The Tybic Redemption

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destined, May 6, 2008.

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  1. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "Oh. Okay." she said. The spirit sword's core started to get even brighter. Then she gently took hold of Soul Calibur's handle, in case the Nobodies or Heartless came in.
  2. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    occ: got no one to role play with. I'm lost, need a summary. Can someone save me from execution?
    Seth was walked over to the execution stand, and was pushed down. They chained him there, and a buff, dark, muscular man with an axe walked over to him.
    An old man in blue robes, probably a man with the law, opened a scroll, and read off of it. "Seth Clayn. You are charged with assasination of the royal highness. Previous crimes commited by this man is as followed:
    Impersonating a priest, assasinating many fellow people cold bloodedly, for money. You are hereby sentenced to death."
    The man called this out to the people who had a heart to watch executions, hangings, torturings, and shootings. Maybe to amusement, Seth didn't know. The muscular man unsheathed his axe, and held it over Seths head.
  3. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    "I take it this isn't your first run in with nobodies." DIZ said looking at Ninth. Then turning to the rest of the group he then asked everyone. "Have any of you heard of Organization XIII?"
  4. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: I would save you, Soranspartanti, but I can't appear there randomly. D:

    BIC: "You could say that." Ninth said, chuckling. "Yen Sid here might know this already from my attire, but I was part of the Chaser organization. I was the ninth, and the last member, to ever be inducted. Hence the name Ninth Caliber. We used to keep harmony in the worlds like these using keyblades like those," he said, with a motion to the various keyblades in his friends' hands. "Until, we were all killed, except for me. So, no. This isn't my first trip around the block. Though.. I have heard of Organization XIII. A minor group of nobodies banding together to try and take over Kingdom Hearts. They were a minor threat at the time, but it's been a few years since I've looked into them at all."
  5. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    "I see. But I think it would be unwise to completely over look them. I have reason to believe they are gathering they're strength. None the less at this point I think our main concern is Malifiecent. I believe we should focus on her for the moment." he paused a moment and then said " But also I would like to ask everyone another question. Have you all heard of a man named Ansem?"
  6. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    occ: hmm...I'll have to save myself! how, though...I'm chained down, I can't use hands, nor feet. Is this ok? Or is this a little bit God-modding?
    Seth watched the man lift his axe.
    Seth, chained down, had no way to ever escape.
    He watched the man hold the axe over his head, and practiced chopping.
    He looked at where his hands were chained to.
    He moved his hands, and the chains, jingling, moved up the posts they were put on to.
    They're lose, he thought.
    He lifted them both up, and the chains flew up the post, the ring on them leaving the post, and Seth moved his hands to whip the executioner.
    The executioner dropped his axe, and was slapped again by Seth's hands, which were chained. The chains coiled around the buff man's foot.

    "Get the chains back down!" a guard said.

    Seth got up, which pulled the executioner off his feet, which were coiled.
    He quickly unravveled the chains, and kicked the executioner off the stand.
    Seth grabbed the axe, which was really heavy. He swung around, being pulled by the force of the weight, and let go.
    The axe landed against the poles that chained Seth's feet, and Seth was freed. He grabbed his chains, quickly taking off his boots to slide them off.
    The poles fell down, rolling, then into the crowd.

    The crowd of people ran for their lives in the commotion, and the guards were trying to get past, with no avail.
    The captain of the watch looked at the commotion, and yelled, "I want that man dead! Right now!"
    A few spell casters ran through the stand, and summoned bolts of energy that they threw at Seth.

    Seth moved his hands around, slashing at the spellcasters with his chains.

    A spellcaster behind the ranks summoned a wall of fire around Seth.

    Seth whipped the spellcaster with his chains, still on the stand.
    He whipped the chain around, and used the other ring part to hook onto a rooftop. He swung through the fire, shutting his eyes.
    He swung onto the ground, then quickly moved his hand backwards to get the ring off the rooftop, and ran for his life.
  7. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Nah, that's not God-Modding.

    BIC: "Ansem...? No. Can't say I have. Didn't he rule Hollow Bastion back in the day or something like that?" Ninth said, trying to remember anyone by that name. "Anyway, that's possible, there've been more and more heartless-related attacks lately, so with every dead human, there's a small chance a nobody could be created. Maybe we should look into that."
  8. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    ooc: can i take xemnas since i only have one person?

    bic: Atropos looked at the door. The sword's internal light was bright enough to light up a third of the room. She walked over to the door and opened a small crack. There was a small group of Nobodies led by someone in a black coat. "When you guys were talking about Organization XIII before, do you mean him?" she warned them opening the door wide open.
  9. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Seth jumped behind some crates and barrels, behind some cargo, the guards searching for him, running past him.
    "Where'd he go?" A soldier said.
    "He was here a moment ago!" Another said.
    "Search the ships! Delay every single ride!" The captain of the watch yelled. "I want that prisoner dead!"

