The Keyblade War : Istoria Epanalambano Mono tou

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Love, Mar 21, 2008.

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  1. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    The Adventures of our Heros are not over yet , what will happen when Sora and Nuthura's hearts cross pathes , will Sora find out about what happened 15 years ago ?

    Or will the Realm of Light not allow this to break out ?

    Nuthura has confirmed to be wanted dead by the Realm of Light , by who ? Nobody knows why they want her dead , Sora has been sent after Nuthura to kill her , but Sora realizes that this is not the way of the Realm of Light , and so he pretends that Nuthura has not been found yet .

    The situation turns chaotic when Keyblade Masters try to pick sides , and so Friends may go against friends .

    Phisoxa , who was wandering the Keyblade War site alone , has been arrested and taken captive by the Realm of Light , the King senses that something is wrong too , he goes after Phisoxa and tries to break her out of her chains .

    Sora , Riku , and Kairi decide that King Mickey's way is the right way to go and they secretly work under him , along with Donald and Goofy

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _

    ~Rules ~
    NO Godmodding or Power playing please .
    KEEP THIS RPG PG-13 PLEASE !! There are children on this site , thank you .
    ( inorder for you to kill someone elses character , get their permission first )
    Keep the Spam down please , I don't want conversations that don't involve the Rpg in here .
    NO fighting or flaming in my RPG please !! If you got a problem with someone do it outside the thread.
    You cannot control other user's characters , unless if given permission . And also you can control characters that open on the list .
    You can only keep up to 5 characters , ones from the list included .If you are going to have more then 5 characters talk to me and I might let you .

    Warning : If you want to control a character from the list , you have to be a member who comes on this site at least 3 days a week and posts in this rpg . Characters on the list play important roles and holding them back from their goals shall not be tolerated . If you abuse your power over your character and continuely do so , I shall take that character from you and give it to someone who will use it properly

    No more worlds shall be destroyed at this point !!

    Before your character goes to a Station , please seek the help of Riku1186 , he shall help you .

    What has happened so far in our quest . . . (look for the post in orange writing)
    What has happened in the past . . . Go to post 150 . . .

    Character list :

    Sora : FinalForm

    Kairi :

    Riku : Tularium

    Mickey :The_King

    Donald : Tularium

    Goofy :Tularium

    Pete : The_King

    Custom Character form :


    I shall be adding more characters as we enter the story some more . Pm me if you have any questions or commets thankyou . Good Luck
  2. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Well. I'm coming back with Robbie, Josh and Loren. I have 2 new characters, Saul who is a order of Light Member and Oscar, Josh's little Brother.
  3. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    Mixt/Evron and Plauge for me still.
  4. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Sorry , that I could not inform you guys , the darn database errors are keeping me from even pming you guys . I hope this would stop . ;~;

    Same characters for me lol
  5. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    Im justr gonna remake all my charrys Profiles JIC people forgot them.

    Name: Karin
    Age: 19
    Weopen: Katana, Psychokenisis
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    History: After the incidient three years ago Karin has become The captain of the RG army. HOwever he knows he must rise agian to help his friends

    Name: Eden
    Age: 15
    Weopen: Chain-blade.
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    History: After the incident three years ago Eden became the successful owner of Weopen Rights at age 15. But now he must help his friends once agian . . .

    Name: L Lawleit
    Age: 25
    Weopen: fist's and feet.
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    History: L is greatly intellegent and has become the new cheif of police. But his intellegence is now needed elsewere . . .

    Name: Neku
    Age: 18
    Weopen: Music O.o
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    History: At the end of The Reaper's game. Neku was teleported to RG for some reason. However seeigng that things need help he decides to pich in.
  6. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Name: Josh
    Age: None (For Now)
    Weapon: None
    Gender: Male
    Relations: None
    Appearance: He is in white Robs.
    Bio: A hero from the Battle Station Aia incident, he is currently in hibernation healing and being the source of power for the world of worlds.

    Name: Robbie
    Age: 22
    Weapon: Silvern (Double ended sword that can transform into dual swords.) Has crystals added to it.
    Gender: Male
    Relations: Robbie
    Appearance: (Order) Order Unifrom, (Rogue) Black long pant with a white and blue vest.
    Bio: He is a captain in the order of light, currently he is in charge of finding Nathua.

    Name: Lauren
    Age: 20
    Weapon: (Order) Light Rifle, (Rogue) Daul Spirit Swords
    Gender: Female
    Relations: None
    Appearance: (Order) Order Unifrom, (Rogue) Her old white Org Coat
    Bio: She is part of Robbie's sqaud.

