The Sacrificed

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Destined, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    ~Chapter 6~

    The early morning air seemed charged with an unknown energy as Sora slowly trudged up the dirt trade road to his intended goal. A constant breeze blew from the south, causing Sora to inadvertently shiver, and pull the tan traveling cloak every tighter around himself.

    After nearly twenty minutes of following the winding path, the unmistakable coliseum sat confidently at the foot of Mount Olympus, the pride and joy of the Greek god Hercules. I really hope that this works…Sora thought to himself. He shook his head for the hundredth time since l’isola di sogna, the day he and Roxas had been separated, another casualty of the war it seemed. Sora shrugged the thought off and quickened his pace.

    Slowly, the large gold encrusted doors of Olympus Coliseum rose from the marble steps, flanked by two sword wielding gladiators whose swords were raised and touching above the entrance. Sora smiled, remembering the first time he had passed through these doors those many years ago. He pushed open the doors and entered.

    The scene around him was not as he pictured. There were no training courses, no matches currently dueling for victory, not even a single cauldron lit. The massive tournament rankings stood bare. In the distance where the door to the Underworld should have been, stood a massive limestone boulder, blocking entrance to Hade’s domain for those who were tempted to strike a deal with the devil himself.

    Sora glanced around longingly at the empty coliseum and sighed, maybe this wouldn’t work after all. Out of nowhere, a discus launched from the shadows, sailing on a deadly path straight at Sora’s neck. He dropped down, rolling to the side and unsheathed his Hero’s Crest keychain and batted away the stone projectile. Sora blinked, and as he opened his eyes it seemed a flood of discus were hurtling towards him at different speeds and heights. He smirked, and whipped out another keychain, and in one swift motion connected it together with Hero’s Crest.

    Instantly the keyblade transformed, shedding the dual metal pillars and becoming a silver and blood red blade wrapped in bits of marble. The tip became that of a female figure, her pair of wings jutting out to the sides, lethal to the slightest touch. The handle itself transformed and seemed to envelope Sora’s hand creating a bronze fist in its place.

    Sora danced around the arena, smashing and deflecting the flurry of attacks until a minute later, every discus lay discarded or shattered on the ground. Behind Sora, the sound of slow applause caused him to whip around, to see Phil moving towards him slowly, a look of dazed amazement in his eyes. “Didn’t think a Junior Hero could pull something like that off…”

    Sora smiled, “It’s good to see you too Phil.”

    “You know, it’s a good thing you stopped by today,” Phil stated, rapidly pacing back and forth, his wheels churning, “You could be bigger than all the other combatants, I could make you a star kid, you taken down Hades, Cloud and Sephiroth…The Legendary Key Master, that’ll bring ‘em from every corner of the universe to take you on, you need a lot of training, don’t get me wrong but still…”

    “Phil! Hold on buddy,” Sora broke in, holding up his hands, “I’m not here to compete, I need to see Hercules.”

    At the mention of his name, Phil’s presence fell. “You’re on your own kid. Herc ain’t here anymore…”

    Phil nodded. “Since everything fell apart on Macalania, Zeus sent him back up to Mt. Olympus. That’s why the Coliseum is in the disarray you see before you.”

    “When might he be back? Is there anyway—“

    “Save it kid, you know I can’t tell you when he’ll be back. And the only way you’d be able to meet him face to face is to be a god yourself, which you are not. Sorry kid, looks like you’re just left with me.”

    “…that could work.”

    Phil turned around, his auburn colored goatee showing signs of gray. “What could work?”

    “Well, I figured since Hercules was descendant from the Greek Gods, that he’d be able to translate this,” Sora explained while removing the tablet from inside his cloak, “We aren’t sure what it mean’s but I saw markings like these when I was here six years ago. Mind taking a look?”

    Phil stepped forward and took the tablet, blowing excess dust from it.

    “Θα επανελθω, η ημερα ο γιος μου ειναι να χαθει το ηλικιες, φερνοντας μαζι μου ολες τις ψυχες δικες μου. Roughly it translates to: ‘I shall return, the day my son is lost to the ages, bringing with me the souls of all those I own’. Does that help?”

