Humans of the developed countries such as America and parts of Europe rely on technology for their every day lives, from the toaster to the car we drive, from the computer to the nuclear power plants. All these pieces of technology as fantastic and dependable they seem, do they really offer the answer? With each advancement in technology it seems that something worse comes up, and again we develop another piece of technology that’s better, solving the problem, but soon after another problem begins and the cycle starts again. Will technology save humanity, or will it ultimately kill us?
It can do either, just like cultures thrive and fall and change. Technology has a chance to save us and also help fix the planet if we work on it. It has already been used to harm and heal a lot. Technology in the hands of morons has the capability of wiping out the planet with some great explosions. In the end, it's all up to people and what they do with it.
It depends on who wields the power of technology. So, in the wrong hands, it will be our ultimate downfall..perhaps. In the rights hands, we will gain more technology and advance in our economy for the good.
Eh....It's helped us before to solve problems but it does cause other problems. If you look at it this way, most countries that have technology don't suffer from poverty as much as other countries that don't have technology do. You could use that as an example that technology is good. Though I wouldn't. I think technology nowadays has made people a bit lazy. It makes me sound like a hypocrite by being on a computer right now, but I mean there are people out there who just stay on the computer all day and they get lazy. While people in developing nations are in great physical condition because they have to struggle to get food everyday. I don't know. I think technology may be a "destroyer" in the future.
I have one thing to say... well actually... Jacque Fresco would like to say something... I encourage all of you to look up some of his idea's. The man is a genius. He has several other clips on youtube under his account (jacquefresco).
Yeah, this is probably what is most likely. Technology is nothing more than a tool for the person using it.
Like people have said, it's how technology is used, if it's used in the right way like it was made to do, then it will make our lives better, but with everything, there will always be idiot who use it the wrong way, and most the time we can't stop them. I think what we really should do, is try to go back to the way we lived before technology, but still keep it so we can even the two out.
both, but sometimes i wonder why ppl have bothered inventing things like weapons of mass destruction like the atomic bomb. it doesn't do anything but harm a HELLA alot of ppl. i mean, guns, i'm a little middle ground on, because they have saved some ppl from wild animals and stuff but nowadays they seem to be causing more harm than good. but technology did good things too like the internet and HELLA good entertainment. i'm going for both.
Technology is a tool, a gun in itself is harmless but once someone is holding it it becomes a weapon. The good old saying goes "Guns don't kill people, people do". Things like the Atomic bomb were created partly to see if we could and also as an end to WWII (as well as a deterrant for future war [see the M.A.D. principle]). Technology mainly exists to make our lives easier and better than they would be without it. I'd say it's done the job so far. However, people are always striving just to prove that they can do things, prove they can make the faster computer, the smartest machine, the most powerful weapon etc. The endless march of progess is never ending, and may well be our demise or our greatest achievement as a race.
Many technological things killed us. Car crashes, turning gears, shredders, and more. I'm more like saying yes they will bring us death. But they do help us live in a better life. So I'm 50/50.
*sigh* i bet if there was a way to make a device that can destroy the world, SOMEBODY is gonna make it
this is a key debate. Well in my point of view back in the old days things like getting someone a memo could take a week or more but now its due in a day or two or even a few hours. I say if we wanted to be more convenienced we'd get rid of all of our convieneces.
It can both save and destory us all depending on the people behind the dam thing. I personally find technology to be a saviour. Mainly because 1) I dunno wat else I could do with my life 2) It makes things a lot more convenient. Sure it can kill (sometimes) but lets get real here, it's not really the TECHNOLOGY'S fault, it's the people behind the scheme. All in all, I have faith in the progress of out modern day technology. A few more breakthroughs and we'll probably have something amazing that might convince some of the big ******bags in the world to stop misusing these things.
Technology shows us a way to make things go faste, better, easier, do things we could never do before. As, Bunterx said, "Guns don't kill people, people do", which it is true, the weapon does not murger, the people do. But I do not talk of specifically things designed to kill, like guns or bombs, I am talking about the machines that we use. The modern day piece of technology, is in need of a power source of a specific type, for example the xomputer you are using right now runs offof electricity, a power source, as great it is being able to access information, talk to friends form across the world, every time you use it, it is killing humamity. The natural resources of the Earth, for example petrol used for cars, it uses up these resources that have multiple problems, first it burns fuel that we will never be able to use again making it a LIMITED resource, second it emits gases that affect the ozone layer, which humanity needs for us to be able to withstand the sun's rays, but as holes appear places get hotterand people die painfull,.and at the rate we use these fuels the ozone layer will shatter and humanity will die. Technology also makes an intresting socail piece. We talk about who has the newest and best cell phone, the greatest gadget, but if we have something that doesn't have access to the internet or can't do three things at once, the majority of people take less intrest, as if they don't have something cool, than they aren't worthy of something. This creates conflict between groups of people, it's one of the reason we have a class system of rish and poor. And this does not benefit humanity, putting anyone into a group makes everyone unconnected to each other, if you'r poor you are in group, if you are rich you are in another group,if you are a asain you are in a group, if your a black your in a group or white, but in the end it makes no sense, we are humans and technology should make us differen. Now think about Africa or South America, both places where people can LIVE and SURVIVE good lives, without need of loads of gadgets. How do people think that they have lived for thousands of years WITHOUT the need of technology? Without a computer, a cell phone? Technology, too me, seems more of a problem in the long run and should not be taken lightly, but thats my opinion.
Running things on electricity is not the problem, it's the way in which the electricity is generated which is the problem. Again, electricity is not bad fossil fuel power plants are. As for the people who have lived without technology, it all comes down to perspective. They live good lives because they don't know anything better. For example, there was the celebrity who followed his roots back to a village in Africa and was saying things like "Oh it was terrible how my ancestors were taken away as slaves" etc etc. The local people, faces covered in scars (part of their tradition) said about how he was rich, had medical care, safe water, constant food etc. Technology exists to make certain things easier, whether it's living our lives or winning wars. It is neutral and on its own can't do any harm. It needs something driving it. Whether it is a human being or an AI construct.
Humans are adaptable etc. If we didn't know about electricity, of course we could live without it. Would we find other things to do instead of watching TV? Of course we would. Technology is equivalent to luxury and with it we find other things to do and expand ourselves. With or without it, there are advantages and disadvantages and one shouldn't take any lifestyle just for granted. We can do wonders with technology and it shouldn't just be treated as it's an evil thing. We can live without some technology but we are humans and will always 'invent' something to get along with and make life easier (or more difficult in some cases). We've done so since the first humans picked up sticks and made tools out of them, carved stones and used fire. As for people saying it's better to not have it so much...well the grass is greener on the other side of the field almost always. Some people who don't have the technological advances we are fortunate to have wish they did while those who have it wish to go back to living a more simpler life. Why? Because we can see what the other people who do live on the other side of the field have done for themselves. Something always fills a gap. Best thing to do in the end is not take technology for granted and to also not take your personal life for granted and get what you can out of it.
I myself wished I didn't rely on technology so much. before technology was created, so many people lived! The only reason really for death back then was something natural. So really I think its a destroyer.