Three angels

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Scarred Nobody, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. LittleArtistNamine Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 24, 2008
    the computer. XD
    You trying to make me cry aren't you? I usually don't cry. Ask PyroLover, she had a very emotional fan-fiction, that she cried writing. I don't cry easily...

    ANYWAYS, great job, and thanks for notifying me that the chapter was up.
  2. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    yeah, i see how you can get confused. Since it's my story, my interpritation is that he does love her because she is willing to become a human just for him.

    Oh i'm sorry.
    And your welcome.
  3. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    finally chapter 6 is up!

    Chapter 6: Christmas
    All of his finals for school was finished, and he did well i might add; and it was finally Christmas break. He spent it the normal way he always did, sitting in front of the television. During the day, his mom would got to work, and at night she'd go in dates.

    He would drive to the mall and have Clare in her human form. They needed to buy her some clothes so she could have something to wear when she finally becomes human in afew days. Kuri and Toka also became human so they can also have some fun. Clare would ask Mike to judge what she would pick out.

    While walking down, Clare saw a window that had a lime-green sweater. She imagined on how it would look on her body; she might be an angel, but she is still a girl. She saw the price tag and saw it was $299.99. She lowered her head and started walking away from the sweater.

    While walking, Mike ran into his mother. He knew she'd finally want to meet the
    girl known as Clare. There was no way to avoid this confrontation.

    "Hey Mike." His mother said. "I"m doing some last week shopping."

    "Me too mom.' He said. Clare was at his side, holding his hand. "Oh- This is my girlfriend Clare." She blushed alittle. "I'll go get us some drinks." He ran in the other direction. She knew who she was for sixteen years, but she never actually got to talk to her.

    "Clare right?" His mom started. Clare nodded at her. "Look, if this is some kind of a joke, break it off. His father left us when he was three years-old. I just don't want to see him hurt."

    "No-no. This isn't a joke. It's the real deal, i swear." Clare said. "I care about MIke a lot, and he's told me about his dad. He thinks i'm some kind of angel."

    "Okay." The mother spoke. "It was nice talking to you." His mom walked away with a man, possibley her boyfriend she mentioned before. When Mike finally got back with the bags, they continued looking for gifts.

    On Christmas day, he got $300; all from different relatives. He also got a new game system, and a new jacket to where. He kept thinking on how the L.O.D. ceremony was only 6 days away.

    He went into his room and saw the girls. "Ready for the big day?" He asked Clare. She nodded at the boy. "I think you'll look nice in this." He pulled a lime-green sweater from under his bed. The girl was in shock.

    "How did you-"

    "You might be an angel, but you don't see everything." He started explaining. "I saw you looking at it. I wanted to buy myself a new laptop, but I just felt i should get this instead. I saw you eyeing it at the mall that day." The rus to get some drinks finally made perfect sence.

    "Is this-" She started; "Is this really mine?" She asked him. The sweater looked exactly like it did in the window that day.

    "Here come the water works" Toka said. Kuri decided to slap her on the head..

    "Shut up!" Kuri yelled at her. "I think it's very romantic." Clare gave Mike a kiss.

    "Merry Christmas." he said to her.
  4. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    chapter 7 is up.

    CHAPTER 7: Judgement day
    The six day gap between December 25th and December 31 seemed like forever in Clare's eyes. Between the time, they would just sit in his room and talk; what would they do first, what she enjoyed, ect. They were able to create a fantastic story on why she has to live in the guest room: Her apartment building burnt down, her parents died in it, and she has no other family. The tears from Clares eye's were convincing enough for his mother.

    The day she dreamed of for weeks had finally arrived. They decided to do the ceremony early in the morning. The sun had just gone over the horizon, so they could start at anytime. Clare seemed nervious, she recited the spell in her head many times before.

    "This is goodbye Clare." Toka said.

    "What do you mean?" She asked.

    "It's true." Kuri spoke. "If you do the ceremony, you won't be able to hear or see us. It's like we don't exsist in your world."

    Clare gave a sad look; leaving behind her dearest friends just for a boy. Sure, when they turn human for a short portion she can see them, but not at all times? She gave them both one last hug, and nodded to Mike.

    "I Clare, give up my immortal living to be a human, live the humans. I now know the risks and reasons of this decission, now change me. Change me into a being of sin." A giant wind impailed her.

    "Clare!" Mike yelled. He ran to hold her. She was still transforming in the boys arms, having him in the force. She could lift her arms to just hold his body. He squeezed onto her for dear life, never letting go of her. This one true moment was the final piece that gave him the ability to love her as much as she loved him.