    Sora didn’t answer, as the words rattled around inside his head. I shall return, the day my son is lost to the ages, bringing with me the souls of all those I own…my sons is lost…is it referring to Ansem or Xehanort? Wait...son… “Riku…?”

    “Did you say something kid?” Phil asked, handing back the tablet.

    Sora shook his head, his mind trying to determine the next step to take. This could be the lead I need to find Riku, but what if it’s not Riku, could it be something that is beyond my level? Kairi, what should I do…”

    The Coliseum dissolved around Sora as his mind flashed back. Kairi stood on the debris-riddled beach staring off into the distant horizon. “You can’t go after him Sora. Even if it he did enter that wormhole, we can’t cross the border, it would lead Kingdom Hearts into a war.”

    Sora stood behind her staring at the tablet. His emotions were being pulled in different directions. Find his friend and betray Kairi, or let Riku become only a memory… “I just want some answers to this Kairi. Maybe Hercules will be able to shed some light on this.” He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her waist and embracing her, the scent of spring greeting him. “I won’t do anything without first contacting you ok?”

    The beach dissolved back into the dark coliseum as Sora continued to stare at the tablet. “It’s nothing, just remembering the old days.”

    Phil nodded, “What I wouldn’t give to travel back to those days and sail around the world seeing the sights, shame the world is flat right?”

    “That’s it!” The wheels locked and Sora hastily turned and raced toward the exit, leaving Phil staring at his departure. “Your…welcome?”

    Sora raced down the mountain and jumped high, super gliding down the remainder, shooting toward his docked gummi ship. If he’s there, then its possible that I can steal it…

    He dropped to the ground and entered the cockpit, and began preflight procedures but his hands paused over a picture frozen in time of the three of them playing around on Destiny Island, knowing that he should contact Kairi, but stopped and lit the ignition, rocketing the ship toward the cosmos. “It’s just a small side trip Kai.”


    Kairi sat inside the spacious and well furnished office of the leader of Kingdom Hearts, signing away furiously at a stack of veto’s and requests received from all the worlds since the attacks.

    She sighed, and glanced out the window at the sweeping gardens and false happiness that everyone in the castle was feeling.

    Naminè, is what I am doing justified?

    Of course you are Kairi, you are doing what your heart feels is right for your people.

    But Sora…

    Sora just needs time to figure things out, you and I both know what he’s gone through without having Roxas…

    Should I let him try and find Riku, maybe he is behind all this.

    Kairi, you know that Riku could never destroy Destiny Island, it’s as much his home as yours and Sora’s.

    A knocking on the door brought Kairi out of her inner conversation. “Yes?”

    The door opened slowly, as one of the guards approached, holding a series of more requests. “Not more requests.” Kairi playfully groaned.

    The guard smiled, “Not entirely, these are requests for warrants to arrest pirates that have been terrorizing the Caribbean worlds of Port Royal, Cuba, and the Far East worlds of Land of Dragons and Singapore.”

    Kairi accepted the stack of warrant requests and began to grant her approval, not bothering to check the names. “Well at least there’s still someone trying to maintain justice.”

    Port Royal glistened in the weaning minutes before sunset. Luxurious battleships and private boats passed into and out of the small inlet harbor. But something seemed different since the last time he, Donald and Goofy had set foot on this colonial town. Sora walked down from the hills as he tugged uncomfortably at the new duds he had changed into before landing. He wanted answers to questions that not many people would deem appropriate for someone as recognizable as himself to be asking.

    Sora passed around a series of homes and marketplaces, as he passed, a handful of young girls clustered together and giggled amongst themselves at him. Sora had to laugh. He was dressed in what he could remember as worldly appropriate: an open shirt, heavy colored vest and slacks, boots and a gray tri-fold hat. Donald and Goofy had always said he looked like a younger Jack Sparrow…

    He turned a corner, passing the magnificent Governor’s Mansion adorning the cozy town as a staple of strength and authority. But the odd thing was the extended number of armed officers that surrounded the complex slightly unnerved Sora as he made his way into the heart of town, leading straight towards the famous C. Brown Forge.

    He stepped down a series of stairs and passed the bronze statue and prepared to open the door but stopped, as voices could be heard around the shop. Sora quietly passed the door, and joined the growing crowd that encircled an imprisoned man, a woman and countless red clad militia men.

