The gang of Intergalactic Ninja Vampire Space Pirates (A.k.a The I.N.V.S.P.)

Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by Lauriam, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    I believe you were on both. XD You joined this team before we posted it in the Forum Families, back when I posted it in the spamzone. Then you forgot and when I posted it here, you joined the other team. So you were on both rosters for a bit, but we got everything all straightened out, and you remained with the others. XD

    They're pretty much dead now... How would you like to turn traitor and join our ranks? XD
  2. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    I'm down. As long as there's food.
  3. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    There's ALWAYS food here in the INVSP! :D

    I'll add you to the roster. Please choose a nickname and a color. In order to know which colors are already taken, please go the OP. :)
  4. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    Deadeye Anacaconda, Head Officer Chief General of Administrative Corporal Duties
  5. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field



  6. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Welcome Teddy! :D MUSIC TIME!!!

    Because we pirates. xD
  7. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Yo, reporting.

    Back from some ol' endless tale of galactic adventures. Just temporally, though. I've got to keep up my jorney through space and time.

    Got 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 pirate coins to deposit in our crew's munny chest.
    I adquired 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 of xp during this whoooooooole time off.
    I've level'd up a lot. Improved my English skills, filled life mixed with high school and works gauge. Yeah, I've changed quite a lot.

    I just thought I could pass by to say I might not be here on Christmas, but I still do wish everyone a very, very merry christmas, yup. My first internet family forever and ever. Man, I miss the ol' times, still got it memorized?
  8. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Excasr! :D How's my little bro? You seem to be doing well for yourself. Have you been having fun?

    And yeah, I still have it memorized! I was actually just thinking about you the other day, and wondering how you were doing. I'm doing good, my life is really great! And merry Christmas to you too! :D
  9. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Onee-chaaaaaaaaan. <3
    Yup, I've been good myself. Just a few end-of-the-year-stresses, but hopefully it'll be gone soon enough. Actually, I'm almost done with most things. From this weekend on I should be free to enjoy my vacation until the end of January... although I do still got a few things to do during vacation, haha.

    Yeah, I was thining about you and everyone else the other day, too. Can I assume it was the same day you were remembering about me? Haha. One sky, one destiny, raighte? Hence I decided to check up how things were going here. Too bad I don't have the time to check here too often, but I'm glad to see most part of my friends are still active. :D

    I'm very glad you'll great. Keep me updated. ;)

    Oooh, by the wayyyyy. I still have the one song you recorded for us, and the video we've done for you a few years ago. Whenever the song you recorded plays in my cellphone while I'm out of home, I think of this place and you all. I don't think I'll ever delete the recording from my cellphone, haha.

    "Of all the money that ever I had,
    I spent it in good company
    And of all the harm that ever I've done,
    alas, it was to none but me" ♫
  10. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Aw! You remember all of that stuff! :D Yep, one sky one destiny!
  11. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep




    Good to see ya again and hear that everything's going well! You oughta visit more. :3

    ...999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 pirate coins... This can buy us many pizza rolls! :D

    (ps this is tale in case you were unaware)
  12. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Haha, I've just finished KH II for the 192038891284 time this week, huhauhua. I couldn't resist saying that. :P

    Ooooh I gotta go to sleep now. It's almost 1 AM and I'll have a loooong day tomorrow. Luckily, vacation is soooon to be reached! I can feel it already, haha.

    Good night, o-nee-chan. <3

    Taaaaale! How are you, mate? I've missed you too!

    Update me with your life, yes, please. Haha, I'll try to log in soon again if I get the time to. But I'm sure to come here again, so don't worry. ;)

    I'll check what you post updating me with your life next time I log in, I'll try to schedule it to be soon enough. Now I'm very sleepy so my English is going to keep breaking, so asdjkasdlkajsdlkasjda. I better sleep. I was hoping to see you, DT-chan and specially our Loxare, Midny and [insert people I might have forgotten SOORRY here] around tonight but I guess I got a bad day to come online. Or perhaps Brazil's timezone was never the best one, haha.

