The History Of the Orb of Light

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by masamure, Jun 7, 2008.

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  1. masamure Moogle Assistant

    Jun 3, 2008
    In the beginning of time the gods had bestowed upon us and orb while each god created their beings they gave one command.Ictar said "You can battle you can hate and you can love but never use the orb of light against each other"." If you are to do so there is almost no chance of living, but if you do survive you will be a god". The gods divided this orb of light into 182 pieces and told the beings."If anyone finds all these pieces you shall have eternal youth"."If you cheat face the consequences of the spells within the orbs".

    Countries:Tomar, Flaukm, Paradox, Goman, The Underworld

    Tomar: Home of the evil and the ruthlless surface creatures- Barren Deserts

    Flaukm: Home of the peacefull and loving creatures.- Forests and Plains

    Paradox: Home of the decievers and the greedy- Mountains and ice caverns

    The Underworld: Home of the darkest creatures in the world. Hell Flames and Caves inside the World

    Character Sheet

    Name of player:
    Name of character:
    History Bio:
    Rune Emblem(natural elements):

    No God moding
    No Cursing
    No argueing
    Dont care about romance
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