geez, I can't believe it took 3 tries to watch this movie. But I finally finished it. And personally, I thought it was pretty good. The ending was confusing, with the way they tried to make it, and I can't really explain it because I didn't quite understand what was going on, but if you saw it you'd know what I mean. Still, the story was good, and near the end it sorta turned itself into a horror movie, not that I didn't mind. Now my little brother will have nightmares of Freddy's completely messed up cousin for the next couple of nights. I did warn them not to let him watch an R-rated movie.
Ahhh. Sunshine is easily one of my favorite films. I really enjoyed the twist near the end, when it took on the whole 'horror' aspect. One of my favorite things is the music, it was composed quite well and amplified the experience a lot. How did the ending confuse you? Spoiler The ending, in my opinion, was beautiful. He said that the sky would be a little brighter if they succeeded with the mission, which they did.
well, I mean, just I couldn't tell what was going on. Why did they like, I don't know, distort the screen or something. Every time they tried to show Pinbacker you didn't get to see it normally and that made me get confused on what exactly was going on. Spoiler like when he attacks through that wall of the hologram thing or whatever? I couldn't tell what was going on. Or when they fell inside the payload. Not too mention, I mean, did he die or what? They just left him standing there.
Very enjoyable movie. Such an important mission, the characters dare not mess it up. Haven't seen it in a while, but I think my favorite part is when the crew receives the distress signal from the Icarus I. Why would you call a ship on a critical mission "Icarus I"? It was doomed to fail the moment they came up with that name. Spoiler I believe Cillian Murphy's character does die, but the creators decided not to to show it. Think they just simply wanted to show his reaction to him succeeding his mission. Also, there was some talk somewhere (commentary?) about how maybe the person that committed suicide didn't commit suicide at all, but rather killed by the crew member of Icarus I.
Spoiler Oh yeah, I didn't think he commited suicide at all. The moment I saw it I pretty much knew it was Pinbacker
Sunshine was the first movie I saw with Cillian in it. He is a beautiful man. YUM. I also got into the movie because of its BEAUTIFUL soundtrack omg. I don't know why they named it in the movie, but it was named that because for a change they wanted to give it a negative name since in most movies (and real life i guess) they are always named positive things like 'the dream' or some dopey crap.
Yes, hot. Oh, I wasn't referring to "Icarus," I was referring to the "I" part. If they call it that, you know there's gonna be a sequel.
well, I'm pretty sure it got the I in the name after a second was made. I'm pretty sure when it was first built, it was just refered to as Icarus. But I started thinking of this the other day, if Icarus is the kid in greek mythology that tried to fly and got too close to the sun and fell, I get that reference to the first Icarus, but what's up with the second? Where they trying to change that myth in their own sense?
Okay, I was thinking if they haven't changed it they would simply call it "the first Icarus," instead of "Icarus I." Kind of like naming your ship Titanic II.