Brought together by yours truly and the great Llave, we have combined our sexual preferences of these two wonderful ladies: Spoiler: Jin Spoiler: Korra Join us in the obsession and orgfangasming of the lust between these two hot b*tches and the fantasies we keep to ourselves. We are the Jorrakinsexuals!
I want to joi-*shot* I don't have our official seal yet, but this will do for now: Spoiler Let the lovin' begin!!!
So I want to join but I'm so envious of Jin it's crazy. Zuko and I are married so sorry to everyone else. I am also Ty Lee. Like, hai.
I thought about that, but the name would be too long. @Everyone else: We are not picking guys. Actually, we are not picking anyone else but Jin and Korra. Wanna fantasize about other Avatar characters? MAKE YOUR OWN THREA--*shot* friend Mike said that exact same thing when we were watching Episode 3... And guys, muscles can be sexy, as exemplified by Korra. (it could be worse...) Prefer that to toothpicks anyway like lots of teenage girls think is sexy these days...