    “Make way, let me through!” a voice demanded as it pushed through the crowd opposite Sora. He glanced around a series of heads and watched as Governor Swann appeared before the militia. “Stand you men down at once! Do you hear me?!” Swann ordered towards a figure outside of Sora’s line of sight.

    “Governor Swann, it’s been too long.”

    Swann’s expression crinkled as he recognized the voice. “Cutler…Beckett?”

    “It’s Lord now actually.” The voice chided, and apparently motioned for the men to allow the Governor clearance.

    Sora slowly made his way around the crowd, till he was able to see the prisoner and gasped. Will Turner stood besides Elizabeth, clapped in irons. Lord Beckett stood besides a overhanging arch that looked out over the rest of the harbor. “Lord or not,” Swann began, moving towards Beckett, “You have no reason, NO authority to arrest this man.”

    Beckett smiled. “Indeed I do.” A man standing next to him opened up a worn leather satchel and Beckett withdrew a series of letters. His eyes dancing across one as he spoke. “The warrant for the arrest of one, William Turner.” He said, handing it to Swann.

    “But…this warrant…is for Elizabeth?”

    Beckett blinked, a demonic glint in his eyes. “Oh is it? My mistake, arrest her as well. And I have another one for a Mr. James Norrington is he present?”

    Swann shook his head. “Commodore Norrington resigned his post some months ago…”

    Beckett turned and glared at Swann. “I don’t believe that was the answer to the question I asked.” He moved forward and began to scan the crowd holding up a forth warrant. “This last warrant is for a key bearer named Sora, is he here as well?”

    Sora froze as did Elizabeth and Will. “Sora?” Will asked, “He isn’t from this world, why would he be arrested the same as ourselves?”

    Beckett turned to Will. “Because he is just as guilty as you.” He lowered the warrant and began to read it aloud. “The charge, is conspiring to set free a man convicted of crimes against the Crown and Empire, and condemned to death, for which the punishment is regrettably is also, death.”

    Sora began to stare gap mouthed, I’m condemned to death?! For going against the crown?? Come on Kairi, it was a side trip!? He began to make his way slowly from the even larger crowd.

    Beckett meanwhile was staring at Will and Elizabeth. “Perhaps you remember a certain pirate named Jack Sparrow…”

    “Captain.” Sora inadvertently rebuked, his eyes went wide as he realized the trap.

    The crowd around him immediately parted. Sora slowly turned to see Beckett moving toward him, a ravenous hunger in his eyes as he motioned for Sora to be arrested. “Captain, Jack Sparrow…yes…I thought that you might.”

    The militia members holding Elizabeth, Will and Sora pushed them forward, leading the way to the fort’s prison, Sora gulped trying to understand what would prompt Kairi to arrest him.

    The trio were led down the spiraling stairwell, where Elizabeth and Will were thrown into the cell down the hall, Sora led to the cell besides a series of stairs leading deeper into the fort.

    Beckett stood beside the cell and smiled down at Sora. “I can only think of what is going through your head at the moment but pay attention: this cell was designed especially for you. Your Keyblade is ineffective nor is it able to come to your aid inside this cell. The only way you shall get it back is by offering your services to the East India Trading Company.”

    “To you, you mean. I don’t think so.”

    “Very well.” Beckett turned to the guard and pointed toward Sora’s cell. “Make the gallows ready, this cell shall be executed at Dawn.”

    “WHAT!?” Sora roared as another voice joined in screaming at Beckett as well.

    Sora turned and stared at the voice. It belonged to that of a late teenage girl, dressed similarly to Sora, but without the hat, her long blonde hair was spread unchecked, a series of straw reeds sticking out in a few sections. She stared angrily at the Beckett as he turned and ascended the staircase. “Well, looks like I won’t be able to call the cavalry now…you’re already here.”

    “What are you talking about, do I know you?”

    She turned, a mysterious grin passed across her face. “You’d better, remember five years ago…” Sora shook his head as she began to pace around the room, trying to plan an escape, “I’m Rinn. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m not resigned to the gallows just yet.”