    The gust faded, and they standing on his bed, holding eachother. She slowly opened her humnan eyes, only seeing him. She gave a small smile at him, and he smiled back. She kissed him, and he returned with the same passion. This is what they believed what true love is, like those in fairy tales or in the movies.

    "What's this wierd pain in my stomache?" Clare asked.

    "I guess your hungry." Mike ran out to the fridge. He got a loaf of raisian bread, an apple, and a handful of grapes. His mom just got out of bed, sipping her coffee. She looked at Mike's eyes, noticing that he was crying.

    "Are you okay Mike?" She asked him cautiosly.

    "Never better Ma." He replied to her. He ran back into his small room and handed her the apple. She took a small bit out of the orb.

    "This is delisious." She told him. She also ripped off a piece of the raisan bread and put it in her mouth. "So is this. Try it!" She ripped off another piece and shoved it in his mouth. There was a knock at the door.

    "Oh Clare." His mom said. "I was just checking in. You guys want some juice?"

    "Yes please!" Clare replied. She finished off the bread and continued with the apple. Mike then slowly feed her grapes slowly, one by one; like when a man would feed his goddess in anciant times. After the meal, they walked down to the park to sit under the shady tree.
  5. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Aww, I can't believe Clare won't be able to see her friends! That's so sad =(.
  6. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Allright Tummer,chapter 8 is soon to come.This story is getting really good.No wait,it already is.Keep going Tummer,I wanna see the end!!!!!XD
  7. Konefeddi Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 7, 2008
    AAAAAWWWWWWW!!!! How cutieeeee!!! I have a question tho: Are the angels the same size as a human while in Angel mode?
  8. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    To answer that no. They are shorter in angelic form than human form. An example is in chapter 2 when Clare first becomes human, and he is surprised. She grew taller; so if she stayed the same size, he would think she was still an angel (although her wings would disappear).
  9. Wulphie! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 20, 2008
    Right behind you .
    I loved it!
    This has got to be one of the best story's I've read yet.
    But I'm so sad it's almost over!
    Only 3 more(Is it 3?)??!
  10. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Okay guys, i decided to upload both chapter 8 and 9 together. It's kinda like a chirstmas present to all of you.

    Chapter 8: New Life
    Clare got use to her new life as a human. From the outside, she was like any other normal teeage girl. They transfered her into his school, and showed her what it's like to be a true human. One day, the two lovers ran into Sam.

    "Your still with this clown?" He asked.

    "Shut the hell up!" She yelled. She let out a kick into his groin. He fell to the ground in pain. She felt a sence of pride, while Mike was in shock. He pulled her into the hallway.

    "You can't just kick people, even if they deserve it." He explained. She gave him "the sympathy look." It seemed to be her only defence against his anger. He kissed her on the cheek. "Just be more careful."

    At lunch, she met up with Jason. She felt like hugging him for all the help he gave to Mike, but she held back. Instead, she treated the both of them to lunch. Toka and Kuri looked at it as if they were watching a sit-com.

    "This gets so annoying." Clare complained when she was doing homework.

    "Just relax." He told her. He was writting in a book.

    "I can't. This is too stressful. It's so hard to understand."

    "How about now." He gave her a kiss. "Clare, wi-"

    "Guys! Dinner!" His mom called.

    She had a strange eating habbit. She would eating signicantly more food than he would. I guess not eating for a long time did have an affect on her.

    After school, Clare was walking by herself. Mke had to take a chemestry test, and he was the only one with a license. Kuri was walking with her, just for protection. Mike was walking around talking with Toka, relaxed. They saw Kuri flying there way.

    "Mike, he's got her!" She cried.

    "What?" He asked. He recieved a text message from Clare's fone.

    I have her, you want her. Meet me in the gym. You better hurry. Sam.

    "B*sterd." He said. "I have to go."

    "Mike, he has a knife. I have an idea." Kuri said.

    Chapter 9: Love and war
    He slowly walked into the gym, it was decorated for the dance the next day. He saw Clare tied up and blindfolded. Her cloths were cut, as was her limbs. He ran to take off the blindfold.

    "Mike, no." She said. "Get out of here. Foget about me, i'm nothing."

    "You should listen to her." Sam said. Mike pulled out his phone. "Calling the cops?" He cut Mike's hand, making him drop it. "Let's not ruin this moment. Let me explain this slowly. You die, then your girlfriend dies."

