The Yugioh Card Duel Arena 9.0

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta, Jul 30, 2012.

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  1. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    There are some good players there yes. But most of them aren't is what I'm saying. A good many of them don't even fully know the rules...

    Do you even know why I'm saying all this stuff again now? It's because I thought maybe everyone either didn't see or had forgotten earlier and that it was the only way to shut you guys up.

    I just thought it might help Fred understand if I said this earlier:
    But no I can't even talk anymore without someone butting in and going off on me and getting on my case...

    And it's just as I thought even when I told about my life problems to people nobody even gave a fuсk. I should just leave this arena altogether. And no I don't mean just Dueling this time, I mean altogether. I mean not even post here and talk to you guys anymore. I'm sick of this ѕhit. I can't even talk anymore and be myself. You guys are making me rage. And I don't wanna end up destroying something of value or hurting one of my family in the process of this.
  2. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    You my friend
    Can never stop me from using doctor who references. I will not be exterminated or deleted. With all the arguing go around over here we all need a doctor. lol

    I havnt even talked to Rafael in forever
  3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    I'm sure you all think that I'm just a dick and whatnot so I'm just gonna go ahead and say this too:

    I've had a hard life. I've been bullied, teased, picked on, rejected, disowned, abused, heartbroken, called a freak and a loser and many other things. It's a wonder that I've even turned out THIS nice...

    I'm sure you all couldn't care less though so I don't know why the fuсk I'm even saying this...
  4. SirFred131 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 6, 2011
    Since this bit is the most important, I'm putting it at the top to be sure you read it, instead of the likely case that you read part way through and then decide this post isn't worth reading.

    as Brooklyn just mentioned to me via IM; the point where people started getting majorly involved was when you started saying people on DN weren't as good as people in tournaments. That everyone on DN was a newbie. After your first post, I took thirty nine minutes to reply, during which time there was not a single post. After that, a further hour and twenty minutes passed before you replied, during which time there was not a single post. Six minutes after that post, Brooklyn replied trying to get you to realize that tournaments and DN weren't so different. Four minutes later, you replied saying that there was a giant difference. In the three minutes after that, both Brooklyn and Terra had replied. In the thirty five minutes since your second post it took me to type out mine, both Star and Stardust had also gotten involved, and nearly two pages had generated.

    When you talk about DN, which almost everyone here is a part of, you involve almost everyone here.

    Now then, on to the post I had before he said anything.

    The thing is.. We don't agree on things. We say one thing, you make a statement we don't agree with to try to show us that we're "wrong" and help us understand the "right" answer, we argue with you about it, then you get self-righteous and say you're too stressed by real life and shouldn't even come here anymore. It's not that no one cares about your Real Life problems, it's that people are tired of you starting an argument, making some points, we counter them, and then you use your Real Life problems as an excuse to stop arguing so you don't have to back up your points. That may not be the reasoning, but it sure looks like the reasoning, to the point where every time you post something long, people expect the argument to end with you giving a line about how you're too stressed from Real Life and don't have the time for this and should leave.

    And look what just happened. You made a long post I didn't agree with, I tried to counter those points, you tried to counter mine, I went off on you about how "IRL meta tournament" does not equal "the real game" you replied trying to end the conversation in a way that was basically just sidestepping the entire argument, I wanted you to reply to what I had said, you basically said "I have nothing to say about that", I pointed out how what you were doing against DN is basically the same as what racist people do to people of other races, you said "I have personal issues just ask a competitive player" I said " 'Kay give me a name." You said "Sooo much stress lolo lolo" Rafael and Brooklyn both said "There are good people on DN." You said "No one cares about me and my stress I should just leave."

    Ah, here's another thing. The moment you start making excuses is the moment you lose. I enjoy running, and challenging myself through that, trying to run further than I have before, even though I'm mainly a speed runner, not a distance runner. From that I've learned that the moment I think "well it's okay if I stop now, I've gone far enough." is the moment my legs start to give out and I end up stopping. If I notice that my legs are starting to get tired and instead of saying "it's okay to stop" I say "I can't stop now. I need to go further and further, I wont stop." it gets harder, as I'm pushing myself, but I can keep running. I don't need to stop. The body is an extension of the will, and when you lose the will to get better, you stop trying to get better, and you start getting worse. I've found the same holds true for most things. When you start to make excuses for yourself, saying "I may not be the nicest person, but bad things have happened to me so I'm entitled to be mean. They should appreciate how nice I'm being" not only do you stop trying to be nicer, you also start to be meaner. This is what I have learned through this life, and I offer it to you as advice. It is your choice whether you accept it or not. I wish you the best of luck in dealing with yourself and others.
  5. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    I'm just tired of trying to explain things to you because it does no good. One time you said something about Ancient Scared Wyvern being better than BLS. I can definitely tell you that if you said that to a competitive player they'd laugh in your face. And I've tried explaining things to you too many times and it never does any good so that's why I'm stopping.

    I'm sorry I know I've been harsh but I just get really worked up when someone get's stubborn with me when I know that they're wrong. That's just something that I need to work on.

    I wish you could talk to my mentor. It's his fault that we've fought about all these things in the first place. I could never convince him that he was wrong about E-Heroes being bad and then he would always just end the conversation and I guess he's rubbed off on me...

    And he'd always tell me that my playing on DN and in my videogames meant nothing because it wasn't a IRL meta tournament. And he said it "wasn't the real game" because of that. And I hated hearing that too believe me. I thought playing on DN should at least count for something. I have to say you're definitely alot more encouraging to me than he is. And he also told me awhile back that he would only be impressed if I got in the top 5 at my locals.