  2. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    *Gasps* That was wonderful!I loved reading it through with Sora in those clothes, with the ways of talking in there was, brilliant!:D With the last paragraph, the appearance of Rinn!*claps* Keep up the great work Destined:D
  3. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City

    I remember Rinn from the last Fanfic bearing your name!

    Way to reintroduce her!

    I also like the phil content! Almost had a touch of humor to it, with a touch of mystery about the whole "Lost son" idea.

    I like the concept your going with, and I just can't wait until you finish it so we know how it all ends!
  4. Wacko Twilight Town Denizen

    Shweetness, Desinted.
  5. Xuan Traverse Town Homebody

    Stupid Kairi. I'll kill her if I was there >>
  6. Wacko Twilight Town Denizen

    Like I said, this is pure genius! ^^ I can't wait for more!
  7. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    One year ago, a simple boy sat down at his computer and input a series of 8 keystrokes, cementing himself into the world of KHV. Now one year later, he presents the next chapter of Sacrificed, with something never before done...enjoy.

    ~Chapter 7~

    The mood was somber as hours upon hours ticked slowly by as Sora and Rinn struggled with stacks of possibilities, but all seemed to fail without Sora’s ability to summon his keyblade.

    “It’s no use, I just can’t figure out how the blazes they are keeping the keyblade from coming to me.†Sora roughly shook his head as he heaved a small rock against the far wall in defeat.

    Rinn brushed a lock of blondish brown hair from her eyes. “I was hoping that you’d have figured out what my message was and come to get me out, not join me in here.â€

    “What message?â€

    “I sent a letter of request for pardon to the Queen…didn’t she get it?â€

    Sora shook his head. “Doubtful, my guess is that Beckett probably destroyed it after being handed it.â€

    The dark night outside was slowly diminishing as the faint hints of early morning rays began to peek from its watery slumber. A bell tower rang in the distance: 5 am. Sora swallowed as the pressing reality of the last few hours of his life seemed to finally become relevant. He glanced over and noticed Rinn was staring out into the harbor, a far off look in her eyes.

    “So…what have you been doing with yourself all these years? You aren’t the little hero I remember.â€

    Rinn turned, smiling, silently thanking Sora for the change in topic. “Well, after the King’s funeral and Riku’s disappearance, I came to terms with realizing that there was nothing more for me in Hyrule. No parents, to family, nothing but nightmares.†She slowed, a tinge of pain quickly disappearing from her complexion. “I decided that the only good thing that had ever happened to me was the moment Riku and I inadvertently met on Hyrule and his compassionate tone amongst a world of suffering, and I set out to try and return the favor. He is suffering somewhere, and he needs a friend.â€

    In all the five years that he had been desperate to learn of any scrap of information, he had never once thought that anyone else was looking for Riku. “So, how’d you end up here?â€

    “Tsukasa and I talked a lot after the war, and he offered to have me join his crew and together we would sail and try and find Riku, but…†her words began to catch in her throat, she wiped away a grime soaked tear and shook her head, fighting to continue. “Tsukasa and I had sailed across the Caribbean, and learned about a secret route to the farthest gate, we figured we’d try at least…that’s when everything fell apart.â€

    “What happened…â€

    “Beckett.†Rinn’s complexion shifted as her eyes turned from a calm blue to that of ice. “He cornered us and demanded that Tsukasa come forward and spare his crew’s life…Beckett…Tsukasa turned to look at me and Beckett stabbed him in the back, through the heart. He imprisoned us all, and destroyed the Pearl…I’m the only one still alive…â€

    “I’m sorry…â€

    Rinn shook her head, the tears were no longer held in check. “For what we want most in this world, a cost must be made. It was like watching my father die again, the Temple crumpling again, all because I wanted to help someone. That’s when I turned to the slim hope that you’d be able to help…â€

    Sora weakly smiled, trying to lift her spirits and his own. “We’ll find him, that’s a promise.â€

    “How’s that, the key’s run off.†She chuckled.

    Sora stared at the stairs as a series of footfalls began to grow, heading in their direction. “There’s always a way.â€


    A dizzying array of sparks danced off of the walls as the welding torch curved around a metal housing as the prisoner placed the finishing touches on a rectangular control panel. He removed a protective eye shield and stared at his work, double checking the hastily transcribed notes. He gulped, he wouldn’t be able to stall for much longer now.