    That's it, mates. I'm going to sleep. Sweet dreams, you all! I promise I'll be back. :D
  13. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    OK! Sleep well! Hopefully everyone will be able to have posted by the time you get back! :)

    @DarkTraitor @Loxare @Midnight Star @Honey Lemon (HoT) And... Erm, did I forget any active crewmates myself? If I did, I'm gonna feel bad. XD Oh, there's also Teddy, but he didn't become a pirate til very recently... XD

    Anyway, as for me, I've got a lot going on, so I'm really busy. But I'm the happiest I've been in years. :) I volunteer at my church, I have two part time jobs, I've got a boyfriend, I'm gonna start college classes this spring, and I just started a blog. XD But I haven't done much on it. Just one start-up post. XD And it's Christmas!!! :D I'm so excited! There's snow here now and we've been watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music... I haven't done any shopping yet because of how busy I am, but I've got a few ideas on what presents I want to give my family. And I've also figured out some of what they're getting me, so I've got a good haul coming. XD

    Okay, everybody! Let's raise a glass in toast to Excasr! *Raises glass of Pepsi* (Oh yeah, I drink Pepsi now. Pepsi is cool.) TO EXCASR!!!
  14. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Or not, eh. Haha. I got back faster because I've arrived at home earlier than expected today, so I was able to finish the-things-for-tonight. I don't think I'll be able to come online tomorrow because I'll be back home around midnight, but I'll try to come here more often, yes. (Although I've said this already a few times and have not done it, aagh).

    I reminded of Teddy when I hit the shut down button from my computer and I wouldn't turn it on just to add him to the list, huehue. Oooh Hero of Time, of course.

    I'm very glad to read this. :D

    Ooh I see. I've been increasing my volunteering at my church as well in the past few years, haha. Whooo, two part-time jobs now? Looks great, as I remember you got only one in the past. Just be sure to don't overdo, though! You gotta rest, don't forget that!

    i jelly as any other brother would be, haha. Tell him I said hi. I know you'd choose someone very nice so I don't need to ask him to take good care of you. :P

    Sweat! What will you be studying?

    Haha, it's very fun to run a blog. I hope you enjoy it and show us whenever you feel it's ready to be seen. ;) Prolly it should already be, eh. xddd

    I don't want A LOT for Christmas, there's only one thing I need...
    I don't care about the presents underneat the Christmas Tree...
    I just want you for my own...
    More than you could ever know...
    Make my wish come true...
    All I want for Christmas... is you

    It brings me memories, haha. I've got most of these downloaded to my computer, but I haven't added them to my cellphone.

    I don't have many presents ideas... mainly because I've got no money ,so meh. I'm trying to find some job, though. But, gosh, it's been harder than I thought it would be. I really want to get some job next semester.

    Haha, I see. It just won't be so surpring as it should be if you already know what you're getting, huheueh. xddd

    Wooo, Cheers! *raises Pepsi* õ/
  15. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    lol, don't worry, I ought to check this group more often myself, and don't. XD

    Excasr, you're sweet. :D

    Yeah, don't worry, even though I'm busy, I'm also still lazy, so I make sure to get plenty of rest and free time on the side. XD

    lol, again, you're sweet. XD

    Well, for now, I'm just going to be taking different classes to improve my computer skills and my understanding of office programs like Word and whatnot. With that, one of my two part time jobs is actually willing to reimburse me if I do well, as part of training since it's pretty much secretary work. I see it as an opportunity to learn enough to get better jobs to pay enough to go to school for what I WANT to do, which is write. XD

    lol, yeah, maybe someday. Though really a lot of what I would blog about would be uninteresting to most people here, as a lot of it is gonna be me talking about church and the Bible and Christianity and what-not. Though, the few character studies I'm probably going to write about characters from Marvel's Cinematic Universe, NCIS, Sherlock, and maybe even from Doctor Who might interest some parties. XD

    lol, this song has been stuck in my head a lot this year, though I haven't listened to it yet. XD