    Here are the Bad Guys
    Name: Miegero
    Age: 17
    Weapon: Anything (He can morphe his Weapon), The light and darkness Keyblade.
    Gender: Male
    Relations: Nathura, Phisoxa, Dante, Xehanort
    Appearance: He wears a jet black coat.
    Bio: He wants to convert everything to darkness

    Name: Skieth
    Age: 10 billion Cycles
    Weapon: Life Scepter, Exicution daggers
    Gender: Male
    Relations: Jess, Aia (Original Aia from past)
    Appearance: He wears Armour all on his body.
    Bio: He is trying to Absorb the two most powerful being in the world

    Name: Jess
    Age: 10 Billion Cycles
    Weapon: Life Scepter, Assult sword
    Gender: Female
    Relations: Skieth, Aia (Original Aia from past)
    Appearance: She wears Armour all on her body.
    Bio: She is trying to Absorb the two most powerful beings in the world

    Here is the original Aia
    Name: Aia
    Age: 6 (Should be 10 billion cycles. But was in Statsis, Aging has Stopped)
    Weapon: None
    Gender: Female
    Relations: Skieth, Jess, Josh
    Appearance: Floats and wears a white Dress
    Bio: None, her story will be revealed as it goes on.

    Here is a link to the NPC list.
  7. Nny Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 26, 2007
    O.o why would you like to know
    Name: Nny
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Relations: none
    Appearance: Nny has lime green hair with Black tips. He wears Black and Green tripp pants. Nny also hears a Black t-shirt with random green spots
    Bio: After the last one Nny disappeared. No one seen him unill now. Nny Had become evil now. Nny is still the same but he does not care for anyone but himself and one does what he wants.
  8. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    I think we should start now and let the others join later?
  9. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    OOC : Success the pming system is working again . :D

    Name: Nuthura
    Age: 17
    Weapon: Lightsabers
    Gender: Female
    Relations: Moegiro , Phisoxa , Dante , Xehanort
    Appearance: Black hair , blue eyes , tall , white skin . Wears white shirt with black vext , and baby blue skirt .
    Bio : Daughter of two keybearers , Dante and Phisoxa . Born in the Raidiant Garden . She lived her young life in Twilight Town , till one day , she learned about the secrets of her mother . Chaos struck it's course .

    Name : Phisoxa
    Age : 33
    Weapon : Larklight keyblade
    Gender: Female
    Relations : Moegiro , Nuthura , Xehanort
    Appearance :
    Bio : Sister of Lord Xehanort , she was born from Xehanort's dream when he was very young . But when Phisoxa accidentally gave birth to the twins , Moegiro and Nuthura . That caused a rip in the order of the worlds , causing the rapid growth of the heartless population .

    Name : Dante
    Age : 35
    Weapon : Will of the Crossroads Keyblade
    Gender : Male
    Relations : Moegiro , Nuthura .
    Appearance: White , blue hair . Tall , blue eyes .
    Bio : Father of Moegiro and Nuthura , he belonged to a rich family , though eversince Phisoxa came back year ago , he has been hidden and never really involved himself with Moegiro or Nuthura . Till now , he works as a spy for the Realm of Light .
  10. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    Lets start!!!

    Eden was walking around in the city doing some job's

    Karin was at his office sharpening his blade.

    L was walking around the street looking for something to do.
  11. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Robbie came up behind Eden.
    Robbie: Eden?
  12. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    Eden turned around

    "Hey Robbie! Longtime no see!Wats up?"
  13. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Meanwhile . . . In the woods in Twilight Town . . .

    Phisoxa was running through the trees , suddenly someone pounced on her and held her down to the ground .

    Phisoxa : " Grrrr . . . let me go !!! "

    She tried to struggle free .

    ???? : " You are under arrest for treason against the Realm of Light . ""

    The man took out some handcuffs , but Phisoxa kicked him off and took off running towards the old Mansion.


    The Journey for our heroes is not over yet, and a year later a new threat reveals its face. The Realm of Light has gone hang wire and killing people for small selfish reasons. Who is the King Fish that is ordering all this? Could it be true that someone is rewriting the way of the Realm of Light? Who knows, but something fishy is swimming in these waters. Moegiro is still on the run but hasn't shown his face since his last little quarrel with Aiaderu, the God of Life. Phisoxa, Nuthura's Mother, is on the run from The Realm of Light's evil wrath. The Realm wants to arrest Phisoxa for Treason. They also have sent Sora, the Keyblade Master to wipe Nuthura's existence from the universe. It seems that everyone has gone their separate ways for now. Phisoxa is wandering Twilight Town, and is ambushed by some of the Realm of Light's Army. She caught by the Captain for a little bit but she breaks free from his grasp. Robbie and Eden meet each other unexpectedly. Nny is bored and looks for some trouble to stir up.
    Phisoxa fights with the Captain for a little bit. Suddenly, Robbie appears.