    A shift in the shadows drew his attention to the stationed guards who remained against the far wall, staring into the cell with unconnected interest. “You both don’t talk much.â€

    The guards remained where they were, the one on the right relaxing slightly. “We don’t have a need to. We were told to keep an eye on you and that’s what we are doing, so just shut up, and get back to finishing it.†The other guard merely nodded his agreement.

    The prisoner swiveled around and began to slowly connect a series of wires and tubing into the control panel. “Do you realize what he has in mind? He could destroy everything we’ve ever known, I’ve seen it happen twice and I will not be held accountable for the destruction of Kingdom Hearts.â€

    “You will finish it and live, or finish it and die. Either way, you WILL finish, we have our orders as well…â€slowly a long blade began to appear through the bars, pointed straight at the prisoner. “We do as directed by the Founder. That is all that is required as justification. It is by his will we didn’t kill you when you resisted capture on Earth.â€

    The prisoner closed his eyes, recalling the day he was viciously ripped from his laboratory those many years ago…â€I just hope you understand what’s at stake.â€

    A crackling began to bleed from a speaker outside the cell, drawing the guards attention. “Numbers XIV and XV, leave the prisoner to work, I’ve discovered the target, bring him back alive.†The founder’s voice mechanically wheezed from an unknown area.

    XIV and XV nodded, and the blade vanished as fast as it had arrived. “Better have it done by the time we get back…I’d hate to have to make you work without a limb.â€

    The prisoner sat in fear as the guards dissolved into thin air, leaving him alone with the threat hanging over his head like a death sentence.


    The cold workstation remained as pristine as it had ever been, Leon smiled as he sipped a cup of java and began to delve deeper into the twisting yellow brick road that had been Ansem the Wise’s studies. He glanced above a stack of paperwork and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, it would soon be six am, and the Queen and Kairi would need the full report on everything that Ansem had hidden inside a ghost drive labeled : SACRIFICED.

    Deeper he dove into the mirade of unknown quadratic equations and experimentation, documents outlining all of his reports on the heartless, until a document entitled “To Whom it May Concern†appeared. Leon frowned, and tapped on the folder.

    Instantly, the screen dissolved and in its place, arose Ansem the Wise himself, his golden eyes staring solemnly into the video camera. He appeared haggard, drained. Leon checked the date or recording and blinked. The date flashing beneath the video was that of the day Ansem was killed.

    “To whom it may concern, If you are reading this now, then my life is over. I can only hope that my foolish mistakes have been rectified with whatever manner of action has transpired. Let me first say, that I am making this record, as a lasting legacy…and…a warning.â€

    Leon paused the image, and fumbled for his cell phone. After a moment of rings, Kairi drowsily answered. “Kairi, I have something you need to see.â€


    The sun gleamed around the fort’s many canon enbankments, casting a stream of distorted shadows criss-crossing the inner grounds. The throng of inhabitants were seen sporting their traditional clothing, most women fanning themselves as the executioner tested the noose to ensure everything worked properly. Sora and Rinn both inhaled sharply, realizing that there was going to be no way for them to talk their way out of this one.

    The guards brought the prisoners onto the raised platform, where the executioner stood off to the side, his head masked, and Beckett stood smirking near the center, his arms folded around a roll of parchment.
    Sora and Rinn were let to two hanging nooses, where they were slowly prepared. Sora’s guard stepped forward, and clamped his wrists together in a bulky mechanical handcuffs. “That’s to insure you don’t try any funny business.†Beckett grinned. “The cuffs repel the keyblade, a gift from Cid.â€

    Slowly, a single drummer began to beat as Beckett cleared his throat and turned to the crowd. “Ladies and Gentlemen, before you now stand two criminals convicted and sentence to hang for crimes against the Queen and Kingdom, for acts of piracy with known pirates. May God have mercy on their souls.â€

    The drummer began to beat faster, as the executioner reached forward and grasped the trapdoor lever. Sora closed his eyes, every spark of energy and mind power went into recalling every moment of joy and peace he had shard or created, running on Destiny’s Island with Riku and Kairi, their first date, the proposal…

    A scream ripped through the crowd as Sora snapped his eyes open to see chaos. A man stood in the middle of the crowd, charging forward with a sword, hacking and chopping at Beckett’s men while another girl lay prone on top of the archway above. Suddenly a quiet explosion and puff of smoke rose from her position as the door beneath Sora dropped. Instead of plummeting to his death, the rope frayed and split, the effects of the bullet obliterating the deathtrap.

