously and don't discipline them to not say the words. I totally blame the parents because the kids either learn it from them or they don't discipline the kids when they say the stuff they heard from the mouths of teens or other adults around.

    If anything, I think the government needs to back off and not get involved and someone slap the parents. Anytime the govt gets involved those of us who are old enough to take the mature stuff get told we can no longer have access to it or it becomes more difficult. Did anyone bother trying to go talk to a parent and say what the kid just said? If not, you aren't really helping the system and giving that parent even a chance to know the kid does this. It's not likely the kid says that crap in front of mom and dad.

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm

    i know what are they going to listen to?
    Hannah Montana?
  11. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Todays kids aren't very...'polite'. I admit that. But..what can the Government do about it? The parent is the one who is liable.
  12. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    exactly, but there IS one thing the parents can do, it's called a V-Chip or to put it simply, better parenting but i know that kids put on a front when the parents are around
    yea, unfortunately, exposure to it is enough to make it a learned behavior
    the government can't do anything about it except censor media which is a HUGE NO NO. so it IS up to the parents i agree.
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    My cousins are like that...It's because their mom doesn't watch them and they hang out with older kids who do it to try and play cool...=/ Plus, the media does have a lot of influence. The music they listen to definitely influences what they do or how they act. It changed their whole mindset. They don't even know it. But this is the way the world is. It's what they do. I believe that it IS the parents fault for this. I have frequently suggested taking them in ourself to my family. Even though the media is a large influence, if you don't hear anyone telling you differently, or helping you out to a constant degree, then of course the more consistent message will get to you.

    You've got to realize that even with movies, music, celebrity 'role-models'...These kids LIVE with they're family. If they're family is only telling them not to cuss or not to do certain things on a monthly basis, and they go to school or day care with others who are exposed to these types of things everyday then...What are they being exposed to more? Kids are never born bad (unless born with some type of gene mutation that causes society to see them as 'BAD' kids...) and sometimes parents dont mean to neglect their children--but they end up doing it anyways.

    It's what the kid is exposed to, and how often they're exposed to it. I'm not suggesting sheltering your children from the world--but I think parents should try and make sure that kids have their own moral belifes before they give them too much exposure to the bad things.
    I dont think disipcine works for all children. Some kids began to rebel, just for the sake of having their own opinions if their parents discipline them too much and they get no freedom...
    BASICALLY, I'm not saying to close your kid in a box for their whole life...But I'm not saying throw them out into the wild.

    There's gotta be a balance...
  14. Repliku Chaser

    I think that sheltering a kid is not the wisest thing either and even in such an atmosphere, kids can learn bad stuff but this is where 'discipline' and structure come in. When very young, yes, I agree it should be done that the kid is monitored often and parents don't expose them to too much adult 'language' and demeanor. However, as they age they are going to run into it no matter what, and my thought would be that instilling in the child lessons to know that 'yes' the word exists, but should the child use it? Also, if the child is going to use it, well, you better tell them where they can and cannot. Also, parents should tell the kid 'why' so it goes in that kid's moral core beliefs. It could get the child hurt, the child looks like a bad kid and it just makes people not respect the kid. Those are just some reasons.

    Parents have to learn that raising a kid is like a psychological warfare game. Teaching the kid young when it actually is young is the key. It makes total logical sense because kids absorb the most information and start remembering things clearly at around age 3. If kids don't know how to have an internal set of life's lessons for self stability, well, the cops will be knocking on the parents' doors and the parents can have that dumb look of 'how did this happen?'. Censorship from beyond the parents' control by the government etc is just not needed. If parents can't do their jobs, they don't need the kids. I'd rather those kids be in better homes than forcing everyone else to constantly lose privileges because they don't have kids or they raise their kids better.
  15. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Its quiet annoying. When my friends and I went to the park there was a 5-6 year old swearing us off. He called my black friend a ****** and he called me a *****. His mother was also by him, he spit at some of us, and kept cussing us off. The teachers just told us to ignore him, he started kicking us then but we got him out of the park. The mother didn't do a thing about it.

    btw, when he called me a betch,
    A ***** is a dog.
    Dogs bark.
    Bark is part of trees.
    Trees are part of nature.
    Nature is beautiful.
  16. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Its really disgusting how young children are acting towards their elders...

    I mean, the other day I saw a five year old shout ''F***ing mcdonald C*nt'' towards an old lady because she had a slight curvature on her spine.

    But in the end, it all comes down to what sort of enviornment they are exposed to, and what type of people they meet.

    The little kids are like little sponges, absorbing all the words adults come up with... And the attitude of an adult or older sibling.
  17. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    Todays's kids a gettin' a bad education, gettin' spoiled by crappy anime, brainwashed by sh*tty bands and dreaaaaadful cartoons and exposed to too much of the internet, ESPECIALLY when it comes to MySpace. D:

    All in all, I blame the greedy corporates, parents and peer pressure
  18. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    I know a young girl at about 5 years old that goes on myspace...

    And like you said Kaihedgie, I totallty agree with you.
  19. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i feel as though the standards are so much lower for them
  20. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    IMO I don't think most parents care if they sware in fount of thair kids, I know my mum doesn't, and I sometimes let a bad word slip when I'm talking to my little brothers, but we do tell them off if they repeat what we say.

    But it's not all because of the parents, but I was on a park a few years ago and there was this teenage girl, and she sent this kid who looked back 5 to come up to me and call me a fat b***, but I gave the girl a dirty look since I knew they kid didn't know what he was doing.

    We just have to make sure kid don't learn bad words, then tell them off if they do happen to use bad words.