    Thank you. I'll tell you right now this hasn't been easy though. I can't even get the proper help for my disability and my parents are having to try to keep me away from my grandmother cuz I despise her. If you have some advice for me I'd love to hear it.
  6. SirFred131 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 6, 2011
    The Ancient Sacred Wyvern, as I recall, was only about OTK potential, disregarding summoning it. Even then I was wrong, as I was always thinking from a base of 8k LP, and lower than that BLS's double strike wins out in most cases.

    For the arguing.. It's equally my fault, and always has been since our first duel. It seems that you're ready to listen to what I can say, so I hope that will help me be better about listening to your points, and then maybe we can stop arguing so much.

    As for your mentor, I wish I could talk to him too, and duel him. Then we could see how my skills as someone who has never played in any tournament, nor used his deck outside of DN can compare to him as someone who plays in tournaments. If I won, perhaps it would help both of you, and if not perhaps I would learn something.

    Unfortunately.. Or I suppose fortunately.. A family member that I truly dislike is never something I've had to deal with. My barrier against anger has always been my natural apathy, and I can't exactly say "Just don't care." to someone who does care. All I can say is if you want to stop hating them, never give up trying. If you don't want to stop hating them, your efforts probably wont mean anything as there wont be much will behind them.
  7. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    I wish that too. I REALLY wish that somebody would put him in his place...But actually I could give you his email and you could contact him and Duel him on DN. I'd really love it if you could kick his ass for me. He never listens to a single thing I say and says mean things to me and he even had the gall to tell me that I should "stop using E-heroes and use a real deck". (By that he meant a real competitive deck) But screw him. I'll play whatever kind of deck I wanna play and I'll use E-Heroes whenever I feel like it. And I think everyone else should do the same. It would really help if you could beat him. I'd be alot more willing to listen to you than him and we'd probably never argue ever again if you could beat him in a Duel. Both me and terra almost beat him once so I think you could do it.

    Here's some of my convo with him from awhile back:
    So yeah it would really help if you could Duel him and beat him for me. I'm sick of this butthole and wish that someone would prove him wrong and put him in his place...

    And unfortunately for me I've always had a problem with anger and dealing with people who make me mad...
  8. Brooklyn Moogle Assistant

    May 22, 2011
    I have a very clear memory of him saying to Terra somewhere close to.. "I've never gotten a hand this bad." when Terra was beating him.
  9. SirFred131 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 6, 2011
    I can't believe that idiot is saying luck doesn't exist >.> when the probability of drawing the card you need to win is 1/27 and you draw it, that is the thing called "good luck". When there is a .03% chance of drawing all traps, and you draw all traps, that is "luck" good or bad. Someone who doesn't understand that.. Shouldn't act like there's no chance of him drawing poorly. His deck can't be designed to reduce the chance of having a starting hand of 2x CotH and 3x Phoenix Wing, it's just not possible. Whatever other cards he has, any deck with those cards at the same amounts and with the same deck size has an equal, quite low, chance of getting that starting hand. The only way to reduce that chance is to run more than forty cards, which is bad for consistency. rawr. [/annoyed]
  10. Rafael Yuki Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 26, 2011
    That Guy,is a Idiot.I Hate People like Him.]
    Give me his e-mail,Please.

    Omg...How Can you call that a mentor? he is so Stupid..
  11. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Wow.... Your mentor is an dick. I'd go kick his ass myself if i didn't suck
  12. *Loves e heros* *Brings out long wood pole* Where is this guy, I need to burn him to the ground.
    Probability? Dude sounds like his is a Harvard Grad with a a huge problem with statistics. Probability is just a scientific word for luck, and Vegas is where most learn about lady luck's power, I should know, I live there don't I?

    Why don't we just go find em and hit him over the head with a big stick?
  13. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains

    My most sincere apologies to everyone. Especially to Fred and Brooklyn. I've been around that guy way too much. And he's responsible for all our fights and arguments. It's because of him that I thought the way I did for so long. Hope you guys accept my apology.
  14. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    I'm gonna go ahead and apologise up front because this isn't the time but....
    In that context, it would be "accept" not "except"
    Well, now that that's over with....Yeah....
  15. Hey Jaden... Wanna blow off some steam? Well here is my idea... One of us actually makes an official rp thread for the arena... If this is a yes, then name sugestion
    Duel Arena Stories: Dark card Existance?
    I have a bit of a rolepley planned anyway...
  16. SirFred131 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 6, 2011
    Honestly, your words sound like tricks. They don't sound sincere. I accept your apology, and it is not in my nature to hold a grudge.. But please don't act like he was forcing you to think as you did. The reason you think that way is probably partly his fault, perhaps even mainly his fault, but he didn't force you to think that way. He didn't force you to argue his points with us. He is partly to blame for why you think this way, yes, but the "responsibility" is with those who argue, not with those who taught the arguers. Please don't make it sound like he is the only reason for the arguments. That said, if you are sincere, I wish you the best of luck with trying to change your way of thinking, and would like to point out that he doesn't need to be beaten for that to happen.
  17. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    Did you not see me quote Taylor Swift?

    "Its alright, Just wait and see your, String of lights are still bright to me,Oh. Who you are is not where you've been~~
    You're still an innocent.~"

    Nice way to get people to like your fandom, Say "Look , I'm being annoying and provoking you and you can't stop it."
  18. Rafael Yuki Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 26, 2011
    What deck do your "Mentor" Use? dino Rabbit? inzektors? Or a Chaos Build?
  19. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    Against me, he used Chaos ...
  20. SirFred131 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 6, 2011
    He definitely used to use Chaos, but he's probably changed it.
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