    A micro second later, Rinn experienced the same fate, as the mystery woman saved her life. Sora hobbled over to Rinn, seeing that she was unharmed, then both nodded and raced toward the coast. Rinn glanced back and noticed that Will and Elizabeth were locked in combat and glad to see her friends had not met the same fate.

    Down and through Port Royal they ran, ducking and dodging market vendors and bullets intent to kill. In the distance, near the harbor, three longboats stood just off shore, the person inside waving frantically at the escaping convicts. Sora and Rinn skidded around the corner and leapt into the boat and quickly turned to see Will and Elizabeth take another. “GO!†Rinn screamed as the East India Trading Company men and sailors began to target the small boat.

    Bullets whizzed around them but the man merely remained intent on staring into the horizon. “Come on…come on…â€

    It happened almost immediately.

    Two blasts of canonfire erupted from beneath the waves as the fear inducing outline of the Flying Dutchman erupted from the water, laying waste to the skips and caravans attempting to destroy the ships with the infamous triple cannons.

    Sora stared in amazement as the ship destroyed the Trading Company’s ships, and seemed to pivot on a dime setting its bow towards the rising sun. Their longboat raced forward and the trio were soon being helped up the port side ladder onto the deck. The main deck was a blur of activity as the men raced to unfurl the canvas, and help pull the others from the sea.

    “It seems that the fishing in this harbor has gone a bit down hill since last I went swimming in it.†a familiar voice nonchalantly commented from the wheel.

    Rinn looked up and her smile grew as the iconic figure of Captain Jack Sparrow stood at the helm, his compass out and leading him towards his heart’s desire…hopefully.

    “Jack!†Sora cheered, glad to see the man behind their cunning last minute escape. “How’d you even know we were here?â€

    “A small bird brought the information forward, besides that, how can I let the yeasty codpiece Beckett out of my sight for what he did to me Pearl?â€

    “It’s good to see you again Jack.†Will announced as he fell to the deck, out of breath but alive.

    “Ah, dear boy, how could one not follow you around, you have a knack for the adventurousitivity. Now then, may I introduce the man of the hour—“ a stern cough punctured the air. Jack lowered his head, massaging his eyes, “and lady, of the hour.â€

    The four turned around to see the boy and girl standing besides the main mast. The boy was dressed in a finely tailored cotton shirt and a red vest, his long blonde hair pulled back into an unkept ponytail. The girl meanwhile was dressed in a similar fashion but the unmistakable addition to a rifle and a bandage wrapped around her head, covering her right eye.

    “May I introduce to you, the daughter of the former Commodore James Norrington, Crystal Norrington, and the best pirate other than myself, Jim Hawkins.â€

    Sora smiled and turned to Jack. “We have a request.â€

    “By all means dear boy, you saved my life back at that godforsaken prison on Zanarkand, it would be no problem. What say you?â€

    Sora motioned for the compass. “We need to use that to find Riku.â€

    Sparrow glanced down at his trusty compass and grimaced, and reluctantly handed it over, muttering something about a deal’s a deal. Sora opened the lid and gazed at the spinning compass needle. He closed his eyes, and imagined reconnecting his friends together. “We have our heading.†Sparrow announced, causing Sora to blink and look down to see the needle pegged due Northwest.
    Rinn nodded. “Let’s do this.â€


    Beckett stood at the guard wall and ground his teeth together as the Dutchman slowly vanished into the horizon. Admiral Gilette approached, but remained silent. “I want that ship destroyed.†Beckett turned, an odd glint in his eyes. “By any means necessary.â€


    The symphony of nocturnal creatures blanced and swayed with the natural movement of the dense jungle. Taking a flying leap from a low hanging willow branch, a Kiroto landed upon a small boulder, eyeing the intruder silently.