    And yeah, it's hard to find a job, especially a good one. My second job is good when I can get enough hours, but it's in the hospitality business, so the pay is heavily dependent on the season. I got my biggest check so far yesterday, following Thanksgiving week. But I was only scheduled to work three hours total for this past week, and I haven't been scheduled at all this upcoming week. So now I'm getting a bit stressed because I got this job for a reason; I need more money than I get for the first job. If I can't get enough hours for this job, I'll eventually have to get a different one. Which stinks, because I really do like this job. XD

    So even though I technically have two jobs, I'm planning a fairly severe Christmas Spending Budget for this year, so I don't end up spending more than I can afford. XD
    lol, yeah, I know. XD Believe it or not, I don't try. I'm just really good at guessing. In fact, my sister Jo and I are so close that I can usually tell when she's about to ask a question, anticipate which question she's about to ask, and answer it before she opens her mouth. So she doesn't even try to keep it a secret, she finds something she wants to get me for Christmas and then she calls me over for a final yes/no. This year she's getting me this mug. XD She's the only one who tells me without even trying, though. Everyone else tries. My friend got me some jewelry and she's trying to find me an Ohio State Buckeyes (My college American Football team) sweatshirt. I constantly tease her by making it clear that I already know, but she still tries to deny it. XD Whereas my youngest sister tries so hard to keep it a secret and I try my hardest not to even let it cross my mind. When I do accidentally figure out what she got me, I pretend not to know and act surprised when I open it, for her sake.

    But yeah, I don't really try. I just guess. XD

  16. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Hahaha, I see, yes. Well, at the very least whatever you do you'll get experience and that's always good. :p Regardless it'll be some good stuff or not, you can always add to your CV about where you've worked, huehuehe.

    Computer thing looks coooooool. I wanted to learn who to code myself, but I have failed in every single way for the last 913892018 tries I have given it in the past few months. Every now and then I get on this my "needs to learn how to code" mode and then starts to look for different tutorials etc., but eventually all my codes break, end up in failure and I give up again. xddd I have always liked this kind of stuff, though. I just don't seem to fit it as I wanted to, lol.

    I once got a very good opportunity to work with this office programs like Word and whatnot, too, but unfortunately the assignment was from 5 PM to 11 PM, so it would be tooooo late for me to go back home considering I live far away from everything. If only it was closer to where I live, I could take that job. It was the best I've been offered so far. But, agh, either the job pays low or it's not within my reach due to hour and the such.

    This kind of stuff interests me, so once you feel like link me to it just say so. :P We're from different denominations (I'm not sure if that's the word for it in English) but we're all Christians.

    I'm not sure if you were aware by the time I got inactive here, but I've became a catechist at my church last year and then this year I was pointed out as leader of the Pastoral of Confirmation alongside a friend of mine. Since last year I've been studying a lot theology with my friends.

    Speaking of blogs and jobs! My friend was also looking for a job and she found an announcement on the internet there was a blog looking for people to hire. As for the money, it was said "profit sharing", which means whatever they get from that month, they'll share. She was accepted for the interview and during the interview... she found out there are month when there is no profit at all, rofl. So basically there'd be months she wouldn't get anything and maybe she'd need to pay for the blog. xddd

    Awww. That sucks. :[
    I hope you get better luck with this job of yours. It's always good to work with something you enjoy specially when it pays well. I'm kind of going through the start of everyone's life when you find yourself in the "need" of buying your friends presents and the such, hahaha. Well, kinda. I'm not really into giving or receiving gifts as I never really receive them at all most of time. Speaking of Christianity, Christmas and capitalism... well, you realize one of the most important events for your has been turned into a massive season to just spend money on giving people things.

    Haha, that's funny! It's a step closer to read people's mind which's a step closer to world domination. Well, you might know what your sister is giving you but at least the mug is great. xddddd All the others also look good, so I'm glad you're getting fine things from fine people. :) I also would pretend to know not about the present your younger sister is going to give you, heuheuehue. xdd And do you have ideas as of what you're giving to them?

