Some people...

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by robert the yogurt, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    Hey everyone I know I post a load of advice wherever I can but I was wandering...Could anybody help me? I get bullyed loads at school but its gone from punches and kicks then, next thing I know...People are trying to murder me but all of the 4 times something or other has either happened to them or to me to keep me alive. I am getting sick and I don't really have much interest in dying...Oh and sticking up for myself and telling people is ruled out. The people I have told have done nothing. And everytime I try to stick up for myself it just gets them annoyed and more likely to kill me I don't know what to do...Help me...Please?
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Do you have any friends at all or people that are neutral to the situation? You may want to ask them perhaps what it is that gets people so riled up to want to do you harm.

    Also, try thinking back if you can neutrally, stepping outside of yourself in a way. Study your conduct and how you do associate with others. Is there something you might be saying to others that makes you appear to be less than friendly? What is it that people say to you as a reason for why they act this way? Break down basically the cussings and big talk and see if perhaps there's any substance there as to why they may not like you. Some people will state their reasons. Also is this being headed by a person who hates you or a group that just wants to see you suffer? Is there a central core group that has the issue or how many people are involved? What happened between you and that person or people to start the hostilities?

    I would suggest if it is this bad and you really cannot think of a reason as to why people would be so angry at you that perhaps you should talk to your parents and perhaps see a counselor or go to the counselor at your school and ask him/her to evaluate you and see if there is a positive solution to this and how to best approach people at school. Sometimes teachers and others might not listen but if you hit up the right people they will hear you out and give you some earnest suggestions. I will try to help you here but I do need you to work with me and see if you can answer the above questions to give me some scenery to know your predicament more clearly. Hang in there!
  3. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    There aren't any local counselers around. The last time I told my parents they just phoned the school and promised to punish my attacker. They just said to him to not do it again. I will answer your questions the best I can. There is nothing I have ever said to make me appear less friendly, This all started when I had no friends and sat down in a corner alone during break and lunch hour. They all have different reasons for making my life a misery. A common one among them is either a)I exist. or b)I breath the same air as them. Or c)They were bored. My friends say that they do it just because they know that they CAN do it and push me around. There is no specific person or group that does these things. Its just most people that I leave myself vunerable to. Most people who have been involved with everything I barely knew the names of so there has been nothing that happened to start all this.

    Well thats all your questions answered. But really there isn't ANYBODY around to talk to. Just my friends and my parents. My parents are automatically out of the picture. If they get involved again they will totally flip and possibly remove me from my school. Which woould make no difference as I KNOW that there are people like the ones that torture me that go to different schools. Oh and hey thanks for helping me out.
  4. Wulphie! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 20, 2008
    Right behind you .
    This is just a wild guess, but what if removing you from that school does help, because if you move to a new school, you can make a new reputation(one for not being picked on easily) and you can make alot of new friends that will protect and stick up for you?
  5. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    Thanks for trying to help but in EVERY local school there have been people making rumors about me. People that go to my school know people from other schools and it just doesn't work in my favor...
  6. Repliku Chaser

    I do think if it is so bad, you may have to talk to your parents. There is no reason to suffer as you do at that place if you do not have to. There are nicer people out there and if their suggestion was to move you out of that school, it may be in your best interest to do so.

    There are always going to be people saying 'rumors' etc but if you did get to move to another school, maybe you could do things such as adjust your wardrobe a bit, go into the new school with a new attitude because these won't be the same people that harmed you before etc. A change really may be what is in order if no one will do a thing. I know I'd want to move and perhaps you are becoming complacent about it because you feel nothing can be better. It's part of depression really that makes us think we can do no better elsewhere so we'll just muddle through the crap we have going on around us.

    The people bugging you and harassing you don't really say anything to you as to why? You say you hardly know them. Do you have other friends in school who perhaps know more and you could get more information on them? They may be bullies of not just you if you barely even know them so you may be able to find others too who are being harmed. I think if you want to remain there at that school, there has to be some way that can be found so that you don't make yourself so 'vulnerable' as you say you are.

    What do you think makes you vulnerable to this treatment? Are you a peaceful person or sort of aggressive in school? Is there a lot of racism and you are of a minority? Do you avoid conflict whenever you can? Have you ever broken up an issue where some of these kids were bugging someone else? If we can find any reasons at all why you'd seem like the 'perfect kid' for them to bully, we may get somewhere.

    In the end though, please keep your spirits up and be ready for a change. Do you have friends now? If you do, I'd say to try to hang around them more and meet some other people so that you aren't alone often. Not only will it help you be more social, but it will give you some witnesses to help combat the bullying. I find it very unusual that you have no counselor at all at the school you are attending. Can you tell me what grade you are in? Also, how many people are involved in this bullying and do they seem to be really connected to one another? I.e. do they hang out a lot together? This really sucks but hang in there.
  7. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    I checked your profile, and it says you are 13. That means 8th grade, right? Are these people honestly trying to kill you, or was that an exaggeration? I'll believe you if you say "yes", but it just seems strange for 8th graders to go this far, or are they older than you? Did they pull out any weapons?

    Is it possible that it's based on racism? Are you a minority in this school, as far as ethnicity goes?