    His head hung low, covered in a shroud of gray cloth, the bodies movement seemed synchronized with the beat of the jungles heart. The small iguana swung it’s head lower trying to see whether the intruder was evil or fair.

    And truthfully, it seemed at the moment neither one could tell. The figure moved on, seeming to follow nothing more than what his feet deemed necessary until the figure stopped before an overhanging wall of vines. He grunted, and swept aside the growth, becoming little more than a ghost.

    Through the overgrowth lies a small clearing no longer than thirty feet, but at its center, a small moss covered stair lead into the earthy ground itself.

    So, the rumors are true.

    Stay out of this, I don’t need your conjecture.

    Pity, You’ll get it no matter if you want it or not, You and I are the same.

    A freak.

    An icon. The being destined to befall an empire to save millions by killing one.

    I told you to stay out of this, you aren’t in control of me!

    Are you even in control? You wander around this shattered universe for five years, only to stop ten feet from the answer’s you’ve seeked? I don’t get you, original.

    It’s the only way I can destroy you.

    You believe a cave can do that? You are worse than the locals give you credit for.

    He shook his head, unleashing a tangled mess of silver hair. He removed the gray travel cloak, and set it on a near by stump. He told me this would be the only way.

    Face it, you can’t tune me out, I demand to be heard.

    The man stepped down the first step, testing the durability and slowly continued, till his wrapped face descended into the fog lined top soil. He descended, his gloved hands searching down the sides of the wall until his feet hit bottom. “We’re here.†His voice cracked from it’s lack of use but grew in intensity as it echoed into the long dark tunnel.

    He began to slowly advance but froze. “I know.†Echoed back from the depths of the cave. He glanced down the pitch black tunnel trying to squint and catch any sign of movement. “Show yourself!â€

    “Ahead lies something dear…†the voice answered, an odd familiarity to it. “But to claim it, you must lose something dear...Riku…â€

    Riku froze, not having heard his name in nearly five years, it seemed unnerving to hear it now, in this claustrophobic tunnel.

    “You’ve searched for this fabled cavern for a long time Riku, but what is it you have been seeking? Repentance? Redemption? I can’t provide that answer, but I can offer you a light of truth to guide your quest.†The voice responded, getting slowly louder as Riku walked on.

    “So show yourself!†Riku demanded.

    A single beam of light erupted from the tunnels ceiling, illuminating not a tunnel, but a large underground cavern. The light shone down on a simple tree stump. Riku froze, as he stared in uncomprehensible confusion and sheer hatred as Dest tried to escape from his body. Sitting on the stump, was King Mickey.
    “It’s been a long time Riku.†The King weakly smiled.

    Riku stared at the being before him, his mind racing to understand the logistics of what he was seeing. The King seemed to realize this, and held up his hand. “You aren’t crazy Riku, you aren’t seeing a ghost. It’s true I am dead, killed by your blade, but I’m not here a spirit seeking revenge.â€

    “What…what are you here for?â€

    The king smiled. “To set you on the right path again.â€

    Riku shifted, trying to understand the angles but stopped. “You aren’t real then?â€

    “No, I’m only a memory. This is the Cavern of Destiny, a right of passage for ancient Jedi to see if their hearts were pure.â€

    “So you are a challenge, an obstacle?â€

    “Yes and No. On the one hand, I’m here to make you realize that you are living in a dream world by holding yourself and not Maleficent accountable for the actions following the keyblade’s tale. And no, because I’m here because you need me and I need you. We must rectify the balance.â€


    The King nodded slowly, his eyes now locked onto Riku’s as his face grew grave. “There will come a moment when you must tempt fate. But remember: Fate is against those who's hearts are split. A realm of reality shall become illusion where illusions past, will shatter the real. Paradox shall strike upon the head of the one whose strength surpasses his heart. Fate rests in the hands of those without knowledge of their actions, will it be for good, or for terror.â€

    “That doesn’t make any sense at all your Majesty.â€

    “Fate will be as fate deems necessary, but you must remember that you must follow what your heart tells you is right.â€

    Riku stared at the King, and watched as he began to slowly fade into the dusty air. “I’m sorry your Highness, for everything.â€

    The King’s expression hardened “Do not blame yourself Riku. Everyone has a part to play, even those appearing to be incapable of lending assistance. But I must warn you, others lost to time are coming looking for you, whether it be good or bad, you must make a choice. Shall you sleep in the memory of the world of old, or shall you awaken to view a world forgotten? Choose carefully. Fate is in your hands…â€

    The King vanished, leaving Riku once again shrouded in darkness as he pondered the warning. Others are looking for me…Sleep, or Awake…which do I choose…

    I have created two endings. The first known choose your own adventure for the KHV. Now I ask you to choose:
    Sleep or Awakening.