    L comes to help fight off the Realm with Phisoxa. Phisoxa finds out what fate the Realm has set for Nuthura. Robbie says that he is going to help Phisoxa and Phisoxa believes him. She jumps on the Gummi Ship and leaves the place. Nny appears and decides to play with the Realm of Light. Phisoxa tells Robbie that Nuthura is located in Traverse Town. She is currently being housed by Cid Highwind. Meanwhile in Cid's Shop, Nuthura goes about her daily life. Mopping the floor, Cid sits on the counter, reading the newspaper. He informs her that Phisoxa is wanted by the Realm of Light. Nuthura is shocked. Suddenly a young man named Neku walks into Cid's shop. Lauren turns on her own Realm and attacks the Army. Lukas attacks Nny. In Cid's Shop, Neku uses his headphones to read the minds of Nuthura and Cid. Lukas kills the last two warriors of light. Sora comes into Cid's Shop. Then Neku and Sora suddenly noticed that they looked the same. Out of confusion and shock they start an argument. Phisoxa comes busting in and bumps into Sora. Sora and Neku call each other impostors. A man named Oscar comes in looking for the hero of the Aia incident. He thinks Phisoxa looks quite familiar.

    Nuthura makes Neku and Sora stop fighting by smacking them with a rolled up magazine. But after that they continue on fighting. Karin walks in to buy some of Cid's HP Cookies. Suddenly the Realm of Light raids the shop. Nuthura tells Phisoxa to run for it and Phisoxa hides up in the Moogle shop, upstairs. Karin lies to the Soldiers and they take off. Meanwhile. .. Mixt was watching a group of Orphans playing and decides to head off to Cid's Shop. Robbie is helped by Mixt in the fight against the Realm of Light. They keep fighting them off.

    Nuthura sneaks away into the Moogle Shop. Phisoxa comes out from hiding, when Karin comes up to them. L teleports behind them complaining of Phisoxa leaving him behind.
    Cid tells Sora where Nuthura is, unaware of what might happen. Sora goes up stairs and is hit in the head by an hp ball that Phisoxa thrown at him. Neku starts fighting with Sora again and Sora falls down off the ladder. Phisoxa and Nuthura ran off down the streets. Followed by L. Neku wants to help them but L mistakes him for Sora and beats him up. Robbie suddenly comes up to them all wounded. Nuthura freaks out. Karin heals him, but he starts to cry when he learns that Raxtion died for nothing.

    Suddenly a little girl comes up from behind Nuthura and taps her on the shoulder. She claims to be Lauren, Nuthura's Cousin. Robbie does not believe her. Karin suddenly mistakes a man named Rako nearby for Raxtion. Donald catches up to Nuthura. Phisoxa then kicks Donald over, annoyed with him. Suddenly a dark mass of tentacles appears and grasps Robbie. He screams for Nuthura to run. She refuses to. Goofy comes bashing in to save Donald. Sora comes running over, wondering what is happening. Eden comes to help Robbie. Phisoxa points her Keyblade at Sora and asks, “Why did he pick you?” Zephyr suddenly takes appears and makes Nuthura follow him to a place between worlds. Karin and the others try to battle with the dark mass of tentacles (Moegiro) .Lauren appears to attack Moegiro but is taken hostage by Skeith. Phisoxa strikes down at Sora. Suddenly a bolt of lightning comes out of no where and knocks everyone to the ground. A man in a dark cape and mask, holding a Keyblade stood on the roof. Soldiers suddenly came running towards them attacking everyone. Karin uses force poke on Rako all the sudden. The unknown man in the black cape comes down and holds Phisoxa at knife point. He then jerks around and looks her in the eyes.

    The man suddenly kissed Phisoxa; she struggles to get away from him. She suddenly realizes that he was Dante, Nuthura's Father. Moegiro decides to get away and tells Phisoxa that Mixt's little friends shall be gone. L attacks Dante, trying to get Dante away from Phisoxa. Dante and L start kicking each other. Rako awakens and attacks Karin, he wants to kill him. 50 Soldiers surround Phisoxa, Dante, and L. But Phisoxa runs away. Meanwhile Skieth gets to the Orphanage and kills nearly all of the Orphans. A survivor of the attack Stacy calls Mixt for help. Skeith takes Stacy with him. Rako turns his form into Karin and appears in front of the Orphanage. Skieth stood there with Stacy, who was crying. Rako tells Skieth to kill her anyway, he didn't care about her. But Skieth was holding her hostage for different purposes.

