Spank's Top 5! Week 32 (July 8th - July 14th)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Deathspank, Jul 17, 2007.

  1. Deathspank Banned

    Aug 16, 2006
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Here's the top five for this week.


    This Week's Winner: Fayt | View Video
    Song: Don't Stay by Linkin Park

    2. Submitted By: TiedtotheDarkness | View Video
    Song: Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance

    3. Submitted By: UNKNOWN | View Video
    Song: Oblivion by 30 Seconds to Mars

    4. Submitted By: Leafvillitachi | View Video
    Song: Savin' Me by Nickelback

    5. Submitted By: FmaKnight22 | View Video
    Song: Thanks for the Memories by Fall Out Boy

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Monday!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Deathspank, Jul 17, 2007.

    1. Stardust
      AWESOME!!! Great job everyone, grats to all the winners! ^^
    2. kevz2kool
      yea, i liked this weeks submissions, nicely done everyone. and the winner was with WMM. W00T!!!! anyways good job to all.
    3. Thir13en
      Always love it WMM people win. Though I think #2 shoulda won. 1 was great, but just 2 had a feel... Kudos people...what does kudos mean? My Language Arts teacher always puts it on when i get a good grade but whats it mean?
    4. Meh
      I saw Fayt's video when it was first posted. I knew it would get somewhere on the Top 5. I was thinkin even first place. Good job Fayt!
    5. TiedToTheDarkness
      ...Whoa. I won second? O.o I'm still in the process of watching them all, but the others seem great! Congrats to the other winners!!

      (I don't know if I'm supposed to use Quick Reply or the regular reply, so sorry if I used the wrong reply-ing...thing. First post here, and all.)
    6. Tonks
      The fact that my friend got into the countdown made me smile. x3

      Great job everyone.
    7. Stardust
      Oh, don't worry, it doesn't matter which one you use. I think quick-reply just doesn't have as many formatting options, or something.

      And good job on second place =).
    8. qwdc
      I noticed that all five videos were from "5 days ago". I also wonder why none of khfreaks' videos were here this time.
    9. Solid Snake
      Solid Snake
      the people who make these vids realy rock at it
    10. OmnicientKH
      Where is de shounen?

      Gourd- It looks liek no one makes good shounn-ai videos anymore...why? Or is it just that they aren't selected for the top five...because they're shounen-ai?
    11. Khfreak87
      Congrats to all the winners. Loved the video that got first!

      I submitted 2 videos with just plain WMM this week... guess I'm just not good with WMM anymore :/ I also liked who placed #2, great video!
    12. Ienzo
      I want to know who UNKNOWN is, or is that just there name and they don't have an account on the forum?
    13. KL93
      Congrats to the winners. The first one really deserved it. Don't see many WMM vids in first place anymore.
    14. OmnicientKH
      Party Party

      Congrats to the winners. You should throw a party. XD
    15. xaldin7th
      once again, Linkin Park :sleepy:
      great video though.
    16. saxoR_vs_aroS
      WOOT WOOT! go LP! congratsnto all. they were awesome.
    17. Riku Sora
      Riku Sora
      They are all good.
    18. TiedToTheDarkness
      Oh, okay. Thank you (=
    19. Cia
      DS I love all your video picks for top 5. The number 1's have always been awesome.

      Just thought you should know.