    Fate is in your hands. Choose carefully...

  8. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    OMG great chapoter! =D i choose Awakening!
  9. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    I really liked that chapter, seeing Riku was fun and the Rinn and Sora thing and all that pirate talking was cool:D Keep it up:D Oh yeah..awakening:D
  10. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008
    ..hhmm Nice:) keep going ^_^
  11. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Thank you all kindly, but i'm serious, you guys are going to be choosing the ending, so after you read this, please add a post with your choice of Sleep or Awakening, so i can know the winner.
  12. Wacko Twilight Town Denizen

    oooooh, really?! THAT IS SO COOL! XD (sorry, hyper on Star Crunches...)

    I'd say it should end with...... An evil person getting killed, along with another good guy at the same time.... Like in a fight or sumthin'... Of a sacrificial monemt.
  13. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    wow.... ive been gone too long o.O
    lets see...
    first off, at the end of chp.6 and the beginning of chp.7, you said i had long, blond hair. my hair is supposed to be short and brown (but it is longer than it was in the destined)
    and i choose... *drumroll* awakening!
    because though im sure riku would love to live in the past of when he, sora, and kairi were little, there also lies there those dark memories of when he went over to the darkness.
    and in the future lies his friends and new memories. (and me :D)
  14. len Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 29, 2008
    oh man i just read five chapters and like it and think that your a great writer

    i think i'm getting addicted to fanfics O_o
  15. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Okay, sorry for for the delay. I also apologize for my lack of helpful input. Though I do believe there are several plot points that aren't quite to my liking I'm here to look at the technical as is my tradition. The most clear problem you have here is the use of words in the wrong places. I can't seem to think of any outstanding examples at said time but you do tend to use words in ways that their meanings don't fit. The words you use are sometimes similar and thus the confusion, whereas others you just use wrong definitions. Ex. I concurred my fear of darkness. Versus I conquered my fear of darkness. Editing by someone with a larger grammatical and verbal vocabulary is recommended. Second there are a few past present disagreements in your writing. The story is told entirely as if it were in the past and as such needs to be entirely written in the past tense, however from time to time a present tense verb sneaks in where it doesn't belong. Ex. Present: Sora is running away from the threat. Past: Sora ran from the threat. So keep those straight a bit better. One more thing, you get sayings and proverbs slightly confused at times. I suggest you get yourself a dedicated editor, for these problems because though they are minor they are numerous when combined, not to mention all the typos. I'd be glad if this helped you at all.

    Edit: I have no judgment on which ending would be better, it's all about how well it's written.
  16. sorarulz Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 5, 2007
    *glomps Link* HOLY FRENCH TOAST! ITS LINK!!
    OH YEAH! IM FINALLY IN IT!! I SAVED SORA!! WHAT NOW!! XD (sry, i havent been here in a while, so I was catching up on what I missed.)

    I choosee.. sleep, since it sounds so cool!!

    Nice 2 or 3 chapters that I missed, btw, very good.
    I miss the tenseful moments of truth now, it was all so fun.
    Keep going tho! ;)
  17. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    @ Sorarulz:

    Thanks and glad to see you are back on the forum :)

    I've been working pretty heavily on a new fanfic that many of you know about: Disneyworld Chronicles, but don't worry, this story isn't dead i just put it on hold and it will feel new life soon.
  18. Wacko Twilight Town Denizen

    Yaaaaaaaaayyy!!! XD XD XD
  19. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Chapter coming by October 13th.
    Thanks for your patience gang.

    Sleep or Awakening, fate is in your hands.
  20. Wacko Twilight Town Denizen

    D: Odd. normally I would have lost my patience and left... But thanks to that update, I can still continue waiting.