    Mixt comes running to save Stacy, hopping that she hasn't died yet. Rako takes Eden's power and gets away. Skieth claims to be a phantom, he stabs the little girl and gets away. Mixt runs over to Stacy and asks about what happened. Josh's voice comes booming down and he tells Mixt to bring Stacy to Aia's Ruins. Mixt wants to find a way to revive Stacy. Rako tried to get to Mixt but is left behind on the other side of Aia's Ruins. A little boy who looked like Mixt appeared. It was an AI. Something started blinking on Stacy's arm. Suddenly the station shook. The Raxtion appears and kicks Skeith. But the kick went through him. Skeith confesses that he hates Mixt. Skieth tries to suck the life from Stacy. Raxtion gets very angry. Skieth gets away. Karin appears at the Station. Raxtion was free of Rako's seal. Karin can't believe that it was Raxtion. Raxtion slaps him a couple of times to beat some sense into him. Karin and the others want to get Rako. In order to separate themselves from Rako's ability, they cut themselves. Zephyr and Nuthura talk. Phisoxa was running in town, Dante followed her. Zephyr suddenly came back to life and agrees to help Nuthura, while protecting her. Phisoxa finds out that Dante is a spy for the Realm of Light. Karin gives everyone pins. Raxtion heads off and Mixt follows him. They go to the information room. They get on a computer and try to find a password for it. Mixt types in HonorableTraitor and it works. To him it is like he has been here before. Mixt goes into a file called Self destruction, but does it the safe way. Then suddenly a secret door opens.

    Mixt goes down a long hallway. Raxtion follows him. Then suddenly Raxtion appears to be Rako and takes Mixt's form. Mixt uses Alchemy against him. They start to battle. Rako leaves and Mixt continues on. Sora seems troubled about the idea of capturing Phisoxa and killing Nuthura. Donald and Goofy agree too. They agree not to kill anyone till they know more about Nuthura. Sora thinks that Riku may know something. Mixt kept walking; he is looking for another way out. Mixt and the others find out that Moegiro is still alive. Nuthura runs around looking for Phisoxa. Aia suddenly makes an appearance. Aia wants to put a stop to Moegiro's Evil doings, Mixt thinks about merging with the station. Mixt and the others mover on. A bunch of soldiers come running. A woman (Jess) appears and claims that she is working for Moegiro. Karin seems to be interested in Jess. Jess wants Karin to come with her.

    Karin agrees to come with her. Skieth tries to get at Mixt again. Karin comes to their (The order) HQ and joins them for dinner. Suddenly they are interrupted by a Prisoner escape. Dante decides to leave Phisoxa alone and gets away. Nuthura finds Phisoxa. They walk for a little bit. Suddenly, a guy named Nero jumps in front of them and asking for Sora. But then he attacks them. Karin tries to stop the prisoners from escaping. A man appears asking Mixt questions. He wore a dark black cloak. Mixt and Raxtion send a robot out to attack. Mixt finds out that his memory was wiped. Phisoxa tries prove that she is strong to Nero , and manages to place a cut on Nero's cheek . Nuthura stands in the Station of Serenity , she is looking for the monster that is suppose to show up to however enters this place . Suddenly her shadow's eyes started glowing yellow . And a man named Plauge shows up . Plauge has been in that place for long and hasn't had any company for a longtime . Rako appears by Plauge and Nuthura , looking like Mixt . Rako offers to help Plauge . Plauge mistakes him for the real Mixt .

    He starts shape shifting , and turns into Raxtion in front of Plauge's eyes . Plauge shape shifts into Raxtion too . Rako asks if Plauge would join him and help with his plans to take over all . Plauge and his other personalities talk amongst each other , as if trying to decide for Plauge . Rako seems pleased and then says to Plauge to finish what he wanted to finish , referring to Nuthura . But Plauge decides not to and dissolves away . Nuthura felt a dark presence in Rako and feels uncomfortable , she decides to leave . She goes to the old keyblade war site . Phisoxa keeps fighting with Nero . Sylis appears in Traverse Town . Dante started to watch Phisoxa and Nero fight . Nero reveals his other form . Phisoxa stops fighting and leaves . Something else more interesting is going out there for Phisoxa . Nuthura stands in the Old keyblade war site , Zephyr joins her . Nero comes walking over to Nuthura , wondering why she was here . Lukas goes looking for Zephyr . Plauge follows Nuthura , but only in a form of smoke . Meanwhile in Destiny Islands . . . Lukas along with Sylis see a creature come bursting from the depths of the Ocean , it was called the Leviathan . A battle over in Bamora was taking place . The fleets of Moegiro and the Rebel Fleets fought . Sylis attacks the Leviathan . Suddenly in the Old Keyblade War Site , a small ship comes crashing down behind the mountains .Phisoxa goes to a Rest stop for travelers in space , she was looking for the King and gets there late and doesn't find him . Though she does meet a longtime friend . The former Ruler of the Realm of Light . He is dying and his way of ruling may end soon . Phisoxa runs from some troopers and obtains a necklace with the signa of Mixt's Orphanage on it . She commandeers a Gummi Ship and goes to the Old Keyblade War Site . Phisoxa gets to Nuthura and Lauren . Everyone heads off to Banora to help take care of the battle .