    It may be hard for you, but if your life truly is in danger, you will have to seek help from someone. Perhaps there is a teacher you have a close connection with. And you can't simply mention it to them, because if you treat it as something casual, so will the teacher. You must be completely serious and take the time to explain it in depth, like how you are explaining it to us. If you go up to them and say "these kids are gonna kill me", then the teacher won't take you seriously; be very clear when making your point.

    If you are in 8th grade, and will be going to High School next year, you may want to find a way to make the rest of the year bearable, and then find a different High School to go to. If you will be in your current school for a long while, your best option would be to transfer to another school, if you can't see this being resolved any other way. If what you said really is true, that there is no one at school that can help you, there is no point in staying there. And suppose you were right that there are people at the other schools who would also pick on you. If you transfer, the worst that can happen is being in the same position as you are in right now. You may want to give it a chance. Although, that being said, it still would be best if you can find a good solution without having to transfer.

    In cases like these, you'll have to put your doubts away, and focus on what's best for your own well-being. It may be a difficult process; resolving this problem, but once it's over, you won't have to deal with it anymore. We're all rooting for you! Stay smart!
  8. Wulphie! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 20, 2008
    Right behind you .
    Wow, so this situation really sucks.
    I've no other idea than what I said.
    I'm sorry, but if I think of one I will definitely help you out.
    EDIT: I though of this as soon as this was posted.
    Try homeschooling.
    My friend left my elementary school for 4th grade because she hated it.
    But fifth grade was better.
    Maybe it could work?
  9. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    There isn't MUCH racism at all really. I am not american or canadian or anywhere else that uses the grade system. I am english and we call it years...It works in ALMOST the same way and I am in Year 9 (Or 9th grade) As I am going to be 14 in february. The teachers never do anything they SAY they will come down on them like a ton of bricks...To them this basically means telling them not to do it again although there is ONE teacher I can talk to I think. I don't think they bully anyone else. Occasionally if they're doing it with my friends around they might catch my friends while they run away and beat us all to pulps. I can't fight so they see this as funny, The ost I have ever done is make them say "Oof" And then make them punch me twice as hard. We don't get counsellors around England I don't think. The closest thing we have to advice in schools is the tic tac center and thats just advice about sex and a place they sell condoms. People buy them sometimes. I've been slapped with one before. The bullys vary some of them go around in groupos(Though they haven't tried to kill me)Others just do it upon seeing me and no matter what I try I can't defend myself.
    As I said a moment ago your grade system works differently here I am in ninth grade. And I think What you call high school is just year 10 and eleven here. There aren't normally weapons involved. Just sometimes they will throw things at my head for an extra laugh. Sometimes pens sometimes money. And if I remember correctly I think somebody tried to lob a rock at me once. I REALLY don't want to move schools and obviously suicide is out of the question. It would make to many people UNhappy.
    No homeschooling wouldn't work I wouldn't be able to take exams and I wouldn't get a decent job. And hey don't sweat it that your idea doesn't work at least you've TRIED to help...Thanks a bunch

    Thank you EVERYONE that has tried to help me. I don't know what I'd have done if I'd nver found this site.
  10. Emika Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 8, 2008
    Does it look like I know?
    Happens to me as well.....I just never get close to them and never mind them....and never talk to them....xDDD
  11. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    You can report it to the police, not go to school, do everything in your power to stay away from those kids/situations. your education is scondary to survival, imo, so any precaution isn't too much.

    Also, what Repliku said. I like his better. xD
  12. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    Or you could try and become homeschooled.
  13. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    Heey Jake thanks for the defence. And everyone else thanks for the helpful advice I will user it to try and sort things out.
  14. Repliku Chaser

    You may, as DW said, want to contact the cops if you feel your life is in danger and teachers aren't doing anything. You said there is possibly one teacher who may listen to you so try him/her.

    Even if you do get made fun of at a different school, if I were getting death threats at one, I'd ponder switching school or coming up with plans to deal with the bullies to make them back off. Maybe you should also consider some sort of martial arts class that might help you build up some self confidence. Just don't take something like Tai Kwon Do, which often teaches kids how to become annoying, rather than actually decent at something. Maybe find an Aikido class if you can.

    How many kids are exactly involved in this? I don't see where you've really answered that. I'd keep trying to make and maintain friendships you do have and continue to try to maneuver around these bullies but seriously, talk to your parents to at least come up with some sort of plan and that teacher. Don't leave your parents in the dark.
  15. zexykupo Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 20, 2008
    Somewhere dark... Where I can be alone...
    I can't really think up of anything else to do than inform the police. This is serious and I'm sorry for all the trouble you've been through.
  16. robert the yogurt Traverse Town Homebody

    In death threats about 10 people involved with bullying...I don't know..100+
    Don't apologize YOU haven't done anything wrong. I THINK I've sorted it...kinda. I just go to class then run straight to the library hide there with a few friends. Then when I have to go home I run until I'm 5 minutes ahead of the crowd.
  17. roxas-final-form Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 29, 2008
    have you checked your closet lately?
    u shuldnt av 2 do that those fu***rs are gunna pay ¤\./¤