I'm considering starting over LeafGreen. Pearl has gotten boring and I don't feel like beating Emerald yet. Though it would be fun to start over again, I only have a few real concerns. 1. The Birds (Zapdos and that damn Moltres always break out of the Pokeballs) 2. Gary at the end And probably the most time consuming Misty and that f%*ing Starmie, whose confuses my pokemon with Confusion every. single. time. (That, and I always have to raise my starter to 25 just to outspeed it. And no, Pikachu does nothing here but let itself get turbo raped with it's crap defense.) Plus, there's the issue how much time beating it would consume, and I really don't want to just quit halfway into it. That is all.
You fucking suck at Pokemon if those are your problems. Get a Pikachu up to 21-22 and it'll destroy Misty no matter how fast her pokemon are. Grind up in levels in Victory Road before fighting the Elite 4. I usually like to get my whole team up to the 50-60 level range. That's good enough to take down each member including Gary. Get the birds to the lowest HP you can then put it to sleep. Ultra ball and done. lrn2play pokemon
Hacks hate me ever since I threw the AR at the wall for f&*%ing up the time in Emerald. O.o I'm gonna do that. Though, it will require drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. But, Pikachu has horrible Special Defense and Regular Defense. Even if it attacks first, one Water Pulse will send that electric rat packing. I never go back to Victory Road to train. The pokemon within it are only Fighting, Rock, Ground and the occasional Golbat. Therefore, a number of pokemon would prove unable to train effective there, lest you give them an Exp. Share, which would take an even longer time to train. As for the birds, I do get them to low HP with either Paralysis or Burn. But they still break all 30+ Ultra Balls I am carrying. And as far as I've gotten, I think I have a decent grasp on Pokemon. ...Minus catching them all. Damn 493 creatures...