    Mixt appears by the gate . Robbie , Dace , Lauren , and Nuthura go into the town while Phisoxa runs off with The King and finds Mixt . Lauren and Nuthura go underground in the sewers to find Josh . They find him and Lauren starts messing around with the controls . Rako and Mixt start to fight again . Rako grabs Mixt and tries to do something terrible to him , Phisoxa runs over and comes down on them with her keyblade . Causing a huge explosion , copies Rako's power . Phisoxa admits doing it for Mixt . She has darkness haunting her heart now and hasn't told anybody about it . Robbie and Dace start arguing with eachother and obtain the crystal that they were looking for from a old man . Our party heads underground , something is wrong . Lauren unleashes Josh and he destroys the whole city , killing everyone above the sewers . The city now is one huge crater . Robbie is severely hurt and tells Dace that he is his brother . He dies quickly . Raxtion , the King , and Phisoxa went above ground to see what the damage was . Raxtion sees Moegiro and goes after him , angry on what has happened . All the sudden , Moegiro breaks out into sobs and crying . Two dark presences leave his body and join all the dead souls . Dace comes up from underground . Carrying the dead body of his brother . Nuthura was following him . Dante appears and watches them .

    The dark seekers are attacking the rebel ships . Dante admits to being the God of Fate . He flies away . Josh , Lauren , and Dace head off to mourn for the dead who all died on that faithful day . While Phisoxa , Nuthura , and The King take the gummi ship to go save Moegiro and his men who are under attack of the Dark Seekers . Phisoxa cruises the gummi ship around searching for the ship , but only runs into a damaged Cruiser Ship . Phisoxa and Nuthura go inside to see for any survivors . They find none , but a recording left by the Captain of the ship . It says that the Dark Seekers have taken over this ship and has destroyed Moegiro's Ship also , killing everybody aboard . No survivors at all . Nuthura terrified by the news she has just heard , Cries out in sadness , it may well be the Death of Moegiro . Phisoxa takes Nuthura and the King and blasts out of the dock trying to out run the fleet of Dark Seekers who came to get rid of the empty ship . Meanwhile at the Mourning site , Josh and Lauren get into a fight and Dace gets angry at Josh . While on , a remaining rebel battle ship warps nearby the gummi ship and saves them from being captured by the Dark Seekers . It appears that many have died . And the remaining crew members aboard the battleship are going to abandon it , since it can no longer sustain them .

    This war has turned into a disaster for everyone . Phisoxa , the King , and Nuthura head to Twilight Town to hide and wait for contact fromt he others . Phisoxa rents a hotel room there . Phisoxa feels like she had forgotten someone at the ruins of Balmora , but who ? She wonders where Mixt went . While on a walk , Phisoxa discovers Mixt on a roof top and runs over to him . The two then head off to get Rako in Port Royal . Mixt meets Robbie in a black cloak there .
    Nuthura and Mickey head off to Halloween Town , Nuthura is scared by Jack . Aia takes over Nuthura's body and clashes with Nero . Phisoxa sinks into darkness and her heart becomes dominated by it . Phisoxa disappears . . . A crisis has begun in Twilight Town and is attacked by Dark Seekers . Raxtion , joined by Mixt try to figure out what to do . Zephyr heads off to try to help . Nero clashes with Rako . Evron takes on the insides of the ships and tries to find the hearts of the Dark Seeker Ships . Nny gets in there to help too . Lucario lands near Zephyr to help him . Skeith appears infront Mixt/Evron . Nero goes to Halloween town and starts to destroy it He then starts with other worlds as well . A dark mist yearns for a host and starts to manipulate Nero . Eden and Karin reappear . They seem all the happy but then they start to fight . The dark mist then tries to seduce Eden into becoming it's host .Chaos was going on around the universe . A so called black comet , a ultimate weapon was haunting the skies . Where it will hit ? Who knows . Karin wanted to create a Utopia of Light . Where darkness and evil will never rain again .Nero destroys Port royal and Atlantica was never more . Lucario talks about a book called Loveless . Is Karin looking for the light or is he on the road to darkness . .. . something is wrong with Karin . Nuthura , L , and Neku head to the black comet . Nuthura gets lost and the others are attacked by soldiers . Mixt gets ready to attack Rako . Rako talks about the Mooncryst . Zephyr implants a parasite inside Lucario and it increases his power . Phisoxa wanders the halls of her HQ in Ghara and is met by a Black Level Phantom who warns her that the Black Rings are after Phisoxa and Nuthura . Karin demands the Mooncryst from Mixt , but mixt is willing to let him take it . This was a fake Karin and he admits being a parasite living off a host . Phisoxa was exploring the streets of Ghara , searching for the main control center .