    Whoa, it's almost 1 AM here so I better sleep. Tomorrow and Wednesday I'm going to have my circus and streetdance final work to be shown to my friends, so I better get myself some rest. I'll tell you and everyone how it goes once I'm back. xd See you later. ;D
  17. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Let's see, what have I been up to...?

    I graduated high school in June last year. This last school year, I did some online college classes, but realized online classes are not the best option for me, so right now I'm waiting on the local community college to let me know if I've been accepted or not. I started singing in a choir in the fall last year, and this weekend we're finishing up our Christmas concerts. I got obsessed with a new game series (Etrian Odyssey; check it out~), hence the new theme. I started watching more TV shows than I know how to keep up with. I had a per diem job back in the spring doing computer refreshes at some charter schools in the area ("the area" meaning as far as three hours away and as close as ten minutes away), and still need to find a new part-time job.

    Aaaaand I think that's everything of note. ^^
  18. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Yeah, the college itself is at least forty-five miles away by car (and I don't drive) so it would be too far for me too, except the school has a small branch center a couple of blocks away from my house where they offer a select few classes. One of the classes I'll take is taught there, while I'll take the other two online.

    lol, I'm actually planning on sharing all my blog posts on facebook, so if you're still active there, it'll be easy for you to find them. :)

    And yeah, they're called denominations. :)

    Wow, that really sucks. You'd think that would be something they'd mention before you agree to join.

    Yeah, I realize that. XD Doesn't mean I have to be that way myself. I love everything about Christmas all the time! :D Like Charlie Brown says, "I won't let all this commercialism ruin MY Christmas!" XD

    Actually, yes! I did all my shopping online in like, an hour. And with the exception of two "I hope they'll love it but they might not" presents, I know everyone's going to love what I get them. :) Plus, I got lots of good deals and I stuck to my tight budget! :D This Christmas isn't going to ruin me financially after all! XD

    Ok. Good luck, and I hope you have fun!
  19. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    I smell Tales.
    To be honest I can't see myself taking online classes. I know they're not for me so I'll go to it, haha. There are some people who loooove it. Or perhaps they love more staying at their bedroom rather than waking up earlier to attend to the college, aksldj. Or so my friend told me once.

    Congrats on your graduation, Tale. :P

    Seriously? That sounds cool! I hope you have been enjoying the choir so far. I hope to get to see you singing someday, haha. I know it'd be great.

    Aah, I see. Well, you're not alone in the searching-for-part-time-jobs or actually jobs boat. Hopefully this next year I'll start to work... and if I don't, I'll focus on studying mostly.

    Great! Yeah, I log in every morning and sometimes via cellphone during the day. Won't miss a post. :^)

    I always have this "I hope they'll love it but they might not anyway" feeling everytime I buy something for someone. For some reason I simply feel like it's not going to be today. I do try, though, and as result it takes me the whoooole day/week looking for presents, haha. I did try to find something to my friend and since I don't like purchasing virtually, it took me three visits to my city's centers and main shoppings (and therefore three days in a row).

    I sent the present via mail and my friend got it sooner than what I expected. I'm glad he really liked it, though. I got him a Pokémon neckchain and he told me he's gonna use it, so I suppose he liked me. I'm very glad he did, as he's something very dear to me, haha.

    Everything went just fiiiine! Too bad up until now there aren't any videos yet. My friend is trying to upload them but they don't have internet around nor chances to get it in order to upload, so I suppose it's gonna take a little bit... lol.

    I was trying to log in before Christmas and, yay, I did! It gives me good memories to stay here around Christmas, like our party three years ago. ;) It looks like there are things I won't simply forget, haha.
  20. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Lol, yeah, I thought about those old parties yesterday myself, but I was rather busy most of yesterday (I had to work for half the day and wanted to spend as much time with my fam as I could) not to mention my laptop freaks out when I come to this site, and I can't do computers very well, so I can't fix it. xD I'm on my phone right now, which is a huge hassle. xD

    But, merry Christmas, everybody! I wish I had been able to do more to celebrate; I've been waiting for Christmas practically since last Christmas. xD Ah well. there's always next year. xD