    He punched Mike in the stomache, letting him fall to the ground. His breath smelt of alchol. Clare was crying in the corner, and Mike was bleeding. Sam cut his leg, and started laughing.

    "You die here." He said. He raised his hand, then a bang. A bullet hit him in his hand, releasing the knife. His hand was bleeding, while another bullet got him in the leg.

    "Officer White, requesting paramedics." His mother said. "Thanks for the tip, Toka."

    "I heard a noise, and acted on instinct." She said in a convincing voice.

    "Ch-ch-ch..." Mike stuttered. "Pawn takes king. Checkmate." Mike crawled with Sams knife to cut down Clare. She was in terrible pain, crying. She finally fell to the floor.

    "Mike?" She said. "We won?"

    "Yes. The reason i stayed was becasue of this." He pulled out a scarlet red box. He opened it to find a ring. "Clare, will you-"

    "Yes." She said. "Yes, yes yes." She slowly kissed him. Mike started to fall. He went into unconsiouness when the paramedics arrived.
  11. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>

    Awwww. How romatic. Oh my god i sound like that chick from DI!!
    I liked it. The 10th chaptetr is going to be the wedding.
  12. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Would your sequel be about Mike and Clare, or would you kind of make a new story about characters in a similar situation?
  13. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Hm, i guess i would involve a different cast, and those two could have a camio appearance.
  14. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    In that case, it would be cool to have a sequel. But might I recommend you make longer chapters? It's hard to get really into a story when each part is so small.
  15. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Yeah. Well, i didn't really think that my story would be popular. To be honest, i thought only one or two people would be intersted in this thing.
  16. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Okay, here is the finale of the story of "Three Angels". I've done a lot to come this far, and now planning on a sequel. We'll, enough stalling here is...

    Chapter 10: Final Chapter
    It has now been two weeks since the tragic end to the day. It was late at night, and Mike was in the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit). A nurse on duty was watching him for a moment, when his eye lids started to move. In a matter of seconds, his eyes fully opened to the dark world. The clock read 2:30 AM, the nurse ran out of the room. He looked to his side, and saw Clare sleeping by his side, a Rosery in her hand. The same nurse from before came back again with a cup of apple juice.

    "Drink it." The woman told him. "You should feel lucky. That girl has never left your side, even missing school."

    He slowly stroked the sleeping girls hair, calming her in her sleep. The days events were slowly returning to his head.

    "Nurse, how long have i been asleep?" He asked her.

    "I think you've been here for the past two weeks." The nurse commented. "You must be starving from your nap. I'll go get you your breakfast."

    Mike then slowly reached for Clares hand. He moved the beeded string from her hand and held onto it. He felt a small rock on her ring finger. He let out a small smile. He tried to move his neck over to kiss her, but he was too weak. He was falling asleep again, but Clare finally awoke.

    "Mike!" Clare said in excitment. "Don't fall asleep again! Don't leave me!"

    "It's okay Clare." He reasured her. He kept holding onto her hand. "I'm okay now. I just want to rest a little more, i'll be back tomorrow, before midnight."

    "Promise?" She asked him.

    "Will the sun today?" He asked her. He then fell asleep again, and Clare wept at his side. He needed just a litte rest, to exausted to do anything really. He was too tired to even kiss her.

    During that day, he drempt, of him and her. It was a sunny summer day and the two were at the park. They were having a small picnic, and no one else was there. Not a small child going down a slide, or even a dog chasing a ball around. The two of them were the only two beings at this place. As he promised the girl, he awoke before his 12 AM deadline, but it was late.

    "Told you." He said. He let out a small laugh. He was able to pick himself up and sit. He slowly moved over to let the girl sit next to him. She held him in her arms, her tears falling onto his body.

    "Don't ever leave me again." The girl said. He slowly grabbed her hand.

    "See this ring," He started to tell her. "This is a promise of that. That for the rest of our lives, no matter what; we will always be together. Even if we are miles apart, nothing will ever break us apart."

    He wrapped his arm around her, and she leaned onto his side. He looked at her arm, and saw a scar. There was no blood around it, but it was to large to not notice.

    "Clare, your arm!" He pointed out. "How bad are you, are YOU okay?"

    "Yes, he didn't get me as bad as he did you." She told him.

    "Thank god." He said. She stared leaning on his sholder again, relaxing.

    "I'm perfectly fine." She told him. "And so is the baby."

    THE END!​
  17. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Aww, that's so romantic! I love Mike and Clare. =)
  18. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Thanks. I"m going to start posting something different just to fill in the gap between now and the sequel. I still need to fully know what i'm going to do.