    Neku finds Nuthura and taps into her mind . Mixt hands the Real Karin the Mooncryst . Karin plans on using a doom cannon to destroy the Black Comet . But they need more Gravity Defiers
    . In the Main Control Center of Ghara , a man name Kurama was talking to a man chained to the wall named Aaron . Phisoxa was listening in on them . L Phisoxa trips and makes a huge boom . L joins her . Aaron escapes his chains . L and Phisoxa make a run for it . L talks about finding Sonic . Phisoxa lashes out , the darkness inside her burning strongly . The King appears by Phisoxa . Mickey puts a Light Pearl inside Phisoxa's chest , trying to hold off the darkness . Pete attacks the King . Phisoxa goes after Pete and beats him up . Sonic the hedgehog comes darting by and talks with L . A village was under attack . Phisoxa wanders Ghara ,while Aaron causes havoc in the city . Phisoxa crosses paths with him and Aaron realizes that he recognizes Phisoxa from his childhood . He gets angry because Phisoxa stole all the attention given to Aaron by his kin , without notice . Dante , Aaron's uncle never paid attention to poor little Aaron , and was always focused on Phisoxa instead of him . Aaron was forced to live a life of loneliness . Aaron tries to kill Phisoxa but fails when Nuthura interrupts him . Geno appears and tries to help . Phisoxa breaks her arm and is unable to battle . Aaron then makes a break for it and leaves .

    He is later cornered by some of Kumara's soldiers . Nuthura tries to pursue him , but is attacked . Raxtion runs for her rescue and saves her . Nuthura heals Phisoxa and Phisoxa invites her to come to Moedeoheim with her . Phisoxa visits the graves of the people who used to live there . They are joined by a girl named Inverse . Moegiro makes a appearance but quickly disappears . Meanwhile . . . Mickey and Yen Sid have a meeting . Rako and Mixt fight a battle . Mixt is killed while Plauge is released from his blood seal . Aaron is on the run from the dark rings . Mixt is taken to another dimension . Mickey Mouse and Sephiroth meet , they start a fight . Rako was walking around and a mannequin starts to freak him out , so he attacks it . The mannequin turns into a live puppet . A girl appears along with 4 other figures . Phisoxa gets angry in Moedeoheim and leaves . Mixt and Evron get into a fight . Legion tries to stop Evron from making his attack .

    Nuthura heads off and wanders the portal void by her lonesome . She intrudes on Mixt and Legion while entering Nadoj . Suddenly a dark figure decides to join them . Phisoxa , controlled by the darkness steps out of portal and has a chat with them . Phisoxa starts acting weird and falls to the ground . Xehanort's Heartless appears nearby Phisoxa . Xehanort was living withing Phisoxa's heart as a form of darkness . The King comes running along and tries to help the others . Nuthura temporarily summons Xehanort again after putting him into a weak state .

    Inverse thinks that Xehanort is hiding within Nuthura's heart actually . Phisoxa awakes . Legion asks Phisoxa to get rid of the darkness within Nuthura's heart . Phisoxa does and Nuthura falls into a deep sleep for a little bit. Phisoxa talks to Mixt for a little bit . Rako and a guy named Vad talk about checking up on a demon named Rose . King Mickey senses a dark presence nearby and goes after it . Vad gives Rako a gift , one from his dead father . A closed vase . Phisoxa begins to look at Mixt funnily , but then stops because she knows she is being watched . There suddenly is a explosion and the King comes flying back over by the others . Rako talks about getting rid of the 4 Compass beings .

    Back with The King and the gang , Pete comes lumbering over to the group . Rako claims to be able to control all demons , Rose challenges him to try and control her . Inverse attacks Pete and drives him into the ground like a nail . Pete grabs the King and threatens to hurt him . Mixt leaves the site . East rips Vad's arms off , but they reattach themselves . Then Rako grabbed west and pulled off his head . . . The King then points to a Darkside's left hand , which was holding the puppet Geno . Mixt intrudes on Rako and the others . Pete lets Geno go and snatches Nuthura instead . Pete and the darksides make a run for it . Phisoxa , Geno , and the King come running after Pete . Nuthura is released and the 3 close in . Pete collapses to the ground and grabs Phisoxa's leg , asking why these people were so strong .