    Angry..Seth thought, sitting down, and looking at his chains which were long. I'd have to cut these if there is any sense in escaping...

    occ: can I make a new character? like, the captain of the watch guy, so he'd be rightfully mine?
  10. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Gladly, we need more Evil people.

    IF they reacure then sure.

    "The Chasers it seems were not above the inevitable. I must inform you all of this last kernel of information:

    You are all strong of heart, which is why your swords are unique, but there are three keyblade wielders. You must find them. Only with their combined hearts can you defeat Maleficent and her allies."

    The door blasted open, as a lone figure surrounded by hovering white beings entered the room. Yen Sid rose, his eyes blazing with anger and recognition. "You."
  11. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    occ: pardon? I don't know what reacure is. Can I take Malifecent also?
    Seth placed his hands in his pockets, pulling in as much chains as he could, and stealthily walked with the barrels and crates, obscured from view. He got an idea in his mind. A blacksmith!
    occ: i so copied pirates of the caribean..
  12. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Few people are." Ninth muttered. "Do you at least know something about these three people, besides that they wield a keyblade? Their gender, age, appearance? Anything?"

    The figure and his lackies entered the room, and Ninth drew his weapons. Expertly aiming them between the newcomer's eyes he said, "You would be.. who? I just love making new friends. Then I usually pump them full of lead."
  13. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    occ: g2g. don't post too much.
  14. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Xemnas entered the room and looked at Ninth. "How foolish of you, to challenge me." he said to him. He raised a hand and fired a bolt of nothingness at the guns. He turned back to Yen Sid and bowed. "Master Yen Sid. It is nice to see you again." he greeted. Noticing others looking at him, he looked to his sides. "And I'm not surprised to see the you here either, you majesty. But why are you here, Ansem the Wise? There is no need to hide your face from me."
  15. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    "!" Ansem was suprised by how this man had seen so easily through his disguise. He removed the bandages on his head to reveal his true face. "It's funny how you call me by my real name after you and your Heartless stole it from me, Xehenort." Ansem said with clamly but at the same time with anger in his eyes.
  16. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Ninth's momentary shock, turned into a chuckle, as the gun's flew from his hands and hit the ceiling. "Sorry pal," Ninth said as he stooped to retrieve his weapons. "But, ceilings stop you from throwing stuff, y'know?"

    Raising his guns back to the position they were in, he asked DiZ, "DiZ.. uh, Ansem, who exactly is this guy?"
  17. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    "My apprentice." said Ansem. "So Xehenort why have come here?" he asked adressing the nobody.

    Ooc: It just occured to me Roxas doesn't exsist here since Sora never became a heartless. So how does this effect the Organization?
  18. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    ooc: i think it has something to do with tybic's nobody. it is on the character list.

    bic: "Xehanort? How long has it been since I have dropped that name." Xemnas told Ansem. "My name is Xemnas. And care nothing about my Heartless. His heart is what I need." he continued. Then he went into a small portal of darkness and moved behind Ninth. "I have no intention of taking your lives. But if I must..." He placed his other aerial blade at his throat, since Luxord took one when he wasn't looking. " be it."

    During all that, Atropos was taking care of the Nobodies that followed Xemnas. "Any help here?!" she called out at them.
  19. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Seth ran into the blacksmith that he found, still carefully checking around for guards.
    He ran in, and looked around.

    "Uh..what can I help you with, sir?" The blacksmith greeted.

    Seth thought. He whiped out his chains, knocking the blacksmith in the forehead, knocking him out.
    Can't show him the chains...Seth thought, dragging the chains along, and looking for something to break it.
    He looked at the furnace.
    Seth ran to the furnace, stepping over the Blacksmiths body, and placed the chains in, and turned the handle, around, and around.
    The machine wizzed and clanked, the machine working, spewing out fire to the chimney.
    He continued to do this, until he pulled out the chains slowly, they crimson red. He took a pick, and jammed at the chains, easily done, but carefully, not to get the chains onto the ground. In the end, Seth got the chains off, getting large tweezers to put them back into the fire. He put his cut chains which were connected to his hands into a bucket filled with water, and stole the Blacksmiths mask, apron, and clothes.
    Seth knocked the Blacksmith again for good measure, and put a broken peice of wood beside his head.
    That oughta fool him, Seth thought as he walked out of the blacksmith, washing his face, so the guards won't recognize his dirty face from the execution stand.
    A perfect escape.
  20. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    With a flick of his wrist, Ninth sent one of his guns hurtling up toward Xemnas. It made contact with the aerial blade at Ninth's neck, and sparks burst forth as the miniature reflect field activated. Diving out of the way, he spun the gun still in his other hand, at the nobodies Atropos was fighting. Shooting a few of them in the back he said to Xemnas, "If you'd really rather not take our lives, then leave."
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