    Mickey explains for her , that they got people to protect and care about . And they fight for the common good. Pete , thinks it is similar to leading the heartless . Mickey thinks not .
    West and East turn into a large hurricane at Rose's command . A demonic mist mixes with the hurricane , causing it to turn evil . The King tells Phisoxa and Nuthura to get moving , the two leave . Pete yells after them , telling them that he was sorry for what he did , then he disappears into a black portal . Phisoxa and Inverse disappear into a portal . Leaving Nuthura alone by herself . Rako and Vad come along . Mixt and Legion talk to eachother . Phisoxa meets Moegiro in the TWTNW . Moegiro tells Phisoxa , that he is a part of a new organization .

    Dace lands his gummi ship nearby and comes running over to them , wondering where he was .
    Rako opens up a portal of some sort , but Legion dispells it , mocking him . Rako's father appears out of the portal and is very displeased with his son . Rako leaves the site and talks to MCP . Legion hands Mixt his arm . Rose watches as a android punches Rako through the stomach . Rako begs for mercy to Rose . Rose keeps Rako alive , because he seems useful . Rose and Raxtion go to the remains of Hollow Bastion . Phisoxa disappears into a portal with Inverse , looking for Legion .

    A transmission was sent out , informing everyone of the future . Mixt , Phisoxa , and Nuthura died in the future and the worlds were in chaos . Rose teases Raxtion by throwing his bucket of popcorn at the heartless . The two have a discussion about the Libras . Raxtion tells Rose that he can feel that Kingdom Hearts is coming . Rose and Raxtion discover a remnant of Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts . They defeat it . Raxtion is approached by a member of the New Organization . Raxtion is taken into the future for a short time . Raxtion is taken to the Radiant Garden in the future . . . . or what was left of it . The place was in ruins , it seemed that all life had vanished from the face of this world . Raxtion sees a giant city light up and he heads down to see it . It to is empty and suddenly a army of soldiers appear and Dark Seekers as well . Raxtion asks a soldier some questions about what was going on . And it appears that the dark seekers are plotting to stop Aia from becoming a god and completing the construction of the stations . Raxtion is taken back to the present time and Rose starts acting angry . Legion appears and stops her . Mixt to , makes his appearance . Rose knows him by the title of the Residential . Legion hushes her up before she can say more .

    Rako is angered too and starts taking it out on Rose . Phisoxa rips a hole in time and heads to the future , but she caught doing it by Dante , who quickly sends her back . Phisoxa opens a portal suddenly to where Mixt and Legion were located . Inverse , Phisoxa , Mixt , Legion , and Raxtion discuss about how to destroy the black phantom . A Man named Max appears and sacrifices himself for Raxtion . Lauren kills herself by blowing up a world and her with it . Phisoxa and Nuthura survive a attack , when Mixt decides to same them . The 3 then disappear for a little bit . Phisoxa was frustrated with Dante , often getting mad at him . Phisoxa goes into the middle realm and decides to travel through there . Phisoxa opens a hold in the portal void and steps inside of the main stream . Adam is attacked by the black phantom and ends up dead . The Black Phantom wanders around attack randomly . Raxtion tries to protect Kairi in the process . Raxtion is knocked out and picked up by a soldier . Darkera and Inverse duke it out . Phisoxa appears in a deserted world with Nuthura . She discovers a tracking device on her belt and starts to panic . Phisoxa then sends Nuthura out alone into the portal void . Mixt manages to cross paths with Nuthura . Phisoxa and Legion talk about the world order . The Black Phantom lets his presence known to everyone . Phisoxa talks out against the Phantom , Sylis's engines start to fail on his gummi ship . Phisoxa is attacked by a member of the Knight's Council . At the Dimensional Tear , the Dark Seeker Fleets returned !! The Android army attacks Destiny Islands . Phisoxa speaks to the Knight . The androids kill Wakka and decide to take Sora's Mother hostage , only to make Sora come and save her . So the androids can finish him off .

    The androids look for more humans to kill and they discover Selphie and Tidus . Phisoxa and the knight's chat turn into a argument . 4sight who was in the building with Selphie and Tidus attacks the android . Mixt appears at Destiny Islands , a Organization member appearing behind him . Sylis's ship is attacked with creatures bearing tentacles . Phisoxa makes the Armored man stop and the man reveals his face and name , his name was Ketzel . 4sight decides to fight the androids off . Jess appears and tells Skeith that it is time to die . A girl contacts Mixt . A fight to save Destiny Islands begins !! Later on the Islands are devastated , Phisoxa and Nuthura appear there , it seems that the islands may not survive much longer . Phisoxa and Nuthura are encountered by the androids . Nuthura goes into her godform with Aia , but after a battle , she flies off and leaves Phisoxa alone with the Androids , who are planning to kill her for entertainment . Phisoxa manages to escape . A battle at the Temple has begun . Many travel to the temple . Nuthura receives a keyblade . But she has much to learn .
    The black phantom makes his escape , Nuthura tries to chase after him . The Phantom succeeds in killing a little girl . Mixt and Phisoxa make their way over to the little girl . Phisoxa is attacked by member of the knight's council , and L appears . After that Sora , his heart no longer filled with light , appears and challenges Phisoxa . Who takes the challenge quickly . The battle gets bloodier , Neku appears to put Sora in his place . Sora is working with Lucario it seems . The others finally catch up to Phisoxa and L . Mixt wants to have Sora to himself . But the androids want to kill Sora .

    Riku and the King arrive , Riku is shocked by what he sees and fears for Sora's well being . The room was about to explode and everyone makes a dash for it , except for Sora and Mixt . Mixt is very determined to fight Sora . The King and Riku while carrying a unconscious Nuthura , head to a Trading Port in space . Zephyr follows them and the King realizes that Nuthura's heart has been stolen . Mixt finally joins them and wants to use his power over the heartless to try to help out . Their little chat is interrupted when one of the King's knight's comes in with some urgent news . The King has been called forth to have a meeting at the Castle of the Knights . Phisoxa begs the King for permission to go with , but yet she is afraid of what awaits her at the Castle . Riku picks up Nuthura and leads the others to the King's HQ . But suddenly the Dark Seekers discover the hideout . A fight begins to try to fend them off , Riku takes Nuthura up stairs . Meanwhile . . . The King and Phisoxa make their trip to the Castle of the Knights . Before entering the meeting room Phisoxa's fear starts to get worse . A unexpected guest makes his entrance into the Castle , undetected . Phisoxa and the King take a seat at a empty table in the room . The Unexpected guest suddenly walks into the meeting room , he takes one look at the King and takes a mad dash at him .

    Phisoxa makes a attempt to defend her Master . After a few attacks , Phisoxa does a ultimate light attack and appears on the other side of the room with the King , she is interrupted by a Familiar voice that haunts her memories , Lord Nathaniel , leader of the Knight's Council . The Unexpected guest whose name is Solo makes a appearance near Nathaniel and starts a fight with him . The battle pretty soon turns into a battle of fists . A old man suddenly comes into the Meeting Room , Phisoxa faints and the King drags her away behind a table . Meanwhile . . . North and Rako head to Ansem's castle to hack into his computer , Legion and Mixt have a discussion . Phisoxa and the King escapes to Ansem's Council , Phisoxa throws a book at Rako's head , Phisoxa seems very irritated today . Back at the Castle of the Knights , Nathaniel and the council makes a break for it , Rako and North are trying to rewrite the instincts of the Heartless , in order for them to steal the hearts of other heartless and defeat the black phantom . Mixt and Legion join them . Dante appears and explains his plan to side with the Knight's Council and lead them to despair .Legion and Phisoxa talk about the time when they both crossed paths in the Dark Realm before . A old man suddenly appears and offers his help in defeating the black phantom .


  14. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Robbie: Lets see, getting promoted, more hours, more fighting and more chances of dying, how about you. I haven't seen you sonce the ceromony after the Aia.

    OCC: Aia was the name of the Battle Station.
  15. Nny Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 26, 2007
    O.o why would you like to know
    Nny was walking around twilight town. Nny let out a sigh. "There is nothing to do anymore....." Nny looked up at the clock tower. Nny rolled his eyes and went up there. Nny sat down letting his legs hand down. Nny hung his head back. Nny then laid down.
  16. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Two order of light solders were at the old Mansion, when they saw Phisoxa they started shooting at her.
  17. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    "I became the owner of a new companie that creates weopenray. I havent seen karin since last month. He has been buzy lately."
  18. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Phisoxa : " Damn you all !! Striking down one of you own comrads !! "

    ???? : " Oh yeah , sure Phisoxa , or shall I call you Traitor . "

    He raised his keyblade at her .

    Phisoxa took out her keyblade and ran at him .
  19. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Robbie: Thats good.
    Saul ran up to them.
    Saul: Captain, we have found Phisoxa.
    Robbie noded and ran for the Hanger.

    Lauren got up to the balcony.
    Lauren: Phisoxa, give it up, you can't win.
  20. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    L appeared infront of the man and Did a round house kick to his face.

    Eden followed Robbie

    "Whats going on?!"
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